Mahatma Gandhi Vidyamandir's

Maharaja Sayajirao Gaikwad Arts, Science & Commerce College

Tal. Malegaon, Dist. Nashik (MS)
Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune

Re-accredited with A+ Grade (Cycle-III) by NAAC

Research & Development

Research and Development Cell

The National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 envisages the promotion of Quality research within the HE system. The Research and Development Cell aims to nurture research culture in the College by promoting research in newly emerging and challenging areas of Humanities, Commerce and Management and Science including multidisciplinary fields. This enhances the general research capability of budding researchers by way of participating in conferences, seminars, workshops, project competition etc. At present, the Research and Development cell coordinates 12 Research centres in the college viz Marathi, Hindi, English, Psychology, Economics, Political Science Commerce & Management, Chemistry, Physics, Botany, Zoology, Geography. Sixty-Four research supervisors have been guiding to registered research scholars. Eighteen research scholars have been successfully awarded by Ph.D. degree from our Research centers during the last five years. There are more than 116 Ph.D. scholars registered for Ph.D. The various activities of these Research centres are coordinated successfully.


To develop a robust mechanism for developing and strengthening the research ecosystem at college level.


To create a conducive environment for enhanced research activity and productivity. To facilitate greater access to research through mobilization of resources and funding in the circumstances.


To create awareness and opportunities in Research and Development among the students & faculty and to create Research and Development atmosphere in every department.

  • To create interest and atmosphere among the staff members to take up Research projects and improve their knowledge, skills and qualifications by registering Ph.D. program.
  • To motivate the faculty members for R&D activities in the area of their specialization;
  • To encourage staff members and students to publish research papers for publishing in National and reputed International Conferences/Journals;
  • To encourage faculty members of all the disciplines in R&D activities for their professional growth;
  • To undertake research activities and development projects offered by agencies.
  • To assist for applying and getting funds for conducting Seminar/Workshop/FDP from various available funding agencies;
  • To facilitate the growth of research activity among the academic community, including developing mechanisms and targets to achieve this
  • To maintain and disseminate current information about relevant research policy areas and initiatives in government, University and UGC.
  • To develop strategies to foster research collaborations within the faculty, across faculty and institutes, and with agencies outside the college.
  • To work with various departments to establish and develop faculty research priorities on interdisciplinary areas.
  • To interact with industry, government, professions and the wider community on all research matters promote faculty research activities to external stakeholders;
  • To coordinate faculty level workshops and staff development activities on research-related issues;
  • To encourage development of activities to attract the best research oriented higher degree students
  • To organise capacity building programs on Research Methodology, Course work and to organise seminars/ workshops/ webinars on IPR.
  • To organise events of Project competition based on Innovation in Research.
  • To motivate faculty members to apply for patents and copyrights.

Organisational Structure of Research and Development Cell

Ethical and Regulatory Issues and Principles

All the researchers are expected to consider and anticipate the practical, ethical and intellectual challenges critically. Research should consider following ethical and regulatory issues and principles


  • Present information truthfully and accurately while proposing and conducting research.


  • Transparency in intents reparative data findings as well as in methodology.


  • Treat fellow researchers and others involved in the research fairly and with respect
  • Appropriately reference and cite the work of others
  • Give credit, including authorship where appropriate, to those who have contributed to the research


  • Maximize the benefits of the participants.
  • Ethical obligation to maximize possible benefits and to minimize possible harms to the respondents.


  • Accountability for developing undertaking and representing research adhering to legalities, policies and guidelines.


  • Recordkeeping of the data and primary materials has to be accurate and secure


  • Disclose and manage any and all actual, potential or perceived conflicts of interest


  • Includes all authors research inputs
  • Authorship and publications are in accordance with the contributors in research.
  • Cite and acknowledge others work appropriately and accurately and obtain by permission for the use of unpublished work.
  • Professionals and technical staff, institutions should be acknowledged


  • Researchers must ensure that necessary approval are taken before conducting research


  • The research policy prohibits plagiarism in research strictly
  • It is the objective of the research to create awareness among the faculty and the Students.
S.N. Particular Condition Incentive
1 Research Paper Publication in journal having impact factor greater than 5 (Only for corresponding author) Thomson Reuter/Clarivate impact factor[Scopus and Web of Science indexing (Arts & Humanities Citation index, Science Citation Index Expanded, Social Sciences Citation Index)] 5000
2 Research Paper Publication in journal having impact factor greater than 3 (Only for corresponding author) Thomson Reuter/Clarivate impact factor[Scopus and Web of Science indexing (Arts & Humanities Citation index, Science Citation Index Expanded, Social Sciences Citation Index)] 2500
3 Research Paper Publication in journal having impact factor greater than 2 (Only for corresponding author) Thomson Reuter/Clarivate impact factor[Scopus and Web of Science indexing (Arts & Humanities Citation index, Science Citation Index Expanded, Social Sciences Citation Index)] 1500
4 Research Paper Publication in journal having impact factor greater than 1 (Only for corresponding author) Thomson Reuter/Clarivate impact factor[Scopus and Web of Science indexing (Arts & Humanities Citation index, Science Citation Index Expanded, Social Sciences Citation Index)] 1000
5 Research Paper Publication by the students as (Only for corresponding author) Thomson Reuter/Clarivate impact factor[Scopus and Web of Science indexing (Arts & Humanities Citation index, Science Citation Index Expanded, Social Sciences Citation Index)] 1000
6 Patent Grant by the faculty along with Certification(Only for interest) US Patent 10000
7 Patent Grant by the faculty along with Certification(Only for interest) Indian Patent 5000
8 Patent Grant by the student along with Certification(Only for interest) US Patent 4000
9 Patent Grant by the student along with Certification(Only for interest) Indian Patent 2000
10 Copy right publication along with Certification International /National 1000
11 Book Publication corresponding Author by (along with a copy of thebook). Published by International publishing houses 2000
12 Book Publication corresponding Author by (along with a copy of the book). Published by National publishing houses 1500
13 Scientist award Given by Government bodies 5000
14 Best teacher award Given by Government bodies 5000
15 E-Modules development of content MOOC/E-Patshala/SWAYAM other such reputed ODL platforms 5000
Reference: Ph. D regulation circular (As per UGC Guidelines)

As per the Guideline of UGC and Savitribai Phule Pune University, The Institute have been implementation of the main aim of the academic research committee is to facilitate the smooth functioning and implementation of different academic and research schemes and to promote the inculcation of the research environment in the college. The ARC has been actively organizing various programs, workshops, training sessions and seminars for faculty members as well as students. The institute has getting success in academic research as per the objective. The objectives are as follows.

  • To create a research environment for facilitating research activities in the college.
  • Encourage faculty to engage in research in their respective fields, and thereby enable an efficient exchange of knowledge and ideas with the student community.
  • To encourage the faculties to submit the proposal to various funding agencies for financial assistance.
  • To encourage faculty members to apply for major and minor research projects, incubation, design and innovation canters.
  • To organize workshops, seminars and conferences related to research.
  • To encourage staff members to collaborative research works with industries and research institutes.
  • To assist staff members for publishing their research work in reputed journals.
  • To encourage and assist the faculty members and students to present their research work at various national & international conferences.
  • To create zeal among the students toward research and innovation
  • To guide students for participation in research competitions like Avishkar and Innofest.
  • To strengthen industry and institute interaction by establishing linkages and MOUs and promoting consultancy.

Academic Research Committee

Sr. No. Name of Faculty Name of Faculty
1 Dr. S. S. Pathade ARC Coordinator
2 Dr. S.D. Patil Member
3 Dr. K. S. Ahire Member
4 Dr. P. S. Patil Member
5 Dr. S. B. Nahire Member
6 Dr. D. G. Jadhav Member
7 Dr. D. N. Thakare Member

Role and functions of the Academic Research Committee

  • Recommend, sponsor and conduct faculty development activities to enhance research and scholarly outputs within the college.
  • Implement the university's research strategy, in accordance with the university plan.
  • Review the university's policies regarding the utilisation of research resources, and identify the practices that would make it easier for the college to use these resources.
  • Provide an ethical framework and quality control mechanism for the research work carried out in the college.
  • Try to establish beneficial linkages with renowned publishing houses, government and private research institutions.
  • Encourage the faculty to undertake research by collaborating with other research organisations and industries.
  • Identify the funding agencies for research grants and apply for funds for innovative research projects.
  • Develop and execute a formal code of ethics to prevent malpractices and plagiarism in research.
  • Maintain excellence and encourage multidisciplinary research amongst faculty members and students.
  • Promote and encourage faculty members and students to publish their research findings in reputed journals.

Research Advisory Committee

Name of the Member Designation
Dr. Subhash N. Nikam Chairman & Principal
Dr. T S Savale Vice-Principal
Dr. M B Sonawane Academic Supervisor
Dr. P. S. Patil Academic Supervisor
Dr. S S Pathade ARC Coordinator
Dr. S. D. Patil Sectary
Dr. K S Kokane NAAC Coordinator
Dr. K. S. Ahire Member
Dr. R. N. Nikam Member
Dr. A. U. Patil Member
Dr. V. D. Suryanshi Member
Dr. D. N. Thakare Member
Dr. V S Mistary Member

Innovations & Incubation

  • The Departments and Research Centers in college are committed to develop innovation ecosystem through liaisons with Industrial partners, recognized Research Centers/Institutes.
  • The Research Centres and Departments of Chemistry, Physics, Geography, Psychology, Zoology, Botany, Commerce & Management, Marathi, Hindi, English, Economics and Political Science have taken initiatives for this.
  • The college has collaborations, linkages and MOUs with various institutions to sustain this innovation ecosystem. 
  • The college started recognized research centres for offering Ph.D. in Twelve (12) Subjects. 
  • The college has established a separate Research and Development Cell (R&D). The main objectives of the cell is to create awareness and opportunities in research and Development among the students & faculty and to create Research and Development atmosphere in every subjects.
  • As per the suggestions of R & D Cell, the college has appointed a separate Academic and Research Coordinator (ARC) who looks after IPR related matters, Grants Proposals related with Research, Grants proposals with endowments, Research (Avishkar) Project competition.
  • Under guidance of R & D Cell, IQAC and college has conducted workshops on IPR and Research Methodology.
  • The students and faculties have participated in INNOVATION and research related competitions like AVISHKAR at District, University and State Level and fetched prizes.  
  • The Department of Science and Technology, Government of India has sponsored fund for improvement of Science and Technology Infrastructure (DST-FIST). To strengthen the research and teaching facilities in all Science Departments. An amount of Rupees 75.00 Lakh (Rupees Seventy-Five Lakh only) has been sanctioned. Rs. 56.3 lakhs were spent on equipment, related materials and maintenance repairs. The rest of the sanctioned amount has been requisitioned by the college for equipment and research materials.

Research Centres in the College

The Library Advisory Committee has been appointed, under the chairmanship of our Principal. The composition of the committee is as given here.

Sr.No.. Name of the Research centres Number of Guide
1 Research Centre in Marathi 05
2 Research Centre in Hindi 06
3 Research Centre in English 05
4 Research Centre in Psychology 02
5 Research Centre in Economics 02
6 Research Centre in Political Science 02
7 Research Centre in Commerce & Management 07
8 Research Centre in Chemistry 07
9 Research Centre in Physics 05
10 Research Centre in Zoology 05
11 Research Centre in Geography 12
12 Research Centre in Botany 12
13 Research Centre in Botany 12

Major responsibilities of Library Advisory Committee are:

  • To promote all the teaching staff of the college to give their requirement of new books to be purchased for the library.
  • Prepares planning for
  • New Books Procurement
  • Library manpower developments and planning
  • Framing general rules for the services & management of the library
  • Guidelines for effective utilization of library resources.
  • The minutes of the meetings of the library committee are maintained separately by the librarian in library.
Sr.No.. Name of the Research Guide / Supervisor Subject Regular/ Associate
1 Dr. A U Patil Marathi Regular
2 Dr. A G Nerkar Marathi Regular
3 Dr. P K Shewale Marathi Regular
4 Dr. Smt. Snehal Sanjay Marathe Marathi Associate
5 Dr. Y D Bhamare Marathi Associate
6 Dr. A P Nere Hindi Regular
7 Dr. V D Surywanshi Hindi Regular
8 Dr. Y A Hiray Hindi Associate
9 Dr. J Y Ingale Hindi Associate
10 Dr. P J Borse Hindi Associate
11 Dr. S T Jaiswal Hindi Associate
12 Dr. V G Rathod Hindi Associate
13 Dr. N V Deshmukh Psychology Regular
14 Dr. R N Nikam Psychology Regular
15 Dr T S Savale Chemistry Regular
16 Dr R S Nirwan Chemistry Regular
17 Dr. P S Pawar Chemistry Regular
18 Dr. S S Pathade Chemistry Regular
19 Dr. U B Kadam Chemistry Associate
20 Dr. Smt. R B Sawant Chemistry Associate
21 Dr. S B Nahire Chemistry Associate
22 Dr Ansari Md Haroon Chemistry Associate
23 Dr. A S Garde Physics Regular
24 Dr. A V Patil Physics Associate
25 Dr. J M Shewale Physics Associate
26 Dr. U P Shinde Physics Associate
27 Dr. N B Kothawade Physics Associate
28 Dr. S D Patil Zoology Regular
29 Dr. A K Sonawane Zoology Regular
30 Dr. R S Kale Zoology Regular
30 Dr. R S Kale Zoology Regular
31 Dr. J D Vasait Zoology Associate
32 Dr. Smt. T A Sontakke Zoology Regular
33 Dr. S N Nikam Geography Regular
34 Dr. C M Nikam Geography Regular
35 Dr. U P Surywanshi Geography Regular
36 Dr. N B Bachhav Geography Regular
37 Dr. A D Pawar Geography Regular
38 Dr. R S Deore Geography Associate
39 Dr. R V Patil Geography Associate
40 Dr. D A Pawar Geography Associate
41 Dr. D N Thakare Geography Associate
42 Dr. C K Kudnar Geography Associate
43 Dr. Rajaram Anna Jadhav Geography Associate
44 Dr. V S Mistry Commerce & Management Regular
45 Dr. Arif Anjoom Commerce & Management Associate
46 Dr. Shakib Ahmed Commerce & Management Associate
47 Dr. S B Sanap Commerce & Management Associate
48 Dr. Rijwana Hamdani Commerce & Management Associate
49 Dr. S B Thore Commerce & Management Associate
50 Dr. J R Bhadane Commerce & Management Associate
51 Dr. J T Jadhav Botany Regular
52 Dr. D U Ahire Botany Regular
53 Dr. D G Jadhav Botany Regular
54 Dr. B S Khairnar English Associate
55 Dr. R V Tribhuwan English Associate
56 Prof (Dr). K R Nikam English Regular
57 Dr. K S Kokane English Regular
58 Dr. M S Bhandari English Associate
59 Dr. M B Sonawane Political Science Regular
60 Dr. Salma Sattar Political Science Associate
61 Prof (Dr.) Kaniz Lodhi Political Science Associate
62 Dr. B M Sonawane Economics Regular
63 Dr. D N Sonawane Economics Regular
64 Dr. Smt. M F Patil Economics Associate
65 Prof.(Dr.) S.C.Kulkarni Electronic Science Associate
66 Prof.(Dr.)D.K.Halwar Electronic Science Associate
Sr.No.. Name of the MoU / linkage Name of the institution / industry with whom the MoU / linkage is made, with contact details Year of signing MoU / linkage Purpose of the MoU/Linkage (internship, on-the-job training, project work, student / faculty exchange and collaborative research) Duration of MoU / linkage
1 Mahesh Kadam and Compony, Malegaon Mahesh Kadam and Compony, Malegaon 01-Jan-18 Visit and project One Year
2 EnerGient Solutions- EnerGient Solutions- 28-Dec-18 Workshop & Guest Lecture Five Years
3 Bipin Lodha and Associates, Malegaon Bipin Lodha and Associates, Malegaon 01-Jan-19 Visit and project Five Years
4 Nakoda Textiles, Malegaon Nakoda Textiles, Malegaon 01-Jan-19 Training and Demo Five Years
5 Mahesh Kadam and Compony, Malegaon Mahesh Kadam and Compony, Malegaon 01-Feb-19 Visit and project Five Years
6 Nilesh Chaudhary and Associates, Malegaon Nilesh Chaudhary and Associates, Malegaon 01-Feb-19 Visit and project Five Years
7 Lakhotiya Polysters India Ltd., Malegaon Lakhotiya Polysters India Ltd., Malegaon 01-Mar-19 Visit and project Five Years
8 S.J. Enterprises Malegaon S.J. Enterprises Malegaon 01-Mar-19 Training Five Years
9 Krishi Vigyan Kendra Vadel Krishi Vigyan Kendra Vadel 02-Jan-20 Visit and Lecture Five Years
10 Civil Hospital Malegaon Civil Hospital Malegaon 08-Jan-20 Visit and Lecture One Year
11 Election Branch of Malegaon Tahsil Election Branch of Malegaon Tahsil 09-Jan-20 Poster Presentation One Year
12 National Voter Day, Election Commission Office, Malegaon National Voter Day, Election Commission Office, Malegaon 10-Jan-20 Poster Presentation One Year
13 Surbhi Aluminium and Powder Coating Malegaon Surbhi Aluminium and Powder Coating Malegaon 15-Jan-20 Instrumental Training Five Years
14 Surbhi Aluminium and Powder Coating Malegaon Surbhi Aluminium and Powder Coating Malegaon 01-Mar-20 Training and Practice Two Years
15 H.H.Shri.Shri.Murlidhara Swami College of Agriculture Malegaon H.H.Shri.Shri.Murlidhara Swami College of Agriculture Malegaon 22-Jun-20 Visit and Lecture One Year
16 Morgan milk and Dairy industries Pvt. Ltd. Morgan milk and Dairy industries Pvt. Ltd. 01-Jul-20 Project work for students Six Years
17 Dhanvi Polymers Malegaon Dhanvi Polymers Malegaon 01-Jul-20 Visit and Demo Five Years
18 Luminescence Laboratory, Dept. of Physics Nagpur University Luminescence Laboratory, Dept. of Physics Nagpur University 15-Jun-21 Visit and Demo Five Years
19 Logixonn Industrial Automation and Web Application Malegaon Logixonn Industrial Automation and Web Application Malegaon 17-Aug-21 Visit and Demo Two Years
20 IQAC Cell, Nalini-Arvind and T.V.Patel Art's College, Vallabh Vidyanagar IQAC Cell, Nalini-Arvind and T.V.Patel Art's College, Vallabh Vidyanagar 23-Aug-21 Visit One Year
21 Dr. Virambhai Rajabhai Godaniya Women's College Gujrat Dr. Virambhai Rajabhai Godaniya Women's College Gujrat 23-Aug-21 Research and Activities One Year
22 Govt. of Maharashtra Soil and Water Analysis Centre, Malegaon Govt. of Maharashtra Soil and Water Analysis Centre, Malegaon 24-Aug-21 Sample Analysis One Year
23 H.H.Shri.Shri.Muralidhara Swamiji College of Horticulture, Malegaon H.H.Shri.Shri.Muralidhara Swamiji College of Horticulture, Malegaon 08-Sep-21 Visit and Lecture One Year
24 JAT Art’s, Science and Commerce College, Malegaon and Sandip Art's College Zodage Malegaon JAT Art’s, Science and Commerce College, Malegaon and Sandip Art's College Zodage Malegaon 09-Sep-21 Visit and Lecture One Year
25 SAPTAHIK NAGARA SAPTAHIK NAGARA 09-Sep-21 Visit and Lecture One Year
26 Sarvajanik Vachanalay Malegaon Camp Sarvajanik Vachanalay Malegaon Camp 09 Sept 2021 Visit and Lecture Five Years
27 P.E.S.English Medium Highschool and JR. College Tilak Nagar Malegaon P.E.S.English Medium Highschool and JR. College Tilak Nagar Malegaon 10-Sep-21 Visit One Year
28 Dept. of Mathematics New ACS College, Ahmednagar Dept. of Mathematics New ACS College, Ahmednagar 15-Sep-21 Research activities One Year
29 Malegaon Agriculture Produce Market Committie, Malegaon Malegaon Agriculture Produce Market Committie, Malegaon 16-Sep-21 Visit and Demo Four Years
30 WebTeam Pvt. Ltd. Malegaon WebTeam Pvt. Ltd. Malegaon 20-Sep-21 Visit, Demo Five Years
31 Future Chip Technologies, Shanivar Peth, Kakasaheb Gadgil Road, Pune Future Chip Technologies, Shanivar Peth, Kakasaheb Gadgil Road, Pune 20-Sep-21 Online Certificate Course, Workshop Two Years
32 J.A.T. Women’s College Malegaon J.A.T. Women’s College Malegaon 20-Sep-21 Visit and lecture Five Years
33 Krishi Vigyan Kendra Vadel Krishi Vigyan Kendra Vadel 20-Sep-21 Visit and lecture One Year
34 Dept. Of Computer Science J.A.T. Women’s College Malegaon Dept. Of Computer Science J.A.T. Women’s College Malegaon 30-Sept.2021 Visit and lecture Five Years
35 JAT Art’s, Science and Commerce College, Malegaon JAT Art’s, Science and Commerce College, Malegaon 30-Sep-21 Visit and lecture One Year
36 Bank of Maharashtra, Malegaon Zonal Office Bank of Maharashtra, Malegaon Zonal Office 01-Oct-21 Visit and lecture Three Years
36 Niradhar Career Academy Niradhar Career Academy 01-Oct-21 Visit and lecture Five Years
37 Rubicon Pvt. Ltd Rubicon Pvt. Ltd 08-Oct-21 Visit and lecture Five Years
38 Yashwant Mahavidyalaya Nanded Yashwant Mahavidyalaya Nanded 20-Oct-21 Academic Research One Year
39 Collabarative Activity of M.S.G. College Collabarative Activity of M.S.G. College 16-Feb-22 Visit and project Five Years
40 Atal Tinkering Lab Atal Tinkering Lab 2021-22 Visit and project Five Years
41 Agriculture College, Malegaon Agriculture College, Malegaon 02-Feb-22 Visit and lecture, Data collection One Year
42 R.M.S. Institute of Pharmacy Sayane Khurd Malegaon R.M.S. Institute of Pharmacy Sayane Khurd Malegaon 01-Jun-22 Project work for students Three Years
43 Principal W.K.D.S.P. Mandal's Dr. Babasaheb Ambedakar Memorial College of Law, Deopur Dhule Principal W.K.D.S.P. Mandal's Dr. Babasaheb Ambedakar Memorial College of Law, Deopur Dhule 01-Jul-22 Visit, Collaborative research Five Years
44 Paul Harber Centre DNA barcoading and Biodiversity studies BAMU University Aurangabad Paul Harber Centre DNA barcoading and Biodiversity studies BAMU University Aurangabad 05-Aug-22 Visit, lecture and Demo One Year
45 ACS College, Ravalgaon ACS College, Ravalgaon 01-Dec-22 Visit and Lecture Three Years
46 Saptahik Nagara Sapthaik Nagara, Marathi Weekly 02-Dec-22 Visit and Lecture Two Years Visit and Lecture
47 M G Tech Solution Sales & Services M G Tech Solution Sales & Services, Ahmednagar 16-Mar-23 Visit and Lecture Two Years Visit, Lecture & Workshop
48 T R High School & Jr College Dabhadi T R High School & Jr College Dabhadi 21-Sep-21 Visit and Lecture Five Years Visit and Lecture
49 Camp Police Station Malegaon Camp, Malegaon Camp Police Station Malegaon Camp, Malegaon 2021 Faculty Incharge One Year NCC Cadate Exchange

The students of the college have been actively participated in various research project competition and getting the success during the 2017-2025. The success of the students are as follows.

Sr.No.. Name of the Participant Subject Title Level Year Level
1 Mohammed Aadil Mohammed Rafique Chemistry Innovation in Dissolving and Processing of Cellulose in Ionic Liquid as a Green Solvent District 2019-2020 PG
2 Pravin Dinkar Nikam
Rahul Prabhakar Pawar
Botany Uses of Medicinal Plants to Cure Various Diseases District 2019-2020 PG
3 Hitesh Kondaji Pawar
Paurnima P. Patil
Zoology Methods for Sterile Fish Production and its Implication in Tilapia Fish District 2019-2020 PG
4 Momin Mubashshera Kausar Mohammad Akbar
Tahura Khan Siraj Khan
Zoology Alternative Feed Strategy for Crab Fattening District 2019-2020 PG
5 Mohammed Aadil Mohammed Rafique Chemistry Innovation in Dissolving and Processing of Cellulose in Ionic Liquid as a Green Solvent University 2019-2020 PG
6 Momin Mubashshera Kausar Mohammad Akbar Zoology Alternative Feed Strategy for Crab Fattening University 2019-2020 PG
7 Pathade Prashant Bhalchandra Chemistry Utilization of Waste Plastic into Fuel: Waste to Best Management for Welfare of Environment District 2022-2023 UG
8 Ahire Shubham Vijay Chemistry Utilization of Waste Plastic into Fuel: Waste to Best Management for Welfare of Environment District 2022-2023 UG
9 Chavan Karan Ravindra Geography Hydrogen Fuel District 2022-2023 UG
10 Deore Nikita Ramrao Botany Waste Into Best (Home Made Essence-Stick) District 2022-2023 UG
11 Pawar Harshali Barku Botany Waste Into Best (Home Made Essence-Stick) District 2022-2023 UG
12 Hera Sajjad Ahmed Chemistry Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles Using Plumeria Plants District 2022-2023 PG
13 More Mayuri Vitthal Chemistry Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles Using Plumeria Plants District 2022-2023 PG
14 Gunjal Aishwarya Balu Botany Immune Booster Candies District 2022-2023 PG
15 Deore Suyog Sanjay Botany Immune Booster Candies District 2022-2023 PG
16 Gumade Samadhan Bapu Economics Biofloc Fish Farming and Food Security District 2022-2023 UG
17 Kannor Dnyaneshwari Ambadas Zoology Do you Drink Milk or Poison District 2022-2023 UG
18 Bachkar Bhavana Ravindra Zoology Do you Drink Milk or Poison District 2022-2023 UG
19 Khairnar Kalpesh Ravindra Zoology Production of Eco-friendly Paper from Cyanodon dactylon in Malegaon Region District 2022-2023 PG
20 Bedekar Harshal Satish Zoology Production of Eco-friendly Paper from Cyanodon dactylon in Malegaon Region District 2022-2023 PG
21 Pawar Vaishali Botany Useful Techniques for Improving Seed Germination. District 2022-2023 PG
22 Pawar Priyanka Botany Useful Techniques for Improving Seed Germination. District 2022-2023 PG
23 Malpure Chanchal Commerce Flexi Work District 2022-2023 UG
24 Nikam Jagruti Laxman Computer Science Noiseless Horn District 2022-2023 UG
25 Ahirrao Puja Bhausaheb Computer Science Noiseless Horn District 2022-2023 UG
26 Gangurde Aditya Mansaram Electronics Contactless Smart Dustbin District 2022-2023 UG
27 Khairnar Vishal Anil Electronics Contactless Smart Dustbin District 2022-2023 UG
28 Gaikwad Tanuja S. Computer Science Analytical Approach of Machine Learning in Education District 2022-2023 PG
29 Suryawanshi Pragati V.. Computer Science Analytical Approach of Machine Learning in Education District 2022-2023 PG
30 Wankhede Riddhi Vinod English Role of Woman in Politics District 2022-2023 PG
31 Wankhede Siddhi Vinod English Role of Woman in Politics District 2022-2023 PG
32 Pathade Prashant Bhalchandra Chemistry Utilization of Waste Plastic into Fuel: Waste to Best Management for Welfare of Environment University 2022-2023 PG
33 Gunjal Aishwarya Balu Zoology Immune Booster Candies University 2022-2023 PG
34 Khairnar Kalpesh Ravindra Zoology Production of Eco-friendly Paper from Cyanodon dactylon in Malegaon Region University 2022-2023 PG
35 Khairnar Kalpesh Ravindra Zoology Production of Eco-friendly Paper from Cyanodon dactylon in Malegaon Region State 2022-2023 PG
36 Vaishavi Mothabhau Hire Sanket Sudhakar Thakur Physics The First Indian Space-based Observatory Class Solar Mission District 2023-2024 UG
37 Shriya Sadanand Bhavsar Pooja DipakBagad Botany Medicinal Botany District 2023-2024 UG
38 Pranita Subhash Khairnar Pratiksha Shankar Shewale Chemistry Preparation of Polyherbal Hair Oil:An Effective Cosmetic District 2023-2024 UG
39 Shailesh BapuKadam RabiAmir Commerce Driverless TractorTechnique District 2023-2024 UG
40 Bhagyashri Chandrakant Kadnor Statistics Analysis of Impact of Parental involvementon Childrens Academic Achievement District 2023-2024 UG
41 Bhavana Ganesh Wadge Shubhangi Sanjay Pawar Chemistry Preparation of Hydrogel by Incorporation of Dendrimer & its Application as PGR District 2023-2024 PG
42 Pooja Bharat Patel Pooja Shivaji Nikam Chemistry Phytochemical Analysis District 2023-2024 PG
43 Momin Simra Sadaf Tarique Ah.Umme Habiba Abu Botany Production ofBiodiesel from Algae District 2023-2024 PG
44 Shubham Sanjay Shelar Shivdatta Arun Jagtap Botany Long TermPreservation of Onion District 2023-2024 PG
45 Prashant Bhalchandra Pathade Akshay Panditrao Chavan Chemistry Preparation ofCharcoal from Agricultural Waste. District 2023-2024 PG
46 Harshita Sanjeev Gupta Commerce Green Marketing District 2023-2024 PG
47 Shubham Vijay Ahire Rutuja Dipak Desale Chemistry Fly Ash: Waste to Best Management forwelfare of Society District 2023-2024 PG
48 Avinash Uttamrao Nerkar Chemistry Tailored Calcinative Impulses for The Modification of FlyAsh and Its Catalytic Applicability District 2023-2024 PPG
49 Shubham Sanjay Shelar Shivdatta Arun Jagtap Botany Long TermPreservation of OnionUniversity 2023-2024 PG
50 Prashant Bhalchandra Pathade Akshay Panditrao Chavan Chemistry Preparation ofCharcoal fromAgricultural Waste. University 2023-2024 PG
51 Harshita Sanjeev Gupta Commerce Green Marketing University 2023-2024 PG
52 Shubham Vijay Ahire Rutuja Dipak Desale Chemistry Fly Ash: Waste to Best Management forwelfare of Society University 2023-2024 PG
53 Avinash Uttamrao Nerkar Chemistry Tailored Calcinative Impulses for The Modification of FlyAsh and Its Catalytic Applicability University 2023-2024 PPG
54 Harshita Sanjeev Gupta Commerce Green Marketing State 2023-2024 PG
55 Loomwala Nakiya and Bardiya Komal Commerce Topic: Shopping App District 2024-2025 UG
56 Loomavala Batul Jhun jhunvala Simran Commerce Vertual EventManagement (VEM) District 2024-25 UG
57 Sanket Deepak Shinde Pushpak Ramesh Jadhav Commerce Topic: Stress Relief &Mind Care App District 2024-25 UG
58 Momin Sharmeen Riyazul Hasan Chemistry Ionic Liquid: GreenSolvent for the Synthesis of Cellulose/GG/PVA Bio composite District 2024-25 PG
59 Javeriya Parveen Zahid Ak.Nazneen Sadaf Abdul Raheem Zoology Green Synthesis of Nanoparticles and Used as Bacterial Killer District 2024-25 PG
60 Shelar Akanksha Ashok Chemistry Iron Oxide Magnetic Nanoparticles: A Boonfor Therapeutic Applications District 2024-25 PG
61 Bhavsar Shriya Sadanand Zoology Investigation of Seaweed as a Biopesticide District 2024-25 PG
62 Kapadnis Chetana Vishwas Chemistry A Smart 3D Hydrogel:A Boon for Increasing Agricultural Productivity in Water Stressed Environment District 2024-25 PG
63 Gupta Harshita Sanjeev Commerce Biomass Pellet District 2024-25 PG
64 Kaurani Kashish Sushil and Lega Pooja S. Commerce Design Your Home Digitally District 2024-25 PG
65 Afifa Ferheen Md. Gufran Md. Israil Siddiqui Naima Firdaus Physics LVDT Transformer District 2024-25 PG
66 Suryawanshi Gokul V. Chemistry Green Synthesis of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles from Cow Dung for Agricultural Applications District 2024-25 PPG
67 Kapadnis Chetana Vishwas Chemistry A Smart 3D Hydrogel:A Boon for Increasing Agricultural Productivity in Water Stressed Environment University 2024-25 PG
68 Momin Sharmeen Riyazul Hasan Chemistry Ionic Liquid: GreenSolvent for theSynthesis ofCellulose/GG/PVABio composite University 2024-25 PG
69 Siddiqui Naima Firdaus Physics LVDT Transformer University 2024-25 PG
70 SuryawanshiGokul V. Chemistry Green Synthesis of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles from Cow Dung for Agricultural Applications University 2024-25 PPG

Details of Patents (including Publication Letter)

Sr.No. Patent Application No. Title of Patent Name of Innovator/s Status of Patent Year View
1 340026-001 Snail Tracking Agriculture Machine Dr. Avinash Kadu Sonawane Published 21.04.2021
2 339955-001 Animal Bell to Identify Health & Emotions Dr. Avinash Kadu Sonawane Published 27.04.2021
3 2021106725 A Synthesis of CaAl2Si4 O12: Dy3+ blue Phosphor for LED application Dr Sushama C Kulkarni
Miss. Vaishali T Salunke
Published 24.08.2021
4 2021106714 A synthesis and Energy Transfer from Pb2+ To Dy3+ Ions in CaTiO3 Phosphor for White ight LED Dr. Dharma Kisan Halwar Published 24.08.2021
5 6292195 Wheel-Controlled Smart Pen Dr. Sunil Dagadu Patil Published 02.07.2023
6 374388-001 Robotic device for Farm Monitoring Mr. G. K. Pawar Published 18.11.2022
7 202221015901- A Biogenic Gold and Silver Nano Particles in The Degradation of aromatic Nitro compounds Dr. Tulsidas Sitaram Savale Published 29.04.2022
8 202221023119A Detection and Sorting Techniques for Rotten Onion Using Digital Image Dr. Pravin S. Patil
Dr. Nandkishor B Mali
Dr. Dinesh F. Shirude
Published 29.04.2022
9 202321003276 A A New Source of Chitin from Rice Weevil, Shitoplus Oryzael Dr. Sunil Dagadu Patil
Dr. Avinash Kadu Sonawane
Published 27.01.2023
10 383773-001 Touch Controlled Blood Glucose Monitoring Device Dr. R. S. Kale Published 12.04.2023
11 382565-001 Milk Adulteration Monitoring and Detection Device Dr. Dighavkar Chandrakant Govind Published 23.05.2023
12 396560-001 Fishing Rod with Electric Sedative Dr. Jagdishbhai Daulatbhai Vasait Published 04.10.2023
13 409043-001 Soil Moisture Profile Analyzing Device Dr.D.G. Jadhav, Dr. J.T. Jadhav,Dr. D.U. Ahire Published 05.04.2024
14 202421056859 Role of ICT in Developing Skills Among Library Professionals Dr. Sambhaji Patil Dr. Subhash Ahire Mr. Nilesh Nagare Published 06/09/2024
15 356145-001 Mango Stem Borer Sensing Intelligent Device Dr. Sunil Dagadu Patil Published 04/01/2022
16 431410-001 Chemical Synthesis Monitoring Device Dr. Narendra Ananda Dokhe Published 24/09/2024 View

Innovation Instruments

Sr.No.. Name of the Instruments Scheme/ Institute Year Subject Price In Lakhs
1 Ice Maker Machine  DST FIST 2017 Chemistry 25842
2 PC Operated FTIR Spectrometer  DST FIST 2017 Chemistry 1113000
3 Analytical Jena Specord  UV  DST FIST 2017 Chemistry 1166760
4 Digital Photoelectric Colorimeter  DST FIST 2017 Chemistry 20886
5 Spray Pyrolysis Techniques: Holmark   DST FIST 2017 Physics 655200
6 Magnetic Stirrer 1 Lt. with Hot Plate   DST FIST 2017 Chemistry 7528
7 Magnetic Stirrer Digital Speed Indicator   DST FIST 2017 Chemistry 12390
8 Electronic Balance Analytical  DST FIST 2017 Chemistry 114460
9 Water bath Digital Controller  DST FIST 2017 Chemistry 15104
10 Autoclave Digital Vertical fully automatic   DST FIST 2017 Zoology 76700
11 Trinocular Research Microscope   DST FIST 2017 Zoology 175230
12 Fume Hood  DST FIST 2017 Chemistry 163430
13 UV Cabinet (Ultra Violet Inspection Cabinet)  DST FIST 2017 Chemistry 8201
14 Automatic Tissue Processor 1 Lit Cap.  DST FIST 2017 Zoology 241900
15 Inverted Trinocular Metallurgical Microscope   DST FIST 2017 Zoology 364119
16 Chromatography Column Sintered Disc  DST FIST 2017 Zoology 5157
17 GPS Oregon 650 with Camera)   DST FIST 2017 Zoology 65313
18 Theodokite Vernier Transit with Accessories  DST FIST 2017 Zoology 25665
19 Mirror Stereoscope  DST FIST 2017 Zoology 36816
20 Semi Automatic Cryostat Microtome  DST FIST 2017 Zoology 442500
21 Nihon Kohden Hematology Analyser DST FIST 2017 Zoology 850002
22 Library Books DST FIST 2017 All 50201
23 Double Beam UV- Visible Spectrophotometer Institute 2018 Physics 294000
Name of Equipment Cost in INR
Ice Maker Machine  25842.00
PC Operated FTIR Spectrometer 1113000.00 
Analytical Jena Specord UV 1166760.00 
Digital Photoelectric Colorimeter 20886.00 
Spray Pyrolysis Techniques: Holmark 655200.00  
Magnetic Stirrer 1 Lt. with Hot Plate 7528.00  
Magnetic Stirrer 1lit. Digital Speed Indicator (2Nos) 12390.00 
Electronic Balance Analytical 114460.00 
Water bath Digital Controller 15104.00 
Autoclave Digital Vertical fully automatic 76700.00
Trinocular Research Microscope 175230.00
Fume Hood 163430.00 
UV Cabinet (Ultra Violet Inspection Cabinet) 8201.00 
Automatic Tissue Processor 1 Lit Cap. 241900.00 
Inverted Trinocular Metallurgical Microscope  364119.00  
Chromatography Column Sintered Disc 5157.00
GPS Oregon 650 with Camera) 65313.00  
Theodolite Vernier Transit with Accessories 25665.00 
Mirror Stereoscope 36816.00 
Semi-Automatic Cryostat Microtome 442500.00 
Nihon Kohden Haematology Analyzer 850002.00
Library Books 50201.00
Sr.No.. Name of the Students Subject Subject
1 Miss Komal Suresh Bachhav Physics 07.03.2018
2 Mr. Hitesh Dagdu Sonawane Physics 22.02.2020
3 Mr. Amol Machhindra Wakade Physics 22.02.2020
4 Miss. Sweta Dipakraj Kapade Physics 22.02.2020
5 Mr. Nikhil Bhikaji Umbarkar Physics 05.04.2022
6 Mr. Rajendra Vasant Wagh Physics 05.04.2022
7 Mr. Satish Suresh Mandwade Physics 05.04.2022
8 Mr. Chetan Ramdas Yewale Physics 05.04.2022
9 Mr. Jitendra Bhalerao Wagh Physics 05.04.2022
10 Miss. San Kausar Ashfaque Ahmed Physics 05.04.2022
11 Mr. Pratik Vithhal Darade Physics 05.04.2022
12 Mr. Rushikesh Gorakh Bhamare Physics 05.04.2022
13 Mrs.Yogeshwari Jagdisprasad Bhadane Physics 09.03.2023
14 Mr. Sagar Namdev Gunjal Physics 13.03.2023
15 Ms. Shagufta Parveen Mohammed Ayyub Physics 13.03.2023
16 Miss. Shah Quaneta Batool Raees Ahmed Physics 13.03.2023
17 Mr Jaydeep Walmik Deore Chemistry 29.02.2020
18 Mr, Amol Ratan Pagare Chemistry 29.02.2020
19 Mr. Kuldeep Tukaram Padhyar Chemistry 08.05.2021
20 Mr. Millind Chaburao Nagare Chemistry 08.05.2021
21 Miss Aruna Balasaheb Salunke Chemistry 08.05.2021
22 Mr. Avinash Uttamrao Nerkar Chemistry 09.05.2022
23 Miss Savita Mahesh Mathure Chemistry 09.05.2022
24 Mr. Kapil Dattatraya Randhir Chemistry 09.05.2022
25 Mr. Gokul Vishwambhar Surywanshi Chemistry 09.05.2022
26 Mr. Yogesh Gopichand Patil Chemistry 09.05.2022
27 Mr. Sachin Kishor Kadam Chemistry 09.05.2022
28 Mr. Sachin Shivaji Pawar Chemistry 09.05.2022
29 Mr. Nilesh Jeevan Mali Chemistry 09.05.2022
30 Mr Pathan Mohsin Khan Chemistry 09.05.2022
31 Mr. Vinod Santosh Aaynor Chemistry 09.05.2022
32 Mr. Sandesh Vasantrao Gaikwad Chemistry 09.05.2022
33 Miss. Aasia Khatoon Mohammed Idress Chemistry 08.09.2022
34 Mrs. Sonali Pandit Nikam Chemistry 08.09.2022
35 Mr. Niraj Satish Thorat Chemistry 08.09.2022
36 Mrs. Farhana Ataurrahman Ansari Chemistry 01.06.2023
36 Mr. Waseem Akhtar Khursheed Ahemed Commerce & Management 001-04-2019
37 Mr. Uday Khandu Teke Commerce & Management 27-02-2020
38 Mr. Devanand Kashinath Mandavdhare Commerce & Management 29-02-2020
39 Mr. Roshan Yeshwant Mamude Commerce & Management 05-03-2021
40 Mr. Nishant Vijay Sirsath Commerce & Management 12-05-2021
41 Mr. Roshan Yeshwant Mamude Commerce & Management 05-03-2021
42 Mr. Khan Zafar Ahemed Gulbahar Commerce & Management 26-06-2021
43 Mr. Ziyaur Rahman Md Ishaque Commerce & Management 05-04-2022
44 Mr. Imran Ahmad Naseem Ahmad Commerce & Management 05-04-2022
45 Miss. Kalpana Kisan Ghuge Commerce & Management 05-04-2022
47 Mr. Rishikesh Rajesh Nikam Commerce & Management 11-04-2022
48 Miss. Jyoti Deepak Bagul Commerce & Management 07.05.2022
49 Miss Shital Jagganath Salunke Zoology 20.02.2020
50 Mr. Avinash Aishwarya Zope Zoology 23.03.2022
51 Mr. Kunal Bharat Khairnar Zoology 23.03.2022
52 Mr. Pratiksha Manoj Pawar Zoology 23.03.2022
53 Mr. Hitesh Kondaji Pawar Zoology 23.03.2022
54 Miss. Ankita Vishwas Bhamare Zoology 23.03.2022
55 Miss. Shweta Uday Pathak Zoology 23.03.2022
56 Miss. Sonali Ramdas Deore Zoology 20.08.2022
57 Mr. Parvez Akhatar Khalil Ah. Zoology 20.08.2022
58 Miss Varsha Yogesh Ahire Marathi 07.05.2022
59 Miss Madhavi Arvind Pophale Marathi 07.05.2022
60 Mr. Baliram Ganpat Kamble Marathi 07.05.2022
61 Mr. Nana Traymbak Ghuge Marathi 07.05.2022
62 Mr. Ashok Dashrath Hande Marathi 07.05.2022
63 Miss. Leena Abhimanyu Shelar Marathi 07.05.2022
64 Mr. Sudhir Kishanrao Tribhuwan Marathi 29.08.2022
65 Mr. Sanjay Prabhakar Bachhav Marathi 29.08.2022
66 Mr. Sushmita Balasaheb Deore Marathi 29.08.2022
67 Mr. Keshav Chintu Gavit Marathi 29.08.2022
68 Mr. Suvarna Chandrakant Patil Marathi 29.08.2022
69 Mr. Vaishali Ramesh Baviskar Marathi 29.08.2022
70 Miss Kavita Waman Katyare Marathi 10.07.2023
71 Mr. Rushikesh Bichkule Marathi 10.07.2023
72 Mr. Sudam Sena Shirsath Hindi 20.03.2018
73 Mr. Bapu Nanasaheb Shelke Hindi 20.03.2018
74 Mr. Dhanjay Sahadhu Kamodkar Hindi 13.04.2022
75 Miss Poonam Ramesh Yadav Hindi 13.04.2022
76 Mr. Dipak Shivaji Ahire Hindi 13.04.2022
77 Miss. Meenakshi Babanrao Kale Hindi 13.04.2022
78 Mr. Mohsin Mubaraq Bagwan Hindi 13.04.2022
79 Mr. Sandip Baburao Ghoroade Hindi 13.04.2022
80 Miss. Vadhai Siitaram Bhagirath Hindi 13.04.2022
81 Miss. Savita Shankar Kolhe Hindi 13.04.2022
82 Mr. Akhilesh Avdhish Jaisal Hindi 20.08.2022
83 Mr. Rajaram Deoram Nadekar Hindi 20.08.2022
84 Mr. Raghunath Vitthal More Hindi 21.04.2023
85 Mr. Sachhidanand Maurey Hindi 21.04.2023
86 Mr. Archana Abhiman Solanki Hindi 21.04.2023
89 Mr. Satish Balasaheb Handge Geography 17.03.2018
90 Mr. Anil Changdev Gaikawad Geography 17.03.2018
91 Mr. Jitendra Vijay Misar Geography 17.03.2018
92 Mr. Devidas Vitthal Sonawane Geography 23.08.2018
93 Mr. Rajendra Kanhu Doifode Geography 26.02.2020
94 Mr. Laxman Suresh Shendge Geography 26.02.2020
95 Mr. Rajendra Dasharath Khurche Geography 26.02.2020
96 Mr. Machhindra Prakash Mule Geography 26.02.2020
97 Mr. Prasanna Mahendra Dixit Geography 26.02.2020
98 Mr. Ishtiyaque Ah. Md. Ishaque Geography 08.05.2021
99 Mr. Pravin Dipak Sonwane Geography 08.05.2021
100 Mr. Sahebrao Kewal Wagh Geography 08.05.2021
101 Mr. Dhanraj Kalu Ahire Geography 09.04.2022
102 Mr. Suresh Ragho Pagar Geography 09.04.2022
103 Mr. Ansari Abdullah Daniyal Md Aslam Geography 09.04.2022
104 Mr. Utkarsh Jagannath Ahire Geography 09.04.2022
105 Mr. Shubham Ramchandra Dukale Geography 09.04.2022
106 Miss. Shaziya Nausheen Jaleel Ahmed Geography 09.04.2022
107 Miss. Ashwini Suresh Jadhav Geography 09.04.2022
108 Mr. Manohar Dilip Dalvi Geography 09.04.2022
109 Miss Kavita Machindra Ghate Geography 09.04.2022
110 Miss. Vijaya Ratan Sonawane Geography 09.04.2022
111 Mr. Jagnnath Jairam Khandvi Geography 09.04.2022
112 Mr. Nitin Ramdas Shewale Geography 09.04.2022
113 Mr. Mahemoodur Rahman Hafizur Rahman Geography 25.08.2022
114 Mr. Arvind Madhukar Gavhane Geography 25.08.2022
115 Mr. Nimba Bhaurao Ahire Geography 25.08.2022
116 Miss. Aishwarya Arun Shinde Psychology 25.08.2022