Mahatma Gandhi Vidyamandir's

Maharaja Sayajirao Gaikwad Arts, Science & Commerce College

Tal. Malegaon, Dist. Nashik (MS)
Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune

Re-accredited with A+ Grade (Cycle-III) by NAAC

Department of Urdu


TYBA Result

TYBA (Urdu/Persian) Toppers
Academic Year Rank Name of the Student Percentage
2017-18 1 Mohammad Mubashshir Mohammad Aqeel Deshmukh 64.08%
2 Shaikh Rashid Shaikh Razzaque 63.83%
3 -
2018-19 1 Mateen Ali Mubeen Ali 53.25%
2 -
3 -
2019-20 1 Ashhad Bilal Sajid Naeem 62%
2 Quraishi Shahezad Khaleel Khan 61.00%
3 Anasri Mahfooz Alam Naseem 60.00%
2020-21 1 Md. Malik Nehal Ah 77.63%
2 Md.Shaban Md. Zaffer 62.75%
3 Md. Yaseen Shakeel Ah 50.75%
2021-22 1 Momin Saad Amir Shafeeque Ah
2 Shoaib Akhtar Ashfaque Ah
3 Asghar Ali Rajjab Ali
2023-24 1 Areeba Sadaf Md. Saeed 75.50%

MA Result

Urdu Results
MA (Urdu/Persian) Toppers
Academic Year Rank Name of the Student Percentage
2017-18 1
2018-19 1
2019-20 1
2020-21 1 Ansari Tanveer Md. Ismaeel 81.00%
2 Humaira Naheed Sajid Akhtar 80.69%
3 Momin Husain Md. Suleman 80.31%
2021-22 1 Aaisha Parveen Idress 80.62%
2 Aabra Ali Rashid Rashid Akhtar 79.56%
3 Ansari Nargis Neha Ansari Nisar Ah 76.06%
2023-24 1 Nehan Afreen Nafees Ahmed 70.06%
2 Zeena Kauser Weqar Ahmed 69.08%
3 Momin Fahemeeda Tabassum Wahiduzzama 68.06%
2018-19 1 Mateen Ali Mubeen Ali 53.25%
2 -
3 -

About the Department

The Department of Urdu/Persian was established in 1967(UG) and in 1974 (PG). The Department’s main objective is to spread awareness about the literary and cultural importance and relevance of the Urdu/Persian culture, language and literature in India and around the world. It aims to promote the Urdu/Persian language as the language of knowledge, and Urdu/Persian literature as the literature of values especially human values that can withstand the buffeting forces of time. It aims at carrying out original research to develop the field of knowledge. The Department offers a B.A. (FY, SY, TY), F. Y. B. Com (Additional Urdu), and an M.A. in Urdu/Persian.

Vision: -
1. Preservation and promotion of Human and aesthetic values amidst Consumerism and Materialism through Urdu & Persian Culture, Language &, Literature.
2. To promote, develop and propagate Urdu & Persian languages.
3. To make one of the best centre of teaching and research in Urdu.

Mission: -
1.To impart quality education to Under Graduate and Post Graduate students in Urdu Language and Literature.
2.We will try to make Urdu language more work oriented by introducing new courses in the field of journalism, mass communication and other related fields.
3.Starting Urdu Research Center.

Future Plan
1. To introduce a Certificate Course in Mass Communication (Urdu) at the PG level.
2. To start the Urdu Research Centre (Applied for Research Centre) in SPPU


Sr.No Photo Name of the Faculty Designation Qualification Experience Link
1 Dr. Ansari Sajid Head and Professor M.A B.Ed.Ph.D 30 View File
2 Assistant Prof.Sadiya Parveen Nehal Ahmed Assistance Professor M.A .Ded. NET 07 View File
3 Dr. Siddiqui Shaheena Parveen Ilyas Ahmed CHB M.A. B. Ed NET. Ph. D 14 View File
4 Mrs.Samreen Shafeeque Ahmed CHB M.A SET 4 View File
5 Miss.Shaziya Nausheen Jaleel Ahmed CHB Double M.A B.Ed. NET 7 View File
6 Wajid Ali Qamar Ali CHB D.Pharm MA,MH.SET 1 View File
First Semester Second Semester
Class Nature of Sub Code Subject Title Cradit Code Subject Title Cradit
FYB.Com FYBA (2024 pattern) Urdu Persian OE
101UR 101 UR 101 UR 101 UR 101Per 101Per 101Per Urdu Genral Paper I Urdu Prose and Poetry Urdu Communication Skill
Urdu Genral Paper I Introduction to Persian Languag_I Per.Reading & Writing Skill T
Basic Persian _I
151 UR
151 UR
151 UR
151 UR
151 Per
151 Per
151 Per
Urdu Genral PaperII Urdu :Study Of Ghazal & Drama Creative Writing &Translation Skill Urdu Genral Paper II Introduction to Persian LanguagII Per.Reading & Writing Skill P Basic Persian _II 02
Third Semester Fourth Semester
Class Nature of Sub Code Subject Title Cradit Code Subject Title Cradit
SYBA(2019 pattern) G-2 S-1 CC1 DSE1 23073 23071 Prose &Poetry Text G2 History of UrduLiterature(Prose) 03
24073 24071 Modern Prose & Poetry G2 History of Urdu Literature(Poetry) 03
S-2 DSE2 23072 Study Of Modern Prose Wrting 03 24072 Special Study of Poet 03
G-2 CC1 23103 Persian Poetry and Rhetoric 03 24103 Persian Prose and Modern Prose Term 03
SEC Enhancement of Reading & Writing Skill 02 Communication Skill 02
Fifth Semester Sixth Semester
Class Nature of Sub Code Subject Title Cradit Code Subject Title Cradit
TYBA (2019 pattern) S-3 CC1G3 DSE1 35071 Urdu Fiction Study of Novel and Drama Urdu Literary Criticism and Research 03 36071 Urdu Study of Qaseeda and Gazal Urdu:Study Of Qaseeda & Ghazal 03 03+1
S-4 DSE2 35072 Urdu Essay Grammar and Prosody 03+1 36072 Urdu philology and linguistic 03+1
G-3 PER CC1 35073 Modern Persian Prose, Literary History & Translation 03 36073 Poetry, Poetic Terms & Figures of Speech 03
SEC Advertisement 02 Introduction to Mass Media in Urdu 02
First Semester Second Semester
Class Nature of Sub Code Subject Title Cradit Code Subject Title Cradit
MA-I (2023 pattern) P-I MM MJ 501 Urdu Study of Modern Prose Text 04 551 Study of Modern Poetry Text 04
P-II MM MJ 502 Mass Media 2T+2P 552 Urdu Study of Drama 2T+2P
P-III MM MJ 503 Urdu:Essay, Rhetoric, ,Grammar Prosody 04 553 Urdu Linguistic 04
P-IV MM MJ 504 UR.Study of Stire & Humour 02 554 Special Study of Poet(Ahmad Faraz) 02
P-I ME 510 UR.Study of Non Fiction Writer 04 561 Study of Classical Poet(Wali Dacani) 04
P-II ME 511 UR.Study of Fiction Writer(Qurratul ain Haider) 04 562 Special Study of Poet(Mirza Ghalib) 04
P-III ME 512 UR.Literary Movements 04 563 Study of Modern Poet(Makhdoom Mohiuddin) 04
P-IV ME 513 PER.Study of Classical Prose Text (Gulistan-e- Saadi) 04 564 PER Classical Poetry Text 04
P-III ME 512 UR.Literary Movements 04 563 Study of Modern Poet(Makhdoom Mohiuddin) 04
RM 541 Urdu Research Methodology 02 FP581 Field Project 04
OJT 581 On Job Training 04
Third Semester Fourth Semester
Class Nature of Sub Code Subject Title Cradit Code Subject Title Cradit
MA-II(2024 pattern) MM 601 Maedieval Prose Text 04 651 Maedieval Poetry Text 04
MM 602 Urdu Literary Criticism 04 652 Important Critics of Urdu 04
MM 603 Art of Letter Writing 2T 653 2T+2P
MM 604 History Of Urdu Literature Upto 1857 2T+2P 654 History Of Urdu Literature Upto 1857 to 1990 2T+2P
ME 610 Study Of Dacani Literaure 04 660 Study Of Dacani Masnavi 04
ME 611 Study of Classical Natiya Poetry 04 661 Study of Modern Natiya Poetry 04
ME 612 PER Modern Persian Prose Text 04 662 PER Modern Persian Poetry Text 04
RR RP s631 Research Project 04 681 06


Scope of this document

This Sop is to achieve uniformity and consistency in the academics with all departments.

Uses of SoP:

IQAC cell in consultation of Principal is to prepare this Sop and refereed to HoD.

Who should control the document of SoP:

Principal, Vice-Principal, Academic Supervisor and IQAC Co-ordinator.

Vision: -

1. Preservation and promotion of Human and aesthetic values amidst Consumerism and Materialism through Urdu & Persian Culture, Language &, Literature.
2. To promote, develop and propagate Urdu & Persian languages.
3. To make one of the best centres of teaching and research in Urdu.

Mission: -

1. To impart quality education to Under Graduate and Post Graduate students in Urdu Language and Literature.
2. We will try to make Urdu language more work oriented by introducing new courses in the field of journalism, mass communication and other related fields.
3. Starting Urdu Research Centre.
Healthy relationship between teachers and students.
• Leaner-centric atmosphere of the department.
• Availability of study material and ICT tools in the College.
• Continuous initiatives towards development of communication skills of the students.
• Academic freedom and space.


• No Urdu Research Centre.
• Less Quantity of books in departmental library.


• Getting start Urdu Research Centre.
• Platform may provide for the different literary activities.
• Student centric activities like Group discussion, Seminars, Speech/Elocution Competitions may be organized.
• Different student centric activities may be organized.


•Issue of early marriage among girl students.
Majority of students waste time on social media.
Lack of awareness about education in minority community.

Action Plan:

• To Organize activities that may develop different skills such as reading, writing, analysing, interpreting, expression etc.
• To arrange student centric Seminar/Workshop.
• To arrange Book review competition.

Highlights of the Department:

1.Our department is the only Department in the Nashik District which provides Urdu Specialization at PG level.
2. Head of Department Dr. Sajid Ansari is BoS Chairman of (Persian, Arabic and Urdu) S.P Pune University & also a Ph.D. Guide of S.P Pune University.
3. LIC Committee Members Pune Nashik, Igatpuri, Dindori 4 times.
4. Faulty member attended the general Knowledge quiz competition & also as a chief guest at Bhiwandi Safiya girl’s high school.
5. Conducted duties as an Internal external supervisor.
6. The faculty received a minor research project approval from NCPUL in 2021.
7. Our department conducts various activities related to Urdu language such as Debate Competition, Extension Activity, Project Competition, Poster Making Competition, Urdu Calligraphy Competition, Ghazal Khwani Competition, Essay Writing Competition, Certificate Course in Use of ICT Tools in Urdu Learning etc.
8. More students Qualified NET/SET Examination.
9. Many students of our department are teaching in other colleges and schools.
10. Recently our department submitted proposal for Research Centre.

RESEARCH PUBLICATION (Academic Year 2017-2022)

S.No Title of the Paper Name of the Teacher
1 Taheqeeque wo Taraqi Dr. Sajid Ansari
2 Urdu Drama Aur Parsi Theter Dr. Sajid Ansari
3 Ahed Dr Ahed Khwateen E Urdu Navel Dr. Sajid Ansari
4 Hasrat Ki Gazliya Shyari Dr. Sajid Ansari
5 Urdu ki Tadrees Dr. Sajid Ansari
6 Mulana Jalaluddin Rumi Ka Fun Asre Hazir Dr.Sajid Ansari
7 Taraqi Pasand Tahereek KE Bad Urdu Navel Dr.Sajid Ansari
8 Urdu Main Safar Nama Ki Mukhtaser Takreekh Dr.Sajid Ansari
9 Urdu Navel Ka Irteqa Dr.Sajid Ansari
10 Ikhlaqiyat ki Roshni Main Akhnaque Muhsni ka Ajmali Jaeza Assist.Prof. Sadiya Parveen Nehal Ahmed
11 Karm Weer Bhau Saheb Hiare Ek Hama Jaht Shakhsiyat Assist.Prof. Sadiya Parveen Nehal Ahmed
12 Satuts of women in India Assist.Prof. Sadiya Parveen Nehal Ahmed
13 Hasrat Muhani Ki Syasi Zindagi Assist.Prof. Sadiya Parveen Nehal Ahmed
14 Kamal E Dast Dr.Shah Ayaz
15 Alama Iqbal Ka Tasawwre Shaheen Dr.Shah Ayaz
16 Krishna Chandra Ki afsana Nigari Aur Fan E Asloo Dr.Shah Ayaz
17 Asar eAmeer Khusro Ek Ajmail Jaeza Dr.Siddiqui Shaheena Parwin Md.Ilyas
18 Sabir Fakruddin Ek Mufarif Afsancha Niagr Dr.Siddiqui Shaheena Parwin Md.Ilyas
19 Arze Muratab Dr.Siddiqui Shaheena Parwin Md.Ilyas
20 Quami Yaqjhti ka Rosan Minar,Prof.Md. Saleem Ansari Dr.Siddiqui Shaheena Parwin Md.Ilyas
21 Kokan Main Urdu Drama Niagari Ki Riwayat Dr.Siddiqui Shaheena Parwin Md.Ilyas
22 Adab e Atfal Main Zaban Ke Miyar ka Masla Dr.Siddiqui Shaheena Parwin Md.Ilyas
23 Mulana Hasrat Muhani Siyasat Main Kamyab Ya Na Kaam Dr.Siddiqui Shaheena Parwin Md.Ilyas
24 Dr.Ashfaque Anjum Ka Tanqeedi Rawaiya Dr.Siddiqui Shaheena Parwin Md.Ilyas
25 Urdu Gazal Ka Jadeed Daur Dr.Siddiqui Shaheena Parwin Md.Ilyas
26 Aadbe Atfal Aur Darsi Kitabon Ka Taluk Dr.Siddiqui Shaheena Parwin Md.Ilyas
27 Urdu Ke Faroog Main Jadeed Adbi Dramon Ki Ahmiyat Dr.Siddiqui Shaheena Parwin Md.Ilyas
28 Jedeed technici Zariaye Taleem Aur Urdu Dr.Siddiqui Shaheena Parwin Md.Ilyas
29 Urdu Adab Main Khwateen Drama Nigar Dr.Siddiqui Shaheena Parwin Md.Ilyas
30 Hasrat Ki Sahaafat Samreen Shafeeque Ahmed
31 Digital Talim Mawaqe Khatraat Aur Challenges Miss Shaziya Nausheen Jaleel Ahmed


Organization with which MoU is signed Name of the institution/ industry/ corporate house Year of signing MoU Duration Activity Done
Daily Tarjuma -E -Urdu Malegaon Press 2021/22 6 Months Yes
Urdu Library Malegaon Library 2022/23 6 Months Yes

Department Activities

S.No Name of Activity Organizing Unit Year of Activity Number of students Participated such activities View File
1 Webinar Research Methodology Urdu /Persian Department 26/05/2021 50 View
2 Webinar Ali Sardar Jafri Shakhsiyat Aur Fun Urdu /Persian Department 01/12/2021 45 View
3 5 Days Online Lecture series Urdu /Persian Department 27 Dec to 31 Dec 2021 60 View
4 Two Day’s International Webinar Urdu /Persian Department 3 rd and 4th March 2022 267 View
5 Scope and software Requirement After M.A Urdu /Persian Department 18/10/2022 31 View
6 Mushaira /Kavi Sammelan Urdu /Persian Department 05/12/2022 42 View
7 One Day Workshop on Restructuring Curriculum for M.A I Urdu /Persian Department 20/07/2023 32 View
8 Visit to the News Paper Tarjumane -E -Urdu. Urdu /Persian Department 05/01/2022 15 View

1) Best Practice

Name of the activity Organising unit/ agency/ collaborating agency Year of the activity Number of students participated in such activities
Wall Paper Magazine and Publication Department of Urdu/Persian 2019/20 20
Wall Paper Magazine and Publication Department of Urdu/Persian 2020/21 25
Wall Paper Magazine and Publication Department of Urdu/Persian 2021/22 45
Wall Paper Magazine and Publication Department of Urdu/Persian 2033/23 50
Best Practice

Alumni Contribution

S.No Name of the Alumni Activities Donations (Rs) Date /Year
1 Wajid Ali Qamar Ali Departmental 2000 20/09/2020
2 Ansari Masood Ahmed Khalil Ahmed Departmental 2000 17/01/2021
3 Ansari Shagufta Abdul Hafiz Departmental 5000 05/12/2022
4 Shaikh Shahzad Departmental 2000 10/11/2023


  • Qualified and Dedicated faculties.
  • Healthy relationship between teachers and students.
  • Leaner-centric atmosphere of the department.
  • Availability of study material and ICT tools in the College.
  • Continuous initiatives towards development of communication skills of the students. Academic freedom and space.

Future Plans

  • To introduce certificate course in Mass Communication (Urdu) at PG Level.
  • To get start Urdu research centre.
  • Conducting international, national and state level seminar /Conference.

Awards /Recognitions

S.N Name of Award and Medal Team/Individual University/Sate/National /International Sports/Cultural Name of Students
1 All Maharashtra Debate competition Individual Sate Cultural Rehan Ishrat Raees Kareem
2 Best Poet Award Individual Sate Cultural Imran Ah Raseed Ah

Top Alumni

S.No Name of alumni Year of Passing class
1 Momin Tahoora Javeed Ah 2017-18 M.A
2 Aisha Siddiqua Md Sadique 2017-18 M.A
3 Zuhra Jabeen Ab. Jabbar 2017-18 M.A
4 Momin Tahoora Raees Ah 2017-18 M.A
5 Summayya Md. 2017-18 M.A
6 Mutahera Ab. Aziz 2017-18 M.A
7 Saima Aqeel Ah 2017-18 M.A
8 Shahezad Sk. Jameel 2017-18 M.A
9 Sk.Gufran Sk.Banoo 2017-18 M.A
10 Shadab Sk. Shareef 2018-19 T.Y.B.A
11 Naushaba Ajum Asmatullah 2018-19 T.Y.B.A
12 Md Saad Zahid Ali 2018-19 T.Y.B.A
13 Sk. Abubakar Sk. Bismilla 2018-19 M.A
14 Iram saba Ateeque Ah 2018-19 M.A
15 Rukkiyya mushtaque Ah 2018-19 M.A
16 Fasiha rafeeque Ah 2018-19 M.A
17 TabassumAmjad Khan 2018-19 M.A
18 Ansari Md.Yaseen Nazeer Ah 2018-19 M.A
19 Suhail Ah.Sk.Mushtaque 2018-19 M.A
20 Narjis Nasreeen Tareek Ah 2018-19 M.A
21 Sk.Arif Sk.Yusuf 2018-19 M.A
22 Md.Usama Abid Akhtar 2018-19 M.A
23 Md.Tanveer Ismail Shah 2018-19 M.A
24 Muazam Anwar Mushtaque Ah 2018-19 M.A
25 Sk Ashraf Sk.Ayaz 2019-20 T.Y.B.A
26 Qurashi Shaezad Husain khalil khan 2019-20 T.Y.B.A
27 Sk.Saiba Haroon 2019-20 T.Y.B.A
28 Shareef Syyaed Abu kais Sayyed 2019-20 T.Y.B.A
29 Ansari Mahfooz Aalam Naseem Ullha 2019-20 T.Y.B.A
30 Ashad Bilal Sajid Naeem 2019-20 T.Y.B.A
31 Md.Mailk Nehal Ah 2020-21 T.Y.B.A
32 Ansari Affan Malik Atteequrrahman 2020-21 T.Y.B.A
33 Md.Shaban Md Muzaffar 2020-21 T.Y.B.A
34 Ashmeer Saad Ansari Iqbal Ah 2019-20 T.Y.B.A
35 Wajid Ali Qamar Ali 2019-20 M.A
36 Aatiya Manzur Ah 2019-20 M.A
37 Anjasha Manzur Ah 2019-20 M.A
38 Sadiya Qamruzzma 2019-20 M.A
39 Momin Lubna 2019-20 M.A
40 Hera Tarrannum Altaf Ah 2019-20 M.A
41 Summayya Shakeel 2019-20 M.A
42 Nazma Nehal 2019-20 M.A
43 Yasar Abdulrahman 2019-20 M.A
44 Shah Asad Abdul Aziz 2019-20 M.A
45 Shirneen Kausar 2019-20 M.A
46 Tanveer Ashraf Md. Ismail 2020-21 M.A
47 Ammara Md.Ismail 2020-21 M.A
48 Haleema Peer Md 2020-21 M.A
49 Abdul Jabbar Saeed ah 2020-21 M.A
50 Sana Attaurrahmna 2020-21 M.A
51 Md.Shaban Md Muzzafar 2020-21 T.Y.B.A
52 Masoodurrahman Aattauramahn 2020-21 M.A
53 Sanubar Guffran Ah 2020-21 M.A
54 Sana Kausar md Guffran 2020-21 M.A
55 Zaheeda Bano Shabir Ah 2020-21 M.A
56 Saqib Ah Shakeel Ah 2020-21 M.A
57 Azeem Khan Arman khan 2020-21 M.A
58 Sk. Zubair Altaf sk 2020-21 M.A
59 Sajid Ah Tafeequ Ah 2020-21 M.A
60 Aleenuddin Rahemmuddin 2020-21 M.A
61 Sadiya Parveen Nehal Ah 2020-21 M.A
62 Humaira Naz Sajid Akhtar 2020-21 M.A
63 Neha Kausar Sajid Akhtra 2020-21 M.A
64 Mumin md Husain md Suleman 2020-21 M.A
65 Asgar Ali Rajab Ali 2021-22 T.Y.B.A
66 Momin saad Amir Shafeeque Ah 2021-22 T.Y.B.A
67 Soaib Akhtra Shakeel Ah 2021-22 T.Y.B.A
68 Md.Awis Shakeel Ah 2021-22 T.Y.B.A
69 Aabara Ali Rashid Ali 2021-22 M.A
70 Aisha Parveen Idress Ah 2021-22 M.A
71 Afshan naz Ab. Qadir 2021-22 M.A
72 Nargis Neha Nisar Ah 2021-22 M.A
73 Atequa Kausar Ishteyque Ah 2021-22 M.A
74 Naziya Parveen Anees Ah 2021-22 M.A
75 Rafat Nasreen Gulam Rasool 2021-22 M.A
76 Adnan Sameer Ah patil 2022-23 T.Y.B.A
77 Faizan Parvezuudin 2022-23 T.Y.B.A
78 Kamran Ashraf Altaf Husain 2022-23 T.Y.B.A
79 Ansari Mubashir Husain Rashid Ah 2022-23 T.Y.B.A
80 Mudassir Nehal Tabuli 2022-23 T.Y.B.A
81 Md.Shkeel Ab kareem 2022-23 T.Y.B.A
82 Sk. Yaseen Sk.Fate Md 2022-23 T.Y.B.A
83 Ansari Saniya Sadaf Altaf Ah 2022-23 T.Y.B.A
84 Sara bano Ab.khalid 2022-23 T.Y.B.A
85 Imran Ah Rashid Ah 2022-23 M.A
86 Imran Ah Md.Sami 2022-23 M.A
87 Samreen Nehal Ah 2022-23 M.A
88 Mariya Bano Bashir Ah 2022-23 M.A
89 Mumtaz 2022-23 M.A
90 Fyyaz khan Ibn Latif Khan 2022-23 M.A
91 Nabeela Firdous Shakeel Ah 2022-23 M.A
92 Asra Jaben Sk.Ab Qyyum 2022-23 M.A
93 Shaheneela Shiren Khalid Anwar 2022-23 M.A
94 Md.Ali Shahid lateef 2022-23 M.A
95 Ansari Shahenaz md Sabir 2022-23 M.A
96 Misbha Nehal Ah Rahmani 2022-23 M.A

Contact Us

S.N Name of Faculty Designation E-Mail
1 Dr.Sajid Ansari Abdul Hafiz Ansari Professor HOD
2 Dr. Shah Ayaz Abdul Aziz Assist Professor
3 Dr.Shaeena Parwin Md. Ilyas Siddiqui CHB
4 Samreen Shafeeque Ahmed CHB
5 Shaziya Nausheen Jaleel Ahmed CHB
6 Ishtiyaque Ahmed Mohammed Ishaque CHB