Mahatma Gandhi Vidyamandir's

Maharaja Sayajirao Gaikwad Arts, Science & Commerce College

Tal. Malegaon, Dist. Nashik (MS)
Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune

Re-accredited with A+ Grade (Cycle-III) by NAAC

Department of English

The Department of English at a Glance

Department of English is one of the oldest departments in Savitribai Phule Pune University as well as one of largest English departments in Nashik district. The Department has a rich and prestigious tradition of teaching, learning and research. Visited by many stalwarts like Dr. G.S. Amur, Dr. S.B. Deshpande, Dr. Sinha, Dr. Nemade, Dr. Kadepurkar, Dr. Raj Rao, Dr. Nihalani, Dr. Korade, Dr. Vilas Sarang, Dr. Jahagirdar and Dr. Anjali Kulkarni, the Department of English flourished through the efforts of Prof. Kulkarni, Prof. Walwadkar, Dr. M. M. Khan, Dr. P.S. Patil, Prof. M. S. Murthy, Prof. Krishnamurthy. This tradition is continued and enriched even today by our academics through their broad range of expertise in literature and language studies, literary theory, film studies and cultural studies.

The Department has been involved in textbook production for Under Graduate courses. The department also established English Language Lab with Modern Equipments The Department of English was established in June 1959. We offer granted UG & PG Courses along with some non-grant divisions. The Department has received permission from the affiliating university, SP Pune University, to start Research Centre. The department has four Research Guides at present. The Department also conducts the courses of FY BCOM, SY BSC, and SYBCS. At present, nine teaching faculty members are working in the department. The entire faculty is well-qualified. The Department actively involves in the B.Voc and Community College Courses. The Department runs a Diploma in Mass Communication. Dr. R. V. Tribhuvan has uploaded over 1000 Educational Videos to You Tube Channel “English for All”.


The Vision of the Department is to develop the department as a centre for academic excellence through teaching and research that encourages and nurtures literary sensibilities, language competence and critical thinking.


  • To offer advanced, career-oriented graduate, post graduate and research programmes
  • To impart professional knowledge, employability and life skills
  • To inculcate a vision of community growth and development and strong ethical values.
  • To provide learning and research opportunities in the Thrust Areas:
  • Interdisciplinary Studies, New literatures in English, Technology in Language Teaching, Modern and Postmodern Literatures, Cultural Studies, Gender Studies, Translation Studies, Sociolinguistics and Film Studies.
  • To employ innovative and technology enhanced pedagogies, interdisciplinary approaches, field work and project-based learning toward building strong foundation of literary sensibilities and language competence. 


* To establish academic and research linkages with national and international institute *To initiate a Research Journal of the Department to publish Seminar/ Conference proceedings and monographs. *To organize Training Courses/Workshops for life skills, gender equality, Entrepreneurship Development, Career Opportunities in Civil Services and Competitive Exams for UG and PG students.

Future Plan

  • To establish the Research Centre in English.
  • To develop communicative competence of our students through well- equipped Language Lab.
  • To conduct Certificate Courses in Business Communication, Basics of Creative Writing, Interview Techniques, Soft Skills, and Content Writing.
  • To develop a Centre of Advanced Study in Cultural Studies.
  • To conduct a Diploma Course in MALL (Mobile Assisted Language Learning) Programme.
  • To initiate collaborative research and teaching programme with other institutions in India.

Teaching Faculty

Sr.No. Photo Name of the Faculty Designation Qualification Teaching Experience Link
1 Dr.Bharati Khairnar Associate Professor M.A, Ph.D. 31 Years view
2 Dr. Kishor Nikam Professor M.A. NET, Ph.D 18 Years view
3 Dr. K.S. Kokane Associate Professor M.A. SET, Ph.D 19 Years view
4 Mr. A.D. Baviskar Assisitant Professor M.A. M.Phil 24 Years view
5 Dr.Raj Tribhuvan Assistant Professor M.A. NET, Ph.D 19 Years view
6 Dr. Milind Madhukar Ahire Associate Professor M. A., SET, Ph. D., PGCTE, PGDTE 17 Years view
7 Dr. Bharat Punjaram Shewale Associate Professor M. A., SET, Ph. D., PGCTE, PGDTE 16 Years view
Sem-I Sem-II
Subject Code Name of Subject Subject Code Name of Subject
11001 Compulsory English 12001 Compulsory English
11331 Optional English (G-1) 12331 Optional English (G-1)
Sem-I Sem-II
Subject Code Name of Subject Subject Code Name of Subject
23001 Compulsory English 24001 Compulsory English
23331 Optional English (S-I) DSE-1A APPRECIATING DRAMA 24331 Optional English (S-I) DSE-1B APPRECIATING DRAMA
23332 Optional English (S-II) DSE-2A APPRECIATING POETRY 24332 Optional English (S-II)
Sem-V Sem-VI
Subject Code Name of Subject Subject Code Name of Subject
35001 Compulsory English 36001 Compulsory English
35331 Optional English (S-III) DSE-1C APPRECIATING NOVEL 36331 Optional English (S-III) DSE-1D APPRECIATING NOVEL
Sem-III Sem-IV
Subject Code Name of Subject Subject Code Name of Subject
111 Compulsory English 121 Compulsory English
117A Additional English 127A Additional English
Sem-III Sem-IV
Subject Code Name of Subject Subject Code Name of Subject
23922 English Language Communication 24922 English Language Communication
Sem-I Sem-II
Subject Code Name of Subject Subject Code Name of Subject
ENG Major Background to English Literature ENG Major Background to English Literature
ENG Major English Literature Renaissance period and Neo Classical Period ENG Major English Literature Renaissance Period and Neo Classical Period
ENG Major Advanced Studies in English Language ENG Major Advanced Studies in English Language
ENG Major Literary Criticism and Theory ENG Major Literary Criticism and Theory
ENG Elective Cultural Studies ENG Elective Cultural Studies
ENG Research Methodology ENG Research Methodology
M.A. II (Subject)
Sem-III Sem-IV
Subject Code Name of Subject Subject Code Name of Subject
30601 Indian Writing in English 40601 Indian Writing in English
30603 Cultural Studies 40603 Cultural Studies
30606 American Literature 40606 American Literature
30608 World Literature in English 40608 World Literature in English
30092 Introduction to Cyber Security-III 40092 Introduction to Cyber Security-IV
30094 Skill Development-I 40094 Skill Development-II


To prepare this Standard Operating Procedure of the Department of English is to regulate the work process of the department along the academic parameters.

  • 1. To maintain and promote accuracy, efficiency and consistency in the working of the department.
  • 2. To enhance the quality of the individual and the departmental work. Opening of the Academic Year (June- May)
  • Diary of the Head of the Department

    Through the diary, the Head shall record everyday work of the department. The diary shall be a permanent record at the department though the faculty working as Head is transferred. Departmental work: Meetings, Planning, Execution, Feedback, Results, Supervision, Information Give-and-Take - documents, creating formats for works

    Weekly Academic Report of the Department:

    Prepared by the HoD by taking into consideration the work done from the teachers: Teaching and other, and Sending it to Principal, M. S. G. College, retaining a copy at the Department General Meeting: The Principal and the Staff HoD Meeting with the Principal Preparing Academic Calendar

    Departmental Meeting: HoD and the faculty of the Department

    Meeting procedure: Notice conducting meeting Attendance and Minutes in the Meeting Register - UG Admissions- procedure and the committee works through the schedules of work and counselling of the individual student- Syllabus- Library to HoD, HoD to the teachers, teachers to students- Revised and New syllabus discussed and Highlighted.

    • Departmental Meeting Results of the earlier University Examinations: Univ. sheet or PDF - Teacher-wise Result- Analysis in worksheets for various papers submission to the HoD Summation of the Results of all the papers in one sheet-First three ranking students at TYBA Special English (Out of 1200 marks) and M. A. English-II year (out of 1600 marks) Departmental Meetings -Workload and teacher-wise paper distribution-paper wise Teaching Plans: month-wise distribution of topics of a paper-number of lectures given per topic- Teaching Diaries Everyday work noted after lectures-teaching and other Departmental Meeting -M. A. I and M. A. II Admission Procedure: Departmental Admission Committee Collecting Merit Forms-display of Merit List-actual Admissions Departmental Time-Table: From faculty Time-Tables of Arts, Commerce and Science-Draft Time-Table Removing overlaps, if any balancing the workload Final Time-Table -(UG and PG) -Teacher wise Individual Time-table -Classroom teaching: Allocation of Classrooms given as per the Faculty Time- table Committee following teaching schedules- the first and the second half of the week. -Organizing Internal Assessment (CBCS) - UG and PG per Semester, as per Univ. Guidelines: -UG (30 marks) -2 assignments (10 marks) + Mid-semester Exam (organized by Exam Dept of the college) for 20 marks. PG (50 marks)-2 Assignments (10 marks) + 2 Tests (30 Marks) + Project - Writing and Presentation (10 marks) -Workload form of the Department (01-10) - as given by the Office-filled with the details of information about teaching posts- filled and vacant, allocation of papers and corresponding Workload, total workload of the Department- taken and remaining Apart from teaching-learning, other works planned and executed at the Department: Activities for the students- various competitions for skill and knowledge development- Student Counseling-Certificate courses for improvement and enrichment Encouraging students: For the academic ranking and other merit of the students. Their talent and efforts shall be rewarded in terms of prizes and merit certificates -Univ. Works-paper-setting, senior supervisor, squad member, Central Assessment projects and Courses. Research Works: Minor Research Projects- University and UGC- as per the - University Examination- Jr. Supervisor work during the annual prize distribution Ceremony during the academic year. For the faculty-participation and paper presentation in seminars, workshops and conferences-Research studies- doing M. Phil. Ph. D. studying, writing and publishing research papers- Recommendations for training courses, and CAS through API system (forwarded to IQAC)- Following the provision of CL, DL and ML - Departmental organization of -: Seminar, Workshop, Conference, Guest Lectures, c Alumni meetings Programme. - College works: IQAC work, other works in various committees, programmes. Procedures-

    - Internal Evaluation: question-paper setting, supervision, assessment, marks entries in the College and Univ. Records, in consultation with the Exam Dept. of the college. -HoD: Attending HoD meetings with the Principal, Organizing Departmental meetings, Monitoring the regular working of the department, coordinating amongst the faculty, the students and the administration of the college

    • In College Premises college faculty and student wear Identity Card.
    • The student should keep their bag/sack outside the Lab Table due to chemical accident.
    • For the safety of students, students are not allowed to enter in chemical store.

    ⚫ Feedback forms:

    Teachers Evaluation by students -Filled by students in the classrooms-Collected at the Department-Scores from each form set by HoD average score of the total forms of a teacher- corresponding Grade from it- ATP, if required. Students' Evaluation of the Syllabus

  • ⚫ Dead stock verification of the Department (Through Dead stock Verification committee)
  • ⚫ Filling up API forms based on the academic work of the teacher all through the year and its submission to the IQAC of the college.
  • ⚫ Filling up API forms based on the academic work of the teacher all through the year and its submission to the IQAC of the college.
  • ⚫ Giving important data and documents to the IQAC for quality considerations. Departmental Meeting: overview of the work in the bygone year, lacuna, difficulties, resolving strategies, major targets and challenges for the next year.
  • Highlights

    • English Language Lab
    • Proposed Ph. D. Research Centre
    • Certificate course in Enhancing Communicative Competence in English
    • Certificate course in Translation Proficiency in English
    • Excellent Results
    • Field Visits and Extension Activities
    • English Literary Association

    Research Centre in English

    The Department of English was established in June 1959. The Department has received permission from the affiliating university, SP Pune University, to start Research Centre. The department has four inhouse Research Guides and an Associate Guide at present.

    Research Guides List:

    Sr.No. Name of the guide Year of recognition Registered Students Vacancy
    1 Dr.Bharati Khairnar 2012 04 00
    2 Dr. Kishor Nikam 2022 02 02
    3 Dr. K.S. Kokane 2021 06 00
    4 Dr.Raj Tribhuvan 2022 02 02
    5 Dr. M.S. Bhandari 2022 02 02

    Research Projects Completed:

    Sr.No. Name of the faculty Title of the project Funding agency Amount sanctioned Year of award
    1 Dr. K. S. Kokane “Indian Diaspora in Gurinder Chadda’s movie The Mistress of Spices and Meera Nair’s movie The Namesake” BCUD 100000 2017-2019
    2 Dr. K. R. Nikam Difficulties of Students in Acquiring Communicative Competence in English in the Rural and Hilly Area of Nampur, Satana & Taharabad UGC 50000 2012-2014

    Research Papers Published

    Sr.No. Name of the faculty Number of research publications Number of UGC-CARE Listed/Scopus/WOS publications View details
    1 Dr.Bharati Khairnar 21
    2 Dr. Kishor Nikam 14 05
    3 Dr. K.S. Kokane 22 06
    4 A.D. Baviskar NIL
    5 Dr.Raj Tribhuvan 10
    6 Dr. M.S. Bhandari 20
    7 Pravin D.Patil 2
    8 H.D. Narwade 2

    Copyrights Published/Filed

    Sr.No. Copyright Year
    1 Enhancing English Oral Communicative Skills 2017

    Conferences/Webinars Organized

    Sr.No. Title of the conference State/National/International Schedule View details
    1 Language Literature and Society National 6th-7th Jan 2017 125 Participants
    2 Webinar on Translation Studies State 23rd Dec. 2021 50 Participants
    3 E Seminar Marginalized Literature National 30st - 31st Jan 2021 70 Participants
    4 Higher Learning and Employment for English learners State 24th Apr 2020 35 Participants

    Workshops on IPR and Research Methodology

    Sr.No. Title of the conference State/National/International Schedule View details
    1 IPR State 4th Dec 2023 87 Participants

    Research Projects Completed

    Sr. No. Name of the faculty Title of the project Funding agency Amount sanctioned Year of award
    1 Dr. K. S. Kokane “Indian Diaspora in Gurinder Chadda’s movie The Mistress of Spices and Meera Nair’s movie The Namesake” BCUD 100000 2017-2019
    2 Dr. K. R. Nikam Difficulties of Students in Acquiring Communicative Competence in English in the Rural and Hilly Area of Nampur, Satana & Taharabad UGC 50000 2012-2014

    Research Papers Published

    Sr. No. Name of the Teacher No. of Papers Published
    1 Dr. Bharati Khairnar 05
    2 Prof. K.R. Nikam 02
    3 Dr. K. S. Kokane 03
    4 Dr. R.V. Tribhuvan 02
    5 Mr. A. D. Baviskar 01
    6 Dr. M.S. Bhandari 06
    7 Dr. P. T. Wankhede 04
    8 Dr. C.R. Patil 03
    9 Dr. K.B. Gaikwad 04
    10 Dr. S. U. Chavan 01


    Sr. No. Copyright Year
    1 Enhancing English Oral Communicative Skills 2017

    Contact Us

    Sr. No. Name of the Faculty Designation Contact Details
    1 Dr.Bharati Khairnar Associate Professor [email protected]
    2 Dr. Kishor Nikam Professor [email protected]
    3 Dr. K.S. Kokane Associate Professor [email protected]
    4 Mr. A.D. Baviskar Assistant Professor [email protected]
    5 Dr.Raj Tribhuvan Assistant Professor [email protected]
    6 Mr. Pravin D.Patil Assistant Professor [email protected]
    7 Mr. H.D. Narwade Assistant Professor [email protected]
    8 Mrs. Sudha Morkar Assistant Professor [email protected]

    Departmental Activities

    Sr. No. Name of the Activity Month
    1 Awareness Programme: Academic & Human Values Aug.2022
    2 Communication Skills Development Programme Sep. 2022
    3 Inauguration of English Literary Association Sep.2022
    4 Essay Writing Competition Oct. 2022
    5 Celebration of Vachan Prerana Diwas Oct. 2022
    6 A Tribute to John Milton Oct. 2022
    7 Constitution Day &National Law Day Nov.2022
    8 Guest Lecture on Indian Writing in English Nov. 2022
    9 Visit to Old People’s Shelter Oct. 2022
    10 Certificate Course in Translation Proficiency in English Jan.2023
    11 One Day Workshop on IPR Dec.2022
    12 Awareness for Cleanliness &Hygine in Chandanpuri Village Jan. 2023
    13 Poetry Recitation Competition Jan.2023
    14 Guest Lecture Series on NEP & English Studies March 2023
    15 Certificate Distribution Ceremony of Add on Course April 2023
    16 Field Visit to KBH Law College April 2023
    17 Farewell Ceremony of M.A. Part II May 2023

    Workshops on IPR and Research Methodology

    Sr. No. Title of the conference State/National/International Schedule Details
    10 IPR State 4th Dec. 2023 87 Participants

    Linkages/Collaborations & MoUs

    Sr.No Organization with which MoU is signed Year of signing MoU Duration
    1 STKIP PGRI Bandar Lampung Republic of Indonesia 2022-23 5 Years
    2 Public Library, Malegaon Camp 2019-20 5 years
    3 PES English Medium School, Malegaon 2020-21 5 years
    4 RMS Institute of Pharmacy (D.Pharm.) 2022-23 3 years
    5 WKDSP Mandal’s BA Memorial College of Law, Dhule 2022-23 5 years


    Year Name of the Student Designation
    2014-15 Pawar Pallavi Dilip Teacher
    Rubeena Abdus Sattar Assistant Professor
    Khedkar Jyoti Deepak Teacher
    Patil Antakshari Ashok Computer Trainer
    Khare Vijay Narayan Clerk
    Ahire Vijay Kisan Teacher
    Rahul Gaekawad Self Employed
    2015-16 Momin Shomaila Reyazurrehman Teacher
    Saima Shireen Shah Nawab Teacher
    Nasreen Bano Shaikh Raheem Teacher
    Suryawanshi Sagar Anil Teacher
    Jadhav Sonali Kalu Clerk
    Pawar Sujata Yaswant Professor at Jr.College
    Mahale Sanjay Nimba Self Employed
    Zareen Naz Md Iqbal Assistant Professor
    Borase Ananda Ravsaheb Teacher
    2016-17 Asif Khan Self Employed
    Sarojini Deshmukh Self Employed
    Saniya Self Employed
    Sarita Yashod Self Employed
    Akhtar Faraz Teacher
    Joshi Vishakha Self Employed
    2017-18 Nitin Ahire Vice Principal
    Imran Shaikh Anchor and Newsreader
    Imtiaz Teacher
    2018-19 Sana Kausar Usman Teacher
    Ansari Hajra Nihal Ahd Teacher
    Hadiya Firdaus Ateequrrahman Teacher
    Afreen Bano Mohd Ismail Teacher
    Yogesh gaekawad Teacher
    Musaddiqua Maryam Raheman Asstt. Professor
    Kadam Jagruti Nandlal Teacher
    Rahul Jagtap Teacher
    Nerkar Sujata Teacher
    Bacchav Hemant Sunil Teacher
    2019-20 Vithhal Nana Thawale Plumber
    Tahseen Shaikh Teacher
    Hemant Bachhav Teacher
    Misbah Iram Ansari Teacher
    Musaddiqua Assistant Professor
    Jagruti Executive
    Nilesh Suryavanshi Jr.College Professor
    Sana Kausar Teacher
    Nerkar Sujata Teacher
    Bacchav Hemant Sunil Teacher
    2020-21 Pradip Patil High School Teacher
    Aasfa Nurse
    Yasmeen Shaikh Teacher
    Zainab Siddique Teacher
    Guffran Ahmed Accountant
    Ganesh Wagh Executive

    Best Practice

    Sr.No. Name of the activity Organising unit/ agency/ collaborating agency Year of the activity Number of students participated in such activities
    1 Poetry Recitation Competition Dept. of English 2017-18 38
    2 Poetry Recitation Competition Dept. of English 2018-19 10
    3 Poetry Recitation Competition Dept. of English 2019-20 12
    4 Poetry Recitation Competition Dept. of English 2020-21 14
    5 Poetry Recitation Competition Dept. of English 2021-22 11


    Sr.No. Name of the Award Team/ Individual University/ State/National Cultural/Sports/ Educational Name of the Faculty
    1 UAE- Indo John Milton Research Excellence Award 2022 Individual National Educational Dr. B. S. Khairnar
    2 MGV’s Best Teacher Individual MGV Educational Dr. K. S. Kokane
    3 Best Teacher Award 2021 Individual State Educational Dr. M.S. Bhandari
    4 Best Teacher Award 2019 Individual State Educational Dr. Veena Nare