Mahatma Gandhi Vidyamandir's

Maharaja Sayajirao Gaikwad Arts, Science & Commerce College

Tal. Malegaon, Dist. Nashik (MS)
Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune

Re-accredited with A+ Grade (Cycle-III) by NAAC


About Library

Library is a heart of any institute. Library plays vital role in the development of the students as well as the faculty members. It is triangle of Students, Staff Members & Resources. Library develops its collection to support teaching and learning as well as providing better services to its users. Our Library caters to information needs of all the students and faculties of Maharaja Sayajirao Gaikwad Arts, Science and Commerce College Malegaon Camp. The Library has very valuable and worthy collection. The users have an open access in library to browse and borrow the books and journals at their own.

Library Sections

Ground floor

This section has following sections:

1.Student & Staff Circulation section

This section performs issue, renewal, return of books by using library management software. Apart from these basic tasks many other jobs like membership registration, issue no-dues certificate, inter library loan, overdue fine collection, book reservation, distribution of exam hall tickets and marksheets etc.

2.Book Acquisition and Technical Processing Section.

The new books acquired by library are processed in this section from accessioning to barcode and QR code labels are pasting are completed here.

3.KIBO & Bilingual reading section for students with various disabilities.

The library has started to provide special service for our blind students and students with various disabilities with the help of KIBO XS Device. It is a multi-lingual scanning & reading device that can seamlessly connect with computer to read any printed or handwritten documents in audio across 11 Indian languages.

4.Book stacking section (Science)

This is a repository for storing the books of the faculty of natural sciences.

5.Book stacking section (Arts, Commerce)

This is a repository for storing the books of the arts, commerce & religion.

6.Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) and Online Library Visit System

The Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) kept at the entrance helps users to search the books available in library and live status of it. The library user records their library visit in online library visit system.

7.New arrival books (Electronics Display

The new books added in library collections are displayed on electronic new arrival display board to aware the readers about them.

8.Water Filter

Library visitors are provided with purified, cold water in the library

Mezzanine floor

This section has following sections:

1.Periodical section

The current journals received in the library are displayed on Periodical Display Racks. Proper signage's are displayed for Journals and Magazines on racks.

2.Reference Section

This section housed with rich collection of dictionaries, encyclopaedias bibliographies, style manual, gazetteers and other reference books of all the subjects from arts, science and commerce faculty. This collection is usually used to find facts or provide broad overviews of topics and helps to researchers and students.

First Floor
  • This section has following sections:
  • 1.Reading Hall

    The library has an independent precious reading hall on the first floor of library. The users of the library can make use of this reading hall. It comprises separate section for the boys and girls having capacity of 300 students.

    2.Newspapers section

    There are 20 local, state and national level newspapers are available for library users.


    The 10 computers with internet facility are made available in e-library for students, researchers and staff to access subscribed as well as open access e-resources available on internet. The library provides BSNL Fiber Optic Connection with 50 Mbps Internet speed.

    Library Timings

    Daily Circulation Hours : Monday to Saturday 09.00 AM to 5:30 PM

    During Exam Period : Monday to Saturday 07.00 AM to 07:00 PM

    Library Collection

    The library has collection of print resources that include text books, reference books, books for general reading, journals, magazines, newspapers, etc. The library also has a collection of CDs and DVDs.

    Books Collection

    Senior College
    Reference Books 111841
    Textbooks 39603
    Total Senior Books 151444
    Junior College
    Junior College 15362
    Junior College Book-Bank 10026
    Total Junior Books 25388
    Total Book Collection 176832

    E-resources Collection

    INFLIBNET N-LIST E-books 3,00,000+
    DELNET E-books 3,70,000 for Loan
    INFLIBNET N-LIST E-Journals 6000+
    DELNET E-journals 5000+

    Journals Collection

    Sr. No. Faculty No. of Journals List of Journals
    1 Science 15 view
    2 Commerce 8 view
    3 Arts 50 view

    Journals Collection

    Sr. No. Knowledge Resource No. of Volumes Vols.
    1 Biographies view 39
    2 Dictionaries view 79
    3 Encyclopaedias view 327
    4 Handbooks view 10
    5 Gen. References view 93

    Newspaper Collection

    Sr. No. Name of Newspaper No. of Papers
    1 Times of India 1
    2 Indian Express 1
    3 Navbharat Times 1
    4 Loksatta 2
    5 Maharashtra Times 2
    6 Sakal 2
    7 Lokmat 1
    8 Punyanagari 1
    9 Deshdoot 1
    10 Gavkari 1
    11 Divya Marathi 2
    12 Loknama 2
    13 Pudhari 1
    14 Ajacha Dinkar 1
    15 Agrowan 1
    16 Balekilla 1
    17 Samana 1
    18 The Inquilab Urdu 1
    19 Apala Mahanagar 1
    20 Navrashtra 1

    Library Committee

    The Library Advisory Committee has been appointed, under the chairmanship of our Principal. The composition of the committee is as given here.

    Sr.No.. Name of Member Designation Post
    1 Dr.S.N.Nikam Principal Chairman
    2 Prof.S.I.Ansari IQAC Coordinator Member
    3 Dr.P.S.Patil Representative, Science Faculty Member
    4 Dr.V.S.Mistary Representative, Commerce Faculty Member
    5 Dr.M.B.Sonawane Representative, Arts Faculty Member
    6 Dr.S.C.Kulkarni Representative, Women Member
    7 Mr.R.H.Shelar Registrar Member
    8 Dr.R.R. Nikam Accountant Member
    9 Miss. Snehal Khairnar Representative, Student Member
    10 Mr.Nilesh Nagare Librarian Secretary

    Major responsibilities of Library Advisory Committee are:

    • To promote all the teaching staff of the college to give their requirement of new books to be purchased for the library.
    • Prepares planning for
    • New Books Procurement
    • Library manpower developments and planning
    • Framing general rules for the services & management of the library
    • Guidelines for effective utilization of library resources.
    • The minutes of the meetings of the library committee are maintained separately by the librarian in library.

    Library Services

    The library offers many services in support of academic and research work. Some of the major services offered are listed below.

    1. Circulation

    Circulation section is the gateway between users and collection so it plays a major role to any Library and Information System. Library Circulation Section performs issue, renewal, return of books by using Campus 360 V2 library management software. Apart from these basic tasks many other jobs like membership registration, issue no-dues certificate, inter library loan, overdue fine collection, book reservation, etc. and all kind of queries by the users are being performed by this section.

    2. Reference and consultation

    The Library is always ready to provide personal assistance or reference service to its readers .It helps to search and retrieve the information required to readers from various sources of information by providing reference service.

    3. Electronic Document Delivery Service (EDDS)

    Library is also provide EDDS service by accepting e-mail request that contains Research topics or keyword and citations for full text papers from subscribed e- resources available in library.

    4. Library User Education Program

    Beginning of new academic year, Library organize Education programme for first year students. This programme helps students familiarity with online resources, OPAC (Online Public Access Catalog), reference sources for research. Students are introduced with the collection and its location within the library by the library staff and faculty.

    5. E-mail Alert Service

    Library regularly updates to our readers more particularly to staff and researchers by alerting new information by E-mail alert service. Library sends email of new arrived book titles in every month to all staff members.

    6. Newspaper Clipping Service

    The news from various newspapers are also clipped by library to provide current information related or about UGC, universities and other institutes of parent organization with management.

    7. Power Backup

    Power backup facility provided to Library by UPS Connection.

    8. Institutional Repository

    Library has developed the Institutional Repository. For more information click on below sub-page link.


    College Library is a gateway of information to its users by becoming member of INFLIBNET-NLIST & DELNET New Delhi as well as making available open access online sources of information.

    Subscribed E-Resources


  • Open Educational Resources (OER)

    Name link
    M.S.G. College YouTube Channel view
    Institutional Repository view
    Free/Open Access Resources view
    DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals view
    DOAB: Directory of Open Access Books view
    SWAYAM view
    ePathshala view
    eGyanKosh view
    e-PG Pathshala view
    लोकराज्य मासिक अंक view
    NCERT Books view
    Yojana Magazine (1972- 2008) view
    My Government view
    Library Website view
    "Books and Toys" view
    GeoGebra for Teaching & Learning Math view

    Library Rules

    • 1. All books must be returned on or before the due date.
    • 2. Books will be reserved if there are no reservations.
    • 3. Books are required to be presented physically at the Counter for renewal.
    • 4. Members are requested to collect the receipts for the over due paid.
    • 5. Members must replace the book if lost with latest edition along with overdue charges.
    • 6. The reserved book must be collected within 7 days of the receipt of
    • 7. Members are required to deposit their bags/belongings at the entrance.
    • 8. Members are required to bring their Library Card and Identity Card to enter/exit the Library and also to produce the same to the Staff as and when asked for.
    • 9. Library books and belongings except for return are not permitted to be brought inside the library; however laptop/ personal books after getting proper notice from the Librarian may be permitted for referring in Reading Hall.
    • 10. Library membership (External) form can be collected from Circulation Desk or download from library website.
    • 11.The above mentioned rules are subject to periodical reviews and revisions.

    Library Staff

    Sr.No Name of Employee Designation Contact No
    1 Prof.Nilesh Nagare Librarian 8806792111
    2 Mr.K.B.Shinde Asst. Librarian 8788404184
    3 Mr.N.N.Pawar Jr.Clerk 9823249491
    4 Mr.P.T.Pawar Lib.Attendant 9579087269
    5 Mr.B.H.Narwade Lib.Attendant 9823839330
    6 Mr.S.A.Shelar Peon 9860235294
    7 Mr.S.N.Wagh Lib.Assistant 9423567922
    8 Mr.R.S.Kuwar Lib Assistant 9158466772

    Contact Us

    Sr.No.. Name Designation mobile no
    1 Mr. Nilesh Nagare- Patil Librarian [email protected] 8806792111

