Mahatma Gandhi Vidyamandir's

Maharaja Sayajirao Gaikwad Arts, Science & Commerce College

Tal. Malegaon, Dist. Nashik (MS)
Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune

Re-accredited with A+ Grade (Cycle-III) by NAAC

Department of Economics

About the Department

The Department of Economics in Maharaja Sayajirao Gaikwad Arts Science & Commerce College was established in 1952, the department of economics is amongst the younger of the departments in the college, In Malegaon Dist.- Nashik. It has made a qualitative contribution to research, graduate and post graduate education in economics since its initiation. Since 1952 department had been achieving and efficient and has remarkable academic achievement in its record since establishment of the department whereas economic as a special subject has been offer since 1969 for Post graduate. Presently, Professor B. M. Sonawane is the Head; specializes in the Political Economy of Development. Departmental strength also consists of seven assistant professors specialized in varied areas of economics. 

It's a matter of pride for the Department that its past students are holding respectable positions in the society such as Lecturers, Teacher in senior, Junior college, and work in Administrative Services. The department has maintained study material and previous exam question paper which available for the student. The department is actively engaged in research in the field of socio- economic history and local history. The department is also coordinated MoU, Best Practices, Linkages & Other Activities for the students.
Presently, Professor B. M. Sonawane is the Head; specializes in the Political Economy of Development. Departmental strength also consists of seven assistant professors specialized in varied areas of economics. 


The vision of the Faculty of Economics is to explore economic research and analysis, policy making and implementation of issues facing the Indian economy as well as analysis of other economies around the world. The Department strives to achieve standards of excellence in teaching, research and consulting. The Ministry of Economy recognizes a growing need for skilled workers in industry, government, research and other fields, as well as training future researchers and experts in economics. We strive to meet this requirement with commitment. The diversity of faculty specializations within the faculty has fostered multifaceted research at the faculty and also gives depth to PG courses. The Department offers a Master (two-year) course in MA Economics and a Ph.D. in economics.

Teaching Faculty

Sr. No. Photo Name of the Faculty Designation Qualification Teaching Experience Link
1 Dr. B. M. Sonawane HOD & Assistant Professor M. A., M. Phil, Ph.D. 14 View
2 Dr. D. N. Sonawane Assistant Professor M. A., M. Phil, Ph.D. 30 View
3 Dr. R. K. Jadhav Assistant Professor M.A., Ph. D 25 View
4 Photo Mr. M. R. Kshirsagar Assistant Professor M.A., M.Phil., NET, B.Ed. 15 View
5 Photo Mr. Bhila H. Bhamre Assistant Professor M.A., B.Ed., SET. 10 View
6 Photo Mr. Rameshwar B. Pawar Assistant Professor M.A., SET, G.D.C.&A. 05 View
7 Mr. Tejas D. Bagade Assistant Professor M.A., SET. 03 View
8 Mr. Amol P. Garud Assistant Professor M.A., SET. 03 View
9 Mr. Dilip A. Jagtap Assistant Professor M.A., NET,SET. 03 View
F.Y.B. A & F.Y. B. Com. (Subject) : CBCS - 2019 Pattern
Sem-I Sem-II
Subject Code Name of Subject Subject Code Name of Subject
11151 CC-1A: Indian Economic Environment-I 12151 CC-1B: Indian Economic Environment-II
B. Com. B. Com.
113 Business Economics (Micro)-I 123 Business Economics (Micro)-II
115B Banking and Finance-I 125B Banking and Finance-II
S.Y.B. A & S.Y. B. Com. (Subject) : CBCS - 2019 Pattern
Sem-III Sem-IV
Subject Code Name of Subject Subject Code Name of Subject
B. A. B. A.
23151 DSE-1A: Micro Economics-I 24151 DSE-1B: Micro Economics-II
23152 DSE-2A: Macro Economics-I 24152 DSE-2B: Macro Economics-II
23153 CC-1C: Financial System-I 24153 CC-1D: Financial System-II
23154 SEC-2B: Basic Concept of Research Methodology-I 24154 SEC-2B: Basic Concept of Research Methodology-II
B. Com. B. Com.
233 Business Economics (Macro)-I 243 Business Economics (Macro)-II
236b Banking and Finance-I 246b Banking and Finance-II
T.Y.B.A. & T. Y. B. Com. (Subject) : CBCS - 2019 Pattern
Sem-V Sem-VI
Subject Code Name of Subject Subject Code Name of Subject
B. A. B. A.
35151 DSE-1C: International Economics-I 36151 DSE-1D: International Economics-II
35152 DSE-2C: Public Finance-I 36152 DSE-2D: Public Finance-II
35153 CC-1E: Indian Economic Development-I 36153 CC-1F: Indian Economic Development-II
35154 SEC-2C: Business Management-I 36154 SEC-2D: Business Management-II
B. Com. B. Com.
353A Banking and Finance-II 363 Banking and Finance-II
355B Banking and Finance-III 356B Banking and Finance-III
365B Indian and Global Economic Development-I 366B Indian and Global Economic Development-II
M.A. & M. Com. - I (Subject) : CBCS - 2019 Pattern
Sem-I Sem-II
Subject Code Name of Subject Subject Code Name of Subject
12301 Micro Economics Analysis-I 22301 Micro Economics Analysis-II
12302 Public Economics-I 22302 Public Economics-II
12303 International Trade 22303 International Finance
12307 Indian Financial System 22304 Labour Economics
M. Com.. M. Com.
202 Industrial Economics
M.A. & M. Com. - II (Subject) : CBCS - 2019 Pattern
Sem-III Sem-IV
Subject Code Name of Subject Subject Code Name of Subject
32301 Macro-Economic Analysis-I 42301 Macro-Economic Analysis-II
32302 Growth and Development-I 42302 Growth and Development-I
32303 Research Mathodology-I 42303 Research Project
32305 Demography 42306 Economic Environment
M. Com.. M. Com.
402A Industrial Economic Development

POs & COs

Sr.No Program POs PSOs
1 B. A. (Economics) PO-1: Use various tools for economic analysis and apply knowledge of the Micro and Macro approach for the personal benefit and for the benefit of national and the global economy.: (Technical knowledge) PSO-1: Explain the basic concepts, laws and theories related to the economic behavior of the human being Basic Knowledg
PO-2: Recognize formulate and study the problems of various sectors of the Indian economy, regional economy and the global economy with the help of the economic ways of thinking, theories, concepts and laws.: (Problem analysis.) PSO-2: Inculcate the economic way of thinking Professional Skills
PO-3: Design policies and solutions for the economic problems of India and the global economy at large.: (Design/development of solutions) PSO-3: Apply economic analysis in practice Practical Application
PO-4: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern IT tools for economic analysis.: (Modern tool usage)
PO-5: Apply the knowledge of economic concepts, laws and theories, for a better economic environment for the society at large. (The student and society)
PO-6: Develop an economic way of thinking leading to the economic growth, protecting environment with sustainable development. (Environment and sustainability)
PO-7: Inculcate ethical values in the business and the government sector anddefine responsibilities and norms in the business environment and the policies of the government in the context of the welfare of the society. (Ethics)
PO-8: Work efficiently as an individual, and as a part or leader of a team, having interdisciplinary approach. (Individual and team work)
PO-9: Communicate effectively on the economic activities with the community and the society through the acquiring knowledge of the national and the global economy. (Communication skills)
PO-10: Apply knowledge of the economic principles, functioning of various sectors of the economy as anindividual on various private and government projects and device sources of finance. (Project management and finance)
PO-11: Understand the nature of any discipline as a continuous process of development and welfare of the human being. (Life-long learning)
2 M. A. (Economics) PO-1: Aware the internal and external effects in developing market strategy. (Technical knowledge) PSO-1: In depth study of Micro and Macro Economics (Basic Knowledge)
PO-2: Express an understanding of the tools and techniques necessary for research in Economics. (Problem analysis) PSO-2: Ability to analyses international trade, economic policies for government decisions. (Professional Skills)
PO-3: Train the students' well-acquainted regarding current market structure. (Design/development of solutions) PSO-3: Knowledge of Auditing Principles & techniques. (Practical Application)
PO-4: Versatile the nature of micro and macroeconomic study of linkage between demand and price. (Modern tool usage) PSO-4: Ability to compute public policies and welfare economics. (Professional Skills)
PO-5: Inculcate students to acquire sound knowledge, concept and structure of capital market and international trade. (The student and society)
PO-6: Develop competence with their usage in Industrial decision making and Growth of Economy. (Environment and sustainability)
PO-7: Identify the role of Demography and indicators of Rural India. (Ethics)
PO-8: Illustrate the implications of various Economic policies in decision making. (Individual and team work)
PO-9: Correlate the market structure and welfare economy in developing India. (Communication skills)
PO-10: Criticize the public debt policy and Budget of India. (Project management and finance)
PO-11: Gain ability to solve problems relating to Balance of payment, foreign exchange and special types of Economics. (Life-long learning)
PO-12: Equip with the advanced knowledge of techniques and methods of planning and executing the Indian Economy. (Professional Skills)


Scope of This Document:

This SoP is to achieve uniformity and consistency in the academics with all departments.

Uses of SoP:

IQAC cell in consultation of Principal is to prepare this SoP and refereed to HoD.

Who should control the document of SoP:

Principal, Vice-Principal, Academic Supervisor and IQAC Co-Ordinator.

Procedures to be followed for implementation of SoP:

1.HoD shall use various formats prescribed by IQAC and approved by Principal.
2.At the start of semester,
a.HoD shall take the choice of elective from the students (wherever is it applicable) for the next semester.
b.HoD shall take the choice of subject for next semester from each faculty. Each faculty must give minimum one choice of subject from UG to PG.
3.After taking the subject choice, HoD shall allocate the subjects to each faculty within one week.
a.HoD shall allocate PG recognized faculties for teaching to PG
b.A faculty assigned to PG shall be assigned one theory of UG.
c.A faculty shall not be assigned to teach more than one subject to the same class. Whereas, the same subject can be taught by one faculty to different divisions.
4.Once teaching workload is assigned, each faculty shall prepare course file (if the subject is new) or update the course material including E-Content. The file should be ready within a week before the start of semester.
5.The teaching plan for about 45 lectures of 3 credits and or more shall be prepared by each faculty without dates.
6. HoD shall take the review of course file, E-Content and teaching plan one week before the start of semester.
7.IQAC shall prepare academic calendar including dates of starting and ending of semester, dates of various examinations, Term end and Internal (All units), holidays etc. before one week of start of semester or immediately after receiving academic calendar of university; whichever is earlier.
8.Based on the academic calendar provided by IQAC, HoD shall prepare the customized academic calendar which may include the information about guest lecture, oral presentation, seminar/workshop/placement activity, industrial visits, the events organized by student’s association etc.
9.HoD shall prepare the time table within a week before the start of semester and the approval of Vice-Principal shall be taken.
10.HoD must send the letter to each parent through Academic-Supervisor, indicating the date of start of semester and other information one week before the start of semester. (Through E-Prospectus – What’s app and Google classroom)
11.The teaching learning process should start from the very first day of semester.
12.The class teacher shall initiate the process of registration of students in the department from the first day of semester.
13.The class teacher along with the HoD must take the follow-up of the absent students on daily basis and prepare a bar-graph of ‘date versus number of absent students. Also, weekly attendance report shall be prepared by HoD and report should be sent to Principal through Vice-Principal.
14.HoD shall appoint the various portfolios of department to the faculties in the first week of the start of the semester. Various portfolios may include the coordinator for PG, Time table, academic activities, event, writing and maintaining project, attendance monitoring, mentoring scheme monitoring, student association, Study Tour any club (if available), internal examination, website, mid-sem and semester end examination, online examination, class teacher, cultural, etc. One copy of such appointment shall be sent to Principal through Vice-Principal.
15.The project allotment shall be done to PG students from the fourth semester and to UG students from the sixth semester.
16.We guide to the students of under graduation, for Banking and Finance, for having job placement by sending them for internship.
17.Any grievance shall be brought to the notice of the Principal through Vice-Principal for necessary action.
18.On the last day of each Month a ‘Monthly attendance report’ shall be prepared and sent to Principal through Vice-Principal.
19.Academic Supervisor shall take meeting of each department on monthly basis (Friday of first week) to take the review of teaching learning process and the minutes of meeting should be send to the Principal through IQAC.
20.The result analysis shall be done immediately after the declaration of result by university and should be sent to the Principal through Examination Chairman.
21.HoD shall send the event report at the end of the month in prescribed format to the Principal through Academic Supervisor.
22.HoD shall take the students feedback (online/offline) after completion of First unit and before the end of semester. HoD shall send the summary of feedback to the Principal through IQAC for necessary action.
23.The monthly attendance report shall be sent to the parents.
24.The mid-sem examination marks, online examination marks (printout of the report after filling the marks on the university portal) shall be displayed on the notice board after permission of the Principal through Examination Department.
25.HoD shall arrange minimum one parent-teacher meet in year. The feedback of such meeting should be sent to the Principal through IQAC for necessary action.
26.HoD should send the proposals for attending workshops /conferences, paper publication, research proposals, QIP with supporting documents and required financial support to the Principal through U.G.C. Co-ordinator/Academic research Co-ordinator for necessary action. At the same time HoD should guide and encourage the faculties to publish their work in standard and reputed conferences or Journals. The list of journals is available on UGC portal.
27.At the end of semester HoD shall take his/her own feedback from all the staff members in the department in the prescribed format.
28.After end of semester Academic Monitoring Report (AMR) shall be prepared and send to the Principal through IQAC.
29.HoD shall prepare API (Annual appraisal of Teaching and non-teaching staff) at the end of Second semester and submit to Principal through IQAC


  • Economics department provides Skill Base Education for PG/UG students for that we are Sing MoU with Morgen Milk dairy products Ltd.
  • As well we did Linkages with Agricultural produce Market Committee.
  • Social awareness: Created Financial Literacy amongst women of BPL Families
  • Teaching –Learning Method: Lecture methods-offline/Online PPT & ICT enabled class, organise Gaust Lecture, Workshop/seminars for competitive Exams Such as MPSC/UPSC, Bank Exam & SSC Etc.
  • Department Arrange Remedials Class for slow learners & ICT class for advances learner Student’s.
  • Certificate Course for UG/PG students.

Faculty Research / Publication

Sr. No. Name of the teacher Title of the book/chapters published National / International Year of publication ISBN number of the proceeding Name of the publisher
1 Dr. S. P. Deore Advanced Microeconomics International 2021 978-93-82234-60-9 Sahitya Sager, Yasoda Nagar, Kanpur-11
2 Dr. R. K. Jadhav Banking in New Era International 1st Sep. 2021 978-81-951604-57 Sahitya Sager, Yasoda Nagar, Kanpur-11
3 Dr. B. M. Sonawane Development Plans of Mordern India International 17th March, 2022 978-93-93354-05-1 Sahitya Sager, Yasoda Nagar, Kanpur-11
4 Dr. D. N. Sonawane Emerging Trends in India Economy International 2022 978-93-93354-11-2 Sahitya Sager, Yasoda Nagar, Kanpur-11
5 Dr. S. P. Deore Recent Trends and Concepts in Share Market International 2023 978-93-93354-15-0 Sahitya Sager, Yasoda Nagar, Kanpur-11
6 Dr. B. M. Sonawane Chapter in book: Phule-Shahu-Ambedkar Vicharanchi Prasangikata National Feb. 2022 978-93-91712-88-4 Atharva Publication, Dhule-01

Linkages & Collaborations/ MOUs

Organization with which MOU is signed Name of the institution/ industry/ corporate house Year of signing MOU Duration
MORGAN MILK AND DAIRY INDUSTRIES PVT. LTD. Department of Economics Malegaon Dist. Nashik 01-Jul-2020 05 Years
MALEGAON AGRICULTURE PRODUCE MARKET COMMITTEE, MALEGAON Department of Economics Malegaon Dist. Nashik 16 Sept 2021 05 Years
Linkages & Collaborations/ MOUs
Sr.No. Name Of The Award/ Medaldal Team/ Individualm University/State/National/ Internationalonal Sports/ Culturalrts Name of the studentof Year
1 Samaj Bhushan Award (Jeevan Gaurav Individualm National Maratha Mahasangh, Dhule Dr. D. N. Sonawane 2020-21
2 Nation Builder Award Individualm National Rotary, India Literacy Mission Dr. D. N. Sonawane 2017-18
3 Best Teacher Award Individualm National Bharat Vikas Parishad, Malegaon Dr. D. N. Sonawane 2016-17
4 Best Teacher Award Individualm National Mahatma Gandhi Education and Welfare Society, Parbhani Parbhani Mr. M. R. Kshirsagar 2021
Name of the activity Organising unit/ agency/ collaborating agency Name of the Scheme Year of the Activity Numbers of Students Participated in such Activities
Inauguration of Economic Association Department of Economics, MSG College, Malegaon 24th August 2023 116
University Level Seminar Department of Economics, MSG College, Malegaon NEP: 2020 – Revise Syllabus Structure of UG & PG Classes 24th August 2023 116
National E-Conference Department of Economics, MSG College, Malegaon Two Day National Level E-conference on Indian Economy Opportunities & Challenges 29 & 30 March 2022 168
State Level Webinar Department of Economics, MSG College, Malegaon One day Webinar on Research Methodology 18th January 2022 96
Online Lecture Series Department of Economics, MSG College, Malegaon Four Days 21st January to 25 January 2022 97
Webinar Department of Economics, MSG College, Malegaon Webinar on Income tax return filing for salaried person (ITR-1) 29th October 2021 99
Webinar Department of Economics, MSG College, Malegaon Webinar on Interpretation of Union Budget: 2022-23 21st February 2022 96
Hygiene Department of Economics, MSG College, Malegaon Social Responsibility 24th December 2021 56
Workshop Department of Economics, MSG College, Malegaon Workshop on ICT Based Advance Learning 29th December 2021 87


Sr. No. Name of Guide Affiliated University Affiliated University
1 Dr. Dnyaneshwar N. Sonawane SPPU 30 Year
2 Dr. B. M. Sonawane SPPU 16 Years
3 Dr. Meena F. Patil SPPU 15 Years

Top Alumni of the Department

Name of the alumni Position Held Government/ Semi.Gov. Private/Business Year of Passing
Hiray Murlidhar Vittal Teacher Semi. Gov. 1988
Deore Sanjay Parashram Teacher Semi. Gov. 1992
Jadhav Ramdas Kalu Teacher Semi. Gov. 1992
Sonawane Dnyaneshwar Namdeo Teacher Semi. Gov. 1993
Dukale Vasant Sudam Teacher Semi. Gov. 2001
Sehevale Rajendra Damodhar Teacher Semi. Gov. 2001
Sonawane Baban Madhukar Teacher Semi. Gov. 2001
Ahire Samadhan Teacher Semi. Gov. 2001
Magar Bhausaheb Teacher Semi. Gov. Pvt. Business 2001
Nikam Pankaj Trimbak Asst. Professor Semi. Gov. 2001
Savant Vinod Abhiman Clerk Semi. Gov. 2001
More Jayant Shivaji Advocates 2001
Shevale Sanjay Teacher Semi. Gov. 2001
Deshmukh Hemant Teacher Semi. Gov. 2001
Magar Bhausaheb Pvt. Business 1988
Hemant Borse Teacher Semi. Gov. 2001
Pagare Samadhan Privat Job 2001
Hiray Satish Narayan Sarpancha Semi. Gov. 2001
Hiray Murlidhar Vittal Teacher Semi. Gov. 1988
Shevale Pandurang Pandharinath Farmar 2001
Shevale Ravindra rajaram . Farmar 2001
Gaikwad Nitin Teacher Semi. Gov. 2001
Bhamre Hemraj Bhika Teacher Semi. Gov. 2003
Jagtap Manoj V. Professor Semi. Gov. 2003
Chaudhari Nitin Pvt. Business 2004
Bhamre Bhila H. Asst. Professor 2006
Deore Gautam Teacher Semi. Gov. 2008
Jangar D. B. Teacher Semi. Gov. 2011
Dnyaneshwar Vishavanath Kadam Clerk Semi. Gov. 2014
Sawant Mahendra Shaligram Teacher Semi. Gov. 2014
Aadhar Bhausaheb Pawar Farmar 2015
Nikam Tushar Chintaman Teacher Semi. Gov. 2015
Pawar Rameshwar Bhausaheb Asst. Professor 2016
Mayachrya Ankush Teacher Privat 2016
2016 Navgire Ramdas Teacher Privat. 2016
Dasnur Ambadas Politician 2016
Hiray Murlidhar Vittal Teacher Semi. Gov. 1988
Garud Amol Parvat Asst. Professor 2017
Bhoite Digambar Pvt. Job 2017
Chaudhari Pankaj Pvt. Job 2017
Khairnar Suresh Teacher
Jagtap Dilip Appa Asst. Professor 2018
Gaurav Kadam Pvt. Business 2018
Sameer Shaikh Pvt. Business 2018
Sohel Taj Pvt. Business 2018
Sohel Ansari Pvt. Business 2018

Alumni Contribution Activities

Alumni Contribution Activities Donation Date/Year
Hiray Murlidhar Vittal 2500 2021-22
Deore Sanjay Parashram 2500 2500
Jadhav Ramdas Kalu 2500 2021-22
Sonawane Baban Madhukar 2500 2021-22
Hiray Murlidhar Vittal 14000 2022-23
Deore Sanjay Parashram 3000 2022-23
Sonawane Baban Madhukar 4000 2022-23
Sr.No Year Name of Activity No. of Participants
1 2021-22 "Creating Financial Literacy Amongst Women Belonging to BPL Families” 60 View
2 2021-22 Hygiene 67
3 2021-20 "Creating Financial Literacy Amongst Women Belonging to BPL Families 55
4 2021-20 Hygiene 77
5 2020-19 "Creating Financial Literacy Amongst Women Belonging to BPL Families 67
6 2020-19 Hygiene 80

Contact US

Name Designation Mobile No
Dr. B. M. Sonawane HOD & Assistant Professor 8830348291 940316489
Dr. S. P. Deore Associate Professor 9823342206
Dr. D. N. Sonawane Assistant Professor 8208347522
Dr. R. K. Jadhav Assistant Professor 9420745507
Mr. Bhila H. Bhamre Assistant Professor 9767681981
Mr.Rameshwar B. Pawar Teacher 9096705056
Mr. Tejas D. Bagade Assistant Professor 7770049369
Mr. Amol P. Garud Assistant Professor 9823929519
Mr. Dilip A. Jagtap Assistant Professor 9923937654
Mr. Namdev K. Daphal Assistant Professor 9552353549
Mr. Rakesh K. Bhadane Assistant Professor 7588138919

Photo Gallery

Value-Added Course

Title of Course Strength/Capacity Duration View
Value added course on ‘Advanced Banking Environment’. 150 30 Days view


  • Quality and experienced faculty.
  • University recognized research centre.
  • Economics subject related many reference books available in central library.
  • Departmental library and e-content repository.
  • Research articles publications in reputed journals.
  • Student cantered teaching-learning methods.
  • Organise of skill enhancement activities.
  • Organise of Add-on and value-added certificate course.

  • Develop of vocational curriculum based on local needs.
  • To create certificate courses for skill enhancement among students.
  • To develop research attitude of students.
  • To Establish the linkages between Agri Procedure industries.
  • To organise workshops to develop entrepreneurship skills among students.
  • To Establish the MOU between business group and small-scale industries.

Departmental Activities

Sr.No Name of Activity Link
1 Departmental Activities_1 view
2 State Level Workshop. view
3 Climate Change and Crop view
4 Hygiene view
5 Lecture Series view
6 National E Conferences view
7 E- Conferences view
8 Reports of the Departmental Activities view
Departmental Activity
National E Conferences
Lecture Series
Climate Change and Crop
State Level Workshop