Mahatma Gandhi Vidyamandir's

Maharaja Sayajirao Gaikwad Arts, Science & Commerce College

Tal. Malegaon, Dist. Nashik (MS)
Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune

Re-accredited with A+ Grade (Cycle-III) by NAAC

Department of Zoology

UG Toppers

A.Y. 2017-18

Name of the Student Total Marks out of 1200 Percentage
Vishwakarma Bhavna Ramakant 957 69.57
Gaikwad Ganesh Sanjay 940 78.33
Bacchav Tejaswini Dinanath 916 76.33

A.Y. 2018-19

Name of the Student Total Marks out of 1200 Percentage
Joshi Trupti S 994 82.83%
Patil Pournima P 944 78.66%
Pekare Chetan B 906 75.50%


Name of the Student Total Marks out of 1200 Percentage
Pagar Harshal Babasaheb 972 81.00%
Patil Neha Vijay 940 78.00%
Pawar Milind Motabhau 920 76.66%

A.Y. 2020-21

Name of the Student Total Marks out of 1200 Percentage
Gupta Saurabh Subhash 1004 83.66%
Maheshwri Ahire 983 81.91%
Khairnar Shreya 952 79.33%

A.Y. 2021-22

Name of the Student Total Marks out of 1200 Percentage

Toppers M.Sc. Zoology

A.Y. 2017-18

Name of the Student Total Marks out of 1200 Percentage
Gaikwad Gitanjali Sanjay 1929/2500 77.16%
Pawar Pratiksha Manoj 1874/2500 74.96%
Kachve Gitanjali Vinayak 1865/2500 74.60%

A.Y. 2018-19

Name of the Student Total Marks out of 1200 Percentage
Zarka Sarwat Faiz Ahmed 1887/2500 75.48%
Rushda Khatoon Abdurrahman 1883/2500 75.32%
Bachhav Prajakta Chandrakant 1852/2500 74.32%


Name of the Student Total Marks out of 1200 Percentage
Vishwakarma Bhavana Ramakant 2007/2500 80.28%
Momin Mubashshera Kausar Md. 1952/2500 78.08%
Majmoona Maqsood Ahmed 1885/2500 75.40%

A.Y. 2020-21

Name of the Student Total Marks out of 1200 Percentage
Pournima Patil 9.2 83.40%
Sayyede Afreen 9 80.20%
Shaikh Muzaffar 8.9 77.00%

A.Y. 2021-22

Name of the Student Total Marks out of 1200 Percentage
Bhosale Aishwarya Mangesh 1669/2000 83.00%
Shivde Chandrama Hari 1657/2000 82.85%
Sayyed Mahefooz Ali farooq Ali 1613/2000 80.65%

Contact Us

Sr. No. Name E-mail ID
1 Dr. Sunil D. Patil [email protected]
2 Dr. Avinash K. Sonawane [email protected]
3 Dr. Rahul S. Kale [email protected]
4 Dr. Kapil T. Patil [email protected]
5 Dr. Vijay D. Pawar [email protected]

Top Alumni

Sr. no. Name of the alumni Position Held Government/ Semi.Gov. Private/ Business Year of Passing
1 Mr. Sanjay Dinkar Bhat (B.Sc.) Advocate, District Court Government 1989
2 Mrs. Navneeta S. Desale (M.Sc.) Assoc. Prof. Semi.Gov. 1991
3 Miss. Anita Deore(B.Sc.) Pathologist Private 1989
4 Mr.Gulab Kautik Pawar (Teacher) M.Sc. Teacher Semi.Gov 1992
5 Dr. Kapil T. Patil (Ph.D.) Assoc. Prof. Semi.Gov 2012
6 Mr. Sunil Dagdu Patil Professor Semi.Gov 1989
7 Mr. Ziyaurrhman Ansari Teacher Lecturer Semi.Gov 2017
8 Miss. Shimpi Aishwarya Deoram M.Sc. Teacher Semi.Gov 2015
9 Miss Pratiksha M. Pawar M.Sc. Lecturer Semi.Gov 2016
10 Saiyyed Shaziyabano Sadiqali Business 2012
11 Mrs. Zharka Sarwat Lecturer Lecturer Semi.Gov 2017
12 Mr. Shaikh Muzaffar Dadamiyan Business 2012
13 Mrs. Sweta Pathak Lecturer(M.Sc.) Lecturer Semi.Gov 2020
14 Nazarana Aziz Khan (B.Sc.) Teacher Semi.Gov 2015
15 Dr. R. R. Kapadnis Ph.D. Assoc. Prof. Semi.Gov 2020
16 Mrs. Patil Paurnima Pravin (B.Sc.) Teacher Private 2020
17 Mr. S. A. Jadhav (B.Sc.) Lab Assitant Semi.Gov 1988
18 Pawar Sachin R. (B.Sc.) High-School Teacher
19 Dr. Shailaja V. Deore(B.Sc.) Retired as HoD, MPH Mahila College Semi.Gov 1984
20 Rehmani Imbran Ah. Md. (B.Sc.) High-School Teacher Semi.Gov 1988
21 Mr. Umesh V. Nikam(B.Sc.) High-court Lawyer Private 1989
22 Miss. Khairnar Varsha Sravan(M.Sc) Jr. College Teacher Semi.Gov 2013
23 Bhamre Pritam B. (M.Sc) Jr. College Teacher MGV Semi.Gov 2016
24 Miss. Khotare Rohini H. (B.Sc) Jr. College Teacher (MVP) Semi.Gov 2015
25 Dr. Sunil Nanaji Bhamare (M.Sc) Assistant Professor Semi.Gov 1994
26 Gavali Chetana Dattatray (M.Sc.) Teacher Semi.Gov 2013
27 Ansari Jamila Pasha (M.Sc.) Associate Professor JAET Semi.Gov 2012
28 Dr. R. R. Kapadnis. Ph D Assoc. Prof. Semi.Gov 2020
29 Dr. Haroon Ah. Ansari (B.Sc.) Blood Bank Tech. Private 2006
30 Irfana Hamdani (B.Sc.) Advocate Private 2005
31 Farida Ansari (B.Sc.) Advocate Private 2015
32 Dr. Arif Anjum(B.Sc) Pathologist Private 2016
33 Bhamare Shekhar rajendra Power loom Expert Private Business 2004
34 Homaira Badruzama Ph.D. Associate Professor HoD Semi.Gov 2015
35 Pawar Sandip Ramesh (B.Sc.) Teacher Semi.Gov 2016
36 Mahevi Masood Javid (M.Sc.) Associate Professor. Retired Semi.Gov 1992
37 Dr. I. S. Shaikh Jr. College Teacher MGV Semi.Gov 1985
38 Mr. Shauqui Mazhar Maaz BMC Teacher Semi.Gov 1991
39 Mahevi Md. Asraf Md.Yunus Jr. College Teacher Semi.Gov 1999
40 Nikam Mohan Dayaram Jr. College Teacher Semi.Gov 2008
41 Nikam Rahul Lab. Business 2019
42 Patil Digvijay Jr. College Teacher Semi.Gov 2019
43 Patil Sopan Ganagdhar High School teacher Semi.Gov 2015
44 Deore Swapnil High School teacher Semi.Gov 2011
45 Pawar Sandip Ramesh Jr. College Teacher Semi.Gov 2012
46 Magar Devendra Sanjay Asst. Prof. Semi.Gov 2020
47 Deore Jaywant Nandkumar Asst. Prof Semi.Gov 2020
48 Hitesh Kondaji Pawar Asst. Prof Semi.Gov 2020
49 Gaikwad Prakash Dadaji Asst. Prof Semi.Gov 2020
50 Magar Avinash Ambarsingh RFO Government 2019

Patents/Copyrights Published/Filed

Sr. No. Title of the patent/copyright Date of filing Year of award of certificate View details
1 Dr. A K Sonawane: Snail tracking agriculture machine 2/3/2021 Design no-340026-001 2021 View
2 Dr. A K Sonawane: Animal bell to identify health and emotions 01/03/2021 Design no. 339955-001 2021 View
3 Dr. S. D. Patil & Dr. A K Sonawane: A new source of chitin from rice weevil, Sitophilus oryzae L. Patent: Utility, 7/01/2023 Application No.202321003276 2023 View
4 Dr. S. D. Patil: Mango stem borer intelligent device; Registration Number : L-112833/2022 Copyrights 08/03/2022 2022 View
5 Mr. G. K. Pawar: Robotic device for Farm Monitoring Patent: Application No.374388-001 18/11/2022 2023 View
6 Dr. S. D. Patil: Mango stem borer intelligent device; Patent Design 04/01/2022 2023 View
7 Dr. S. D. Patil: Wheel-Controlled Smart Pen UK Design Patent Design No. 6292195 Grant Date: 02/07/2023 2023 View

About the Department of Zoology

The Department of Zoology started in 1969 along with the establishment of the College. The third-year course in Zoology started in the year 1971. while Post Graduate course started from June 1989 with specialization in Animal Physiology and Research Centre started in 2007. The department has persistently striven to provide quality teaching to the students who are drawn to the college from rural backgrounds and tribal area. Different Interactive Teaching- learning Tools are used to impart updated knowledge to students. Different instruments are available in the department as sponsored by DST-FIST for conducting the practical in the laboratory as well as for advanced research. The Department has well-qualified and research-oriented faculty who persistently engage in research by publishing research papers in reputed UGC CARE, referred and peer-reviewed journals of national and international levels. The faculty also have patents published at their credits. The department runs a certificate course in Apiculture to equip students for self-employment and entrepreneurship. Every year the department organizes haemoglobin estimation camps followed by a consultancy for the girl students of the college. Department having MoU with Paul Herbert Centre for DNA Barcoding & Diversity Studies, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University Aurangabad, H.H.S.S. Murlidhara Swami Agriculture College, Malegaon Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Vadel for advanced research, applied experiments and exchange of knowledge and techniques.

Features of the Department

  • Postgraduation (M.Sc. Zoology, specialization: Animal Physiology)
  • Research Centre in Zoology with well Equipped Laboratories
  • Training for different job opportunities through a Certificate Course in Apiculture.
  • Hands on Trainings, Educational tours, and visits organization
  • Organisation of Seminar, Conference, Workshops, Quiz Competitions, Poster Competition etc.
  •  Use of ICT in teaching-learning activities
  • Project-based experiential learning
  • Organization of regular study tours, and field/ industry visits
  • Availing Participation of the students in various curricular and co-curricular activities
  • Training for different job opportunities through a Certificate Course in Apiculture.
  • Cultivation of research attitudes and aptitudes of the student

Teaching Faculty

Sr.No. Photo Name of the Faculty Designation Qualification Teaching Experience Link
1 DR. SUNIL DAGADU PATIL Professor & HoD M. Sc. Ph.D. 32 Years view
2 DR. AVINASH KADU SONAWANE Associate Professor M. Sc., Ph. D. CSIR NET 31 years view
3 DR. RAHUL SUDHAKAR KALE Associate Professor M. Sc., Ph. D., F.A.Z.I. 15 years view
4 DR. KAPIL TRYAMBAK PATIL Assistant Professor M. Sc., B. Ed., Ph. D. 11 years view
5 DR. VIJAY DADASAHEB PAWAR Assistant Professor (CHB) M. Sc. Ph. D. B. Ed. CMLT DMLT 1 year view
6 MR. RAHUL BALU GAIKWAD Assistant Professor (CHB) M.Sc. SET 1 year view
7 MR. DEVENDRA MAGAR Assistant Professor (CHB) M.Sc. CSIR-NET, SET, GATE 1 years view
8 MISS. PRATIKSHA MANOJ PAWAR Lecturer M. Sc., B. Ed. 2 years view
9 MR. HITESH KONDAJI PAWAR Lecturer M. Sc., B. Ed 1 year view
10 MR. PRAKASH DADAJI GAIKWAD Lecturer M. Sc. B. Ed. 1 year view
11 MR. JAYWANT NANDKUMAR DEORE Lecturer M. Sc.B. Ed. 1 year view

Programs Offered

Undergraduate: B. Sc. Zoology

F. Y. B. Sc. Zoology

Course No. Subject Code Sem-I Subject Code Sem-II
1 ZO-111 Animal Diversity I ZO-121 Animal Diversity II
2 ZO-112 Animal Ecology ZO-122 Cell Biology
3 ZO-113 Zoology Practical Paper I ZO-123 Zoology Practical Paper II

S. Y. B. Sc. Zoology

Course No. Subject Code Sem-I Subject Code Sem-II
1 ZO-231 Animal Diversity III ZO-241 Animal Diversity IV
2 ZO-232 Applied Zoology I ZO-242 Applied Zoology II
3 ZO-233 Zoology Practical Paper ZO-243 Zoology Practical Paper

T. Y. B. Sc. Zoology

Course No. Subject Code Sem-V Subject Code Sem-VI
1 ZO-351 ZO 351 - Pest Management ZO-361 ZO-361 - Medical & Forensic Zoology
2 ZO-352 ZO 352 - Histology ZO-362 ZO-362 - Animal Physiology
3 ZO-353 ZO 353 - Biological chemistry ZO-363 ZO-363 - Molecular Biology
4 ZO-354 zO 354 - Genetics ZO-364 ZO-364 - Entomology
5 ZO-355 ZO 355 - Developmental Biology ZO-365 ZO-365 - Techniques in Biology
6 ZO-356 ZO 356 - Parasitology ZO-366 ZO-366 - Evolutionary Biology
7 ZO-357 ZO 357 - Zoology Practical Paper 1 ZO-367 ZO-367 - Zoology Practical Paper 1
8 ZO-358 ZO 358 - Zoology Practical Paper 2 ZO-368 ZO-368 - Zoology Practical Paper 2
9 ZO-359 ZO 359 - Zoology Practical Paper 3 ZO-369 ZO-369 - Zoology Practical Paper 3
10 ZO-3510 ZO 3510 - Aquarium Management ZO-3610 ZO-3610 - Environmental Impact Assessment
11 ZO-3511 ZO 3511 - Poultry Management ZO-3611 ZO-3611 - Project

Post graduate M. Sc. Zoology

Specialization: Animal Physiology

M. Sc. Zoology Part I

Course No. Subject Code Sem-I Subject Code Sem-II
1 ZOUT-111 Biochemistry and Biochemical Techniques -4C ZOUT-121 Molecular Biology and Bioinformatics -4C
2 ZOUT-112 Cell Biology and Developmental Biology -4C ZOUT-122 Endocrinology and Parasitology -4C
3 ZOUT-113 Genetics and English in Scientific Communication -4C ZOUT-123 Comparative Animal Physiology and Environmental Biology -4C
4 ZOUT-114 Biostatistics/ Freshwater Zoology -2C ZOUT-124 Metabolic pathways / Ichthyology -2C
5 ZOUT-114 Zoology Practical Paper-1 -2C ZOUT-124 Zoology Practical Paper-2 -2C
6 ZOUT-115 Basic Zoology Lab-I -4C ZOUT-125 Basic Zoology Lab-II -4C

M. Sc. Zoology Part II

Course No. Subject Code Sem-III Subject Code Sem-IV
1 ZOUT-231 Special Paper Animal Physiology-I -4C ZOUT-241 Special Paper- Animal Physiology-II -4C
2 ZOUT-232 Fundamentals of Systematics and Economic Zoology -4C ZOUT-242 Mammalian Reproductive Physiology and Aquaculture -4C
3 ZOUT-233 Research Methodology and Insect Physiology and Biochemistry -4C ZOUT-243 Theory Histology and Histochemistry/ Pest Control -2C
4 ZOUT-234Theory Immunology/ Genetic Toxicology -2C ZOUT-243 Practical Zoology Practical Paper-4 -2C
5 ZOUT-234Practical Zoology Practical Paper-3 -2C ZOUT-244 Theory Pollution Biology. / Apiculture -2C
6 ZOUT-235 Special Lab I -4C ZOUT-244 Practical Zoology Practical Paper-5 -2C

Certificate Course in Apiculture:

Six-month certificate course in Apiculture. Approved by the Savitribai Phule Pune University Pune. Hands on training at KVK. Seats: 30

Ph. D. in Zoology

Minimum 3 years & Maximum 5 years (Reregistration after 5 years). Admissions as per the norms of UGC & SPPP University, Pune.
Area of Research: Toxicology, Parasitology, Limnology, Applied Zoology etc.

Program Outcomes (POs)

1.B.Sc. (Zoology):

Program Outcomes Graduate Attributes Program Specific Outcomes Graduate Attributes
PO 1: Demonstrate comprehensive knowledge and understanding of one or more disciplines which form a part of an undergraduate programme of study. Disciplinary knowledge PSO 1: Understand, Analyze & Compare various aspects of Zoology at different levels and its interactions with the nature through theory, practical’s and field visits. Critical thinking
PO 2: Express thoughts and ideas effectively in writing and orally. Communication Skills PSO 2: Acquire skills & abilities to implement different biological applications for self & society development Lifelong learning
PO 3: Evaluate practices, policies and theories by following scientific approach to knowledge development. Critical thinking PSO 3: Understand Physiology of different animals at different levels by using / Applying advance Technology Digitally literate
PO 4: Apply one’s learning to real life situations. Problem solving PSO 4: Sought out problems by applying scientific research methodologies. Problem solving
PO 5: Draw valid conclusions and support them with evidence and examples. Analytical reasoning PSO 5: Communicate & Contribute the knowledge for Nature Conservations & Nation building. Reflective thinking & Cooperation/Team work
PO 6: Plan, execute and report the results of an experiment or investigation Research-related skills PSO 6: Understand , Inculcate & Communicate/Aware the ethics in Zoology & Research domain. Moral and ethical awareness/reasoning
PO 7: Work effectively and respectfully with diverse teams. Cooperation/Team work
PO 8: Critically evaluate ideas, evidence and experiences from an open-minded and reasoned perspective. Scientific reasoning
PO 9: Work independently, identify appropriate resources required for a project, and manage a project through to completion. Self-directed learnin
PO 10: Effectively engage in a multicultural society and interact respectfully with diverse groups. Multicultural competenc
PO 11: Adopt objective, unbiased and truthful actions in all aspects of work. Moral and ethical awareness/reasoning
PO 12: Have a capability for mapping out the tasks of a team or an organization. Leadership readiness/qualities
PO 13: Acquire skills to learn how to learn. Lifelong learning
PO 14: Develop social, cultural and national integrity. Reflective thinking

2.M.Sc. (Zoology):

Program Outcomes (POs) Graduate Attributes Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs) Graduate Attributes
PO 1: Apply the knowledge of Zoology, Life Sciences and allied subjects to the understanding of complex life processes and phenomena. Zoology knowledge PSO 1: To foster curiosity in the students for Zoology Basic Knowledge
PO 2: Identify, review research literature, and analyse complex situations of living forms. Problem analysis PSO 2: To create awareness amongst students for the basic and applied areas of Zoology Professional Skills
PO 3: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions in real situations Conduct investigations of complex problems PSO 3: To Understand the concepts and principles of Biochemistry , Immunology, Physilogy,Endochronology,Developmental Biology, Cell Biology ,Gentics, Molecular Biology and Micro-Biology. Professional Skills
PO 4: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and ICT tools for understanding of the subject. Modern tool usage PSO 4: Develop technical skills in Biotechnology,bioinformatics and biostatistics. Research Attitude
PO 5: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice The Postgraduate and society PSO 5: To perform laborotary procedures as per standerd protocols in the ares of animal diversity, Biochemistry , Immunology, Physilogy,Endochronology,Developmental Biology, Cell Biology ,Gentics, Molecular Biology and Micro-Biology. Research-related skills
PO 6: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilApply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the work/research practice. Ethics
PO 7: Communicate effectively on complex life activities with the scientific community andCommunicate effectively on complex life activities with the scientific community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions. Communication
PO 8: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of Zoology and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team. Project management and finance
PO 9: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change. Life-long learning

3.Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Zoology

Program Outcomes (POs) Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)
After successfully completing this course, students will be able to: PO 1: Student can understand the concepts and methods of research PSO1: The Doctor of Philosophy program is designed to prepare each student to actively participate in research and teaching in the field of Zoology along with other fields of Life Sciences and in a university or a Research organization.
PO 2: Student will be able to develop research proposal and can work with problems. PSO2: Students are exposed to advanced experimental and theoretical techniques, encouraged to attend National and International conferences as well as workshops during the program
PO 3: Gain knowledge of computer applications in research. PSO3: Several research areas of Zoology are interdisciplinary in nature and are funded by various funding agencies, giving students a flavour for both applied and basic research.
PO 4: Student will be able to use softwares and their applications in research. PSO4: Students in this programme acquire knowledge, critical thinking skills, and experience in conducting cutting-edge research. Students would gain proficiency in research methodology and assessment techniques in animal science.
PO 5: Learn various research methods for research work. PSO5: Students with a PhD degree either pursue a post-doctoral position aiming for an academic career or find employment in industrial R&D laboratories
PO 6: Students with a PhD degree can continue for post-doctoral research.

4.Certificate Courses in Apiculture:

Program Outcomes (POs) Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)
After successfully completing this course, students will be able to: PO 1: rear the honeys in their own farms. PSO 1: This program is designed to prepare each student to a rear honeybee on their own.
PO 2: study the cross pollination & understand increase the agricultural yield. PSO 2: Students are exposed to advanced experimental and theoretical techniques, encouraged to attend the hands on trainings.
PO 3: know about the social organisation & work for society PSO 3: Understand social responsibility as importance of work for society.
PO 4: get the job at government or private apiaries. PSO 4: career or find employment in industrial R&D laboratories
PO 5: propagate the importance of bees in agriculture and save bees programs in society.

Department of Zoology Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)

Vision :
  • To contribute to sustainable and inclusive development of knowledge driven students through life sciences studies's
  • Mission:
  • To inculcate the Zoology education and research culture among students of vicinity
  • Objectives:
  • To provide specialized high-quality education by integrating traditional and modern scientific techniques in teaching-learning processe
  • To generate skilled and intellectual manpower in Life-Sciences.
  • Scope of this document:
  • This SoP is to achieve uniformity and consistency in the academics with all departments.
  • Uses of SoP:
  • IQAC cell in consultation of Principal is to prepare this SoP and refereed to HoD.
  • Who should control the document of SoP:
  • Principal, Vice-Principal, Academic Supervisor and IQAC Co-Ordinator.
  • Procedures to be followed for implementation of SoP:

    • 1.HoD shall use various formats prescribed by IQAC, and approved by Principal.
    • 2.At the end of semester, a.HoD shall take the choice of elective from the students (wherever is it applicable) for next semester. b.HoD shall take the choice of subject for next semester from each faculty. Each faculty must give minimum one choice of subject from UG to PG.
    • 3.After taking the subject choice, HoD shall allocate the subjects to each faculty within one week. a.HoD shall allocate senior faculties for teaching to PG b.A faculty assigned to PG shall be assigned one theory of UG. c.One faculty shall not be assigned to teach more than one subject to the same class. Whereas, the same subject can be taught by one faculty to different divisions.
    • 4.Once teaching workload is assigned, each faculty shall prepare course file (if the subject is new) or update the course material including E-Content The file should be ready a week before the start of semester.
    • 5.The teaching plan for about 36 lectures of 2 credits and or more shall be prepared by each faculty without dates.
    • 6. HoD shall take the review of course file, E-Content and teaching plan one week before the start of semester.
    • 7.IQAC shall prepare academic calendar including dates of start and end of semester, dates of various examinations, Term end and Internal (All units), holidays etc. before one week of start of semester or immediately after receiving academic calendar of university; whichever is earlier.
    • 8.Based on the academic calendar provided by IQAC, HoD shall prepare the customized academic calendar which may include the information about guest lecture/seminar/workshop/placement activity, industrial visits, the events organized by student’s association etc.
    • 9.HoD shall prepare the time table one week before the start of semester and the approval of Vice-Principal shall be taken.
    • 10.HoD must send the letter to each parent through Academic-Supervisor, indicating the date of start of semester and other information one week before the start of semester. ( E-Prospectus – Wats app)
    • 11.The teaching learning process should start from the first day of start of semester.
    • 12.The class teacher shall initiate the process of registration of students in the department from the first day of semester.
    • 13.The class teacher along with the HoD must take the follow-up of the absent students on daily basis and prepare a bar-graph of ‘date versus number of absent students’. Also, weekly attendance report shall be prepared by HoD and report should be send to Principal through Vice-Principal.
    • 14.HoD shall appoint the various portfolios of department to the faculties in the first week of the start of the semester. Various portfolios may include the coordinator for PG, B.Voc courses if any,Time table, academic activities, event, writing and maintaining project, attendance monitoring, mentoring scheme monitoring, student association, Study Tour any club (if available), departmental library, internal examination, website, In-sem examination, online examination, class teacher, cultural, etc. One copy of such appointment shall be send to Principal through Vice-Principal.
    • 15.The project allotment shall be done to PG students through lucky draw in the third week from the starting of semester..
    • 16.Any grievance shall be brought to the notice of the Principal through Vice-Principal for necessary action
    • 17.On the last day of each Month a ‘Monthly attendance report’ shall be prepared and sent to Principal through Vice-Principal.
    • 18.Academic Supervisor shall take meeting of each department on monthly basis (Friday of first week) to take the review of teaching learning process and the minutes of meeting should be send to the Principal through IQAC.
    • 19.The result analysis shall be done immediately after the declaration of result by University and should be sent to the Principal through Examination Chairman.
    • 20.HoD shall send the event report at the end of the month in prescribed format to the Principal through Academic Supervisor.
    • 21.HoD shall take the students feedback (online/offline) after completion of First unit and before the end of semester. HoD shall send the summary of feedback to the Principal through IQAC for necessary action.
    • 22.HoD shall prepare the defaulter list of students after every month and send the list to the Principal through Vice-Principal for necessary action. The defaulter list shall be displayed on the departmental notice board.
    • 23.The monthly attendance report shall be send to the parents.
    • 24.The Insem examination marks, online examination marks (printout of the report after filling the marks on the university portal) shall be displayed on the notice board after permission of the Principal through Examination Department.
    • 25.HoD shall arrange parent-teacher meet minimum one per year.. The feedback of such meeting should be send to the Principal through IQAC for necessary action.
    • 26.HoD should send the proposals for attending workshops /conferences, paper publication, research proposals, QIP with supporting documents and required financial support to the Principal through U.G.C. Co-ordinator/Academic research Co-ordinator for necessary action. At the same time HoD should guide and encourage the faculties to publish their work in standard and reputed conferences or Journals. The list of journals is available on UGC portal.
    • 27. At the end of semester HoD shall take his/her own feedback from all the staff in the department in the prescribed format.
    • 28.After end of semester Academic Monitoring Report (AMR) shall be prepared and send to Principal through IQAC.
    • 29.HoD shall prepare API (Annual appraisal of Teaching and non-teaching staff) at the end of Second semester and submit to Principal through IQAC

    SWOC and Future plans:


    • The department of Zoology is running B.Sc. in Zoology (Granted) and M. Sc. (Non-Granted) with specialization in Animal Physiology and Certificate Course in Apiculture. The department DST-FIST sponsored
    • The department is having a Ph.D. Research Centre recognized by Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune from 2007. Seven research students awarded Ph.D. degree and eleven research students are doing their Ph.D. degree at this research centre.
    • Six faculty members in the department are Ph.D. holders out of which three are Ph.D. research guides.
    • Qualified and experienced teachers are determined to focus on quality teaching and experiential learning.
    • Special Guest Lectures, Interactive Teaching-learning Tool, Use of Charts and Models for demonstration Stereochemistry Models, Use of LCD Projectors, Demonstration of Instruments, Power Point presentations, Continuous Evaluation Assessment Process, Practical Demonstration and Experimentation, Question Raising and Solving, Hands-on Training on Instruments, Assignments, Seminars, MCQ solving, Regular tutorials, etc. are the different methods used for teaching and learning.
    • Different instruments like Blood Analyzer, Cryostat Microtome, Semi-Automatic tissue processor, Inverted microscope, Phase-Contrast Microscope, Trinocular with Camera attached to computer, BOD Incubator, UV-Visible Spectrophotometer, Cooling Centrifuge, Rotary microtome, pH meters, Colorimeters, Haemometers, Haemocytometers etc., are available in the department for conducting the practicals in the laboratory.
    • Department has rich museum with stuffed & preserved animals, Models, charts.
    • Many students in the department have qualified NET/SET examinations and enrolled Ph.D. program.
    • Many students are employed in various academic / industrial / government and private sectors.
    • All TY BSc and M.Sc. II year students are engaged in doing their research project work and participates in Avishkar (SPPU), INO-FEST (MGV) and other science exhibition competitions.
    • The department organizes poster presentation competition for the students to celebrate the important days.
    • The department organizes checking of haemoglobin and other blood parameters for girl students of the college. The girls with low Hb are also provided medicine and proper diet advise in collaboration with health agencies like civil hospital, Malegaon. It is the best activity of the department.
    • The students in the department participate in various extension, co-curricular and outreach activities.
    • The faculty members have published their more than 55 research papers in reputed UGC CARE, referred and peer-reviewed journals of national and international level. More than 10 chapters in books of national and international level and more than 10 reference and textbooks are published by the faculty members in the department.
    • The faculty members have filed and published 3 Patents & 1 Copy Right at national level.
    • The faculty members in the department are continuously working for the betterment of the college by their involvement in various college committees.
    • Eminent resource persons are invited to deliver talks for the students.
    • Workshops, seminars, webinars and conferences are organized by the department.
    • The department of zoology and faculty members are having MOU with various institutions.
    • The department organizes study tour, field visits, visit to apiculture /sericulture/ fisheries centres/ sewage treatment plants/ water purification plants/ natural water resources and many institutes for students as a part of the curriculum prescribed by the university.

    • Insufficient Industry Academia Interaction.

    • Cutting-edge inter-disciplinary research in all major areas of zoology and allied subjects.
    • Training in research using both theoretical and experimental methods.
    • Training in various statistical software.
    • To start the ADD-ON course in zoology.
    • To increase Industry-Academia interaction.

    • Many students are first learners and mostly are from rural and economically backward background.
    • To get at par with the need of industries by using the existing curriculum
    • Future Plan:

    • To build more research collaborations for quality research publications.
    • To increase student participation in academic, extra-academic, extension and research activities.
    • To connect the department more strongly with the alumni.
    • Collaboration with reputed educational institutions and organizations.

    Highlights of the Department

    • Postgraduation (M.Sc. Zoology, specialization: Animal Physiology)
    • Research Centre in Zoology with 5 guides
    • Training for different job opportunities through a Certificate Course in Apiculture; vermicomposting unit at college campus.
    • Hands on Trainings, Educational tours, and visits organization
    • Organisation of Seminar, Conference, Workshops, Quiz Competitions, Poster Competition etc.
    • Well Equipped Laboratories, departmental library

    Research Center in Zoology

    M. S. G. College, Malegaon Camp Dist. Nashik: 423105

    Year of introduction:


    Areas of research:

    Animal Physiology, Limnology, Toxicology, Entomology.

    Highlights of the Research Centre:

    • This Research Centre is under DST-FIST.
    • Well Equipped laboratory with advanced instrumentation for research including Blood Analyzer, Semi-Automatic Cryostat Microtome, Automatic Tissue Processor, Inverted Microscope, UV-Visible Spectrophotometer, Trinocular microscope with advanced Camera connected to Computer, Autoclave etc.
    • Adequate IT infrastructure
    •  Research-oriented faculty with several research publications that are helpful to budding researchers.
    • A long tradition of socially relevant research.

    C. Areas of Research

    • The department has pursued socially relevant research like toxicology, the impact of pesticides on living organisms, vegetables, and water quality and the research proved to be important as it has suggested solutions /remedies for pollution caused by various pesticides. Parasitology, Haematology, fisheries are the other areas of research.

    D. Significant Research areas

    • Animal Physiology
    • Parasitology
    • Limnology
    •  Toxicology
    •  Entomology.
    • Fisheries

    Research Guides List:

    Sr.No. Name of the guide Year of recognition
    1 Dr. Avinash Kadu Sonawane From 31.11.2017 To 29.11.2025
    2 Dr. Sunil Dagadu Patil From 20.02.2015 To 19.02.2023
    3 Dr. Jagdishbhai Daulatbhai Vasait From 31.11.2017 To 29.11.2025
    4 Dr. Rahul Sudhakar Kale From 05.01.2022 To 27.10.2038
    5 Dr. Tejaswini Akrur Sontakke From 05.01.2022 To 26.07.2044

    Ph.D. Scholars Registered:

    Sr.No. Name of the scholar Name of the guide Registration Date
    1 Salunke Shital Jagganath Dr. Jagdishbhai Daulatbhai Vasait 20.02.2020
    2 Zope Aishwarya Avinash Dr. Avinash Kadu Sonawane 23.03.2022
    3 Khairnar Kunal Bharat Dr. Jagdishbhai Daulatbhai Vasait 23.03.2022
    4 Pawar Pratiksha Manoj Dr. Jagdishbhai Daulatbhai Vasait 23.03.2022
    5 Pawar Hitesh Kondaji Dr. Avinash Kadu Sonawane 23.03.2022
    6 Bhamare Ankita Vishwas Dr. Avinash Kadu Sonawane 23.03.2022
    7 Pathak Shweta Uday Dr. Jagdishbhai Daulatbhai Vasait 23.03.2022
    8 Gaware Pallavi Ramdas Dr. Tejaswini Akrur Sontakke 20.08.2022
    9 Deore Sonali Ramdas Dr. Jagdishbhai Daulatbhai Vasait 20.08.2022
    10 Parvez Akhatar Khalil Ah. Dr. Rahul Sudhakar Kale 20.08.2022
    11 Saba Mohammed Faizon Dr. Rahul Sudhakar Kale 20.08.2022

    Research Papers Published

    Sr. No. Name of the faculty Number of research publications Number of UGC-CARE Listed/Scopus/WOS publications View details
    1 Dr. Sunil D. Patil 21 4
    2 Dr. J. D. Vasait 10 2
    3 Dr. A. K. Sonawane 08 1
    4 Dr. R. S. Kale 07 1
    5 Dr. Kapil T. Patil 18 1
    6 Dr. Vijay D. Pawar 06 1
    7 Dr. Milind M. Kharat 05
    8 Dr. G. K. Pawar 05
    Paper Published: 53

    Patents/Copyrights Published/Filed

    Sr. No. Title of the patent/copyright Date of filing Year of award of certificate View details
    1 Dr. A K Sonawane: Snail tracking agriculture machine 2/3/2021 Design no-340026-001 2021
    2 Dr. A K Sonawane: Animal bell to identify health and emotions 01/03/2021 Design no. 339955-001 2021
    3 Dr. S. D. Patil & Dr. A K Sonawane: A new source of chitin from rice weevil, Sitophilus oryzae L. Patent: Utility, 7/01/2023 Application No.202321003276 2023
    4 Dr. S. D. Patil: Mango stem borer intelligent device; Registration Number : L-112833/2022 Copyrights 08/03/2022 2022
    5 Mr. G. K. Pawar: Robotic device for Farm Monitoring Patent: Application No.374388-001 18/11/2022 2023
    6 Dr. S. D. Patil: Mango stem borer intelligent device; Patent Design 04/01/2022 2023
    7 Dr. S. D. Patil: Wheel-Controlled Smart Pen UK Design Patent Design No. 6292195 Grant Date: 02/07/2023 2023

    Conferences Organized

    Sr. No. Title of the conference State/National/International Schedule View details
    1 Eco-restoration, Environmental conservation and Management National 6th -7th Feb. 2015
    2 Public Health during pandemics State 11 Aug. 2020
    3 Best Practice in life Science National 11th Jan. 2022

    Workshops on IPR and Research Methodology

    Sr. No. Title of the conference State/National/International Schedule View details
    1 Workshop on Research Methodology State 5thJanuary 2022

    Publications: Faculty-wise

    A research paper/Books published: From 2014-15 to 2022-23:

    Research Papers Published = 55
    Sr.No. Name of the faculty Number of research publications Number of UGC-CARE Listed/Scopus/WOS publications
    1 Dr. Sunil D. Patil 11 4
    2 Dr. J. D. Vasait 10 2
    3 Dr. A. K. Sonawane 8 2
    4 Dr. R. S. Kale 7 2
    5 Dr. Kapil T. Patil 6 1
    6 Dr. Vijay D. Pawar 8
    7 Dr. Milind M. Kharat 5
    8 Dr. G. K. Pawar 5

    I.Dr. Sunil D. Patil:

    • 1.Toxicity of Monocrotophos in Freshwater Bivalve, Lamellidens marginalis, Using Different Markers; International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET); ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.538; Volume 10 Issue VII July 2022, PP 1001-1007. 2022
    • 2.HISTOPATHOLOGICAL MANIFESTATION IN GALLUS GALLUS DOMESTICUS INFECTED WITH CESTODE PARASITE; IJFANS International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences; ISSN PRINT 2319 177 e-ISSN 2320 –7876 Vol.11, Iss.11, 2022, pp:420-424. 2022
    • 3.Prevalence and Histopathological Studies on Intestinal Cestode Parasite of Avian Host Gallus Domesticus (L) From Nashik Region, Maharashtra State, India. International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET), ISSN: 2321-9653; IC Value: 45.98; SJ Impact Factor: 7.429, Volume 9 Issue XI Nov 2021
    • 4.Effect of Blended Learning in Higher Education On Teaching Learning Process. An International multidisciplinary Quaternary research Journal Ajanta, Volume VIII, Issue 1, pp 32-35. 2019.
    • 5.Evaluation of Methomyl Pesticide Effect On Glycogen Content of Different Tissue of Freshwater Bivalve Lamellidens marginalis (Lamark) From Nashik, An International multidisciplinary Quaternary research Journal Ajanta, Volume VIII, Issue 1, pp 120-126. 2019
    • 6.Comparative haematological observations of Gallus gallus domesticus infected and uninfected by cestode parasite; International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR), Volume 6, Issue 1, pp 478-480. 2019
    • 7.Seasonal variation of cestode parasite Raillietina in an edible bird Gallus domesticus (L.) Environmental Conservation Journal, Volume 19 (3) pp 77-80. 2018
    • 8.Bio Efficacy of Commercially available Two Aerosols on Different Surfaces against American Cockroach Periplaneta Americana; Researcher World, Special Issue, Volume IX, pp210- 212. 2018.
    • 9. On a new species of the genus Ascometra (Cestoda: Dilepididae) from an edible bird Gallus domesticus from an edible bird Gallus domesticus from Maharashtra, India. Research journey ,Special Issue 2, pp 29-33. 2017
    • 10.Study of acute toxicity of Lara pesticide (chloropyryphose 50% EC) and its effects on serum proteins of freshwater fish Channa gachua. Research journey; Special Issue 1, pp 197-203. 2016
    • 11.Lipid content of ovary during annual reproductive cycle in Macrobranchium rosenbergii. Scholar world; Special Issue 1, pp 73-75. 2015

    II.Dr. J. D. Vasait:

    • 1.Freshwater fish diversity status of Girna river flowing in Western Ghat region of India. Indian journal of Research studies in Pure and Applied Sciences ISSN:2321-1695 2(3):2014:pp(07-13)
    • 2.Histological alteration in Liver of fish Nemacheilus botia exposed to sublethal concentrations of Monocrotophos. Scholars world PRINT ISSN:2319-5789, ONLINE2320-3145; Global Impact Factor=0.311, special issue:2015:pp(58-61).
    • 3.Significance of communication skill in Higher education of Global scenario. Uniresearch International multidisciplinary E-Reaearch Journal, ISSN 2321-4953(online, 5(5):2015:pp(76-79).
    • 4.Histopathological changes in Liver and Kidney of fish Nemacheilus botia Exposed to sublethal concentrations of organophosphorous insecticide monocrotophos. International Journal of Flora and fauna, NAAS Rating:2.02, ISSN: 0971-9620; special issue):2016:pp(44-48).
    • 5.Alterations in blood parameters induced by organophosphorous pesticide in freshwater fish Nemacheilus botia. Scholars World PRINT:2319-5789, ONLINE:2320-3145. special issue, impact factor:0.654:2016:pp(79-82).
    • 6.Care of Anemia among young adult female students. Sanshodhan Samiksha; (special issue)ISSN 2278-9308 :2016:pp(151-152)
    • 7.Seasonal evaluation of toxicity levels of agrochemicals on mortality of freash water fish Nemacheilus botia . Researchers World, IBI 3.19 ISSN:2231-4172. (special issue):2016:pp(193-195).
    • 8.Histopathological changes in Liver of fish Nemacheilus botia exposed to sublethal concentrations of Monocrotophos. Toxicology: New Research Dimensions, ISBN: 81-7019-606-9; Edited Book)2018: pp(193-199).
    • 9.Toxicity of monocrotophos on mortality and behavior of freshwater fish Nemacheilus botia Bioinfolet. Print: ISSN: 0973-1431, Online ISSN :0976-4755 UGC –CARE approved; Impact factor: 3.75.
    • 10.Study of haematological parameters in fish. I J R B A T, Issue (Special-15), Feb 2020: 53-57, e-ISSN 2347 – 517X

    III.Dr. A. K. Sonawane

    • 1. Lipid content of ovary during annual reproductive cycle in Macrobrachium rosenbergii. Scholars world vol. 3 special issue 73-75,2015 Print ISSN:2319-5789,Online ISSN:2320-3145
    • 2. Study of acute toxicity of Lara pesticide (Chloropyriphose50% (EC) and its effects on serum protein of fresh water fish Channa gachua Research journey, International Multidisciplinary E-Research journal Special Issue I 197-203 February 2016,Online ISSN:2348-7143
      1.Study of Zooplankton in Girna River at Malegaon city Maharashtra, India. Research journey International Multidisciplinary E- Research Journal Special Issue I 197-203 February 2016, Online ISSN:2348-
      2.On a new species of the genus Ascometra (Cestoda: Dilepididae) from an edible bird Gallus domesticus from Maharashtra, India. Research journey International Multidisciplinary international research journal February 2017, Special Issue 12 ,
    • 3.Protein content of ovary and hepatopancreas during annual reproductive annual reproductive cycle in fresh water female prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii in International Refereed social sciences journal Researchers World Volume IX special issue 183-185 January 2018
    • 4.Study of reproductive biology of the freshwater female prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii. in relation to variations in the Gonadosomatic and hepatosomatic indices. An international multidisciplinary half yearly research Journal Galaxy link ISBN no. 2319-8108 volume VII issue I-22-29 peer reviewed referred on UGC listed Journal (Journal no. 47023
    • 5.Biochemical changes in ovary and hepatopancreas during annual reproductive cycle of freshwater female prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii. Journal Purkala ISBN no. 0971-2143 vol.31 issue 16 April 2020 indexed peer reviewed and listed in UGC care
    • 6.Study of Ovarian maturation of freshwater of freshwater female prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii with reference to histological and visual changes. in International conference on Innovations in applied sciences for sustainable development –IASSD-2023 at LVH college Nashik on 13/03/2023 to 14/03 /2023

    IV.Dr. R. S. Kale:

    • 1.Kale RS, (2017). Effect of β- estradiol hormone and eye stalk ablation on ovarian maturation in freshwater crab, Barytelphusa cunicularis, Bioscience Discovery, 8(2):140-145.
    • 2.Kale RS, (2017). Influence of β- estradiol hormone and eyestalk ablation on Protein Metabolism in freshwater crab, Barytelphusa cunicularis. Bioscience Discovery, 8(3):602-607.
    • 3.R. S. Kale , (2018). Annual Reproductive Cycle of freshwater Edible Female crab, Barytelphusa cunicularis. Ajanta, 7(3): 7-14.
    • 4.R. S. Kale. (2018). Effects of Pesticides on Fresh Water Fish Catla catla collected from Koradi Dam of Buldana District (M.S.) Ajanta, 7(4): 119-123.
    • 5.A.K. Sonawane and R.S. Kale, (2018-2019). Study of Reproductive Biology of the freshwater female Prawn, Macrobrachium rosenbergii in relation to the variations in the Gonadosomatic & Hepatosomatic Indices.. Galaxy Link, Vol.(7) Issue-1: 22-29. An International Multidisciplinary Half Yearly Research Journal.
    • 6. Kale RS, 2019.Impact of 17α-Hydroxy-progesterone and eyestalk ablation on ovarian maturation in relation to protein changes in the ovary and hepatopancreasin fresh water crab, Barytelphusa cunicularis, Biosc. Biotech. Res .Comm. Vol.12(4): 945-952.
    • 7. R. S. Kale, 2020.Influence of β -estradiol hormone and eyestalk ablation on lipid metabolism in ovary and hepatopancreas of fresh water crab, Barytelphusa cunicularis. Uttar Pradesh Journal of zoology,41(5): 1-6.

    V.Dr. Kapil T. Patil

    • 1.Patil,K.T. and Yadav, B.S.(2019) Toxic Effect of Metasystox pesticide on fresh water crab Barytelphusa cunicularis. International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) 2348-1269, P- ISSN 2349-5138) IJRAR February 2019, Volume 6, Issue
    • 2.Patil,K.T.(2019) Seasonal Analysis of Physico-chemical Parameters of GirnaDam,Nashik. Universal Review, UGC approved journal serial no. 40792, ISSN: 2277-2723 Volume VIII, Issue II, FEBRUARY/2019, ISSN NO : 2277-2723 Page No: 466
    • 3.Patil, K.T. & Pawar G.K.(2021) Metasystox pesticide alterations in protein content of fresh water crab Barytelphusa cunicularis, International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology, Volume 8, Issue 3, March 2021 DOI 10.17148/IARJSET.2021.8308
    • 4.Patil, K.T.(2021) Acute Effect Of Metasystox Pesticide On Behavioral Response Of Fresh Water Crab Barytelphusa Cunicularis, International Journal Of Researches In Biosciences, Agriculture And Technology, I J R B A T, Issue (Special-17), June 2021: 24-27,e-ISSN 2347 – 517X,
    • 5.Kapil T. Patil And Yogesh C. Shastri(2021) Exploration of Phyto veterinary medicines from Malegaon of Nashik district, International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology Vol. 8, Issue 11, November 2021 ISSN (O) 2393-8021, ISSN (P) 2394-1588 DOI: 10.17148/IARJSET.2021.81120
    • 6.Kapil T. Patil And Yogesh C. Shastri(2023) Survey of Some Common Toxic Plants of Livestock in Malegaon,District- Nashik, Maharashtra.International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol 4, no 1, pp 1790-1792, January 2023.Journal homepage: ISSN 2582-7421.

    VI.Dr. Vijay D. Pawar

    • 1.Pawar V.D, Gaikwad R.B, Tribhuwan A.P, Bhagwan H.K (2019). Seasonal Population dynamics of Cestode parasites of marine fish Trygon Sp. from Thane District., M.S (India). JETIR,Volume 6, Issue 5, 387-349. ISSN-2349-5162
    • 2.Pawar V.D, Gaikwad R.B, Tribhuwan A.P, Bhagwan H.K.(2019). Histopathological studies on Trygon fish infected with Nybelinia sp.Bioinfolet 16(4): 240-241.
    • 3.Pawar V.D, Gaikwad R.B, Tribhuwan A.P, Bhagwan H.K (2022). Lipid content of cestode parasite Tylocephalum mehdii in marine fish from Thane District, M.S (India. ) Innovative trends in life sciences (ITLS) P.N.127.
    • 4.Pawar V.D, Bhagwan H.K, Gaikwad R.B, Atole M.B. (2018). Hematological study of Clarias batrachus from Ahmednagar Proceeding of the international conference on recent Trends in Science and Technology. AIIRJ special issue 26,423-426.
    • 5. Gaikwad Rahul B. Pawar Vijay D. Tribhuwan Ajay P and Bhagwan Hemnat K. (2019). Biochemical studies on cestode Senga sp. (Dollfus, 1934) from freshwater fish Channa striatus (Bloch, 1793) in Nasik district, M. S. India. Journal of emerging technology and innovative research, Jetir 6, (5).
    • 6.Tribhuwan, A. P* ., Gaikwad, R. B., Pawar, V. D. and Bhagwan, H. K (2022). Study on Prevalence of Cestode Parasites Moniezia sp of Capra Hircus L. From Nashik District, (M. S.) India. IJRAR June 2022, Volume 9, Issue 2.
    • 7.Tribhuwan, A. P , Gaikwad, R. B. , Pawar, V. D. , Bhagwan, H. K. (2022). Biochemical Studies on Cestode Parasites Cotugnia jadhavii in Gallus Gallus Domesticus from Nashik District, M.S (India). (IJRASET) Volume 10 Issue VI June 2022.
    • 8.Pawar V.D., H.K Bhagwan., Chinte D.N (2022). Protein content of Cestode Parasite Tylocephalum mehdii in marine fish Trygon SP. From Thane District. M.S (India).National Conference on Animal Physiology Ecology &Symposium on Advances in Parasitology. SP-102, P.N 102

    VII.Dr. Milind M. Kharat

    • 1. Fish Biodiversity of the Katepurna River in Vidarbha, (M.S.)” ISSN Print: 2394-5303
    • 2.Bioinformatics study of Operational Taxonomic Units of fish Rasbora daniconius. ISSN Print: 2394-7500, ISSN Online: 2394-5869
    • 3.Bioinformatics study of Operational Taxonomic Units of fish Wallago attu.” ISSN NO.2347517X (online).
    • 4.New fishing method discovered for Irradiation of bottom dwelling fishes” Online ISSN: 2320-3145, Print ISSN: 2319-5789.
    • 5.A lost view of sustainability in Agriculture: revealed through Vermicomposting thermodynamics.” ISSN NO.2347-517X (online).

    VIII.Mr. G. K. Pawar:

    • 1.Patil P.S.,Tambe S.S.,Pawar G.K. .(2015) Ethnoveternary Uses of plants in Amalner Tehsil of jalgaon District Maharastra,Scholar world-IRMJCR,ISSN-2320-3145,print-2319-5789
    • 2.Patil P.S.,Tambe S.S.,Pawar G.K. .(2016) Indian scenario of Biodiversity & conservation , Research World ISSN-2319-5789,
    • 3.Patil P.S.,Tambe S.S.,Pawar G.K. & Pawar N.B.(2016) Methodology in ethnobotany : a review article ,Research journey, ISSN-2348-7143
    • 4.Patil,K.T. & Pawar G.K.(2021) Metasystox pesticide alterations in protein content of fresh water crab Barytelphusa cunicularis, International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology, Volume 8, Issue 3, March 2021 DOI 10.17148/IARJSET.2021.8308.
    • 5.Pawar G K. (2021) Review on ethanobotanical utilities of plants against various skin diseases in Nashik district Maharashtra India, International Journal of Botany Studied, volume 6, Issue 5, 21 October 2021, ISSN 2455-541X.

    Books Published

    3.3.3 Number of books and chapters in edited volumes/books published
    Sr. No Name of the teacher Title of the book/chapters published National / International Year of publication ISBN/ISSN number of the proceeding Name of the publisher
    1 Dr. Sunil D. Patil Ecology of River Ganga National 2020 ISBN 978-81-7622-225-9 BIOTECH BOOKS® 4762-63/23, Ansari Road, Darya Ganj, New Delhi - 110 00.
    2 Dr. Sunil D. Patil Water Analysis National 2021 ISBN 81-87468-06-08 Action For Sustainable Efficacious Development & Awareness (Asia) 122 B, Vishnu Puram, Haridwar, UK. India
    3 Dr. Sunil D. Patil Animal Ecology National 2019 ISBN978-93-89066-51-7 Success Publication AB Chowk, Pune
    4 Dr. Sunil D. Patil Practical handbook of Animal Ecology & Animal Diversity National 2019 ISBN978-93-89066-51-8 Success Publication AB Chowk, Pune
    5 Dr. Sunil D. Patil Cell Biology National 2020 ISBN 978-93-77777-77-7 Success Publication AB Chowk, Pune
    6 Dr. Sunil D. Patil Practical handbook of Cell Biology & Animal Diversity National 2020 ISBN 978-93-89739-25-1 Success Publication AB Chowk, Pune
    7 Dr.Avinash K.Sonawane Animal Diversity I National 2019 . ISBN no-978-93-89066-50-0 PT-3510- 2019 Success Publication AB Chowk, Pune
    8 Dr.Avinash K.Sonawane Animal Diversity II National 2020 ISBN no.-978-93-89739-82-4 PT-3522- 2020 Success Publication AB Chowk, Pune
    9 Dr.Avinash K.Sonawane Reproductive Physiology of Mammals International 2021 ISBN- 978-93-90775-78-01-----2021 International Publications Publishers and Distributers 6A/540, Avas, Vikas, HanspuramKanpur-208021
    10 Dr. R.S. Kale Induced Ovarian Maturation in Freshwater Edible Crab, B. cunicularis International 2021 ISBN- 978-620-3-85489-3 LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing

    Linkages & Collaborations/MOU's

    Organization with which MoU is signed Name of the institution/ industry/ corporate house Year of signing MoU Duration
    Department of Zoology, M.S.G. College, Malegaon Krishi Vigyan Kendra Vadel, Malegaon, Dist. Nashik (MS) June -2021 Five years
    Department of Zoology, M.S.G. College, Malegaon H.H. Sri. Sri. Muralidhara Swami College of Agriculture, Malegaon, Dist. Nashik (MS) June-2022 Five years
    Research Centre, Department of Zoology, M.S.G. College, Malegaon Director, Paul Hebert Centre for DNA Barcoding & Biodiversity Studies Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad, 431 004 June 2021 Five years

    Departmental Activities

    Sr.No Year Activity Level Date Program Coordinator No. of Participants
    1 2022-23 1.Educational Tour: DNA Barcoding Laboratory, Museum, Sidharth Zoo Aurangabad 08.04.2023 Dr. S. D. Patil 71 Students + 7 Teachers
    2 2021-22 2.A visit to College of Horticulture: Malegaon 15.02.2022 Dr. A. K. Sonawane 64 Students + 74Teachers
    3.AIDS Awareness 01.12.2021 Dr. A. K. Sonawane 43 Students
    3 2020-21 4.Educational Tour: Ellora Caves Jaikwadi Dam, Hydroelectric Project 21.02.2019 Dr J. D. Vasait 40 Students + 4 Teachers
    4 2019-20 5.Educational Tour: Bhandardara Dam (Water Resource & Forest) 20.02.2020 Dr J. D. Vasait 40 Students + 4 Teachers
    5 2019-20 5. Visit to Water Purification Plant 08.01.2020 Dr. A. K. Sonawane 52 Students
    2019-20 Traditional Day 14.02.2020 Dr. A. K. Sonawane 42 Students
    6 2018-19 6.Educational Tour 08.01.2018 Dr J. D. Vasait 40 Students + 4 Teachers
    7 2016-17 7. Educational Tour: Saputara 13.02.2017 Dr. S. D. Patil 58 Students + 4 Teachers
    8 2015-16 8. Educational Tour 22.01.2016 to 23.01.2016 Dr. S. D. Patil 38 Students + 4 Teachers

    Conference Workshop, Seminar organized by department of Zoology since 2014-15

    1 Eco-restoration, Environmental conservation, and Management National Conference 6th -7th Feb. 2015
    2 Public Health during pandemics National Level Webinar 11 Aug. 2020
    3 Best Practice in life Science National Webinar 11th Jan. 2022
    4 Strategies to Crackdown Competitive Exams in Life Sciences Strategies to Crackdown Competitive Exams in Life Sciences 5th March 2021

    Title of the practice:

    Being Solicitous for Female Students Prone to Anaemia

    Goal of Practice:

    To create awareness amongst female students about Anaemia.
    To make them conscious about nutritional diet.
    To figure out percentage of anemic female students.
    To run Anaemia Free Campus Programme.

    The Context:

    It has been observed that nutritional anaemia is rampant amongst rural female folk. The main culprit for this prevalence is lack of nutritional awareness of the rural folk. Majority of the female students of our institution belong to the rural area. The lack of nutritional awareness amongst them results in irons déficience which ultimately makes them acutely prone to anaemia. It is very important to safeguard their present as well as future life for the victims of anaemia are very easily fallen prey to maternal mortality, high incidence of low-birth weight babies, high prenatal mortality, and fatal wastage, which ultimately results in higher fertility rate. Hence, it is a must to nib the disease in bud. For this, the age periods of rural females should be taken into consideration. This period has a crucial position in their lives. At this delicate juncture, if inadequate and improper dietary habits have been developed, one is surely vulnerable to all kinds of nutritional morbidities. During this age period of girls which is considered most appropriate time to intervene, and behavior change messages embraced by this group can contribute to sustained health impacts. India has high prevalence of iron-deficiency anaemia among women. Between 60-70% young girls are anaemic, a condition that can result in adverse pregnancy outcomes or even maternal death, as well as reduced work productivity and impaired physical capabilities blood lost during menses. Taking these stark realities into consideration the institution has planned to ascertain the prevalence of anaemia amongst young adult female students and to provide them in campus medical assistance.

    The Practice:

    At the beginning of academic year, a pre-designed questionnaire is circulated amongst first year female students. This questionnaire helps to collect information on background of health of the concerned female student. The hemoglobin level of the female student is measured in the Department of Zoology using fully Automated Blood Analyzer (Make: Nihon Kohden), procured under DST-FIST grants received from S&T Ministry, by the experienced laboratory technician. Total 471 female students’ hemoglobin estimation is recorded. Those female students who are found below average range of hemoglobin level, have advised for proper diet and recommended to heamoglobin rich food and balanced diet to enhance HB level also suggested to consult physician.

    Evidence of Success:

    Prevalence of anaemia found rampant amongst young adult female students. The female students who don’t consume green leafy vegetables are found anaemic. Expert suggested balanced diet to improve the health of anaemic which will prove helpful to overcome the problem.

    Dates No. of Student Examined No. of student anemic No of student Advised No of student Recovered Hb
    14th July 2012 246 26 26 11
    14th July 2021 89 12 12 7
    23rd Nov. 2020 20 2 2 1
    23rd Aug. 2019 17 5 5 1
    5th Sept. 2018 64 7 7 5
    12th July 2017 121 47 47 -
    TOTAL 436 99 99 25

    Problem Encountered and Resources Required:

    Female students, at first, hesitated for medical advice in college on this issue. Difficulties encountered while obtaining questionnaire. 


    During the period Total 471 female students’ hemoglobin estimation is recorded. Those female students who are found below average range of hemoglobin level, have advised for proper diet, and recommended to introduce more leafy vegetables in her diet. Anaemic female students are also supplied Folic acid capsules & other Government medicines with the help of local government civil medical hospital. Anaemic Students repeated Hemoglobin checkup. After the given medicine and guided proper diet Hemoglobin percentage increased.

    Contact Details:

    Name of the Principal: Dr. S. N. Nikam
    Name of the Institution: Mahatma Gandhi Vidyamandir’s M.S.G. Arts, Science and
    Commerce College, Malegaon. Pin 423104
    Accredited Status: B Grade Work Phone : 02554 252077
    E-mail:  [email protected]
    Mobile : 7066031159

    Department of Zoology 2022-23

    Sr. No. Name of the student Class Type of Competition Level Rank of prize Organizer
    Bagul Kalyani Ravindra MSc I Zoology Rangoli Competition on Wild Life National First Gramin ASC Mahavidyalay Vasantnagar Nanded
    2 Kalpesh Khairnar MSc II Zoology Avishakar 22 State Selected for state level SPP Univ. Pune