Mahatma Gandhi Vidyamandir's

Maharaja Sayajirao Gaikwad Arts, Science & Commerce College

Tal. Malegaon, Dist. Nashik (MS)
Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune

Re-accredited with A+ Grade (Cycle-III) by NAAC

Department of Chemistry

TY B.Sc Result

M.Sc II Physical Chemistry Result

M.Sc II Organic Chemistry Result

The Department of Chemistry

Department of Chemistry is one of the oldest department in MGV’s M. S. G. Arts, Science and Commerce college since June 1959. Department is running B.Sc. in Chemistry (Granted) and M.Sc.- Physical Chemistry from 1971 (Granted) and M. Sc. Organic chemistry from 2007 (Non-Granted). We are also having a Ph.D. research centre recognized by Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune and more than 60 Ph.D. students completed Ph.D. degree at our centre with good academic record. Presently it has well equipped laboratories for all kind of hands-on training in chemistry including, Nanomaterial synthesis, Organic synthesis, Catalysis, Solution Chemistry, Computational Chemistry etc. The department has DST-FIST sponsored equipment set up which is attracting attention of the students and collaborators. The department is always enthusiastic in conducting various activities and courses for the faculty and students to keep update of advancement in Chemistry. All undergraduates, post graduates and Ph.D. students thereby get full opportunity to participate in co-curricular, extra-curricular and social outreach activities leading to a holistic personality development. Now the department is more focusing on sustainable development in Research and Innovation culture among the students.

Teaching Faculty

Sr.No. Photo Name of the Faculty Designation Qualification Teaching Experience in Year's Link
1. Dr. T. S. Savale Associate Professor M.Sc., SET, Ph.D. 34 view
2. Dr. V. V. Kadam Professor M.Sc., Ph.D. 32 view
3. Dr. R. S. Nirwan Professor M.Sc., SET, Ph.D. 25 view
4. Dr. C. S.Aher Associate Professor M.Sc., SET, Ph.D. 16 view
5. Dr. P. S. Pawar Assistant Professor M.Sc., M. Phil., Ph.D14 view
6. Miss. B. B. Waghmare Assistant Professor M.Sc., NET 14 view
7. Mr. R. K. Pawar Assistant Professor M.Sc., NET 13 view
8. Dr. S. B. Nahire Assistant Professor M.Sc., NET, SET, Ph.D. 13 view
9. Dr. S. S. Pathade Assistant Professor M.Sc., NET, Ph.D. 12 view
10. Dr. S. S. Chobe Assistant Professor M.Sc., NET, Ph.D. 12 view
11. Dr. R. A. Shinde Assistant Professor M.Sc., NET, Ph.D. 08 view
12. Mr. G. B. Yelmame Assistant Professor M.Sc., NET 8 view
13. Dr. N. B. Wadwale Assistant Professor M.Sc., B.Ed., PGDBM,M. Phil., Ph.D. 4 view
14. Dr. N. A. Dokhe Assistant Professor M.Sc., M. Phil., Ph.D. 4 view
15. Mr. V. S. Aaynor Assistant Professor M.Sc., SET 4 view
16. Mr. K. T. Padhyar Assistant Professor M.Sc., NET 4 view
17. Dr. N. B. Shirsath Assistant Professor M.Sc., B.Ed., Ph.D. 4 view
18. Mr. G. V. Suryawanshi Assistant Professor(CHB) M.Sc.,SET, B.Ed. 4 view
19. Mr. S.K. Shinde Assistant Professor (CHB) M.Sc., SET, NET 2 view
20. Mr. N. S. Thakare Assistant Professor(CHB) M.Sc., NET 2 view
21. Dr. L. U. Jadhav Assistant Professor(CHB) M.Sc., NET, Ph.D. 1 view
22. Miss A. S. Patil Assistant Professor(CHB) M.Sc., SET 1 view
23. Mr. Chetan More Assistant Professor(CHB) M.Sc., SET 1 view

Department of Chemistry

Programs Offered Program
1 B.Sc. (Chemistry)
2 M.Sc. (Physical Chemistry)
3 M.Sc. (Organic Chemistry)
4 Ph.D.

F.Y.B.Sc. NEP (Chemistry)
Sem-I Sem-II
Subject Code Name of Subject Subject Code Name of Subject
CHE-101 Fundamental Chemistry-I CHE-151 Fundamental Chemistry-II
CHE-102 Chemistry Practical-I CHE-152 Chemistry Practical-II
OE-101-CHE (B) Chemistry for Competitive Examination-I OE-151-CHE (A) Chemistry for Competitive Examination-II
SEC-101-CHE- (A) Chemistry Laboratory Skills-I SEC-151-CHE- (A) Chemistry Laboratory Skills-II
Sem-I Sem-II
Subject Code Name of Subject Subject Code Name of Subject
CH-301 Physical and Analytical Chemistry CH-401 Physical and Analytical Chemistry
CH-302 Inorganic and Organic Chemistry CH-402 Inorganic and Organic Chemistry
CH-303 Chemistry Practical - III CH-403 Chemistry Practical - IV
Sem-V Sem-VI
Subject Code Name of Subject Subject Code Name of Subject
CH-501 Physical Chemistry-I CH-601 Physical Chemistry-II
CH-502 Analytical Chemistry-I CH-602 Physical Chemistry -III
CH-503 Physical Chemistry Practical-I CH-603 Physical Chemistry Practical-II DSEC-IV
CH-504 Inorganic Chemistry-I CH-604 Inorganic Chemistry-II
CH-505 Industrial Chemistry CH-605 Inorganic Chemistry-III
CH-506 Inorganic Chemistry Practical-I CH-606 Inorganic Chemistry Practical-II
CH-507 Organic Chemistry-I CH-607 Organic Chemistry-II
CH-508 Chemistry of Bio molecules CH-608 Organic Chemistry-III
CH-509 Organic Chemistry Practical-I CH-609 Organic Chemistry Practical-II
CH-510 (B) Polymer Chemistry SEC- I CH-610 (B) Introduction of Forensic Chemistry SEC III
CH-511 (A) Environmental Chemistry SEC- II CH-611 (A) Analytical Chemistry-II SEC IV
M.Sc. (Chemistry) Part-I: (Organic Chemistry and Drug Chemistry) Semester I
Sr. No. Course Title Course Code Major Core/ Major elective Credits
1 Physical Chemistry-I CHE-501 Major Core 4
2 Inorganic Chemistry-I CHEOD-502 Major Core 2
3 Organic Chemistry-I CHE-503 Major Core 4
4 Physical Chemistry Practical -I CHE-504 Major Core 2
5 Inorganic Chemistry Practical-I CHE-505 Major Core 2
6 Organic Chemistry Practical-I CHE-506 Major elective 2
7 Chemical Mathematics CHEOD-507(A) Major elective (Any One) 2
Chemistry of Nanomaterials CHEOD-507(B) 2
Analytical Chemistry CHEOD-507(C) 2
Organic Reactions and Reagents CHEOD-507(D) 2
8 Research Methodology CHE-508 RM 4
Semester II
Sr. No. Course Title Course Code Major Core/ Major elective Credits
1 Physical Chemistry-II CHEOD-551 Major Core 2
2 Inorganic Chemistry-I CHE-552 Major Core 4
3 Organic Chemistry-II CHE-553 Major Core 4
4 Physical Chemistry Practical -II CHE-554 Major Core 2
5 Inorganic Chemistry Practical-II CHE-555 Major Core 2
6 Organic Chemistry Practical-II CHE-556 Major elective 2
7 Organometallic Compounds and Inorganic Reaction Mechanism CHEOD-557(A) Major elective (Any One) 2
Material Characterization Techniques CHEOD-557(B) 2
Green Chemistry CHEOD-557(C) 2
Nuclear and Radiation Chemistry CHEOD-557(D) 2
8 On-Job Training/Internship CHE-558 OJT/Internship 4
M.Sc. (Chemistry) Part-I:
(Physical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry and Analytical Chemistry))
Semester I
Sr. No. Course Title Course Code Major Core/ Major elective Credits
1 Physical Chemistry-I CHE-501 Major Core 4
2 Inorganic Chemistry-I CHEOD-502 Major Core 4
3 Organic Chemistry-I CHE-503 Major Core 2
4 Physical Chemistry Practical -I CHE-504 Major Core 2
5 Inorganic Chemistry Practical-I CHE-505 Major Core 2
6 Organic Chemistry Practical-I CHE-506 Major elective 2
7 Chemical Mathematics CHEOD-507(A) Major elective (Any One) 2
Chemistry of Nanomaterials CHEOD-507(B) 2
Analytical Chemistry CHEOD-507(C) 2
Basic Organic Chemistry CHEOD-507(D) 2
8 Research Methodology CHE-508 RM 4
Semester II
Sr. No. Course Title Course Code Major Core/ Major elective Credits
1 Physical Chemistry-II CHEOD-551 Major Core 4
2 Inorganic Chemistry-I CHE-552 Major Core 4
3 Organic Chemistry-II CHE-553 Major Core 2
4 Physical Chemistry Practical -II CHE-554 Major Core 2
5 Inorganic Chemistry Practical-II CHE-555 Major Core 2
6 Organic Chemistry Practical-II CHE-556 Major elective 2
7 Organometallic Compounds and Inorganic Reaction Mechanism CHEPIA-557(A) Major elective (Any One) 2
Material Characterization Techniques CHEPIA-557(B) 2
Green Chemistry CHEPIA-557(C) 2
Pericyclic Reactions and Photochemistry CHEPIA-557(D) 2
8 On-Job Training/Internship CHE-558 OJT/Internship 4
M.Sc. (Chemistry) Part-II: (Physical Chemistry)
((Physical Chemistry, Inorganic Chemistry and Analytical Chemistry))
Semester III
Sr. No. Course Title Course Code Major Core/ Major elective Credits
1 Quantum and Solid State Chemistry CHP-601 MJ Major Core 4 T
2 Polymer Chemistry CHP-602 MJ Major Core 4 T
3 Nuclear and Radiation Chemistry CHP-603 MJ Major Core 2 T
4 Physical Chemistry Practical -I CHP-604 MJP Major Core 2 P
5 Physical Chemistry Practical - II CHP-605 MJP Major Core 2 P
6 Photochemistry CHP-610 (A) MJ Major elective (Any Two)Major elective 2T
Physicochemical Methods of Analysis CHP-610 (B) MJ 2T
Special Topics in Physical Chemistry CHP-610 (C) MJ 2 T
7 Research Project CHP-631 RP Research Project 4
Semester IV
Sr. No. Course Title Course Code Major Core/ Major elective Credits
1 Molecular Structure and Spectroscopy CHP-651 MJ Major Core 4 T
2 Surface Chemistry and Electrochemistry CHP-652 MJ Major Core 4 T
3 Physical Chemistry Practical -III CHP-653 MJ Major Core 2 T
4 Physical Chemistry Practical - IV CHP-654 MJP Major Core 2 P
5 Material Chemistry CHP-660 (A) MJ Major elective(Any Two) 2 T
Chemistry of Catalysts CHP-660 (B) MJ 2 T
Biophysical Chemistry CHP-660 (C) MJ 2 T
6 Research Project CHE-681 RP Research Project 6 P

SoP of Department of Chemistry

  • This SOP aims to provide guidance to Chemistry Science Faculty and Students.
  • Everyone:
    • In College Premises college faculty and student wear Identity Card.
    • The student should keep their bag/sack outside the Lab Table due to chemical accident.
    • For the safety of students, students are not allowed to enter in chemical store.
    General Procedures:
    • In the starting of first term chemistry staff meeting is arrange in the department and work load distribution is done for the year 2020-21.
    • As per the college time table, chemistry department display the time table schedule for year 2020- 21, for the both UG and PG students. Practical time table is made as per for the student strength of each class.
    • Every staff of chemistry department should write their daily work in their teacher’s diary.
    • According to syllabus distribution and time table every, staff member should prepare their teaching plan for the year 2020-21.
    • Teaching staff of chemistry department is motivated to do their research work like Ph.D. registration for non-Ph.D. staff,
    • Publication of research articles in the reputed journals
    • Submit the research project to various funding agencies like UGC, DST, University research funding
    • To participate in National/ International seminar/ workshop and present their research work (poster/ paper presentation)
    • To delivered the guest lectures in other collages.
    • For the promotion of teaching staff under the CAS they must attain the refresher/ orientation/ short term courses
    • Some staff members are involved in social activities like  blood donation camp and helped poor students
    • For improvement of PG students are allowed to completed research projects under the guidance of our teaching staff.
    • Guest lectures are arranged to enhance the knowledge of PG/ UG students
    • Participate in quiz competition arranged by University/ other colleges
    • Sample analysis on UV/IR instruments for T.Y. B.Sc. and PG students are make available in our department
    • Industrial visit   arranges for T.Y. and PG students to understand the actual work take place in industries.
    • For newly admitted UG/ PG students must know the laboratory and chemical safety by arranging lecture on the topic and practical demonstrations to know location of safety equipment’s such as fire extinguisher, first aid and spill kits.
    • Our staff are guided our students to appeared the competitive examination like civil services/NET-SET exams for PG students.
    • Our department is collaborating with other chemistry department/ Industries available nearby agriculture colleges in Malegaon.
    • Our non-teaching staff is educated about chemicals used in Laboratories
    • In our Chemicals store, chemicals are separate and arrange according to their alphabet order for the easy handling/ availability.
    • At the end of semester chemicals and equipment deadstock is done which help us to give new purchase order of chemicals/ equipment’s for better laboratory.


    The department has research laboratories with well-equipped research infrastructure. The facilities available in department includes sophisticated analytical instruments such as FT-IR, UV Visible Spectrophotometer, Rotavapor and Analytical balance etc. Department also has computer lab with internet facility. Departmental has library with sufficient Journals, books, and references. Good number of students Qualify the NET/SLET examinations through the department and department provides good placements to the UG/PG students.


    • Advancement in Scientific Research.
    • Collaboration with Academia and Industries of National repute.
    • To develop social awareness in students in perspective of chemical science.
    • To prepare students for IIT, IISER, NCL and other reputed institutes.
    • To commence more skill development programme in the subject.

    1. Research Centre details

  • Year of introduction: 22 July 1982
  • Areas of research: Solution Chemistry, Organic Synthesis, Material Chemistry, Green Chemistry, Computational Chemistry.
  • 2. Research Guides List:

    Sr.No. Name of the guide Year of recognition Allotted Student No. of Ph.D. Students Registered Vacancy
    1 Dr. R. S. Nirwan 2019 06 05 01
    2 Dr. R. B. Sawant 2018 04 03 02
    3 Dr. U. B. Kadam 2021 06 05 04
    4 Dr. T. S. Savale 2021 06 03 03
    5 Dr. P. S. Pawar 2021 04 04 00
    6 Dr. S. S. Pathade 2023 04 00 04
    7 Dr. S. B. Nahire 2023 04 00 04
    8. Dr. C. S. Ahire 2023 - - 04
    9. Dr. N. B. Wadwale 2023 - - 04
    10. Dr. N. A. Dokhe 2023 - - 04
    11. Dr. N. B. Shirsath 2023 - - 04

    3.Ph.D. Scholars Registered:

    Sr.No. Name of the scholar Name of the guide Registration Date Status
    1 Mr. Amol Pagare Dr. R. B. Savant 29.02.2020 Admitted
    2 Mr. Jaydeep Deore Dr. R. B. Savant 29.02.2020 Admitted
    3. Miss Aruna Salunkhe Dr. R. S. Nirwan 08.05.2021 Admitted
    4. Mr. Kuldeep Padhyar Dr. R. S. Nirwan 08.05.2021 Admitted
    5. Mr. Milind Nagare Dr. R. S. Nirwan 08.05.2021 Admitted
    6. Mr. Avinash Nerkar Dr. R. S. Nirwan 09.05.2022 Admitted
    7. Mr. Sachin Kadam Dr. R. S. Nirwan 09.05.2022 Admitted
    8. Miss Savita Mathure Dr. T. S. Savale 09.05.2022 Admitted
    9. Mr. Gokul Suryawanshi Dr. T. S. Savale 09.05.2022 Admitted
    10. Mr. Yogesh Patil Dr. T. S. Savale 09.05.2022 Admitted
    11. Mr. Kapilkumar Randhir Dr. U. B. Kadam 09.05.2022 Admitted
    12. Mr. Sandesh Gaykwad Dr. U. B. Kadam 09.05.2022 Admitted
    13. Mr. Sachin Pawar Dr. P. S. Pawar 09.05.2022 Admitted
    14. Mr. Nilesh Mali Dr. P. S. Pawar 09.05.2022 Admitted
    15. Mr. Vinod Aynor Dr. P. S. Pawar 09.05.2022 Admitted
    16. Mr. Mohasinkhan Pathan Dr. P. S. Pawar 09.05.2022 Admitted
    17. Miss. Sonali Nikam Dr. U. B. Kadam 09.05.2022 Admitted
    18. Miss. Aasia Khatoon Md. Dr. U. B. Kadam 15.07.2022 Admitted
    19. Mr. Niraj S. Thorat Dr. U. B. Kadam 15.07.2022 Admitted
    20. Miss. Farhana Atarrahaman Dr. U. B. Kadam 15.07.2022 Admitted

    4. Research Projects Completed

    Sr.No. Name of the faculty Title of the project Funding agency Amount sanctioned Year of award
    1 Dr. R. R. Pawar Solubility and density study of some inorganic salts and organic compounds in pure and mixed solvents at different temperatures UGC 1,50,000 2012
    2 Mr. R. S. Nirwan Synthesis, Characterization and pharmacological study of some novel heterocyclic compound UGC 2,00,000 2011
    3 Mr. R. S. Nirwan Synthesis, Characterization and pharmacological study of some novel heterocyclic compound BCUD 1,00,000 2012
    4 Dr. C. S. Aher Thermodynamic properties and solubility study of catechol in pure water, ethanol, methanol and their mixture at various temperature UGC 1,20,000 2019

    5. Research Papers Published

    Sr.No. Name of the faculty Number of research publications Number of UGC-CARE Listed/Scopus/WOS publications View details
    1. Dr. T. S. Savale 09 09
    2. Dr V. V. Kadam - -
    3. Dr. R. S. Nirwan 17 10
    4. Dr. C. S. Aher 13 13
    5. Dr. P. S. Pawar 15 15
    6. Miss. B. B. Waghmare 14 03
    7. Mr. R. K. Pawar 12 08
    8. Dr. S. B. Nahire 15 12
    9. Dr. S. S. Pathade 16 15
    10. Dr. S. S. Chobe 45 42
    11. Dr. R. A. Shinde 20 12
    12. Mr. G. B. Yelmame 4 4
    13. Dr. N. B. Wadwale 22 15
    14. Dr. N. A. Dokhe 12 09
    15. Mr. V. S. Aaynor 03 03
    16. Mr. K. T. Padhyar 07 03
    17. Dr. N. B. Shirsath 18 10
    18. Mr. G. V. Suryawanshi 2 2

    6. Patents/Copyrights Published/Filed

    Sr.No. Title of the patent/copyright Date of filing Year of award of certificate View details
    1 Biogenic Gold and Silver Nanoparticles in the Degradation of Aromatic Nitro compounds 22.032022 29.04.2022

    7. Conferences Organized

    Sr.No. Title of the patent/copyright State/National/International Schedule View details
    1 International Conference on Pure and Applied Sciencess International 12-14 Dec. 2016
    2 Development of Nanoemulsions Based Active Packaging Film by Ultrasound Sonoprocess International Webinar 8 Sep. 2021
    3 Polymer Science: Current and Future National Webinar 23 Sep. 2021

    8. Workshops on IPR and Research Methodology

    Sr. No. Title of the conference State/National/International Schedule View details
    1 Intellectual Property Rights State 26 April 2023
    2 An Overview of Intellectual Property Rights State 1 April 2023

    Publications: Faculty-wise

    Sr.No. Name of the Author Name of the Journal Title of the Paper Year of Publication Volume (ISBN/ISSNN)
    1 Miss. B. B. Waghmare International Journal of Pharmaceuticals Research and Developments Green Chemistry: The need for sustainable Environment 2014-15 0974-9446
    2 Dr. A. B. Sawant Scholars World Green synthesis of flavones 2014-15 2319-5789
    3 Dr. R. S. Nirwan Scholars World Green synthesis of flavones 2014-15 2319-5789
    4 Dr. T. S. Savale Bionano Frontier Society Transport and Thermodynamic Properties of Binary Mixtures of P-Xylene with Propane-1-ol and Butane -1-ol at different temperature 2014-15 0974-0678
    5 Mr. R. K. Pawar Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical research New Perspective on Heavy metal pollution of water 2014-15 0975-7384
    6 Miss. B. B. Waghmare International Research Journal of Commerce, Bussiness and social Science The History of Chemistry 2014-15 2277-9310
    7 Miss. B. B. Waghmare Proceeding: Environmental Education and Public awareness Factors affecting Environmental health 2014-15 978-93-50-70-183-6
    8 Dr. P. S. Pawar International Journal of Science and Research Methodology Density and Excess Molar Volume of t-butanol with benzene and toluene of the temp[erature 313.15 oK 2015-16 Vol. 4
    9 Miss. B. B. Waghmare Scholars World Effect of food addetives and Preservatives on Human Being : Review on Preservative Sodium benzoate 2015-16 2320-3145
    10 Miss. B. B. Waghmare Research Journals Environmental toxicology and its adverse Effect on Health – and articles 2015-16 2348-7143
    11 Miss. B. B. Waghmare Research World Analysis of soft drink and effect of soft drink consumption on Human health 2015-16 2231-4172
    12 Dr. N. A. Dokhe, Dr. Mehadi Hassan, Dr. P. S. Pawar Uniresearch-International Multidisciplinary e-research Journals Volumetric, Ultrasonic and IR Spectroscopic study of binary liquid Mixture of O-Xylene, m-xylene and p-xylene with t-butanol at 308.15 oK 2015-16 2321-4953
    13 Dr. R. S. Nirwan Research World Density Functional Theory Studies of 2-(4-chlorophenyl)-4H-chromene-4-One 2015-16 2231-4172
    14 Dr. N. A. Dokhe, Dr. Mehadi Hassan, Dr. P. S. Pawar Scholars World Sonochemical studies of Binary Liquid Mixture of o-chloro toluene and p-chlorotoulene with t-butanol at 298.15 and 303.15 oK 2015-2016 2320-3145
    15 Dr. N. A. Dokhe, Dr. Mehadi Hassan, Dr. P. S. Pawar International Journals of advance Research in Chemical Science Volumetric, Ultrasonic and IR Spectroscopic study of binary liquid Mixture of O-Xylene, m-xylene and p-xylene with t-butanol at 303.15 oK 2015-16 2349-039X
    16 Dr. N. A. Dokhe, Dr. Mehadi Hassan, Dr. P. S. Pawar, Dr. A. B. Sawant ISRM Density and Excess Molar Volume of T-Butanol with Benzene and toulene of the 313.15 oK 2015-16 Vol-4
    17 Dr. N. A. Dokhe, Dr. Mehadi Hassan, Dr. P. S. Pawar, Dr. A. B. Sawant International Journals of advance Research in Chemical Science Sonochemical and Infrared Spectroscopies study of Binary Liquid Mixture of o-chloro toluene and p-chlorotoulene with t-butanol at 308.15 and 313.15 oK 2015-16 2349-039X
    18 Dr. T. S. Savale Research Journey International Multidisciplinary E-research Journal Sonochemical and thermodynamics Study of Binary Mixture of ortho, meta and para xylene with Propa-2-ol at 298.15 oK 2015-16 2348-7143
    19 Dr. R. R. Pawar Dr. C. S. Aher Research World Density, Excess Molar Volumes and Apperant Molar volume of Solution Of Catachols ant bacterial Compounds in pure and Mixed water + Alcohol binary mixture at 293.15 and 313.15 oK 2015-16 2231-4172
    20 Dr. N. A. Dokhe, Dr. P. S. Pawar, Research World Thermodyanamic Properties of Binary Liquid Mixture of o-xylene and m-xylene and p-xylene with t-butanol at 313.15 oK 2015-16 2231-4172
    21 Dr. R. S. Patil, Dr. C. S. Aher Research World Limiting Ionic Partial Molar Volume of R4 N+and Br- In Aquous Methanol at 3o3.15 oK 2015-16 2231-4172
    22 Dr. S. B. Nahire, Dr. R. R. Pawar Research World Measurement on Solubility and Density of Benzoic acid in Water, Ethanol and their Solvent Mixtures of varies temperatures and its thermodynamics parameter 2015-16 2231-4172
    23 Dr. S. S. Pathade and Dr. A. B. Sawant Research World DFT Study of (2E)-3-(Furan-2-yl)-1-(2-hydroxy phenyl) Prop-2-ene-1-one 2015-16 2231-4172
    24 Mr. R K Pawar IJSRSET Solvent Solubility Assesment by using Photochemical Screening of some Lamiaceae Member 2016-17 2395-1990
    25 Miss. B. B. Waghmare Scholars World Review –Need of Sewage treatment and different processes used in sewage treatment 2016-17 2319-5789
    26 Miss. B. B. Waghmare Research Journey Environmental toxicology and its adversed effect on health an article 2016-17 2348-7143
    27 Dr. R R Pawar, Dr. C. S. Aher International Journal of Current Advanced Reaserch DFT Study Molecular interactions of Hydroquinone in water, methanol and binary solvent mixtures of Water+Methanol at different temperature. 2016-17 2319-6475
    28 Dr. R R Pawar, Dr. C. S. Aher IJSRSET Solubility of Phenolic Compounds in Pure water and Alcohols with FTIR and DFT Study 2016-17 2394-4099
    29 Mr. R K Pawar, Dr. C. S. Aher IJSRSET Molecular interaction in the Binary Solvent Mixtures and Catechol in pure binary solvent mixture at 293.15 to 313.15 K with DFT Study 2016-17 2394-4099
    30 Dr. R. R. Pawar, A. S. Kale IJSRST Density, Excess Molar Volumes of Water Ethanol binary mixtures at various temperatures 2016-17 2395-602X
    31 Mr. R. K. Pawar Research Journey The Physico chemical Parameters of River water A Review 2016-17 2348-7143
    32 Miss. B. B. Waghmare Scholars World Different Food additives and their Uses 2016-17 2319-5789
    33 Dr. R. R. Pawar, Dr. S. B. Nahire International Journal of Current Advanced Research Density, Excess Molar Volumes of Water methanol binary mixtures at 293.15 to 313.15 oK 2016-17 2319-6505
    34 Dr. R. R. Pawar, A. S. Kale International Journal of Current Advanced Research Imidazole, Its Derivatives & their Importance A Review 2016-17 2319-6475
    35 Dr. P.S. Pawar Oriental Journal of Chemistry Investigation of specific interactions between the constituent of molecukes of binary liquid mixtures of methyl benzoate ethyl benzoate benzyl benzoate with 2-penatnol at different temperatures 2017-18 0970-0202X
    36 Dr. R R Pawar, Dr. C. S. Aher IJCPS Molecular Interactions of 2-napthol in binary solvent mixture of water + Methanol and water+ethanol with DFT Study 2017-18 2319-6602
    37 Dr. R R Pawar, Dr. C. S. Aher IJCPS DFT Study, Volume Changes with molecular interactions of hydroquinone in water, alcohol and binary solvent Mixtures of AAquous alcohol at different temperatures 2017-18 2319-6602
    38 Dr. S. S. Pathade Researchers World A synthesis of Chalcones and their antimicrobial Activities 2017-18 2231-4174
    39 Mr.A.U.Nerkar Researchers World Use of Catechol and its derivative in Pharmaceuticals 2017-18 2231-4174
    40 Miss. B. B. Waghmare Our Heritage A Study of different acts for women in Maharashtra state and Current Status of women 2017-18 0474-9030
    41 Dr. S. S. Pathade Vidyawarta Some innovative methods to make teaching more effective 2017-18 2319-9318
    42 Dr. R. R. Pawar, A. S. Kale IJSRSET Solubility and thermodynamic functions of Imidazole in pure solvents and their binary mixtures at 293.15 to 313.15 K 2017-18 2395-1990
    43 Dr. P. S. Pawar Journal of Gujrat Research Society Thermodynamic Interactions of binary liquid mixture of Anisole, Phenetole and Benzyl ether with 2-pentanol at temperatures T= 298.15 K and 308.15 K 2018-19 0374-8588
    44 Dr. C. S. Aher Journal of Biological and Chemical Research Solubility, Density and Thermodynamic Functions of Catechol in pure water, 1-pentanol and their binary solvent mixtures at 293.15 to 313.15 K temperatures 2018-19 2319-3077
    45 Dr. C. S. Aher International Journal of Research and Analytical Review Solubility, Density and Thermodynamic Functions of Catechol in pure water, ethanol and their binary solvent mixtures at various temperatures 2018-19 2349-5138
    46 Dr. C. S. Aher JETIR DFT Study of Catechol Molecule and Catechol with different solvent system 2018-19 2349-5162
    47 Dr. C. S. Aher Journal of Applicable Chemistry Thermodynamic Functions, Solubility and density of Catechol in Pure Water, Methanol and their binary solvent mixture at 293.15 K to 313.15 K temperature 2018-19 2278-1862
    48 Dr. N. A. Dokhe IJERA Density, Viscosity and IR Spectroscopy studies of binary mixture of Aniline and Nitrobenzene with 2-methyl-2-propanol at 298.15 K 2018-19 2248-9622
    49 Dr. R. S. Nirwan Ajanta Molecular Structure and Vibrational spectroscopic studies of 4-chloro-2-[2-(4-chlorophenyl)-2,3-dihydro-1,5-Benzothioazepine-4-Yl]Phenol 2018-19 2277-5730
    50 Dr.T.S.Savale, Dr. R. R. Pawar Ajanta Densities and viscosities of binary mixture of O-xylene with Butan-1-ol and pentane-1-ol at (298.15, 303.15, 308.15 and 313.15)K 2018-19 2277-5730
    51 Dr. R. R. Pawar, Dr. S. B. Nahire IJRAR Solubility, Solution Thermodynamics and DFT Study of Glutaric acid in Water, methanol and their binary mixtures at various temperatures 2018-19 2349-5138
    52 Dr. S. S. Pathade Ajanta Synthesis and DFT Studies of 4-(3,4-dimethoxyphenyl)-2-(4-flurophenyl)-2,3-dihydro-1-H-1,5-benzodiazopine 2018-19 2277-5730
    53 Dr. S. S. Pathade Journal of Applicable Chemistry Synthesis and Characterization and theoretical Study of 3-(4-bromophenyl)-5-(2,4-dichlorophenyl)-1-phenyl-4,5-dihydro-1H-pyrazole 2018-19 2278-1862
    54 Dr. S. S. Pathade IJRAR Synthesis and Characterization and DFT Investigation of 4-(4-bromophenyl)-6-(4-flulorophenyl)-5,6—dihydropyrimidine-2(1H)-One 2018-19 2349-5138
    55 Dr. R. R. Pawar IJRAR Solubility and Thermodynamic Functions of Acetanilide in n-propanol+water mixtures 2018-19 2349-5138
    56 Dr. R. R. Pawar, Dr. S. B. Nahire Researchers Worlds Solution Thermodynamics of Potassium bromide in Water, ethanol and their binary mixtures at various temperatures 2018-19 2231-4172
    57 Dr. C. S. Aher Journal of Biological and Chemical Research Solubility, Density and Thermodynamic Functions of Catechol in pure water, 1-propanol and their binary solvent mixtures at 293.15 to 313.15 K temperatures 2019-20 2319-3077
    58 Dr. N. B. Shirsath Scintific research and reviews Review on Cyclodextrins,polymers complexation:a modern approch 2019-20 2638-3500
    59 Dr. N.B.Wadwale Current pharma research One pot three components synthesis of pyrazolo(3,4-b) quinolin derivatives catalyzed by DBU 2019-20 2230-7842
    60 Dr. N.B.Wadwale Current pharma research Microwave assisted solvent free One pot three components synthesis of Novel pyrano pyrimiden Trion derivatives. 2019-20 2230-7842
    61 Dr.R.S.Nirwan Research journal of chemistry and environment Moleculer structure and vibrational spectroscopic studies of 2- [4 methoxy phenyl ]-4H chromen 4 one 2019-20 Vol 24
    62 Dr.R.S.Nirwan Ajanta DFT Study of electronic structure of of 2- [4 choro phenyl ]-6 methoxy -4H chromen 4 one 2019-20 2277-5730
    63 Dr.T.S.Sawale International Research Journal of natural And Applied sciences. Sonochemical and Thermodynamics studies of binary liquid mixture of Xylems (ortho,meta and para) with propan-1ol at different temperatures 2019-20 2349-4077
    64 Dr.T.S.Sawale Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research Studies of Thermodynamics and transport properties of binary solutions of ortho Xylenes with 2 alkanols(C3-C5) at different temperatures 2019-20 0022-1945
    65 Dr.T.S.Sawale International Journal of Research culture of society Transport and thermodynamics properties of binary mixtures of meta xylenes with propan-1ol,butan-1ol and pentane 1ol at different temperature 2019-20 2456-6683
    66 Dr. P.S.Pawar Our Heritage : National Conference Moleculer interaction of binary liqueds mixture of isopropyl ether and di-n- butyl ether with 2 pentanol at different temperature 2019-20 0474-9030
    67 Dr.S.S.Pathade Journal of advanced scientific research Synthesis and DFT based quantum chemical studies of 2- (3-bromo phenyl)-4- (4-bromo phenyl)-2,3 dihydro -1H-1,5 Benzodiazapine 2019-20 0976-9595
    68 Dr.S.S.Pathade Journal of advanced scientific research research Molecular structure ,Frontier molecular orbital and spectroscopic examination on dihydropyrimidinones : a comparative computational approach dihydropyrimidinones : a comparative computational approach 2019-20 0976-9595
    69 Dr.R.R.Pawar, Dr.Atul S.Kale IJSTR Solubility of acetanilide impure and mixed solvent at 288.15 to 313.15 K and its correlation with thermodynamics model 2019-20 2277-8616
    70 Miss. B. B. Waghmare Material science research India Synthesis spectroscopic characterization Quantum Chemical Study and Antimicrobial study of (2 E)-3-(2.6 dichloro phenyl)-1-(4-fluoro)-prop 2 en -1 one. 2019-20 0973-3469
    71 Dr. T. S. Savale International Research Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences Sonochemical and thermodynamic studies of binary liquid mixtuers of xylene(ortho-, meta-, and para-) with propan-1-ol at different temperatures 2020-21 2349-4077
    72 Dr. T. S. Savale International Journal of Research Culture Society Transport and thermodynamics properties of binary mixtures of m- Xylene with Propan-1-ol, Butan- 1-ol and pemtan-1-ol at different temperatures. 2020-21 2456-6683
    73 Dr. N. A. Dokhe, Mr.V.S.Aaynor International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications Density, viscosity and IR spectroscopy studies of binary mixture of aniline and nitrobenzene with 2- methyl-2 propanol at 303.15 k 2020-21 2248-9622
    74 Dr. C. S. Aher Journal of Adavanced scientific Research Thermodynamic function, solubility and density of hydroquinone in pure water, methanol and their binary solvent mixtures at various temperatuers with FT-IR 2020-21 0976-9595
    75 Mr.R.K.Pawar Journal of Adavanced scientific Research Computational chemistry: Molecular structure, spectroscopic (UV- VISIBLE AND IR), Electronic , chemical and thermochemical analysis of 3-phenyl-1,2- dihydrospiro[indeno{5,4- B]furan-7,2-oxirane]- 8(6H)-one 2020-21 0976-9595
    76 International Journal For Innovative Research In Multidisciplinary Field p-TSA catalyzed Multicomponent synthesis of 12- (substituted phenyl)- 8Hbenzo[ 5,6]chromeno[2,3- d]pyrimidine- 9,11(10H,12H)-dione derivatives. 2020-21 ISSN: 2455- 0620
    77 Mr.A.U.Nerkar Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Reasearch" Triazole as a anti inflammatory agent: a short review. 2020-21 20491220
    78 Dr. N.B. Shirsath Diamond Open acces 3D Architecture poly (acrylamide-co-azomethine-co-acrylic acid ) cogel Synthesis ,characterization and salinity profile 2020-21 Vol 5
    79 Dr. N.B. Shirsath Green Material TiO2/starch-based biodegradable copolymer nanocomposite as a plant growth regulator 2020-21
    80 Mr.Milind C. Nagare International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology Review on chalcone (preparation, synthesis of pirazolines ring and biological screening based on 2020-21
    81 Dr.S.B.Nahire Research J. Pharm. And Tech. Investigation, Correlation and DFT study for solubility of Malonic acid in water + methanol and water + ethanol binary solvents at T = 293.15 to 313.15 K 2020-21 0974-3618
    82 Dr.S.B.Nahire Journal of Advanced Scientific Research Solubility, Molecular Interactions Through Dft Study Of Malonic Acid In Water, 1-Propanol And Their Binary Mixtures At T= 293.15- 313.15K 2020-21 0976-9595
    83 Dr. S. S. Pathade Physical Chemistry Research Experimental and computational investigation on molecular structure, vibrational spectra, electronic properties, FMO and MEP analysis of 4,6-bis(4-fluorophenyl)-5,6-dihydropyrimidin-2(1H)-one: A DFT Insight 2020-21 2322-5521
    84 Dr. S. S. Pathade Molecular Simulation Solvent-free grindstone synthesis of four new (E)-7-(arylidene)-indanones and their structural, spectroscopic and quantum chemical study: a comprehensive theoretical and experimental exploration 2020-21 8927022
    85 Dr. S. S. Pathade Material Science Research India Molecular Structure, Electronic, Chemical and Spectroscopic (UV-Visible and IR) Studies of 5-(4-Chlorophenyl)-3-(3, 4-dimethoxyphenyl)-1-phenyl-4, 5-dihydro-1H-pyrazole: Combined DFT and Experimental Exploration 2020-21 2394-0565
    86 Mr. R.K.Pawar Journal of Advanced Scientific Research Computational Chemistry: Molecular Structure, Spectroscopic (Uv-Visible And Ir), Electronic, Chemical And Thermochemical Analysis Of 3’-Phenyl-1,2-Dihydrospiro[Indeno[5,4-B]Furan-7,2’-Oxiran]-8(6h)-One 2020-21 0976-9595
    87 Dr. R. S. Nirwan Journal of Research and Development Key Role in Prevention of Corona Virus Infection. 2020-21 2230-9578
    88 Dr. R. S. Nirwan Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment Molecular Structure and Vibrational Spectroscopic studies of 2-(4-methoxyphenyl)-4H-chrome-4-one. 2020-21 2230-9578
    89 Dr. R. S. Nirwan An International Multidisciplinary Quarterly Research Journal, Density Functional Theory Studies of Electronic structure of 2-(4-Chlorophenyl0-6-methoxy -4Hchromene-4-one. 2020-21 2277-5730
    90 Dr. Nirwan Ramesh Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment FTIR Spectra, HF and DFT Analysis of o-chlorophenol and diphenyl ether 2020-21
    91 Miss. B. B. Waghmare Journal of Research and Development Impact of Covid -19 on Education 2020-21 2230-9578
    92 Miss. B. B. Waghmare Material Science Research India Synthesis, Spectroscopic Characterisation, Quantum Chemical Study and Antimicrobial Study of (2E)-3-(2,6-dichlorophenyl)-1-(4-Fluro)-prop-2-en-1-one 2020-21 0973-3469
    93 Dr. T. S. Savale IJRAR Thermodynamics and Sonochemical studies of binary mixtures of (o,m and p-)xylenes with butan-1-ol at different temperatures 2021-22 2349-5138
    94 Dr. N. B. Wadwale K. T. Padhyar Dr. R. S. Patil IJCSRR A brief review on triazole and its pharmacological applications 2021-22 2581-8341
    95 K. T. Padhyar, Dr. N. B. Wadwale IJRES Review of studies on novel drug discovery of Coumarin Chalcone derivatives , DFT study and its biological activity 2021-22 2320-9364
    96 Mr.M.C.Nagare IJARIIT Review on chalcone (preparation, synthesis of Pyrazolines ring and biological screening based on Chalcones and derivation into pyrazolines) 2021-22 2454-132X
    97 Mr.R.K.Pawar ANVESAK Antioxidant, total phenolic,flavonoids and phytochemical screening of traditional herbal products 2021-22 0378-4568
    98 Mr.V.S.Aaynor IJCAR Medicinal properties of Schiff’s bases and metal complexes : A Review 2021-22 2319-6505
    99 Dr.N.B.Wadwale RJOC Synthetic development and assessment of antioxidant activity of Imino(1,2,4-)triazolo[1,5-a]Pyrimidine-6-carbonitrile 2021-22 1070-4280
    100 Dr.C.S.Aher RJPT Hydroquinone solubility in pure binary solvent mixtures at various temperatures with FTIR 2021-22 0974-360X
    101 Dr.N.B.Shirsath JMHR A systematic review on Novel Corona Virus(Covid-19) : Keys to origin, symptoms and precautions 2021-22 2456-9178
    102 Mr.A.U.Nerkar JACS Use of Pyrimidine and its Derivative in Pharmaceuticals a review 2021-22 2394-5311
    103 Miss. B.B.Waghmare JCBPS Synthesis, spectroscopic and DFT bases quantum chemical study of (2E)-1-(4-Chlorophenyl)-3-(4-{propan-2-yl) 2021-22 2249-1925
    104 Miss. B.B.Waghmare SRFMJMR Different natural resources of medicinal use 2021-22 2394-3580
    105 Miss.B.B.Waghmare JRDMILRJ Article- The effect of natural and manmade disaster in India 2021-22 2240-9578
    106 Dr.N. B. Shirsath ARMCS Poly(azomethine) : Synthesis, properties and applications 2021-22 978-81-953600-4-8

    Books/ Chapter in Books Published

    Sr.No. Name of faculty Book Title Publisher Year of publication ISSN number
    1 Miss. B. B. Waghmare Biological AkiNiKi 2020 978-93-90541-08-9
    2 Dr. R. S. Patil Advanced research In Material and Chemical science Bhumi 2021 978-81-953600-4-8
    3 Dr. N. B. Shirsath Advanced research In Material and Chemical science Bhumi 2021 978-81-95360
    4 Dr. R. S. Nirwan Modern Trends in Chemical Sciences AkiNiKi 2023 978-93-5570-5

    Linkages/Collaborations & MoUs

    Organization with which MoU is signed Name of the institution/ industry/ corporate house Year of signing MoU Duration
    Academic and Research Linkage Yashvant Mahavidyalya, Nanded 2021-22 1 Yr till date
    Academic MOU’s Dhanvi Polymer, Malegaon 2020-2026 6 Yrs

    Department of Chemistry

  • Department of Chemistry actively engaged to do following activities for the students
  • 1. Industrial visits for UG/PG students
  • 2. Guidance of NET/SET exams
  • 3. Organize webinars/conferences for PG and research students.
  • 4. Lab experiments demo for School students (Extension activity)
  • 5. Hand on training for school students.
  • 6. Certificate course for Chemistry students.
  • 7. Guidance of PG Projects to PG students
  • 8. To encourage students for participation at Avishakar/Conferences.
  • 9. Blood Donation camp for society.
  • 10. Department encourage students for their skills.
    • Strengths

    • Well qualified and experienced faculty member with good academic record.
    • Research laboratories with well-equipped research infrastructure.
    • DST-FIST sponsored department.
    • Departmental library with sufficient books and references.
    • Conduction of various activities and courses for the students to advancement in Chemistry.
    • Department guide students for co-curricular, extra-curricular and social outreach activities leading to a holistic personality development.
    • Future Plan.

    • To start the ADD-ON course in chemistry.
    • To organize National and International conferences.
    • To enhance the research culture.
    • To strengthen departmental library by more references.
    • To organize campus placement.
    • To make more collaboration with colleges, industries and research institutes.

    1.Title of the practice:

  • Inter collegiate CHEMIAD Competition
  • 2. Objectives of the practice:

    Chemistry is an interesting field in science where the research is growing so fast. As majority of the people know the fact that our daily life is related to science. Without science life is not possible. Likewise without chemistry, researches are not possible in this modern world. Chemistry, a branch of science mainly deals with the structure of atoms and molecules. the department of chemistry is organizes the  CHEMIAD Competition for F. Y ., S.Y., T.Y.B.Sc. students who opt chemistry as a subject. The main objectives to conduct CHEMIAD Competition are a) To create an interest about chemistry in young minds.
    b) To motivate students for the competitive exam such as NET, SET, GATE etc.
    c) To create the awareness about the PG and Research center among the students of different colleges.
    d) To create awareness about the career-oriented opportunities in chemistry.

    3. The Context:

    To implement and to design this practice the following challenging issues need to be addressed.

  • a) Designing of multiple-choice question paper as per the standard of competitive exams in higher education.
  • b) Evaluation of more than 1200 answer sheets within a short period.
  • c) The contextual feature of this CHEMIAD competition is to conduct Quiz competition of rank holder students from each college.
  • 4. The Practice:

    In the present scenario of indias higher education it is a big challenge to the students to face competitive exams ( NET, SET, GATE, PET, TOFFEL, GRE, etc.) This practice has been started from academic year 1995 on the basis of CHEMIAD competition conducted by university of Pune for only F.Y.B.Sc. Students. Uniqueness of this practice is that we conduct this competition for all three under graduate level classes in two rounds, the first is MCQ test and second is oral quiz competition. We prepare separate question paper for each class of 50 marks, we select the topper from each class from every participating college and call them for quiz competition. We form the group of three answer each question is 1 minute only. The top three teams selected and awarded them by trophy, certificate and prize. We also provide travelling allowance for each student participating in the quiz competition and make arrangement of tea, breakfast and lunch for them. We are providing certificate to each participating student of MCQ test.

    5) Evidence of Success:

    The success of this practice is that the number of participating colleges and students is increasing. Every year more than 1000 students are appearing for this intercollegiate CHEMIAD competition. From these participating students’ maximum number of students pursuing the post graduation and successes in many competitive exams.

    Year No. of participating colleges No. of students Winners
    F.Y.B.Sc S.Y.B.Sc. T.Y.B.Sc.
    2023 16 561 520 437

    1) J.A.T. Arts, Science and Commerce College Malegaon

    • a)Ansari Maharoz Kausar Iqbal
    • b) Sara Ahmad Usman Faizee
    • c) Faizee Munazza Rafee

    2) Swami Muktanand College of Science, Yeola.

    • a) Pooja Madhukar Somase
    • b) Sali Shrikant Nivrittinath
    • c) Avhad Vinayak Shivaji

    3) MGV’s ASC College Manmad

    • a) Patil Shubhangi Dipak
    • b) Sansare Mrunal Pradip
    • c) Kakad Swati Nandu
    2020 16 657 452 476

    1) L.V.H. College Panchavati Nasik

    • a) Inamdar Aqsa Rafique
    • b) Ugale Vaishali Gopinath
    • c) Shinde Siddhant Nitin

    2) K.R.A. Arts, Science and Commerce College Deola

    • a) Jadhav Mitali Sunil
    • b) Pawar Darshana Subhash
    • c) Shinde Pallavi Dnyaneshwar

    3) J.A.T. College Malegaon

    • a) Ansari Tahseen Md.
    • b) Gulafshan Jamal Ahmed
    • c) Javeria Farheen Khurshid
    2019 10 443 309 311

    1) S.P.H.Mahila Mahavidyalaya Malegaon

    • a) Nazmeen Ejaz Ahmed
    • b) Bhavar Ashwini Vijay
    • c) Shelar Kajol Arun

    2) L.V.H. College Panchavati Nasik

    • a) Bhagat Pavan Somnath
    • b) Jagtap Kiran Parmeshwar
    • c) Bagul Manohar Hari

    3) Swami Muktanand College Yeola

    • a) Satalkar Shubhangi Arun
    • b) Aware Ashwini Sanjay
    • c) Aware Ramkrishna Bapurao
    2018 14 858 408 361

    1) J.A.T. College Malegaon

    • a) Shabeba Raees Ah.
    • b) Aassia khatoon Md
    • c) Ansari Adisha kausar

    2) S.N.J.B. College Chandwad

    • a) Bankar Akash Vishvasrao
    • b) Kumavat Kirti kailas
    • c) Thakare Rohini Baban

    3) M.S.G. College Malegaon

    • a) Ahire Swapnil C
    • b) Halwar Megha H
    • c) Jadhav Poonam K
    2017 14 588 401 318

    1) S.P.H.Mahila Mahavidyalaya Malegaon

    • a) Ansari Sahara Anjum
    • b) Bhoi Milima Kashiram
    • c) Wagh Yamini Pradeep

    2) M.S.G. College Malegaon

    • a) Patil Aishwarya P
    • b) Gaikwad Ganesh S
    • c) Bhavsar Shruti Sanjay

    3) S.N.J.B. College Chandwad

    • a) Jadhav Pooja Ganpat
    • b) Chavan Mukta Shankar
    • c) Attar Ruksar Jamil
    2016 08 447 265 143
    2015 9 351 289 173

    Awards Received by Faculties

    Sr. No. Name of Faculty Photo Agency Award Status Year
    1 Dr. T.S. Savale Mahaveer International Best Teacher State 2016-17
    Bionano Frontier ( Maurtius) Best research Paaper presentation International 2016-17
    Rotary Club of Malegaaon Mid-town Best Teacher State 2020-21
    Vruttavedh Saptahik (Kasamade Update) Best Teacher District 2021-22
    2 Dr. R. S. Nirwan Gram Panchyat Ranjangaon Gram Ratn Puraskar Distict 2019-20
    3 Dr. S. S. Pathade International Conference LVH College Nashik Best research Paaper presentation International 2019-20
    Material Science Research India Best reviewer International 2020-21
    Mahatma Gandhi Vidyamandir Best Academic Research Coordinater District 2023-24
    Sidvi Foundation & Divine Mother College Korkadu Puducherry India Young Scientist Award International 2023-24
    4 Dr. P.S. Pawar National Conference KVN ASC College Nashik Best research Poster presentation National 2019-20
    Mahatma Gandhi Vidyamandir Best Student Development Officer District 2022-23
    5 Dr. N. B. Shirsath M J College Jalgaon Best research Paaper presentation International 2021-22
    National Academy of Science, Government of India Swarna Pursakar for Best Oral Presentation National 2019
    CSIR-NIIST CSIR-Summer Research Fellow National 2021-22
    Indian Council of Chemist Young Scientist Award National 2022-23
    Royal Society of Chemistry (RSC) Best Paper Award International 2023-24
    International Conference of M. J. College Jalgaon Best Paper Award International 2023-24
    International Conference, Mysuru Global Best Researcher Award International 2024-25
    6 Mr. K. T. Padhyar Sat Kabir Institute of Technology & Management Bahadurgarh, Hariyana, India Best Paper Award International 2023-24
    7 Dr. Narendra A.Dokhe Rotary Club Of Malegaon Midtown Nation Builder Award International 2023-24
    Mahatma Gandhi Vidyamandir Best Development Teacher Award District 2022-23

    Top Alumni

    Sr.No. Name of the alumni Position Held Government/ Semi.Gov. Private/Business Year of Passing
    1 Dr. Aapoorva P. Hiray Coordinator, MGV, Former MLC, Senate Member, SPPU, Pune - - 2008
    2 Dr. A.U. Borse Former CEO, KBC-NMU Jalgaon Gov. - 2003
    3 Dr. B. S. Jagdale Principal, LVH College, Nashik Gov. - 2000
    4 Dr. D. F. Shirude Principal, SPH College Nampur Gov. - 2007
    5 Dr. U.B. Kadam Principal, KBH College Nimgaon Gov. - 2007
    6 Dr. Nagesh Khupse Gov. - 2005
    7 Mr. Bhushan B. Suryawanshi Company In charge, Innovative, Dubai - Private 2015
    8 Dr. H. A. Parbhat HOD, Chemistry, Wilson College, Mumbai Gov. - 2004
    9 Nilelsh Vijay Shewale Teacher Semi. Govt. - 2009
    10 Dhananjay Pawar Teacher Semi Govt - 2009
    11 Dinesh Wagh Teacher Semi Govt - 2010
    12 Bushan Bapu Surywanshi Private 2017
    13 Shrikant Pawar Clerk Govt - 2017
    14 Vikas Ananada Bagul Clerk Govt - 2016
    15 Rakesh Namdeo Shinde Private 2016
    16 Nachiket Metkar Private 2019
    16 Nachiket Metkar Private 2019
    17 Rohit Gorakh Kachave Private 2019
    18 Anil Bhika Pawar Private 2019
    19 Tushar Nandan Private 2019
    20 Mayur Shinde Private 2019
    21 Swapnil Jadhav Private 2019
    22 Vishwajitsingh Pardeshi X-Ray Technician Govt 2018
    23 Shwetambari Aakhade Teacher Semi Govt 2019
    24 Sandip Patil Govt 2020
    25 Chavan Aanand Police Govt 2021
    26 Khairnar Avinash Police Govt 2021
    27 Tushar Deore API Govt 2016
    28 Wagh Harshada Clerk BOB 2018
    29 Ahire Swami Private 2016
    30 Sonawane Nilesh Private 2016
    31 Sonawane Shivlal Private 2016
    32 Borse Mahendra Private 2019
    33 Pawar Umeshwari Private 2018
    34 Nandre Roshan Private 2016
    35 Sonawane Jayesh Private 2016
    36 Deore Bhushan Private 2019
    37 Rana Pravin Private 2014
    38 Ahire Sandip Private 2015
    39 Kapadnis Shital Private 2014
    40 Kulkarni Gayatri Private 2015
    41 Pakhale Swapnil Private 2014
    42 Kadam Sachin Private 2015
    43 Deore Manoj Private 2015
    44 Thakare Nikhil Private 2016
    45 Randhir Kapil Private 2016
    46 Thakare Nakul Private 2016
    47 Bagal Chetan Private 2016
    48 Tatar Rahul Private 2016
    49 Ahire Shweta Private 2016
    50 Shinde Krutika Private 2018
    51 Sharma Komal Private 2017
    52 Achaliya Rutuja Private 2017
    53 Patil Bhavana Private 2017
    53 Patil Bhavana Private 2017
    54 Ahire Bhavana Private 2017
    55 Kor Madhavi Private 2017
    56 Khavasara Tanmayi Private 2016
    57 Pagar Prajakta Private 2016
    58 Tadage Datta Private 2016
    59 Rahemani Mudassir Private 2016
    60 Ansari Mudassir Private 2016
    61 Pawar Mahendra Govt 2016
    62 Bachhav Pramod Govt 2015
    63 Deore Vijay Govt 2015
    64 Wagh Sumit Private 2015
    65 Sawant Yavendra Private 2016
    66 Aher Rajat Private 2016
    67 Kakade Swapnil Private 2017
    68 Ahire Kishor Private 2016
    69 Sonawane Swapnil Private 2017
    70 Pawar Manish Private 2018
    71 Borse Suday Private 2016
    72 Nikam Mayuri Private 2020
    73 Sawale Raosaheb Private 2016
    74 Nikam Sonali Private 2015
    75 Nikam Mohini Private 2018
    76 Ahire Vaibhav Private 2017
    78 Gaikwad Anant Private 2019
    79 Sonawane Amol Private 2018
    80 Hire Amol Govt 2018
    81 Khairnar Bhushan Private 2017
    82 Bhadane Nilkanth Private 2018
    83 Bhadane Mayur Private 2018
    84 Kapadnis Vaibhav Private 2015
    85 Shinde Rahul Private 2018
    86 Deore Sachin Private 2018
    87 Ahire Shekhar Private 2018
    88 Baviskar Baban Private 2018
    89 Sarode Rahul Private 2017
    90 Chavan Devendra Private 2016
    91 Kor Kalyani Private 2019
    92 Kurhe Darshana Private 2019
    93 Deore Rina Private 2020
    94 Borse Swapna Private 2021
    95 Khairnar Chandana Private 2021
    96 Suryawanshi Vaibhav Private 2022
    97 More Rahul Private 2022
    98 Pawar Mitesh Private 2022
    99 Sethi Anuja Private 2016
    100 Agrawal Neha Private 2016

    Alumni Contribution activities

    Sr.No. Name of the alumni Activities Donation Date/Year
    1 Dr.B.S.Jagdale 21,000/- 2022
    2 Prof. R.S.Warkhede PH Meter - 2019
    3 Dr.K.S.Thakare 5000/- 2023
    4 Dr.S.D.Thakare 5100/- 2023
    5 Dr.V.V.Patil - 5000/- 2022.
    6 Mr. S.S.Khairnar 5000/- 2023
    7 Dr.R.B.Sawant - 5000/- 2023
    8 Dr.N.A.Dokhe 5100/- 2023
    9 Mr.V.S.Aaynor 5100/- 2023
    10 Mr.Yogesh Sawant 5000/- 2023
    11 Mr.Shantaram Shewale 4000/- 2023
    12 Mr.S.S.Ahire 3000/- 2023
    13 Mr.Sachin Kadam 3000/- 2023
    14 Mr.S.K.Ahire 3000/- 2023
    15 Mr.S.B.Sonawane 3000/- 3000/-
    16 Ms.Umeshwari Pawar 3000/- 2023
    17 Dr.C.S.Aher 2100/- 2023
    18 Mr.A.U.Nerkar 2100/- 2023
    19 Mr.P.A.Bachhav 1000/- 2022
    20 Mr.V.S.Deore 1000/- 2022
    21 Mr.C.P.Kanhor 1000/- 2022
    22 Mr. Sachin Khairnar 5000/- 2022
    23 Dr. T. S. Savale 5000/- 2023

    Contact US

    Sr.No. Name of the Faculty Designation Email
    1 Dr. T. S. Savale Vice-principal [email protected]
    2 Dr. R. S. Nirwan Professor [email protected]
    3 Dr. C. S. Aher (HOD-UG)Associate Professor [email protected]
    4 Dr. P. S. Pawar (HOD-PG) Assistant Professor [email protected]
    5 Miss. B. B. Waghmare Assistant Professor [email protected]
    6 Mr. S. A. Ahire Assistant Professor [email protected]
    7 Mr. R. K. Pawar Assistant Professor [email protected]
    8 Dr. S. S. Pathade Assistant Professor [email protected]
    9 Mr. A. U. Nerkar Assistant Professor [email protected]
    10 Mr. G. B. Yelmame Assistant Professor [email protected]
    11 Dr. N. B. Wadwale Assistant Professor [email protected]
    12 Dr. N. A. Dokhe Assistant Professor [email protected]
    13 Mr. V. S. Aaynor Assistant Professor [email protected]
    14 Mr. K. T. Padhyar Assistant Professor [email protected]
    15 Dr. N. B. Shirsath Assistant Professor [email protected]
    16 Mr. M. J. Mali (CHB) Assistant Professor [email protected]
    17 Mr. G. V. Suryawanshi (CHB) Assistant Professor [email protected]
    18 Mr. S.K. Shinde (CHB) Assistant Professor [email protected]
    19 Mr. N. S. Thakare (CHB) Assistant Professor [email protected]