Mahatma Gandhi Vidyamandir's

Maharaja Sayajirao Gaikwad Arts, Science & Commerce College

Tal. Malegaon, Dist. Nashik (MS)
Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune

Re-accredited with A+ Grade (Cycle-III) by NAAC

Department of Botany


Sr. No Name of the Alumni Academic Year Designation/Occupation
1. Mr. Akash Suryawanshi 2020-2021 Lecturer
2. Mr. Amol Pawar 2021-2022 Farmer
3. Mr. Amit Bhamare 2021-2022 Pharma, Gujrat
4. Mr. Yogesh Korde 2021-2022 Lecturer
5. Mr. Narendra Pawar 2021-2022 Businessman
6. Mr. Nikhil Badarkhe 2021-2022 Technician, Civil Hospital
7. Mr. Ankit Shewale 2021-2022 Businessman
8. Mr. Sushil Mairal 2021-2022 Businessman
9. Mr. Govind Suryawanshi 2020-2021 Inspector, CRPF, Govt. of India
10. Mr. Valmik Desale 2018-2019 Pharma Industry
11. Mr. Pravin Nikam 2020-2021 Asst. Prof.
12. Mr. Rahul Pawar 2020-2021 Lecturer
13. Mr. Bhushan Wagh 2020-2021 Lecturer
14. Mr. Vrushali Pawar 2020-2021 Lecturer
15. Miss. Nikita Deore 2020-2021 Asst. Teacher
16. Mr. Valmik Desale 2018-2019 Pharma Industry,
17. Mr. Pravin Nikam 2020-2021 Asst. Prof.
18. Mr. Rahul Pawar 2020-2021 Lecturer
19. Mr. Bhushan Wagh 2020-2021 Lecturer
20. Mr. Vrushali Pawar 2020-2021 Lecturer
21. Miss. Nikita Deore 2020-2021 Asst. Teacher
22. Mr. Pravin Nikam 2020-2021 Asst.Prof.
23. Mr. Rahul Pawar 2020-2021 Lecturer
24. Mr. Bhushan Wagh 2020-2021 Lecturer
25. Miss. Vrushali Pawar 2020-2021 Lecturer
26. Miss. Nikita Deore 2020-2021 Asst. Teacher
27. Mr. Dhiraj Thakare 2018-2019 Bank
28. Miss. Chaitanya Pawar 2018 -2019 Bank
29. Mr. Umesh Deore 2018-2019 Businessman
30. Mr. Dhanraj Borkar 2018-2019 Businessman
31. Mr. Dipak Borkar 2018-2019 Businessman
32. Mr. Shubham Kor 2018-2019 Businessman
33. Mr. Vijay Jagtap 2018-2019 Social Worker and Asst. Teacher
34. Mr. Jayesh Ahire 2018-2019 Lab. Astt.
35. Miss. Anjali Sonawane 2018-2019 Singer
36. Miss. Ashwini Pawar 2018-2019 Asst. Teacher
37. Miss. Pradnya Deore 2018-2019 Poet, Writer
38. Miss. Zahera Batool 2018-2019 Lecturer
39. Miss. Muneeba Ansari 2018-2019 Lecturer
40. Miss. Tahura Firdaus 2018-2019 Lecturer
41. Mr. Valmik Desale 2018-2019 Pharma Industry
42. Mr. Harshal Deore 1017-2018 Farmer
43. Mr. Tausif Shaikh 2015-2016 Research Scholar
44. Mr. Ajinkya Kachave 2015-2016 Lecturer
45. Mr. Swapnil Patil 2013-1014 Lecturer
46.. Miss. Prajakta Songire 2013-2014 Advocate
47.Mr. Atul Wagh 2013-2014 Lecturer
48.Mr. Pavan Pagar 2013-2014 Asst. Teacher
49.Mr. Amol Jagtap 2012-2013 Asst. Teacher
50.Mr. Varun Surana 2012-2013 Businessman
51.Mr. Rohit Ahire 2012-2013 Technician, Civil Hospital
52.Mr. Sunil Bachhav 2007-2008 Police Inspector
53.Mr. Vikesh Marathe 2007-2008 Businessman
54.Dr. Sachin Dayaram Golait 2002-2003 Assistant Prof, SSVPS College
55.Mr. Prashant Patil 2000-2001 Asst. Prof.
56.Mr. Sunil Shirole 2000-2001 Professor
57.Mr. Ravindra Kor 2000-2001Job, Fertilizer Industry
58.Mr. Satish Surana 1993-1994 Businessman
59.Mr. Sanjay Dhondage 1993-1994 Businessman
60.Mr.VijayBachhav 1993-1994 Businessman
61.Miss. Suchita Ahire 1991-1992 Advocate
62.Miss. Trupti Khairnar 1991-1992 Asst. Teacher
63.Dr. D.G. Jadhav 1991-1992 Asstt. Professor
64.Dr. D.M. Kokate 1991-1992 Asstt. Professor
65.Dr. S.K. Shinde 1991-1992 Asstt. Professor
66.Mr. Pravin Jadhav 1991-1992 Asstt. Teacher
67.Mr. Rajendra Suryawanshi 1989-1990 Asst. Teacher
68. Mr. Narendra Kachave 1989-1990 Asstt Teacher
69. Mr. Yogesh Hiray 1989-1990 Asstt Teacher
70. Mr. Sunil Ahire 1989-1990 Asst. Teacher
71. Dr. D.K. Nikam 1989-1990 Asstt Teacher
72. Dr. Nitin Khairnar 1989-1990 Lecturer
73. Dr. J.T. Jadhav 1988-1989 HoD, Dept. of Botany, M.S.G College
74. Mr. Rajendra Hiray 1988-1989 Asst. Teacher
75. Mr. Gokul Ahire 1988-1989 Pri. Teacher
76. Mr. Sunil Kothavade 1988-1989 Asst. Teacher
77. Mr. Ashok Deore 1988-1989 Asst. Teacher
78. Mr. Bansilal Kadam 1988-1989 Headmaster, Secondary School
79. Mr. Rajendra Ahire 1988-1989 Asst. Teacher
80. Mr. Shriniwas Nikam 1988-1989 Asst. Teacher



M.Sc.Botany ToppersList
Year Rank Name of the Student Total Marks Percentage
2019-2020 1 Zahera Batool Ali Raza 1598 79.92%
2 Muneeba Mod Shakir Ahmd 1560 78.00%
3 Tahura Firdaus iftekhekar Ahmad 1543 77.16%
2020-21 1 Nikam Pravin Dinkar 1726 86.30%
2 Pawar Rahul Prabhakar 1695 84.75%
3 Farhat Jahan Abul Hasan 1624 81.20%
2021-22 1 Pawar Amol Nanaji 1715 85.75%
2 Bhushra Rehman Fuzlurrehman 1708 85.40%
3 Pawar Prachi Dinkar 1691 84.55%

Contact Us

Sr.No. Name of the faculty Designation Email-ID Mobile Nos.
1 Dr.J.T.Jadhav Associate Professor [email protected] 9850457294
2 Dr.Y.C.Shastri Professor [email protected] 9423550503
3 Dr.D.U.Ahire Associate professor [email protected] 9420229224
4 Dr.D.G.Jadhav Assistant professor [email protected] 9423546598
5 Dr.P.S.Patil Assistant Professor [email protected] 7588007279
6 Mr.P.D.Nikam Assistant Professor [email protected] 8007368039
7 Mr.P.V.Patil Assistant Professor [email protected] 8669000480
8 Mr.A.N.Wagh Assistant Professor [email protected] 9158929642
9 Miss.P.D.Pawar Assistant Professor [email protected] 9834578838
10 Miss.S.S.Ahire Assistant Professor [email protected] 7447600978
11 Miss.S.B.Pawar Assistant Professor [email protected] 8080453756

Details of Awards / Honors Received:

1. Dr. D.G. Jadhav

Academic Year Awards / Honors Name of Agency
2017-18 Best Teacher Award Lion’s Club of Manmad City, Manmad
2016-17 BhagwanGautam Buddha-National Fellowship Award Bhartiya Dalit Sahitya Academy, New Delhi
2016-17 Honorary degree of Doctorate of Letters (D.Litt.) University of South America recommended by Dr. SarvapalliRadhakrishnan Research and Development Centre, Bangalore
2015-16 RashtriyaShikshakBhushanPuraskar BharatiyaPratishthan, Nanded, Maharashtra


  • Qualified, Research oriented and experienced faculty with a number of publications and significant research.
  • A beautiful and eye-catching Botanical Garden in heart of college campus with ornamental and medicinal plants.
  • Innovative teaching-learning methods with a special focus on Project -Based and experiential learning for PG-II-year students.
  • Use of ICT in the teaching-learning process.
  • Organization of student-centric curricular and extension activities.
  • Well-equipped Research laboratory for Ph.D. researchers.
  • Seed-broadcasting is our best practice as strong concern for environmental awareness

Future Plan

  • To improve course & carrier Employability
  • Plans to improve inclusiveness and Social Impact.
  • Increasing the number of extension activities.
  • To establish more collaboration with various industries for hands-on training and research.
  • To build more research collaborations for quality research publications.
  • To increase student participation in academic, extra-academic, extension and research activities.
  • Collaboration with international educational institutions and organizations

About the Department

  • The Department of Botany established in June 1964. Since then then it is headed by the eminent academicians like Dr. R. N. Rao, Dr. D. C. Pendse, Late Prof. S. S. Salave and Prof.Y.B. Mamude.
  • At present Dr. J.T. Jadhav working as Head of the Department with their associates Dr.Y.C. Shastri, Dr.D.U. Ahire, Dr.D.G. Jadhav, Dr.P.S. Patil, Prof.P.V. Patil, Prof.P.D. Nikam, Prof.A.N. Wagh, Miss. Prachi Pawar and Miss. Sonali Ahire.
  • Post Graduate course (Master of Science) started from June 2018 with specialization in Angiosperm Taxonomy.
  • The research centre in Botany has been started from June 2018.
  • The department has persistently striven to provide quality teaching to the students who are drawn to the college from rural backgrounds and tribal area.
  • The faculty members are constantly upgrading by attending and organizing seminars, conferences, workshops, Faculty Development Programmes, etc.
  • The department is progressing steadily due to recent developments in biological science and biodiversity aspects by publishing their reference books and research papers in Peer-reviewed and UGC Care listed journals.

Teaching Faculty

Sr.No. Photo Name of the Faculty Designation Qualification Teaching Experience Profile Link
1 Dr. J. T. Jadhav (HOD) Associate Professor M.Sc. Ph.D. 32 Years view
2 Dr. Y. C. Shastri Professor M.Sc. M.Phil. Ph.D. 34 Years view
3 Dr. D. U. Ahire Associate Professor M.Sc. Ph.D. 33 Years view
4 Dr. D. G. Jadhav Assistant Professor M.Sc. Ph.D. D.Litt. 29 Years view
5 Dr. P. S. Patil. Assistant Professor M.Sc. Ph.D. 10 Years view
6 Dr. S.D. Golait Assistant Professor M.Sc. SET. Ph.D. 8 Years view
7 Prof. P. V. Patil Assistant Professor (CHB) M.Sc. M.Ed. SET, Ph.D. (Pursuing) 2 Years view
8 Prof. P. D. Nikam Assistant Professor (CHB) M.Sc. SET, Ph.D. (Pursuing) 2 Years view
9 Prof. A. N. Wagh Assistant Professor (NG) M.Sc. B.Ed. M.Phil. Ph.D. (Pursuing) 5 Years view
10 Miss. Prachi. D. Pawar Assistant Professor (NG) M.Sc. 2 Years view
11 Miss. Sonali .S. Ahire Assistant Professor (NG) M.Sc. 2 Years view



F.Y.B.Sc (Subject)
Course No. Subjcet Code Sem-I Subjcet Code Sem-II
1 BO-111 Plant life and utilization I BO-121 Plant life and utilization II
2 BO-112 Plant morphology and Anatomy BO-122 Principles of plant science
3 BO-113 Practical based on BO 111 & BO 112 BO-123 Practical based on BO 121 & BO 122
S. Y.B.Sc (Subject)
Course No. Subjcet Code Sem-I Subjcet Code Sem-II
1 BO-111 Plant life and utilization I BO-121 Plant life and utilization II
2 BO-112 Plant morphology and Anatomy BO-122 Principles of plant science
3 BO-113 Practical based on BO 111 & BO 112 BO-123 Practical based on BO 121 & BO 122
F.Y.B.Sc (Subject)
Course No. Subjcet Code Sem-III Subjcet Code Sem-IV
1 BO-231 Taxonomy of Angiosperms and Plant Ecology BO-241 Plant Anatomy and Embryology
2 BO-232 Plant Physiology BO-242 Plant Biotechnology
3 BO-233 Practical based on BO 231 & BO 232 BO-243 Practical based on BO 241 & BO 242
T.Y.B.Sc (Subject)
Course No. Subjcet Code Sem-V Subjcet Code Sem-VI
1 BO-351 Algae and Fungi BO-361 Plant Physiology
2 BO-352 Archegoniate BO-362 Biochemistry
3 BO-353 Spermatophyta and Paleobotany BO-363 Plant Pathology
4 BO-354 Plant Ecology BO-364 Evolution and Population genetics
5 BO-355 Cell and Molecular Biology BO-365 Advanced Plant Biotechnology
6 BO-356 Genetics BO-366 Plant Breeding and Seed Technology
7 BO-3510 Medicinal Botany BO-3610 Nursery and Gardening Management
8 BO-3511 Plant Diversity and Human Health BO-3611 Biofertilizers
9 BO-357 Practical based on BO 351 & BO 352 BO-367 Practical based on BO 361 & BO 362
10 BO-358 Practical based on BO 353 & BO BO-368 Practical based on BO 363 & BO 364
11 BO-359 Practical based on BO 355 & BO 356 BO-369 Practical based on BO 365 & BO 366


Specialization: Angiosperm Taxonomy

Course No. Subjcet Code Sem-I Subjcet Code Sem-II
1 BOUT 111 Botany Theory Paper 1-Plant Systematics I BOUT 121 Botany Theory Paper 1-Plant Systematics II
2 BOUT 112 Botany Theory Paper 2- Cell Biology and Evolution BOUT 122 Botany Theory Paper 2- Molecular Biology
3 BOUT 113 Botany Theory Paper 3- Cytogenetics and Plant Breeding BOUT 123 Botany Theory Paper 3- Biochemistry
4 BODT 114 Botany Theory Paper 4- Biofertilizer and Algal Technology BODT 124 Botany Theory Paper 4 Floriculture and Nursery Management
5 BODP 114 Botany Practical Paper 4-based on BO 114 BODP 124 Botany Practical paper 4- based on BODP 124
6 BOUP 115 Botany Practical Paper based on BOUT 111, BOUT 112 and BOUT113 BOUP 125 Botany Practical paper based on BOUT 121, BOUT 122 and BOUT 123
Course No. Subjcet Code Sem-III Subjcet Code Sem-IV
1 BOUT 231 Computational Botany BOUT 241 Botany Theory Paper 1- Botanical Techniques
2 BOUT 232 Developmental Botany BOUT 242 Botany Theory Paper 2- Advanced Ecology
3 BOUT 233 Plant Physiology- BODT243(Any one) Botany Theory Paper 3- Advanced Medicinal Botany
4 BODT 234 Angiosperm Taxonomy BODP 243 Botany Practical paper based on BODT 243
5 BODP 234 Botany Practical Paper based on BODT 234 BODT 244 Botany Theory Paper 4-Herbal Technology
6 BOUP 235 Botany Practical Paper based on BOUT 231, BOUT 232, BOUT 233 BODP 244 PG Dissertation

Standard Operating Procedure


To promote the culture of learning by educating students in the basics of plant science, its related components, and evolving advancements that will serve science and the nation in the modern era.


To make a significant contribution to the national goals of promoting knowledge society through high quality education, innovative-research and services to the society in the field of plant sciences. 2. To produce highly qualified post graduate and research students.

  • To understand the scope and significance of the discipline.
  • To imbibe love and curiosity towards nature through the living plants.
  • To make the students exposed to the diverse life forms.
  • To make them skilled in practical work, experiments, laboratory equipment and to interpret correctly on biological materials and data.
  • To encourage the students to do research in related disciplines.
  • Critical Thinking: to include creative thinking, innovation, inquiry and analysis, evaluation and synthesis of information.

Principal, Vice-Principal, Academic Supervisor and IQAC Co-Ordinator.


As per the academic calendar prescribed by Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune.

  • Opening meeting with Principal.
  • Counselling and Guiding to UG and PG students for admission.
  • Conducting Departmental meeting regarding preparation of course contents according to syllabus and workload distribution amongst Faculty member.
  • Analysis of previous examination results.
  • Post Admission process.
  • Preparation of Departmental Academic Calendar.
  • Organizing welcome function for UG and PG new comers and felicitation of previous year toppers in Botany Subject.
  • Display time table on notice board.
  • Preparation of Whatsapp group of all classes and noting Email –Ids.
  • Following and Implementing of all instruction given by higher authorities in department.
  • Conducting regular lectures and practical’s according to time table.
  • Conducting class test, tutorials and seminars and find out advanced and slow learner
  • Solving queries of students regarding Syllabus, Exam and other issues.
  • Maintaining and monitoring of students attendance and departmental record.
  • Distribution of Project work to different classes and organization of seminars, conferences and workshops.
  • Conducting internal exam according to allotted time tableby exam department
  • Assessment, Analysis and uploading of internal exam marks on exam portal of SPPU Pune.
  • Organizing Seminars and allotment of Dessertation (Projects) and guides to second year PG students as per schedule.
  • Planning and executing Study Tour.
  • Ensuring syllabus completion within time.
  • Preparation and submission of annual Departmental Report, Academic Audit report to college Administration.
  • College students Feedback on Curriculum and Teachers at the end of the academic year.
  • Guiding students to participate in University Level Research competition – Avishkar.
  • Preparation of Organization and participation in National, International, State level Conferences, Seminars and Workshops.
  • Planning and organizing various activities like National Science Day, Avishkar competition Science Exhibition.
  • Organizing Parents and Alumni meeting every year.
  • Planning and Execution of work allotted as chairman or member of concerned committee.


  • The department has started P.G Classes from 2018 and Research Centre from June 2022.
  • Botanical Garden was established in 2022 with variety of flowering and medicinal plants.
  • The Department is offering a conducive and supportive environment for teaching- learning
  • Spacious and well-equipped Laboratories
  • Audio-visual facilities for effective teaching learning process.
  • Regular Field based studies for teaching-learning classical Plant Sciences.
  • Since the commencement of PG classes, 05 students qualified SET Exam.


Research Centre Approval: From AY 2018-19

List of Guide, Qualification & Specialization
S.N. Name of the Research Guide Qualification Thrust areas of Research
1 Dr. Jadhav Jagdish Tukaram M.Sc. Ph.D. Phytosociology, Ecology, Phytochemistry
2 Dr. Ahire Dilip Uttam M.Sc. Ph.D. Phytosociology, Plant diversity Ethno Medicinal Botany.
3 Dr. Jadhav Devram Gopal M.Sc. Ph. D. D.Litt. Ecology, Taxonomy, Plant Diversity, Mycology, Plant Pathology
List of Registered Students
Sr. No Name of the Research Student Topic Date of Addmission
1 Deore Nikita Shivaji Phytosociological Studies of the Pimpalner and Sakri Forest Region of Dhule District, Maharashtra. 13/04/2022
2 Jain Kavita Papalal Phytosociological Studies of the Erandol, Yawal and Wild Life Sanctuary of Jalgaon District of Maharashtra. 13/04/2022
3 Suryawanshi Akash Kiran Pytocemical Constituents of Bombax ceiba L. and Butea monosperma Lam. (Taub.) North East Region of Nashik District. 13/04/2022
4 Patil Devyani Hemant Phytochemical and Antibacterial Activity in Some Higher Cryptogams of Gautala Wild Life Sanctuary of Jalgaon, Maharashtra. 13/04/2022
5 Pawar Mamata Satishrao Green Synthesis and Characterization of Nanoparcticles Using Plant Extract and Effect as Nanofertilizer on Wheat and Mungbean. 13/04/2022
6 Shirole Sunil Devchand Phytochemical Profile of Pimpenilla heyneana and Boswellia serrata of Nashik District, Maharashtra. 13/04/2022
7 Jogdand Sakshi Dadasaheb Anatomical and Phytochemical Studies on Genus Corchorus of Marathwada region in Maharashtra. 13/04/2022
Seats allotted to the Guides:
Sr.No. Name of the Research Guide Seats allotted Thrust areas of Research
1 Dr. Jadhav Jagdish Tukaram 06 Phytosociology, Ecology, Phytochemistry
2 Dr. Ahire Dilip Uttam 06 Phytosociology, Plant diversity Ethno Medicinal Botany.
3 Dr. Jadhav Devram Gopal 04 Ecology, Taxonomy, Plant Diversity, Mycology, Plant Pathology



Sr.No. Name of the faculty Number of research publications Number of UGC-CARE Listed/Scopus/WOS publications
1 Dr. J.T. Jadhav 13 4
2 Dr. Y.C. Shastri 10 2
3 Dr. D.U. Ahire 1 2
4 Dr. D.G. Jadhav 8 4
5 Dr. P.S. Patil 29 7
6 Mr. Atul Wagh 10 --
7 Mr. Pravin Nikam 4 --

Dr. J.T. Jadhav

1.Phytosociological Studies on the Vegetation of Trimbakeshwar,Vani and Saptashringi Forests of Nashik District,Maharashtra, Maturity Index
2.Continuum index studies on the vegetation of Trimbakeshwar, Vani and Saptashringi forest areas of Nashik dist.(M.S),India
3.Importance Value Index (IVI) Study OfTryambakeshwar, Vani And Saptashringi Forest Of Nashik District (M.S.), India
4.Phytosociological Studies on the Talegaon Forest of Nashik District (Maharashtra)
5.Phytosociological Studies on the Vegetation of Sapgaon Forest of Nashik District ( Ma
harashtra )
6.Phytosociological Studies on The Vegetation of Tryambakeshwar Forest of Nashik District(Maharashtra), India
7.Phytosociological Studies on the Vegetation of Saptashringi Forest of Nashik District (Maharashtra)
8.Importance Value Index (IVI) study of Talegaon forest of Nashik District,Maharashtra,
9.Maturity Index of Tryambakeshwar forest of Nashik District,Maharashtra.
10.Maturity Index of Vani forest of Nashik District,Maharashtra(India).
11.Phytosociological Studies on the vegetation of Some Satana forest of Nashik District Maharashtra: Maturity Index
12.Rural herbal remedies used by the tribal peoples of Kalwan and Surgana Taluka of Nashik District,Maharashtra,India.
13.Floristic Study of Galana Fort Area of Malegaon Taluka, Dist.Nashik, Maharashtra, India
14.Importance Value Index(IVI) study of some Herbaceous plants from North-East Malegaon Forest of Nashik District (MS),India
15.Importance Value Index(IVI) study of some Satana Forest of Nashik District (MS),India
16.Medicinal Plants of Chaulher Fort Region of Nashik District,Maharashtra, India
17.Floristic Study of Trambakeshwar Forest Area of Nashik District , Maharashtra, India

Dr. Y.C. Shastri

1.Exploration of wild edible plants of Malegaon,District-Nashik (Maharashtra) ournal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research (2019)
2.Some important religious plants of Malegaon region from Nasik District Vision Research Journal For Pure Sciences(2020)
3.Embryology of Mimosa pudica LinnInternational Journal AJANTA (2020)
4.Study of some Sacred plants of Nashik district International Advanced Research Journal in Science,Engineering& Technology(2021)
5.Post fertilization changes in Mimosa pudicaLinn.
6.International Advanced Research Journal in Science,Engineering& Technology(2021)
7.Embryological Observations of Fruit development in Mimosa pudicaLinnPlantaeScientia(2021)
8.Potential of metabolites from culture filtrate of Alternariapadwickii (G) Ellis againstOryza sativa, International journal of Life Sciences(2021)
9.Exploration of Phytovetrinary Medicines From Malegaon of NashikDistrict, International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology (2021)
10.Survey of some Sacred and Medicinal Plants From Malegaon Tehsil of Nashik District, MaharashtraInternational Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology (2022)
11.Survey of some common toxic plants of Livestock in Malegaon,District-Nashik,Maharashtra, International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews.
12.Study of some poisonous Plants of Baglan Region of Nashik District, Maharashtra, International Journal of Research Culture Society, (2023).

Dr. D.U. Ahire

1.Dilip Ahire (2020) A Study of Floral Elements of Igatpuri Forest of Nasik District(M.S) International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research ISSN: 2229-5518 Monthly Peer-Reviewed, Refereed, Indexed Journal [Impact Factor: 02], Volume - 11, Issue - 4, April – 2020.
2.Dilip Ahire (2021) Exotic Medicinal Plants of Nasik District (M.S) India. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Applications. ISSN: 2249-7781, Volume 6, Issue 2, March-April 2021, Page No. 107-109.Impact factor: 7.429.
3.Dilip Ahire (2021) Study of Vegetation and Maturity index of Igatpuri Forest of Nasik District, Maharashtra, India. International Journal of Botany Studies, ISSN: 2455-541X, Volume 6, Issue 4, 2021, Page No. 320-322, Impact factor: RJIF5.12.
4.Dilip Ahire (2021) Grass Diversity of Nshik District of Maharashtra, (India), international Journal of Current Science, Vol. 12, Issue 4, ISSN 2250-1770, 2022

Dr. D.G. Jadhav

1.D.G. Jadhav, Critically Endangered Flowering Plants inthe forests of NashikDistrict., GIS Science Journal, 1869-9391,Vo. 9, Issue 2, 2022.
2.Survey on Diversity of Exotic Medicinal Plants in Nashik District of Maharashtra, India InternationalJournalof Research Culture Society, ISSN 2456-6683,Vo. 6, Issue 11, 20-24, Nov. 2022
3.Biological spectrumwithsomeotherecologicalattributes ofthefloraandvegetationoftheSalherfortofMaharashtra,India. InternationalJournalofAdvancedResearch inBiologicalSciences.ISSN 2348-8069, Vol.7,IssueIV,146-155, 2020.
4.Positive and Negative Impacts of Covid-19 Pandemic and Potential Strategies of Sustainability. Vidyawarta, ISSN 2319-9318, Special Issue, August 2022,
5.MultimediaandSociety, InternationalE-researchJournal,ResearchJourney,ISSN2348-7143,IssueVIII,83-85,2016.
6.ContributionofDr.BabasahebAmbedkarforFarmersandLabours, InternationalE-researchJournal,Research Journey, 2348-7143, IssueVI,04-08,2016.
7.TheFloristicandVegetational StudiesofBaglanForestRangesofNashikDistrict,Maharashtra, onlineMulti-DisciplinaryInternationalResearchJournal-Asian Resonance, (P):0976-8602 (E):2349-9443, Vol.V-Issue II,17-21,2016.
8.Studies on FloristicAnalysisandVegetationofTaharabad ForestRangeofNashikDistrict,Maharashtra, FloraandFauna,AnInternationalResearchJournalofBiologicalSciences, ISSN0971-6920, Vol.22, 111-115, 2016.
9.Life-formsandBiologicalSpectrumofTaharabad Forest ofNashikDistrict,Maharashtra,India, online Multi-DisciplinaryInternationalResearchJournal-PeriodicResearch, ISSN2231-0045, Vol. II-IssueIV,52-58,2014.
10.AngiospermDiversityofWestern partofIgatpuriForestinNashikDistrict, InternationalJournalofBiologicalSciences i.e.Indian JournalofApplied&PureBiology, ISSN0970-2091, Vol.24(2), 365-372, 2009.
11.PlantDiversityinMalegaonForestRangesofNashikDistrict, Maharashtra,India. InternationalJournalofPlantResearch i.e.PlantArchives, ISSN0972-5210, Vol.9,No.2, 821-823, 2009
12.EthnomedicinallyImportantPlantsFromIgatpuriTalukaofNashikDistrict(M.S.), India. InternationalJournalofPlantResearch i.e.Plant Archives, ISSN 0972-5210, Vol.8, No.2, 601-602, 2008.

Dr. P.S. Patil

1.D.G. Jadhav, P. S. Patil (2023) Survey on Diversity of Exotic Medicinal Plant Species in Nasik District of Maharashtra, India. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH CULTURE SOCIETY ISSN: 2456-6683 Monthly Peer-Reviewed, Refereed, Indexed Journal [ Impact Factor: 5.743 ] Volume - 06, Issue - 11, November – 2022.
2.PatilDA1 ,PS Patil2(2021) Synonymy in sanskrit plant names: Conflicts and causes . International Journal of Botany Studies. ISSN: 2455-541X, Volume 6, Issue 3, 2021, Page No. 575-579.
3.PatilDA1 ,PS Patil2(2021) Hastividyarnavasarasamgraha in the perspective of plant invasion in India. International Journal of Botany Studies, ISSN: 2455-541X, Volume 6, Issue 4, 2021, Page No. 880-883
4.A.N.Wagh, N.B.Pawar, P. S. Patil and S.I.Ansari (2021) Dyes from Plants: North West region of Nashik District, Maharashtra.International Journal of Advanced Research and Development ISSN: 2455-4030, www. Volume 6; Issue 5; 2021; Page No. 08-12.
5.Pravin S Patil1*, Dipak B Patil2 , César R Solorio-Alvarado2 , G K Pawar (2021). Review on ethnobotanical utilities of plants against various skin diseases in Nashik district, Maharashtra, India. International Journal of Botany Studies Volume 6, Issue 5, 2021, Page No. 1349-1356.
6.A.S. Kale and P.S.Patil (2019) Folk Medicinal Plants Used in the Treatment of Skin Disorders of Malegaon Region. International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews. ISSN 2349-5138. Pg No. 164-169.
7.P. S. Patil(2017) Sunlight, Wind and Water as a Renewable Energy Sources:A Review Article,Researchjourney, Special Issue 12. 112-113.
8.P. S. Patil(2016) Herbal formulations used in Badwani district (Madhya Pradesh) India.International Journal of Advanced Research and Development ISSN: 2455-4030, Volume1; Issue 3; March 2016; Page No. 76-80.
9.P. S. Patil(2016) Herbal folk remedies on diabetes from Malegaon region of Nasik District,International Journal of Advanced Research and Development ISSN: 2455-4030, Impact Factor: RJIF 5.24 Volume 1; Issue 10; October 2016; Page No. 25-27
10.P. S. Patil(2016) Utility of Traditional Medicolore Against Asthma Disease by the Patients of Malegaon Region.ResearchersWorld(International refereed Research Journal))Vol.VII, Secial Issue-4 (5) 34-37 ISSN 2231-4172.
11.P. S. Patil1*, Patil M.V.2 and D. A. Patil (2016) Toponymy In BadwaniDistrict Of Madhya Pradesh (India). Scholars World(International refereed Multidisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research), ISSN 2319-5789.
12.PatilP.S.,Tambe S.S., Pawar G.K. and N.B.Pawar (2016) Methodology In Ethnobotany: A Review Article,Researchjourney, Special Issue-I, 172-174,ISSN 2348-7143.
13.Tambe S.S, Patil P.S, ZiyaAnsari (2016) Botanical Importance Citralluslanatus (thunb.) In Islam: a review article Scholars World(International refereed Multidisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research) ISSN 2319-5789.
14.Tambe S.S., Kadam V.B. and PatilP.S.(2016) Plants Genetic Resource Conservation In India: A Review Article, Researchjourney, Special Issue-I, 166-171ISSN 2348-7143.
15.TambeS.S.,*Kadam V.B., Deore S.V. and Patil P.S.(2015) Effect of leaf extract of Taphrosiapurpurea on soil Borne Diseases of Chick pea. Scholars World(International refereed Multidisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research) ISSN 2319-5789.
16.P. S. Patil1*, Patil M.V.2 and D. A. Patil (2015) Native Herbal Remedies Combating Reproductive Afflictions In Women Of BadwaniDistrict(Madhya Pradesh) India. International Journal of Recent Scientific Research Vol. 6, Issue, 10, pp. 7124-7127.
17.Patil P.S., TambeS.S.,SandipPatil and G.K.Pawar(2015) Ethnoveternary uses of plants in AmalnertehsilJalgaon District Maharashtra(India). Scholars World(International refereed Multidisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research) ISSN 2319-5789
18.P. S. Patil1*, Patil M.V.2 and D. A. Patil (2014) Native Herbal Remedies Against Rheumatism And ArthritisInBadwani District (Madhya Pradesh: India) Scholars World(International refereed Multidisciplinary Journal of Contemporary Research) ISSN 2319-5789.
19.P. S. Patil1*, Patil M.V.2 and D. A. Patil (2014)Phycotherapeutic uses of exotic species for primary healthcare among the people of Badwani District (Madhyapradesh, India) Perspective articles in life science. ISBN: 978-81-929124-0-0
20.TambeS.S.,*Kadam V.B., Deore S.V. and Patil P.S.(2014)Study of Root Rot Diseases of Chickpea (Cicerarietium L.) and effect of leaf extract of Catharanthusroseus (L.) G. Don (Sadaphuli) as Bio Control. Perspective articles in life science. ISBN: 978-81-929124-0-0.
21.Patil, P.S., Patil, M.V. and D.A.Patil (2013) Traditional home remedies against skin diseases. International Journal of Biotechnology and Biosciences 3(3):178-182.
22.Patil, D.A. and P.S.Patil (2011) Folk herbal medicines from some tehsils of Buldhana district, Maharashtra, India. Journal of Ecobiotechnology 3(2):4-10.
23.D. R. Patil 1, P. S. Patil 1, and D. A. Patil(2011) Indigenous home remedies as applied in ShirpurTaluka Of Dhule district (Maharashtra) India. Curr. Bot. 2(4): 34-35,2011.
24.P. S. Patil1*, Patil M.V.2 and D. A. Patil(2011) Investigation on folkloric medicines in Badwani district (M.P,) India. Current Botany, 2(9): 12-18.
25.Ahirrao Y.A., P. S. Patil and D. A. Patil(2011) Plant Based Sustainability In Buldhana District (M.S.) India. Proceding of National`Conference on Biodiversity and Environmental Crisis: Past, Present and Future, PP 65-74.
26..P. S. Patil1*,Patil M.V.2 and D. A. Patil3 (2010) Traditional MedicoloreInBadwani District (M.P.) India.Journal of Phytology 2/12 (2010) 49-53
27.D.A.Patil*, P.S.Patil, Y.A.Ahirrao, U.P.Aher, Y.A.Dushing(2010). Ethnobotany of Buldhana District (Maharashtra India): Plants Used In Veterinary Medicine. Journal of Phytology 2010, 2(12): 22-34.
28.Ahirrao Y.A., AherU.P.,PatilP.S.,Bushing Y.A. &D.A.Patil (2010). Role of culinary botanicals in traditional home remedies of Buldhana District Maharashtra (India.) Life Sciences Leaflets 6:182-187.
29.Ahirrao Y A, Patil P S, Aher U P, Dushing Y A and D A Patil (2009) Traditional herbal remedies in Buldhana District (Maharashtra) Ancient Sci Life 28(4): 38-41
30.Patil P.S., Ahirrao Y.A., Dushing Y.A., Aher U.P., &D.A.Patil (2009). Role of crop weeds in traditional medicines in Buldhana district (M.S.) Sciences Leaflets 10: 261-272.
31.Patil P.S., Dushing Y.A., Aher U P., Ahirrao Y.A., &D.A.Patil (2009). Noteworthy Herbal claims against animal bites & stings in Buldhana District (Maharashtra). In proceedings of National conference on Biodiversity Sustainable Development &Human welfare at L.K. Dr. P.R. Ghogrey Science college Dhule (M.S.) (ed. Dr.S.N.Nandan, Borase&V.B.Salunkhe) Pp. 187-190.
32.Ahirrao, Y.A., Dushing, Y.A., Aher, U.P., Patil, P.S. and D.A.Patil (2009) Ethnobotanical resources for reproductive ailments in Buldhana District (Maharashtra). In: Proceedings of National Symposium and workshop on ‘Recent Advances in Prospects and potential of Medicinal Plants (Ed. Dr. S. N. Dwivedi) A P S University Rewa, Gayatri Publications. pp. 61-68.
33.Patil, P.S., Ahirrao, Y.A., Aher, U.P., Dushing, Y.A. and D.A.Patil (2009). Ethnomedicinal claims in Buldhana District (Maharashtra): Genus Calotropis. R.Br. (Asclepiadaceae). In: Proceedings of National Symposium and workshop on ‘Recent Advances in Prospects and potential of Medicinal Plants (Ed. Dr. S. N. Dwivedi) A P S University Rewa, Gayatri Publications. pp. 92-95.
34.DushingY.A.,Patil P.S., Aher U.P., Ahirrao Y.A., &D.A.Patil (2009). Herbal Cosmetics as used by people of Buldhana District (M.S.) In proceedings of National conference on Biodiversity Sustainable Development & Human welfare at L.K. Dr. P.R. Ghogrey Science college Dhule (M.S.) (ed. Dr.S.N.Nandan, Dr.D.A.Patil, Dr.B.D.Borase&V.B.Salunkhe) PP.
35.PatilP.S.,Dushing Y.A. &D.A.Patil (2009). Herbal Contact Therapy as practiced in Buldhana District (M.S.) In proceedings of National conference on Biodiversity Sustainable Development & Human welfare at L.K. Dr. P.R. Ghogrey Science college Dhule (M.S.) (ed. Dr.S.N.Nandan, Dr.D.A.Patil, Dr.B.D.Borase&V.B.Salunkhe) Pp.
36.PatilP.S.,DushingY.A., and D.A. Patil (2007) Observations on Plantlore In Buldhana District of India. Ancient Sc.Life 17 (1): 43-49.

Prof.Pravin D. Nikam

1. “Utilization of Some Exotic Plants in Ethnobotany of Malegaon Tehsil from Nashik District, Maharashtra.” International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol. 3, no. 4, pp 1391- 1394, April 2022
2. “Survey of Some Sacred and Medicinal Plants from Malegaon Tehsil of Nashik District, Maharashtra.” International Advanced Research Journal in Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol. 9, pp 76-81, June 2022
3. “Ethnomedicinal Utility of Some Plants from Chandwad Tehsil of Nashik District (Maharashtra).” International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol. 3, no. 6, pp 2085- 2089, June 2022
4. “Survey of Religious and Medicinal Plants of Dabhadi Region of Nashik District (M.S.).” International Conference on “Environment Development and Sustainability” organized by Department of Botany and IQAC, Athalye-Sapre-Pitre College, Devrukh (Autonomous) in Collaboration with Srushtinyan and SahyadriSankalp Society (29-30 March 2022).

Prof.Atul N. Wagh

1.Ecological Vegetation of some Rare, Endangered, Threatened & Endemic Medicinal Plants of Salher & MulherForest, Nashik (Maharashtra)International Journal of Management, Technology and EngineeringOnline : ISSN NO: 2249-7455, 2018.
2.Preliminary Phytochemical Analysis, Antimicrobial & Antifungal Activities of Seed Extract from Guazuma tomentosa Kunth.International Conference on Emerging Trends in Science,Engineering & ManagementOnline : ISBN NO: 978-93-87433-46-5, 2018
3.Dye Yielding Plants of Baglan Region from Nashik District, MaharashtraVidyawarta: Interdisciplinary Multilingual Refereed JournalISSN2319-9318Vol. 01Issue. 34.01pp251 -254, 2020
4.Some Important Religious Plants of Malegaon Region from Nashik District, MaharashtraVRJFPS, Interdisciplinary Refereed JournalISSN2348-7976Volume I, Issue XIV, 2020
5.Embryology of Mimosa pudica LinnAjantaInterdisciplinary Multilingual Refereed JournalISSN 2277 -5730Volume IX, Issue IV, 2020
6.Ethnobotanical Studies of North – East Region from Nashik District (Maharashta, India), Plantae Scientia- An International Research Journal in Botany, ISBN 2581-589XVolume 04, Issue 02, March 2021
7.Medicianal Plants used against Covid 19, (SARS-Cov-2) disease by Tribals of North East Region from Nashik District, Maharashtra.International Journal of Botany StuidiesISSN 2455-541XVolume 6, Issue 3,PP 890-892,2021
8.“Dyes from Plants: North East Region from Nashik District, Maharashtra”Internatinal Journal of
9.Advanced Research and Develepment”ISSN: 2455-4033Volume 6, Issue 5,2021PP 8-12
10.A Review on Biopesticides from Natural Products, Internatinal Journal of Scientific Research and Enginering Development, Volume 5, Issue 2, March-April 2022.pp - 991 - 998


Sr. No Name of the teacher Title of the book/
chapters published
National / International Year of publication ISBN/ISSN number
of the proceeding
Name of the publisher
1 Dr. D.G. Jadhav Biodiversity: ResearchPerspectivesand
National 2018 978-93- 82234-45-6 SahityaSagar,Publication.
128-23-R, Yashoda Nagar,
2 Dr. D.G. Jadhav Ecology and Conservation National 2022 978-93-93354-01-3 SahityaSagar,Publication.
128-23-R, Yashoda
3 D.A. Patil, Patil P.S.,
Dushing Y.A.,
Aher U.P.
and Y.A. Ahirrao
Ethnobotany of Buldhana
District (Maharashtra)
National 2010 978-81-7035-674-5. Daya Book Publishers
4 Patil P.S.,
and D.A.Patil,
Ethnobotany of
Badwani District (M.P.)
National 2016 Bookganga Publishers


Sr. No Name of the teacher Name of the book Title of chapters National / International Year of publication ISBN/ISSN number of the proceeding Name of the publisher
1 Dr. J.T. Jadhav 1. Climate Change,Mangrove
& Sustainable Management.
Mangroves Biodiversity-
The Coastal Ecosystem.
National 2020 ISBN: 978-93-88901-10-9 Bhumi Publishing,
Nigave Khalsa,Kolhapur
2. Ecology Research Phytosociological Study
of herbaceous plant community
in North-East part of
Malegaon forest, District -
Nashik (Maharashtra).
National 2021 ISBN: 978-93-88901-19-2 Bhumi Publishing,
Nigave Khalsa,Kolhapur
2 Dr. D.U. Ahire 1. Advances in Aquatic
Biology and Toxicology
Distribution Patterns of
Aquatic plants water logged in
Rice Field of Igatpuri Taluka
National 2010 ISBN: 978-81-8435-221-4 Adhyayan Publishers
& Distributers, New Delhi -
2. Advanced Botany Indigenous Uses of Medicinal
Plants in Nasik Distric,
Maharashtra75, -110085,India
National 2022 ISBN: 978-93-5570-338-5 AkiNik Publication,
3. Multi Disciplinary
and Current Research
Ethno Veterinary
Medicinal Plants of Nashik
Dist. Maharashtra, (India)
Inter National 2023 ISBN 978-3-96492-511-4 Weser Books,
02763, Zittau, Germany
3 Dr. D.G. Jadhav 1. Enhancement In The Quality
Of Higher Education
IQAC: As a Tool for
Improving Quality Education
in Higher Educational Institutes
National 2018 978-93-90288-25-0 Atharva Publications
2. Advances in Aquatic
Biology and Toxicology
Hydrobiology of a Water
body near Malegaon
National 2010 978-81-8435-221-4 Adhyayan Publishers &
Distributers, New Delhi