Mahatma Gandhi Vidyamandir's

Maharaja Sayajirao Gaikwad Arts, Science & Commerce College

Tal. Malegaon, Dist. Nashik (MS)
Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune

Re-accredited with A+ Grade (Cycle-III) by NAAC

Department of History

About the Department

The Department of History was established in 1952. Since then, the Dept. has been achieving remarkable academic achievement in its record, since the establishment of the Department. Whereas History as a Special subject has been offered since 1974 and P.G has been started since 2016.
It’s a matter of pride for the Department that its past students are holding respectable positions in the society such Lecturers, Teachers in senior and Junior colleges and schools and working in Administrative Services. The department has provided the Academic Flexibility in the form of Modi and Brahmi Scripts as Certificate Courses. The department is actively engaged in research in the field of socio-economic history and local history. The department has linkages with Pragatik Itihas Sanstha, Aurangabad and Dnyandurg Itihas Sanshodhan Sanstha, Nashik .


  • To prepare students for competitive examination.
  • To develop Historical Awareness among students.
  • To make the student aware about the social problems.
  • To develop research attitude among the students
  • To aware the students for preserve Historical Heritage

Teaching Faculty

Sr.No. Photo Name of the Faculty Designation Qualification Teaching Experience Link
1 Mr. Subhash Laxman Ahire Associate Professor M.A. SET 29 Yrs view
2 Dr. Devendra Zipru Savale Associate Professor M. A. M. Phil., Ph. D. 32 Years View
3 Mr. Jeetendra Dilip Pagar Assistant Professor M.A.M. Phil. 33 Years View

Programs Offered


Sem I Sem II
Subject Code Name of Subject Subject Code Name of Subject
MJ HIS-101T Indian National Movement 1857-1920 MJ HIS 151T Indian National Movement 1920-1950
MJP HIS 101P Indian National Movement 1857-1920 MJP HIS 152P Indian National Movement 1920-1950/td>
SEC HIS 101 Arts Architecture in Early India SEC HIS 151 Arts Architecture in Medieval India
OE HIS 101 Glimpses of Modern India-I OE HIS 151 Glimpses of Modern India-II
IKS 101 HIS History of Knowledge Production In India


Sem III Sem IV
Subject Code Name of Subject Subject Code Name of Subject
23171 DSE -1A (3) Medieval India : Sultanate Period 24171 DSE -2B(3) Medieval India: Mughal Period
23172 DSE 2A(3) Glimpses of the modern world part 1 24172 DSE 2B(3) Glimpses of the modern world part 2
23174 CC-2(3) History of Marathas (1630-1707) 24174 CC-2(3) History of the Marathas (1707-1818)
23176 SEC 1A(2)Art and Architecture in Early India 24176 SEC 2B(2) Medieval India Art and Architecture


Sem V Sem VI
Subject Code Name of Subject Subject Code Name of Subject
35171 DSE 3 C (3) Introduction to Historiography 36171 DSE-3 C (3) Applied History
35172 DSE 4 D(3) Maharashtra In the 19th Century 36172 DSE 4 D (3) Maharashtra in the 20th Century
35174 CC-3(3) Indian National Movement 36174 CC-4 (3) India after Independence
35176 SEC 2 C (2) South Indian Art and Architecture 36176 SEC 2 D (2) Heritage Management


Sem I Sem II
Subject Code Name of Subject Subject Code Name of Subject
MJHIS501 Early India Evaluation Of Ideas & Institutions MJ HIS 555 Medieval India: Evolution Of Ideas & Institutions
MJHIS 502 Welfare State Policies of Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj MJ HIS556 Socio Economic History Maratha's
HIS MJ 503 History & Its Theory MJ HIS 557 Approaches to Indian History
HIS MJ 504 Arts Architecture in Early India MJ HIS 558 Art Architecture in Medieval India
Elective HIS MJ 510 Early Maharashtra (up to 10th Century) Elective HIS MJ 566 Medieval Maharashtra
HIS MJ 541 Research Methodology in History FP HIS 583 Field Project


Sem III Sem IV
Subject Code Name of Subject Subject Code Name of Subject
HIS MJ 605 Modern India: Ideas Institutions& Approaches HIS 654 Post-Independence India(1947-1991)
HIS MJ 606 Struggles For Equality in19th Cent,Maharashtra HIS 655 Dalit Movement In 20th Cent.Maharashtra
HIS MJ607 Intellectual History Of The Modern World HIS 656 Challenge & Perspectives In Indian History
HIS MJ 608 Art architecture in Modern India HIS 670 Social Movements In Maharashtra
HIS MJ619 Modern Maharashtra :History Of Ideas HIS 685 RP Research Project
HIS 635RP Research Project


1 To ensure effective teaching learning process
2 To review and recommend the lesion plan for the academic session
3 To prepare the divided syllabus for academic session
a)After taking the subject choice, HOD shall allocate the subject to each faculty within one week
b) HOD shall allocate senior faculty for teaching to P.G
c) A faculty assigned to P.G shall be assigned one theory of U.G
d) One faculty shall not be assigned to teach more than one subject to the same class. Whereas, the same subject can be taught by one faculty to different division
4 To motivate and prepare the student for various competitions
5 To ensure the preparation of format of question papers as per university guidelines.
6 Once teaching workload is assigned each faculty shall prepare course file (if the subject is new) or update the course material including E- content the file should be ready a week before the start of the semester
7 To propose for various ICT techniques for equality improvement
8 To propose the Book list for the academic session to Principal
9 To prepare Departmental Time table for the session.
10 The teaching plan for about 36 lectures of 2 credits and or more shall be prepared by each faculty without dates
11 To collect and compile the Data for the Almanac (Academic Calendar) and propose the same to the Vice Principal for approval
12 To co-ordinate with departmental colleagues for organisation departmental activities
13 To encourage professors in the department to prepare research papers and preserve the papers
14 To co-ordinate with admission committee in the admission process
15 To compile and forward the requirement of the books to be purchased for the library
16 The result analysis shall be done immediately after the declaration of result by University and should be sent to the Principal through Examination chairman
17 HOD shall send the event report at the end of the month in prescribed format to the principal through academic supervisor.
18 HOD shall take the students feedback after completion of first unit and before the end of semester HOD shall send the summery of feedback to the principal through IQAC for necessary action.
19 The semester examination marks, online examination marks (print out of the report after feeling the marks on the university portal) shall be displayed on the notice board after permission of the principal through examination department
20 To conduct the Guest lecture series for PG (M.A I and M.A II) students.
21 To give M.A II students to create research projects.
22 Organizing educational study tour for special subject students.
23 We are encouraging students and Professors to participate in National and International level seminar/workshop/conference
24 To organized certificate course in Urdu language for students of history

Highlights of the Department

  • Department of History organized four Certificate course 2 course of Modi Script and 2 course of Brahmi Script in collaboration with Dnyandurg Itihas Sanshodhan Sanstha, Nashik
  • Every year Department organized lecture series for P.G Students
  • Arranged Field Visit to Bhuikot Fort in Malegaon Taluka
  • Arranged Field Visit to Palace of Maharaja Sayajirao Gaikwad at Kaulane
  • Arrange Field Visit to Galana Fort in Malegaon Taluka
  • Every year History Department celebrates Birth Anniversary of Indian National Leader
  • Every year History Department Organized Guest lecture on Kranti Din
  • Department organized NET/SET Guidance program for PG Students



Sr.No. Name of the Paper Link
1 Social reform movement in Maharashtra View
2 Revolutionary movement in Maharashtra View
3 Revenue System under Shivaji Maharaj View
4 Paithani Business In Yeola View
5 Military System of Shivaji Maharaj View
6 M.G.Ranade View
7 Gautam Budha View
8 Feminist Movement in 21 Century View
9 Father of Indian Social Reform Movement Mahatma Phule View
10 Contribution of Tilak in National Movement View


Sr.No. Name of the Paper Link
1 Women movement in Nashik District View
2 War of India- Pakistan 1965 View
3 Vatandari and Kulnama View
4 Transformation of Maharashtra View
5 Structural Approaches View
6 Shahu Maharaj Views View
7 Rise of Malegaon Cloth Industry View
8 Philosophy of Corporation Movement View
9 Pandita Ramabai View
10 Gopal Krushna Gokhale View
11 Gender Budget View
12 Contributation of Karmaveer View
13 Buddhas Eight fold Path View


Sr.No. Name of the Paper Link
1 कामगार चळवळीतील जातवर्गीय जाणीवा View
2 Freedom movement in Yeola Taluka View
3 Labour movement and caste problem View
4 Gender and History View
5 Dr.Ambedkar and Labour View
6 Child Abuse Problem View
Sr.No. Name of the Paper Link
1 Dr.Ambedkar Thoughts on Agriculture View

Linkages & Collaborations/MOU's

Organization with which MoU is signed Name of the institution/ industry/ corporate house Year of signing MoU Duration Registration No of Institute
Pragatik itihas sanshodhan sanstha ,Aurangabad Pragatik itihas sanshodhan sanstha ,Aurangabad 1/6/2019 1/6/2019 to 1/6//2025 MAHA/352/19 F-25635 Aurangabad
Dnyandurg itihas sanshodhan sanstha Dnyandurg itihas sanshodhan sanstha 08/02/2019 8/02/2019 to 17/03 /2024 MAHA/15309/Nashik
Camp Sarvajanik Vachanalaya Camp Sarvajanik Vachanalaya 01/09/2018 1/09/2018 to 30/03/2022 MAHA/573/ Nashik

Departmental Activities


Library visit Report

Under the MoU with Pragatik Itihas Sanstha Department of History Organized lecture series for students of the department. In this lecture series first lecture delivered by Prof Dr. Shrihari Thorwat from Peth College on the topic of Temple Architecture on 31 December 2021. Second Lecture was delivered by Prof S.L.Ahire from S.P.H College, Nimgaon on the topic of Research methodology on 3 January 2022 and Third lecture delivered by Mr. D.Z.Savale Mahilaratn Pushpatai Hiray Mahila Mahavidyalaya Malegaon on the topic of Maratha History on 5 January 2022.

Department of History visited Camp Sarvjanik Vachanalaya Malegaon on 28 April 2022.Students are interacting with library staff and Readers of the library. Department make a linkage with Library through this linkage student participate in different activity which organized by the library such as yearly lecture series, Lecture on Competitive Examination, Workshop on Literature and Poetry. Many students use this library for preparation of competitive examination. Liberary can used college library for their enrichment.

Seminar, Webinar & Workshop

1) Department of History Organized Webinar on SET/NET Guidance in 2020
2) Organized webinar on the occasion of Shivrajyabhishek in 2020 on Rayateche Raje Shivaji Majhe
3) Webinar Organized on the occasion of Platinum jubilee year of Indian Independence in 2021
4) National webinar organized in Collaboration with Political Science Department on Phule -Shahu- Ambedkar Todays Relevance
5) Edited Book published on the Webinar in Collaboration with Political Science Department


Best Practice of the Department:

1) Department has organized Certificate course in Modi and Brahmi Script
2) Every year department gas organized Field visit to Historical places

Sr. No Name of the Alumni Designation Year of Passing
1 Rahul Dnyandev Desle Assistant Professor 2005
2 Yogesh Kiran Hirey Assistant Professor 2005
3 Sumit Ramdas wagh Assistant Professor 2018
4 Suresh Hiraman Khairnar Assistant Professor 2019
5 Bhausaheb Daga Shewale Revenue assistant 2008
6 Khairnar Pravin Ramesh Secondary Teacher 2009
7 Pandharinath Tulashiram Dukhale Clerk Law and Judiciary Dept. 2017
8 Patil Sharad Raghunathrao Teacher Jr.College 2002
9 Rajendra Ramchandra Wagh Mandal officer Revenue Dept 2016
10 Majid Akhtar Abdul Aziz Head Master 2002
11 Shewale Muniraj Machhindra Post Master 2019
12 Sachin Lotan Deore Operator at Sub station 2023
13 Ramesh Abhiman Rathod Police Constable 2023
14 Vishal Ashok Ahire Police Constable 2022
15 Jayram Mali Short film Director 2019


Academic Year Enrolled Appeared Pass Percentage
2017-2018 31 31 20 64.51%
2018-2019 48 46 38 84.44 %
2019-2020 56 51 45 96.42 %
2020-2021 55 53 51 96.22 %
2021-2022 45 42 38 90.47 %
2022-2023S 46 42 39 92.85%


year Rank Name of the Students
2017-18 1 Kale Meenabai Madhavrao
2 Gaikwad Gitanjali Nana
3 Waghdare Rahul Anna
2018-19 1 Ahire Vishal Manohar
2 Ahire Mayur Popat
3 Bachhav Bhushan Karbhari
2019-20 1 Shewale Umesh Ananda
2 Kulkrani Utkarsh Kiran
3 Raundal Vaishanvi Ravindra
2020-21 1 Ansari fahad Bin
2 Suryavanshi Nitin Hiraman
3 Gunjal Hrushikesh Vikas
2021-22 1 More Tina Dipak
2 Wagh Chetan Rajaram
3 Mahire Satyashil Jivan
2022-2023 1 Suryavanshi Vinayak Atmaram
2 Ahirrao Harish Dilip
3 Shirude Akash Bapu


Academic Year Enrolled Appeared Pass Percentage
2017-2018 20 19 16 84.21 %
2018-2019 20 20 20 100 %
2019-2020 34 34 31 91.17 %
2020-2021 33 32 30 93.75 %
2021-2022 45 42 38 90.47 %
2022-2023S 39 39 36 94.73%


year Rank Name of the Students
2017-18 1 Vadanere Snehal Somanath
2 Wagh Sumit Ramdas
3 Wagh Yashashri Ashok
2018-19 1 Khairnar Suresh Hiraman
2 Asra Shakeel Ansari
3 Kadam Ganesh Dadaji
2019-20 1 Ahire Sayali Ashokrao
2 Bhoi Shubham Ravindra
3 Ahire Pooja Rajendra
2020-21 1 Shirude Kalyani Rajendra
2 Jagtap Nikita Ramdas
3 Shivade Monali Rajendra
2021-22 1 Pravin Sahebrao Shirsath
2 Mahale Rakesh Ramkrushna
3 Hirey Chandrashekhar Bapurao
Sr. No. Name of the Faculty Designation Contact Details
1 Mr. Ajay Ahir Associate Professor [email protected]
2 Mr. Subhash L. Ahire Associate Professor [email protected]
3 Mr. Sumit Wagh Assistant Professor [email protected]
4 Mr. R. D. Desale Assistant Professor [email protected]