Mahatma Gandhi Vidyamandir's

Maharaja Sayajirao Gaikwad Arts, Science & Commerce College

Tal. Malegaon, Dist. Nashik (MS)
Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune

Re-accredited with A+ Grade (Cycle-III) by NAAC

Department of Marathi

Number of extension and outreached Programmes conducted by the Marathi Department. (including the programmes of research, Faculty exchange, Student exchange/ internship during the of functional MoU with institutions, other universities, industries, corporate houses, Teachers undergoing online Lecturer, Faculty development Programmes (FDP) , (Professional Development Programmes, Orientation / Induction, Number of teachers recognized as research guides. Design and Development of Curriculum for Add on/ certificate/ Diploma Courses.


Sr. No Name of the activity Organising unit/ agency/ collaborating agency Name of the scheme Year of the activity Program PDF File
1 वाचन प्रेरणा दिन मराठी विभाग ग्रंथ प्रदर्शन 15/10/2024 View
2 वार्षिक अहवाल मराठी विभाग वार्षिक अहवाल 2022-23 View
3 डॉ.ए.पी.जे.अब्दुल कलामयांच्या स्मृती पित्यार्थ वाचन दिन साजरा मराठी विभाग वाचन संस्कृती या विषयावर व्याख्यान 15/10/ 2022 View
4 लहान मुलांना संस्काराचे धडे. मराठी विभाग एम. ए. भाग २ विध्यार्थिनी बेस्ट प्रक्टिस 01/11/2022 View
5 समृध्द आणि शाश्वत मराठी भाषा मराठी विभाग पंतप्रधान स्व.पंडित जवाहरलाल नेहरू व बाल दिन 15/11/2022 View
6 “भारतीय सांविधानाचे महत्व” मराठी विभाग राज्यशास्र भारतीय संविधानाची शपथ 26/11/2022 View
7 स्पर्धा परिक्षा मराठी विभाग व स्वामी विवेकानंद केंद्र मालेगाव स्वामी विवेकानंदाच्या जीवनावर 01/11/2022 View
8 बौद्धिक मालमत्ता अधिकार (Intellectual Property Rights) मराठी व इंग्रजी विभाग राज्यस्तरीय चर्चासत्र 04/12/2022 View
9 मराठी भाषा संवर्धन पंधरवडा मराठी विभाग मराठी भाषा काळाची गरज व निबंध स्पर्धा,हस्ताक्षर 23/01/2023 View
10 मराठी राजभाषा दिन मराठी विभाग कथा कथन 27/02/2023 View
11 मराठी संशोधन केंद्र मराठी विभाग Course Work 19/09/2022 To 29/09/2022 View
12 डॉ.अर्जुन गं.नेरकर मराठी विभाग प्रमुख वार्षिक कामकाज अहवाल 2022-23 View
13 वार्षिक अहवाल मराठी विभाग वार्षिक अहवाल 2021-22 View
14 स्पर्धा परिक्षा मार्गदर्शन कार्यशाळा मराठी विभाग स्पर्धा परिक्षा 29/10/2021 View
15 नेट-सेट परिक्षा मार्गदर्शक कार्यशाळा मराठी विभाग नेट-सेट परिक्षा 11/10/2021 To 18/10/2021 View
16 स्व.पु.ल.देशपांडे व्याख्यानमाला मराठी विभाग स्व.पु.ल.देशपांडे व्याख्यानमाला 31/12/2021 01/01/2022 03/01/2022 View
17 मराठी भाषा संवर्धन पंधरवाडा मराठी विभाग १. निबंध लेखन स्पर्धा २. घोष वाक्य स्पर्धा 14/01/2022 To 28/01/2022 View
18 स्वामी विवेकानंदाच्या जीवनावर मराठी विभाग व स्वामी विवेकानंद केंद्र मालेगाव स्वामी विवेकानंदाच्या जीवनावर स्पर्धा परिक्षा 02/11/2022 View
19 MoU/Linkages Marathi Dept. साप्ताहिक नगारा,कॅम्प सार्वजनिक वाचनालय मालेगाव 2021-22 to 2022-23 View
20 आभासी राष्ट्रीयचर्चा सत्र मराठी विभाग ग्रामीण व दलित साहित्याची सामाजिकता 15/02/2022 To 16/02/2022 View
21 छत्रपती शिवाजी महाराज जयंती व्याख्यान – डॉ.श्रीपाल सबनीस मराठी विभाग व इतिहास छत्रपती शिवाजी महाराज जयंती व्याख्यान 19/02/2022 View
22 मराठी भाषा गौरवदिन साजरा मराठी विभाग भव्य कवी संमेलन 27/02/2022 View
23 क्षेत्र भेट मराठी विभाग पाटणादेवी ता.चाळीसगाव 11/03/2022 View
24 वांगमय मंडळ उदघाटन –डॉ अरुणा ढेरे मराठी विभाग वांगमय मंडळ उदघाटन व काव्यसंग्रह प्रकाशन 16/03/2022 View
25 डॉ.अर्जुन गं.नेरकर मराठी विभाग प्रमुख वार्षिक कामकाज अहवाल 2021-22 View
26 वार्षिक अहवाल मराठी विभाग वार्षिक अहवाल 2020-21 View
27 एक दिवशीय आंतरराष्ट्रीय चर्चासत्र मराठी विभाग व कला सांस्कृतिक वारसा मंत्रालय मराठी भाषेची सद्यस्थिती व शिक्षणाचे स्वरूप 16/01/2021 View
28 निबंध स्पर्धा मराठी विभाग खुली स्पर्धा 03/09/2020 View
29 मराठी राज भाषा दिन मराठी विभाग सुंदर हस्ताक्षर,ग्रंथ दिंडी, काव्य वाचन स्पर्धा 27/02/2021 View
30 मराठी भाषा संवर्धन पंधरवडा मराठी विभाग Online Lecturer-Dr.Vilas Deore NSK 28/01/2021 View
31 Covid-19 Report Marathi Dept जेवणाचे डबे,नोट्स विद्यार्थांना घरपोच सेवा 2020-21 View
32 वार्षिक अहवाल मराठी विभाग वार्षिक अहवाल 2019-2020 View
33 जागतिक राज भाषा दिन मराठी विभाग निबंध लेखन स्पर्धा 27/02/2020 View
34 MoU/Linkages Marathi Dept. साप्ताहिक नगारा,कॅम्प सार्वजनिक वाचनालय मालेगाव 3 March 2020 View
35 ICT Prashikshan Marathi Dept.& Computer Dept. संगणक ज्ञान 6,7 Sept.2019 View
36 वार्षिक अहवाल मराठी विभाग वार्षिक अहवाल 2018-19 View
37 डॉ.ए.पी.जे.अब्दुल कलामयांच्या स्मृती पित्यार्थ वाचन दिन साजरा मराठी विभाग वाचन संस्कृती या विषयावर व्याख्यान 15/10/2018 View
38 रेमिडीयाल कोचिंग क्लास मराठी विभाग FYBA Students 2018-2019 View
39 स्पर्धा परिक्षा मराठी विभाग व स्वामी विवेकानंद केंद्र मालेगाव स्वामी विवेकानंद यांच्या जीवनावर आधरित परिक्षा 05/11/2018 View
40 कायदेविषयक शिबीर मराठी विभाग बेटी बचाव बेटी पढाव 12/11/2018 View
41 जागतिक मराठी भाषा गौरव दिन मराठी विभाग वकृत्व स्पर्धा 27/02/2019 View
42 डॉ.अर्जुन गं.नेरकर मराठी विभाग प्रमुख वार्षिक कामकाज अहवाल 2018-19 View
43 वार्षिक अहवाल मराठी विभाग वार्षिक अहवाल 2017-18 View
44 डॉ.ए.पी.जे.अब्दुल कलामयांच्या स्मृती पित्यार्थ वाचन दिन साजरा मराठी विभाग वाचन संस्कृती या विषयावर व्याख्यान 15/10/2017 View
45 वाड्मयाचे मंडळ उदघाटन-डॉ.श्रीपाल सबनीस मराठी विभाग वाड्मयाचे मंडळ उदघाटन- 18/09/2017 View
46 जागतिक मराठी भाषा गौरव दिन मराठी विभाग वकृत्व स्पर्धा 27/02/2017 View
47 राज्यस्तरीय चर्चा सत्र मराठी विभाग स्पर्धा परीक्षेमधील मराठी 3/12/2017 View
48 रेमिडीयाल कोचिंग क्लास मराठी विभाग FYBA Students 2017-2018 View

Contact Us

Sr. No Name Designation Mobile No
1 Dr. Arjun G. Nerkar Assistant Professor [email protected] 9765362770
2 Dr. Arun Uttam Patil Assistant Professor [email protected] 9356513037
3 Dr. Gajanan J.Bhamare Assistant Professor [email protected] 9423926191
4 Dr. Prakash K.Shewale Assistant Professor [email protected] 8975555815
5 Dr. Vinod G.Gorwadkar Assistant Professor [email protected] 9423477273
6 Dr.Sapana V. Sonawane Assistant Professor [email protected] 9763382705
7 Prof. Varsha Y.. Ahire Assistant Professor [email protected] 7588095989
8 Dr. Sunita S. Khairnar Assistant Professor [email protected] 9175647619
9 Prof. UjvalaU.Ahire Assistant Professor [email protected] 7498416095

TYBA (Marathi) Toppers

Academic Year Rank Name of the Student Percentage
2017-18 1 Chavan Chhaya Ravindra 73.13%
2 Chikane Anita Prakash 70.81%
3 Shinde Sarika Vikram 70.19%
2018-19 1 Shinde Varsha Popat 67.16%
2 Sonawane Yogesh Popat 62.75%
3 Wagh Ashabai Dondhiram 52.58%
2019-20 1 Katyare Nayana Mukund 60.00%
2 Katyare Rutik Mukund 56.58%
3 Akkar Shivani Sudgakar 53.75%
2020-21 1 Raundal Khushal Madhukar 73.50%
2 Kuvar Sonu Rajendra 72.16%
3 Rajguru Shubhangi Gorakh 69.41%
2021-22 1 Bhagat Boby Dipak 60.25%
2 Bahiram Dadaji Kashinath 55.05%
3 Misal Vishal Rajendra 54.00%

MA/MSc (Marathi) Toppers

Academic Year Rank Name of the Student Percentage
2017-18 1 Tahoora Tabassum S. Ahmed 69.58
2 Pawar Anuja Giridhar 68.25
3 Gangurde Bhageshree Kailash 61.25
2018-19 1 Ansari Naeem Ahmed 71.25
2 Tauseef Ahmed Saleem Khan 69.85
3 Hiray Jayashree Dadaji 66.58
2019-20 1 Kamran Ahmed Abrar Ahmed 72.85
2 Bagul Pranil Anand 68.56
3 Vyalij Priyanka Babanrao 62.96
2020-21 1 Momin Farah Uaba 74.10
2 Pawar Anuja Giridhar 73.71
3 Tohara Tohsin Shaphik 71.48
2021-22 1 Parveen Ihayadullah 77.32
2 SonawaneVijay Barku 75.20
3 Mybesharan Nihal Ahmed 72.12

Extension Activities

Name of the activity Organising unit/ agency/ collaborating agency Name of the Scheme Year of the Activity Numbers of Students Participated in such Activities
National Level Webinar Department of Marathai,MSG College, Malegaon Gramin V Dalit Sahityatil Samajikata 30, 31 Jan.2022 78
Lecture Series Department of Marathi,, MSG College, Malegaon P.L.Deshpande Vyakhyanmala 31 Dec.2021 2,3 Jan.2022 68
NET/SET Workshop Department of Marathi, MSG College, Malegaon M.A.Students day 11 to 18 Oct 2021 42
NET/SET Workshop Department of Marathi, MSG College, Malegaon M.A.Students day 14 to 19 Oct 2019 52
NET/SET Workshop Department of Marathi, MSG College, Malegaon M.A.Students day 08 to 13 Oct 2018 38
Certificate Course Department of Marathi, MSG College, Malegaon Anuvad Kaushaly 1 Month 20 Dec.2021 to 20 Jan.2022 45
National Level Webinar Department of Marathi, MSG College, Malegaon Marathi Bhashechi Sadyashtiti V Shikshanache Svarup 16 Jan.2019 76
State Level Webinar Department of Marathi, MSG College, Malegaon Spradha Paarikshetil Marathi 23 Dec. 2017 103
State Level Workshop Department of Marathi, MSG College, Malegaon “Intellectual Property Rights” 4th Deceber 2022 63


Sr. No Name of the Award Team/Individual University/ State/National Cultural/Sports/ Educational Name of the Faculty
1 Balekilla, Samajik Gaurav Puraskar 2019 Individual State Educational 2019 Dr. A.G.Nerkar
2 Utkrusht Marathi Adhyapaana Seva Kary Gaurav Puraskar Individual State Educational 2023 Dr. A.G.Nerkar
3 Utkrusht Marathi Adhyapaana Seva Kary Gaurav Puraskar Individual State Educational 2023 Dr. G.J.Bhamare
4 Utkrusht Marathi Adhyapaana Seva Kary Gaurav Puraskar Individual State Educational 2023 Dr.A.U.Patil
5 Shikshan Bhushan Puraskar Individual State Educational 2021-22 Dr. G.J.Bhamare
6 Shikshan Kary Gaurav Puraskar Individual State Educational 2019-20 Dr. G.J.Bhamare
7 Jilhastariy Kino Shiksha Gaurav Puraskar Individual State Educational 2018 Dr. G.J.Bhamare
8 Ant:Svar Utkrusht Saahity Kruti Puraskar Individual State Educational 2018 Dr.V.G.Gorwadkar
9 Kai.Suhasini Laddu Puraskar Individual State Educational 2018 Dr.P.K.shewale
10 Kai.S.K. Shrisagar Gold Medal Puraskar Individual State Educational 2021 Dr.P.K.shewale
11 Best District Co-ordinater Individual State Educational 2022 Dr.P.K.shewale
12 Kai. R.B. patankar Award -50,000/- Individual State Educational 2023 Dr.P.K.shewale

Top Alumni of the Department

Name of Alumni Designation Year of Passing
Dr. S.G.Kannor Assi.Prof, K.B.H. College, Nimgaon, Malegaon M.A. 2011
Prof. V.M.Kedare Assi.Prof, K.B.H. College, Nimgaon, Malegaon M.A. 2011
Dr. Svapnil P.Garud Assi.Prof.,Karmveer Ramrao Ahre College Deola. B.A. 2009
Prof. S. J. Hiray Assi.Prof., L.R.Kabara College Malegaon M.A.2019
Sau. H.S. Shewale Teacher, Raju Gandhi Int.English Shcool Malegaon M.A. 2018
Shri P. M. Savale Lipik, Talathi Office Malgaon Camp M.A. 2012
Shri. Umesh D,Bhadane Axis Bank Malegaon B.A. 2014
Shri. Sunil P.Wagh LIC Officer, Malegaaon M.A. 2022
Shri. Sunil V.Shinde Peon,Parmchi College Malegaon M.A. 2022
Shri.V.T.Nerkar Hademaster, Adivshi Ashram shala Savargaon Nifad. M.A. 2018
Smt.P.T.Nerkar Assi. Teacher, Nutan Kanya Vidyalay Nandurbar M.A.2018
Smt.Manisha Patil Teacher, L.V.H. English School Malegaon M.A.2022
Smt.Vaishali A. Baisane Police, Nagpur M.A. 2021

Certificate Course

Anuvad Kaushalye-20 Dec.2021 to 20 Jan.2022

Sr. No. Topic Topic
1 Anuvad Svarup Aani Vyapti 1.1. Aanuvad : Arht
1.2. Anuvad :Vyakhya
1.3. Anuvad Svarup
1.4. Anuvad Ani Sampreshan
1.5.Anuvadache Gundharm
2 Bhashantar Prakriya 2.1. Ghatak Vishleshan
2.2. Rupantar.
2.3. Panarrachana
2.4 Anuvadache bhashikStar
2.5 Bhashantar Prakriya
2.6 Mulbhasha Ani Laksh Bhashechi Tulana
3 Anuvad Vidyan Ki Kala 3.1. Anuvadasathi Sahayyak Sadhane
3.2. Aadarsh Anuvad
3.3. Bhashantar Maryada
3.4 Marathi Bhashantar Prashikshan
3.5 Bhashantarache Adhar
3.6 Anauvadacha Hetu
4 Anauvad Kshetratil Vividh sandhi ani mulymapan 4.1. Shasakiy kame ani anuvad
4.2. Vaidyanik sahityache Bhashantar
4.3. Kayadevishayak sahityache Bhashantar
4.4 VartmanPaaatrache Bhashantar
4.5 Mulymapan


  • Qualified and Research oriented faculty
  • Facilitating students’ participation in co-curricular and extracurricular activities.
  • Good number of publications in reputed journals
  • Papers Published In National / International Journals
  • Lectures Delivered on Various Subjects

Future Plans

  • To introduce more skill development courses
  • To increase e-access to several resources
  • To get associated/clubbed with national/ international universities/ agencies
  • To increase students’ participation at institutional and social responsibilities
  • To help tribal and rural students avail more job opportunities
  • To organize International& National conferences in collaboration with National and International linkages.
  • To conduct training sessions for creative writing
  • To build more research linkages for quality research

Glorious Tradition of Department of Marathi

  • The Department of Marathi of the College was started in 1959. The first Principal of the college was famous Marathi literary writer P.L. Deshpande.
  • The Department has a great tradition of many writers and critics, Bhalchandra Khandekar, profound scholar of saint literature Dr. R.R. Gosavi, Dr. M.S.Patil famous writers of Maharashtra have worked in the department.
  • The writers and renowned Marathi Critics like Dr. Dilip Dhondge, Dr. Kamal Aher, Dr. Sayaji Pagar, were the Alumni of this department.
  • So far, thousands of students have consumed the nectar of Marathi through the department and numerous students are working in high positions at various places.
  • The Research Centre of Marathi has enrolled 18 students for Ph.D Degree today.

Teaching Faculty

Sr.No. Photo Name of the Faculty Designation Qualification Teaching Experience Link
1 Dr. Arjun Gangaram Nerkar Assisitant Professor M.A., Ph.D 29 Year view
2 Dr. Arun Uttam Patil Assisitant Professor M.A., Ph.D 29 Year view
3 Dr. Gajanan Janglu Bhamare Assisitant Professor M.A.,M.Phil,Ph.D 28 Year view
4 Dr. Prakash Karbhari Shewale Assisitant Professor M.A., Set, M.Phil,Ph.D 12 Year view
5 Dr. Vinod G. Gorwadkar Associate Professor M.A., Set Ph.D 14 Year view
6 Dr. Sapana V. Sonawane CHB M.A. M.Ed. Set,Ph.D 7 Year view
7 Prof. Varsha Y. Ahire CHB M.A. Set,Net Ph.D Ongoing 7 Year view
8 Dr. Sunita S. Khairnar CHB M.A.,Set, Ph.D. 3 Year view
9 Prof. Ujwala U. Ahire CHB M.A.,NET 5 Year view

Courses Offered

Pepar First Semester Second Semeste
Class Code Subject Code Subject
FYBA(2024 Pattern) G-1 Major MAR-101MJ MAR 102 MJP

साहित्याचे स्वरूप (निवेदनात्मक साहित्यप्रकार)

साहित्य प्रकाराचे सादरीकरण

Major MAR 151MJ MAR 152MJP

साहित्याचे स्वरूप (काव्यात्म साहित्य प्रकार)

साहित्य प्रकारांचे अवलोकन/लेखन

Third Semester Fourth Semester
SYBA (2019 Pattern) G2 23023 CC-1C(3) Bhashsik Kaushalye Vikas & Adhunik Marathi Sahitya Prakar :Kadambari 24023 CC-1 D (3) Bhashsik Kaushalye Vikas & Adhunik Marathi Sahitya Prakar : Lalit Gadhya
S1 23021 DSE- 1 A (3) Adhunik Marathi Sahitya: Prakashvata 24021 DSE- 2 A (3) Madhyayugin Marathi Sahitya :Nivadak Madhyayugin Gadhy Padhy.
S2 23022 DSE- 1 B (3)Sahityavichar 24022 DSE- 2 B (3)Sahityasamiksha
23024 SEC- 1 Karyakram sanyojanatil Bhashik Kaushalye Bhag -1 24025 SEC-2 Karyakram sanyojanatil Bhashik Kaushalye Bhag -2
23011 MIL-1 Marathi Bhashik Sandhyapan Kaushalye 24011 MIL -2 Navmadhyame Samaj Madhyamansathi Marathi
Fifth Semester Sixth Semester
TYBA (2019 Pattern) G3 35023 CC – 1 E (3) Bhashsik Kaushalye Vikas & Adhunik Marathi Sahitya Prakar : Pravasvarnan 36023 CC – 1 F (3) Bhashsik Kaushalye Vikas & Adhunik Marathi Sahitya Prakar : Kavita
S-3 35021 DSE 1 C (3+1) Madhyayugin Marathi Vangmayacha Sthul Etihas : Prarambh to E.S.1600 36021 DSE 1 D (3+1) Madhyayugin Marathi Vangmayacha Sthul Etihas : E.S.1601 to 1817
S4 35022 DSE 2 C (3) + 1 Varnatmak Bhashavidyan:Bhag 1 36022 SEC 2 D (3)+1 Varnatmak Bhashavidyan:Bhag 2
35025 SEC 2 C (2) Karyakram sanyojanatil Bhashik Kaushalye Bhag -1 36025 SEC 2 D (2) Karyakram sanyojanatil Bhashik Kaushalye Bhag -2
35025 SEC 2 C (2) Karyakram sanyojanatil Bhashik Kaushalye Bhag -1 36025 SEC 2 D (2) Karyakram sanyojanatil Bhashik Kaushalye Bhag -2
sanyojanatil Bhashik Kaushalye Bhag -1 sanyojanatil Bhashik Kaushalye Bhag -2
GE (General Elective) GE (General Elective)
First Semester Second Semester
MA-I (2024 Pattern) MJ MAR 501MJ अर्वाचीन मराठी साहित्याचा अभ्यास (इ. स.1818 ते इ. स. 1920) MAR 551 MJ अर्वाचीन मराठी साहित्याचा अभ्यास (इ. स. 1920 ते 2010)
MJ MAR 502MJ ऐतिहासिक भाषा विज्ञान MAR 552 MJ समाज भाषा विज्ञान
MJ MAR 503MJ प्रकाशन व्यवहार आणि ग्रंथ निर्मिती प्रक्रिया MAR 553 MJ नियतकालिकांची स्वरूप आणि संपादन









प्रशासकीय लेखन कौशल्य: प्रात्यक्षिक

साहित्य प्रवाहांचा अभ्यास:दलित आणि ग्रामीण साहित्य

साहित्यप्रवान चा अभ्यास: दलित आणि ग्रामीण साहित्य: प्रात्यक्षिक

संशोधन पद्धती


MAR 560 MJ



प्रसार माध्यमांसाठी लेखन कौशल्य: प्रात्यक्षिक

साहित्य प्रवाहांचा अभ्यास:आदिवासी साहित्य आणि स्त्री वादी साहित्य

साहित्य प्रवाहांचा अभ्यास: आदिवासी साहित्य आणि स्त्री वादी साहित्य: प्रात्यक्षिक

व्यावसायिक प्रशिक्षण/क्षेत्रीय प्रकल्प

10091 Human Rights-I 20091 Human Rights-II
10092 Cyber Security -I 20092 Cyber Security - II
Third Semester Fourth Semester
MA-II (2024 Pattern) MJ MAR-601-MJ मध्ययुगीन कालखंडातील साहित्य कृतींचा अभ्यास MAR-651-MJ अर्वाचीन कालखंडातील साहित्य कृतींचा अभ्यास
MJ MAR-602 MJ साहित्य समीक्षा: संकल्पना, स्वरूप, आणि समीक्षा पद्धती MAR-652 MJ लोकसाहित्याची मूलतत्त्वे आणि मराठी लोकसाहित्य
MJ MAR-603-MJ सौंदर्यशास्त्र MAR-654 MJP सर्जनशील लेखन:संकल्पना, स्वरूप आणि प्रकार






MAR-610 MJ


MAR-631 RP

समीक्षा आणि समीक्षा पद्धती प्रात्यक्षिक

साहित्याचा सामाजिक दृष्टीने अभ्यास.

साहित्याचा सामाजिक दृष्टीने अभ्यास:प्रात्यक्षिक

संशोधन प्रकल्प




मध्ययुगीन मराठी वांग्याची सांस्कृतिक पार्श्वभूमी

मध्ययुगीन मराठी वाङ्मयाची सांस्कृतिक पार्श्वभूमी:प्रात्यक्षिक

संशोधन प्रकल्प: प्रात्यक्षिक G1 117 Bhasha Sahitya & Kaushalye Vikas 117 Bhasha & Kaushalya Vikas Gen AECC-2 A Upyojit Marathi AECC-2 B Marathi Sahitya Katha Darshan


Scope of this document:
  • This SOP is achieve uniformity and consistency in the academics with all departments.
  • Uses of SOP
  • IQAC cell in consultation of Principal is to prepare this SOP and referred to HOD
  • Who should control the document of SOP
  • Vice -Principal. Supervisor and IAAC Co-ordinator
  • Procedures to be followed for implementation of SOP.
  • 1 HOD shall use various formats prescribed by IQAC, and approved by Principal
  • 2. At the end of semester,
  • a) HOD shall take the choice of elective from the students (wherever is it applicable) for next semester.
  • b. HOD shall take the choice of subject for next semester from each faculty Each faculty must give minimum one choice of subject from UG to PG
  • 3. After taking the subject choice .HOD shall allocate the subjects to each faculty within one week.
  • a) HOD shall allocate senior faculties for teaching to PG.
  • b) A Faculty assigned to PG shall be assigned one theory of UG.
  • c) One faculty shall not be assigned to teach more than one subject to the same class Whereas, the same subject can be taught by one to different divisions.
  • 4. Once teaching workload is assigned, each faculty shall prepare course file ( if the subject is new) or update the course material including E-Content The file should be ready a week before the start of semester.
  • 5. The teaching plan for about 45 lectures of 3 credits and or more shall be prepared by each faculty without dates.
  • 6. HOD shall take the review of course file , teaching plan one week before the start of semester.
  • 7. IQAC shall prepare academic calendar including dates of start and end of semester,dates of various examinations , Term end and Internal(All units)
  • holidays etc. before one week of start of semester or immediately after receiving academic calendar of University , whichever is earlier.
  • 8. Based on the academic calendar provided by IQAC, HoD shall prepare the customised academic calendar which may include the information about guest lecture/seminar / workshop /placement activity, the events organized by student’s association etc.
  • 9. HOD shall prepare the time table one week before the start of semester and the approval of Vice-Principal shall be taken.
  • 10. The teaching learning process should start from the first day of start of semester.
  • 11. The class teacher shall imitate the process of registration of students in the department front the first day of semester
  • 12. HOD shall discuss the various responsibilities with departmental staff such as coordinator for PG, Time Table, academic activities ,event , writing and maintaining project, attendance monitoring mentoring scheme monitoring, student association, Study Tour any club ( if available), Internal examination, cultural etc.
  • 13. Any grievance shall be brought to the notice of the principal through Vice Principal for necessary action.
  • 14. HOD shall take meeting of each department on monthly basis to take the review of teaching learning process and the minutes of meeting should be written.
  • 15. The result analysis shall be done immediately after the declaration of result by University and should be sent to the Principal through Examination Chairman.
  • 16. HOD shall send the event report at the end of the month in prescribed format to the principal through Academic Supervisor
  • 17. HoD shall take the students feedback (online/offline) after completion of Academic year.
  • 18. The mid-sem examination marks, online examination makes(printout of the report after filling the marks on the university portal ) shall be displayed on the notice board after permission of the Principal through Examination Department.
  • 19. HOD should send the proposals ,QIP with supporting documents and required financial support to the Principal through UGC coordinator /Academic research Co-ordinator for necessary action, At the same time HOD should guide and encourage the faculties to publish their work in standard and reputed conferences or journals The list of journals is available or UGC portal.
  • 20. HOD shall prepare API (Annual Appraisal of Teaching at the end of Second semester and submit to Principal through IQAC.
  • Highlights

    • The first principal of the college renowned literary scholar P. L. Deshpande Later, Bhalchandra Khandekar, Dr. R. R. Gosavi, M. S. Patil, Dr. Vinod Gorwadkar, Dr. Shailja Patil, Dr. Ujjwala Deore, Dr. J. D. Sonawane, Dr. A. G. Nerkar, Dr. Prakash Shewale, and Dr. Vidya Surve etc. Literary writers have worked in the department.
    • Today nine faculties are working in the department, seven of them are Ph.D. seven have passed NET SET.
    • Many students who have studied in Marathi department are working in high positions in different places today. Three students from Marathi department have cleared the set exam.
    • Dr. Prakash Shewale has been elected as Member of BoS by affiliating university, S. P. Pune University
    • The Department has started research centre
    • The Department has contributed greatly during the pandemic
    • A collection of poems by Gotam Jagtap, a student of the Department, was recorded by Guinness Book of World Records.
    • Aniket Mashid Kar has presented his poem in All India Marathi Sahitya Sammelan.
    • The Department has organised one International webinar as well as a National seminar.

    1)Research Centre Approval - 2021-2022 to 2025-2026

    2)List of Guide, Qualification - & Specialization

    Sr.No. Guide Name Qualification Specialization
    1 Dr. Arun Uttam Patil M.A. Ph.D. Marathi literature
    2 Dr. Arjun Gangaram Nerkar M.A. Ph.D. Marathi literature
    3 Dr. Prakash karbhari shevale M.A. M.Phil, Ph.D.,Set Marathi literature
    4 Dr. Snehal.Sanjay Marathe M.A. Ph.D.,Set Marathi literature
    5 Dr.Yuvraj Deoba Bhamre M.A. Ph.D.,Set Marathi literature

    3.List of Registered Students

    Sr.No. Name of Registered Students Registration Date
    1 Dr. Arun Uttam Patil 07/05/ 2022
    2 Pophale Madhavi Mahesh 07/05/ 2022
    3 Kamble Balram Ganpat 07/05/ 2022
    4 Shearl Leena Abhimanyu 07/05/ 2022
    5 Ghuge Nana trambak 07/05/ 2022
    6 Hande Ashok Dashrath 07/05/ 2022
    7 Tribhuvan Sudheer Kishanrao 29/08/2022( Provisional)
    8 Bachhav Sanjay Prabhakar 29/08/2022( Provisional)
    9 Deore Susmita Balasaheb 29/08/2022( Provisional)
    10 Gavit Keshav Chintu 29/08/2022( Provisional)
    11 Patil Suvarna Chandrakanta 29/08/2022( Provisional)
    12 Baviskar Vaishali Ramesh 29/08/2022( Provisional)

    4.Seats allotted to the Guides

    Sr.No. Guide Name Allotted students
    1 Dr. Arun Uttam Patil 03
    2 Dr. Arjun Gangaram Nerkar 02
    3 Dr. Prakash karbhari shevale 02
    4 Dr. Snehal.Sanjay Marathe 04
    5 Dr.Yuvraj Deoba Bhamre 04

    Number of research papers per teachers in the Journals notified on UGC website during the last five years

    Sr.No. Name of the author/s Title of the paper Name of journal Year of publication ISSN number Article Link UGC care listed
    1 Dr. Snehal S. Marathe अन्य भाषांमधून मराठी भाषेत अनुवादीतझालेले ग्रंथ :एक अभ्यास Research Journey Dec.2017 ISSN 2348:7143 view Peer reviewed
    2 Dr.Prakash.K.Shewale नियतकालिकांची कार्य Research Journey Jan.2018 ISSN 2348:7143 view Peer reviewed
    3 Dr. P.K. Shewale साहित्यकृतींचे माध्यमांतर : प्रभाव संकल्पना Research Journey Jan.2018 ISSN 2348:7143 view Peer reviewed
    4 Dr. Snehal Marathe स्पर्धा परीक्षातील निबंध लेखनाचे स्वरूप Research Journey Jan-18 ISSN 2348:7143 view Dr. Arun Uttam Patil
    5 Dr. Snehal Marathe साहित्याची सामाजिकता Research Journey Feb.2018 ISSN 2348:7143 view Peer reviewed
    6 Dr. Snehal Marathe आदिवासी साहित्य Electronic Interdisciplinary International Research Journal (EIIRJ) Jan.2018 ISSN: 2277-8721 Vol.VII Spe.Issues V view UGC Approved Journal
    7 Dr. A.G. Nerkar स्पर्धा परीक्षेतील मराठी भाषेचे योगदान Multidisciplinary in National Research Journey Jan.2018 ISSN 2348-7143 Special ISSUE-XXXV view UGC Approved Journal No 48833
    8 Dr.G.J. Bhamare स्पर्धा परिक्षा आणि सामान्य ज्ञान विषयक मराठी साहित्य Research Journey Jan.2018 ISSN 2348-7143 view UGC Care listed
    9 Dr.A.U.Patil अनुवाद भाषांतर –रुपांतर,संकल्पना,स्वरूप Research Journey Feb.2018 ISSN 2348-7143 view Peer reviewed
    10 Dr. A.G. Nerkar दलित साहित्यातील सामाजिकता Multidisciplinary in National Research Journey Feb.2018 ISSN 2348-7143 Special ISSUE-XXXVII view UGC Approved Journal
    11 Dr. A.G. Nerkar जाकतीकीकरण आणि मराठी भाषा Multidisciplinary in National Research Journey Feb.2018 ISSN 2348-7143S pecial ISSUE-XL view UGC Approved Journal
    12 Dr.G.J. Bhamare समकालीन फॉशन आणि उपयोजित मराठी साहित्य ा Research Journey Feb.2018 ISSN 2348-7143 view UGC Care Listed
    13 Dr. D. T. Dhangar Impact of Globalization on Marathi Language Research Journey - Vol 5, Issue 3 July-Sept 2018 ISSN-2348-7143 view Peer Reviewed Journal / UGC Listed Journal Upto June 2019
    14 Dr.G.J. Bhamare नाटकाचा रूपबंध आणि मराठीतील समस्या प्रधान नाटकाची परंपरा Vidyavarta Dec.2018 ISSN 2319-9318 view UGC Care Listed
    15 Dr. P.K. Shewale मराठी चित्रपट कथा व त्यांचे घटक Research Journey Jan.2019 ISSN 2348:7143 view Peer reviewed
    16 Dr. D. T. Dhangar मराठी स्रीवादी साहित्याची तात्विकता आणि वाटचाल Research Journey - Vol 5, Issue 3-(With Bharati Nile) Jan.-Mar 2019 Jan.-Mar 2019 view Peer Reviewed Journal / UGC Listed Journal Upto June 2019
    17 Dr.Snehal Marathe स्री सक्षमीकरण Research Journey Feb.2019 ISSN 2348-7143 view Peer reviewed
    18 Dr.Snehal Marathe भाषांतर संस्कृती Research Journey Feb.2019 2348:7143 Spl.Issue-117 view Peer reviewed
    19 Dr. Arun U.Patil अनुवाद – भाषांतर –रुपांतर :सद्य संकल्पना International Multidisciplinary Research Journey Feb.2019 ISSN 2348-7143 view UGC Approved Journal
    20 Dr. P.K. Shewale अनुवाद क्षेत्रातील महत्वाच्या संधी Research Journey Feb.2019 ISSN 2348:7143 view Peer reviewed
    21 Dr. Arun U.Patil साहित्य आणि समाज परस्पर संबंध International Multidisciplinary Research Journey Feb.2019 ISSN 2348-7143 view UGC Approved Journal
    22 Dr.S.V.Sonawane मराठी भाषेची स्थिती गती Research Journey Feb.2019 ISSN 2348-7143 Spl.Issue-128 view UGC Approved Journal
    23 Dr.S.V.Sonawane मराठी साहित्यातील नवे प्रवाह Research Journey Feb.2019 ISSN 2348-7143 Spl.Issue-142 view UGC Approved Journal
    24 Dr. Arun U.Patil जागतिकीकर : मराठी भाषा आणि साहित्य E Research Journey Peer Refreed & Indexed Journd Feb.2019 Special ISSUE-142 view UGC Approved Journal
    25 Dr. P.K.Shewale इंटरनेट वरील समृध्द कविता Research Journey Dec. 2019 ISSN 2348:7143 view Peer reviewed
    26 Dr. A.G. Nerkar वाचन संस्कृतीतील बदल International Multidisciplinary Research Journey Dec. 2019 ISSN 2348-7143 view UGC Approved Journal
    27 Dr. Snehal Marathe वाचन संस्कृतीतील बदल Research Journey Dec.2019 ISSN 2348-7143 Spl. Issue -210 view Peer reviewed
    28 Dr. D. T. Dhangar साहित्य व्यवहाराचे बदलते स्वरूप Research Journey Special Issue 210 Dec.2019 ISSN-2348-7143 view Peer Reviewed Journal / UGC Listed Journal Upto June 2019
    29 Dr. A.G. Nerkar भाषांतर स्वरूप आणि संकल्पना International Research Journey Dec.2019 ISSN 2348-7143 Special Issue - 117 view UGC Approved Journal
    30 Dr.G.J. Bhamare भाषांतर स्वरूप आणि संकल्पना Research Journey Feb-21 ISSN 2348-7143 view UGC Care Listed
    31 Dr. Arun U.Patil जागतिकीकरणाचा मराठी भाषेतील प्रभाव International Multidisciplinary Research Journey Dec.2019 ISSN 2348-7143 view UGC Approved Journal
    32 Dr.P. K.Shewale इंटरनेट वरील समृद्ध मराठी साहित्य International Multidisciplinary Research Journey Dec.2019 ISSN 2348-7143 view UGC Approved Journal
    33 Dr. A.G. Nerkar डॉ.बाबासाहेबांचे महिला सक्षमिकरणातीलयोगदान Akshar Wangmay UGC-CARE LISTED Jan.2020 ISSN -2229-4929 view UGC-CARE LISTED
    34 Dr.A.U.Patil अहिराणी भाषेतील ओवी गिते Akshar Wang may International Research Journal UGC Care listed Feb.2020 ISSN 2229-4929 view UGC-CARE LISTED
    35 Dr. A.G. Nerkar लोकसाहित्यातील समाज जीवन Akshar Wangmay UGC-CARE LISTED Feb..2020 ISSN -2229-4929 view UGC-CARE LISTED
    36 Dr.P. K.Shewale लोकसाहित्य : संकल्पना,स्वरुव व वर्गीकरण Akshar Wangmay UGC-CARE LISTED Feb..2020 ISSN -2229-4929 view UGC-CARE LISTED
    37 Dr.S.V.Sonawane लोकसाहित्य आणि संस्कृती Akshar Wangmay UGC-CARE LISTED Feb..2020 ISSN -2229-4929 view UGC-CARE LISTED
    38 Prof.Varsha Y.Ahire स्री : लोकगीते Akshar Wangmay UGC-CARE LISTED Feb..2020 ISSN -2229-4929 view UGC-CARE LISTED
    39 Dr. D.T. Dhangar तडवी भिल्ल : समाज आणि संस्कृती Bhasha Aani Jivan Vol. 38, Issue 2-3 April-Sept. 2020 ISSN-2348-7143 view Current UGC Listed & Peer Reviewed Journal
    40 Dr. D. T. Dhangar व्यक्ती महत्व विकासासाठी संभाषण व लेखनकौशल्य Research Journey Special Issue 260-B Feb.2021 ISSN-2348-7143 view Peer Reviewed Journal / UGC Listed Journal Upto June 2019
    41 Dr. P.K. Shewale उत्तर महाराष्ट्रातील उद्योग जगताचा इतिहास विडीची गोष्ट Masap Jane 2021 - view UGC Care List
    42 Dr.A.G.Nerkar मालेगाव (नाशिक) तालुक्यातील कला मनोरंजन क्षेत्रातील कोविड-१९चा परिणाम International Multidisciplinary Half Yearly Research Journey-GENIUS Aug. to Jan 2021-22 ISSN-2279-0489 Volume X Issue-1 view Peer Reriewed Referced &UGC listed Journal
    43 Dr.A.U.Patil ग्रामीण साहित्य प्रवाह निर्मितीच्या परंपरा Research Journey International E Research Journal April- June 2021 ISSN 2348-7143 view Peer refreed & Indexed Journal
    44 Dr.A.G.Nerkar डॉ.बाबासाहेब आंबेडकरांचे स्री विषयक विचार व स्री जागृतीचे कार्य AKSHARA International Multidisciplinary Research Journey Aug.2021 ISSN-1582-5429 Volume 5 Special Issue-2 view Peer Reriewed Referced &UGC listed Journal
    45 Dr.A.G.Nerkar स्वांतत्रात्तोर मराठी व हिंदी भाषांमधील दलित कथांचा एकमेकांशी तुलनात्मक अभ्यास International Multidisciplinary Research Journey Jul.2021 ISSN 2348-7143 Special Issue-270 view UGC Approved Journal
    46 Dr. P.K. Shewale गुगल अपप्स व गुगलच्या विविध सेवा Reaserch journy Jul.2021 ISSN 2348:7143 view Peer reviewed
    47 Dr.A.G.Nerkar डॉ.बाबासाहेब आंबेडकर आणि सामाजिक सुधारणा International Multidisciplinary Half Yearly Research Journey- IDEAI Aug.2021 ISSN-2319-359-X Volume-IX Issue-II view Peer Reriewed Referced &UGC listed Journal
    48 Dr. P.K. Shewale एकांकिकेचे घटक Vidyavarta Sep. 2021 ISSN 2819-9318 view Peer reviewed
    49 Dr.Snehal Marathe साठोत्तरी ग्रामीण कथा आणि सध्य स्थिती International Multidisciplinary Research Journey Dec.2021 ISSN: 2319 9318 Spl.Issue -0376 view Peer Reviewed Journal / UGC Listed Journal Upto June 2019
    50 Dr. D.T.Dhangar लतिका चौधरी यांचे ललित गद्य गवाक्ष एक आकलन Research Journey Vol.8, Issue 4, Oct.-Dec. 2021 ISSN-2348-7143 view Peer Reviewed Journal / UGC Listed Journal Upto June 2019
    51 Dr.A.G.Nerkar डॉ..बाबासाहेब आंबेडकरांचे मूल्यगर्भ शैक्षणिक विचार International Multidisciplinary Research Journey Jan.2022 ISSN 2348-7143 Issue-284 view UGC Approved Journal
    52 Dr.A.G.Nerkar दलित कथाकार अण्णाभाऊ साठे Sanshodhak-Traimasik Marach 2022 ISSN-2394-5990 ank-6 view UGC-CARE LISTED
    53 Dr.Snehal Marathe दलित कथेतील सामाजिकता Sanshodhak-Traimasik Marach 2022 ISSN-2394-5990 ank-6 view UGC-CARE LISTED
    54 Dr.A.U.Patil डॉ.अ.व.वर्टीयांच्या कथेतून ग्रामजीवनातून फुलणारा विनोद V.K.Rajwade sanshodhan mandal Dhule Mar.2022 ISSN No.2394-5990 view UGC Care listed
    55 Dr.S.V.Sonawane, Prof.Varsha Ahire दलित साहित्यातील सामाजिकता V.K.Rajwade sanshodhan mandal Dhule Mar.2022 ISSN No.2394-5990 view UGC Care listed
    56 Dr. D. T. Dhangar जत्रा या कथा संग्रहातून येणारे तडवी बोली व समाज जीवन Research Journey - Vol 9, Issue 1 Jan.-Mar.2022 ISSN-2348-7143 view Peer Reviewed Journal / UGC Listed Journal Upto June 2019
    57 Dr. D.T. Dhangar अंधारातून उजेडाकडे या कादंबरीतून येणारे तडवी बोली समाज जीवन Research Journey Issue 293 Apr.2022 ISSN-2348-7143 view Peer Reviewed Journal / UGC Listed Journal
    58 Dr. P.K. Shewale वास्तवाचे भान देणारी कादंबरी : थिजलेल्या कळाचे अवशेष Masap Sep.2022 ISSN 2456-656 view UGC Care List
    59 Dr.G.J. Bhamare भाषेचा अर्थ व्यवहार AKSHARA Research Journal Dec-22 ISSN 2582-5429 view UGC Care Listed
    60 Dr.A.U.Patil साहित्याच्या अध्यात्म आणि विज्ञान Akshara Multidiciplinary Research journal Feb.2023 ISSN 2582-5429 view UGC Care listed
    61 Dr.G.J. Bhamare अध्यात्म आणि गांधी वाद AKSHARA Research Journal Frb.2023 ISSN 2582-5429 view UGC Care Listed
    62 Dr.A.G.Nerkar साहित्य,समाज आणि संस्कृतीचा अनुबंध AKSHARA International Multidisciplinary Research Journey Feb.2023 ISSN-1582-5429 Volume 5 Special Issue-2 view Peer Reriewed Referced &UGC listed Journal
    63 Dr.A.G.Nerkar राष्ट्रीय शैक्षणिक धोरणाची गरज व महत्व AKSHARA International Multidisciplinary Research Journey Feb.2023 ISSN-1582-5429 Volume 5 Special Issue-2 view Peer Reriewed Referced &UGC listed Journal
    64 Dr.A.U.Patil नविन राष्ट्रीय शैक्षणिक धोरण २०२० मधील महत्वाच्या तरतुदी AKSHARA International Multidisciplinary Research: Journey Feb.2023 ISSN-1582-5429 Volume 5 Special Issue-2 view Peer Reriewed Referced &UGC listed Journal
    65 Dr. P.K. Shewale बहरलेले गुलमोराचे कुंपण Akshar Vadmay Mar.2023 ISSN 2229-4929 view UGC Care Lisedt

    Book/ Chapters in Books per teachers during the last five years

    Sr.No. Name of the author/s Title of the paper Name of journal Year of publication ISSN number UGC care listed
    1 Dr.S.V.Sonawane जाकातिकीकरण आणि ग्रामिण साहित्य Tishnival ACS College Sengaon Dist. Hingoli Jan.2020 ISBN-978-1-79482-974-9 Books
    2 Dr.A.U.Patil ग्रामीण नाट्यसंस्कृती: गोंधळ,तमाशा, Prashant Publication Jalgaon Sept.2021 ISBN-978-93-91391-69-0 Chapter in Book
    3 Dr. Prakash Shewale पुढल्या हाका Akshar Vadmay Dic. 2021 978-93-85565-46-5 UGC Care List
    4 Dr.A.G.Nerkar डॉ.बाबासाहेब आंबेडकरांच्या विचाराची मशाल खेडोपाडी पोहोचविणारा लोकशाहीर : अण्णाभाऊ साठे Atharv Publication Dhule Feb.2022 ISBN-978-93-91712-88-4 E- Book Atharv Publication
    5 Dr. Snehal Marathe राजेश्री शाहू महाराज : एक आदर्श राज्यकर्ता Atharv Publication Dhule Feb.2022 ISBN-978-93-91712-88-4 E- Book Atharv Publication
    6 Dr.A.G.Nerkar राष्ट्रनिर्माते डॉ.बाबासाहेब आंबेडकर Shivani Prakashan Pune Jan.2022 ISBN-978-93-85426-68-1 E- Book Shivani Prakashan Pune
    7 Dr.A.U.Patil स्रीवाद संकल्पना व स्वरूप Aadhar Publications,Aamravati Mar.2022 ISBN 978-93-91305-29-1 Chapter in Book
    8 Dr. Snehal Marathe मराठी श्रीवादी साहित्य AdharPublication Amravati Mar.2022 ISBN-978-93-91306-97-0 Chapter in Book
    9 Dr.A.G.Nerkar प्राचार्य मा.य.वैद्य यांचे वाङ्मयीन कर्तृत्व Shabdvaibhav Prakashan Pune Mar.2022 ISBN-978-93-92004-17-9 E- Book Shabdvaibhav Prakashan Pune
    10 Dr.A.G.Nerkar प्राचार्य मा.य.वैद्य यांचे व्यक्ती व कार्य Shabdvaibhav Prakashan Pune May.2022 ISBN-978-93-92004-17-9 E- Book Shabdvaibhav Prakashan Pune
    11 Dr.Vinod G. Gorwadkar लोकसमन्वयाचा प्रभावी पथ वारकरी संप्रदाय Book 7 Dec.2022 ISBN-978-81-950462-8-7 Nagara Prakashan
    12 Dr.Vinod G. Gorwadkar वनवास पर्व Book 7 Dec.2022 ISBN-978-81-950462-2-5 Nagara Prakashan
    13 Dr.Vinod G. Gorwadkar नसती आफत Book 21 NOV.2020 ISBN-978-81-947875-2-5 Dilipraj Prakashan Pune
    14 Dr.Vinod G. Gorwadkarचारचौघी चारचौघी Book 10 OCT.2021 ISBN-978-93-90645-89-3 Dilipraj Prakashan Pune
    15 Dr.Vinod G. Gorwadkar बावनकशी Book 7 Dec.2022 ISBN-978-81-950462-7-0 Nagara Prakashan


    Sr.No. Collaboration/Linkages/MoU Time Span of Collaboration/Linkages/MoU The Party with Collaboration/Linkages/MoU Activities Done
    1 Linkages 2 Years , 2021-22 to 2022-23 Camp Sarvajanik Vachanalay Yes
    2 MoUs 2 Years, 2021-22 to 2022-23 Nagara Saptahik Yes
    3 MoUs 5 Years, 30 June 2020 to 30 June 2025 Mouritius Yes

    Marathi Department MoUs


    Sr.No. College Name Agreement Party Years Agreement
    1 M.S.G. Arts, Science & Commerce College, Malegaon Camp Nagara Saptahik Sanchalak- Sau.Sunita Vinod Gorwadkar 2021-22 2 Years 2021-22 to 2022-23

    Marathi Department Linkages

    Sr.No. College Name Agreement Party Years Agreement
    1 M.S.G. Arts, Science & Commerce College, Malegaon Camp Camp Sarvajanik Vachanayalay Malegaon Camp, Malegaon 2021-22 2 Years 2021-22 to 2022-23

    Activities of the Department

    Sr.No. Name of the Activity Date/Year View
    1 State level one day Seminar 23/12/2017 view
    2 One day International Seminar- Online 16/01/2021 view
    3 Two-day National Seminar-Online 30-31/1/2022 view
    4 One day workshop on Intellectual Property Right 04/12/2022 view
    5 Net-Set Guidance Workshop 11 to 18 Oct. 2021 view
    6 P. L. Deshpande Lecture Series 31 Dec.2021 1,2 Jan.2022 view
    7 Shiv-Charitra- Dr. Shripal Sabnis. (Guest Lecture) Feb.2022 view
    8 Marathi Rajbhasha Din- State Level Poetry Recitation 27/02/2022 view
    9 Literary Association Dr. Aruna Dhere 19/03/2022 view
    10 Covid-19 Contribution of the Dept. 2022 view