Mahatma Gandhi Vidyamandir's

Maharaja Sayajirao Gaikwad Arts, Science & Commerce College

Tal. Malegaon, Dist. Nashik (MS)
Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune

Re-accredited with A+ Grade (Cycle-III) by NAAC

Department of Geography

About Department

Department of Geography of the College has started in June 1977, with degree at B.A. level, F.Y.B.Com & S.Y.B.Sc level. P.G. has been started in the academic year 2002-2003. Prin. Dr.S.N. Nikam was founder head of the P.G. department. Shri. P.S. Shewale, Shri. R.B. Patil, Shri. R. K. Nikam, & Dr. P. Y. Vyalij worked as the heads of the Department. Now Dr. C. M. Nikam has been working as a head of the department w.e.f. June, 2011. This is one of the oldest departments in the college, with high reputation for academic excellence with a strong and dedicated faculty. Dr. S. N. Nikam has worked as a BoS member of Savitribai Phule Pune University (2015-2020). Our faculties are aware about their responsibilities hence, the department became dynamic and contemporary.

The Department of Geography provides quality education & realizes its responsibilities towards society. The various courses taught in Geography provide the base for National integration & management of disaster. Our students have participated in intercollegiate debating competition and essay competition, elocution competition organized by other colleges. Past students of the Department are holding different positions in different fields after completion of degree and post graduate degree. Some of them have been working as a lecturer, teachers in senior, junior colleges, schools and other government services.

Under the guidance of institutional Patron Dr. Samajshri Prashantji Hiray, Dr. Apoorva Hiray, Ex. Member of Legislative Council Maharashtra, Shri. Advayaba Hiray (Patil), Coordinator, under the guidance of Prin. Dr. S. N. Nikam, in 2018-19 geography research center was recognition by SPPU. The department is progressing towards excellence.

Teaching Faculty

Sr.No. Photo Name of the Faculty Designation Qualification Teaching Experience Link
1 Dr. C. M. Nikam Professor M. Sc., Ph. D. 30 view
2 Dr. D. N. Thakare Professor M. Sc., Ph. D. 31 view
3 Dr. N. B. Bachhav Professor M. Sc. Ph. D. 30 view
4 Dr. R. S. Deore Associate Professor MA. Ph. D. 30 view
5 Dr. U. P. Suryawanshi Associate Professor MA. Ph. D. 30 view
6 Dr. A. D. Pawar Assistant Professor MA. Ph. D 30 view
7 Dr. G. L. Kolte Assistant Professor MA. Ph. D. 14 view
8 Dr. S. A. Deore Assistant Professor MA. Ph.D. Diploma in Surveying 8 view
9 Mr. S. R. Dukale Assistant Professor MA. SET 3 view

Courses Offered


Sr.No. Class Subject Code Subject
1 FYBA   GEO 101 T Introduction to Physical Geography
GEO 102 P Practical in Physical Geography
OE 101 GEO Geography of Tourism
SEC 101 GEO Introduction to Water Analysis
2 SYBA          G2 Semi. III Gg. 201 Environment Geography I
   S1 Semi. III Gg. 220 Population Geography I
   S2 Semi. III Gg. 210 Practical Geog. I (Scale & Map Projection)
 Value/Kill Based Course  Semi. III SEC 2 A Applied Course of Disaster Management  
G2 Semi. IV Gg. 201 Environment Geography II
S1 Semi. IV Gg. 220 Population Geography II
  S2 Semi. IV Gg. 210 Practical Geog. II  (Cartography Techniques Surveying  & Excursion / Village Report)
Value/Kill Based Course  Semi. IV SEC 2 1 B Applied Course in Travel and Tourism
3 TYBA   G3 Semi. V Gg. 310 A Geography of Tourism -II   
 S3 Semi. V Gg. 320 A Geography of India –I
 S4 Semi. V Gg. 301   Practical Geography – I (Techniques of Spatial Analysis)
 Value/Kill Based Course Semi.  SEC 2 C Research Methodology I
   G3 Semi. VI Gg. 310 B Geography of Tourism- II  
S3 Semi. VI Gg. 320 B Gg: Geography of India –II 
  S4 Semi. VI Gg. 301  Practical Geography -II (Surveying / Project Report}
 Value/Kill Based Course Semi.  SEC 2 D Research Methodology II


Sr.No. Class Subject Code Subject
1 FYBSc  GEO (S) 101 T Fundamental of Physical Geography
GEO (S) 102 P Practicals in Physical Geography
GE/OE 101 T Agriculture Geography
SEC 101 T GEO (S) Introduction to Cartography
2 SYBSc Paper I Semi. I Gg.231 Environment Geography I
Semi. II Gg 241 Environment Geography II
  Paper II Semi. I Gg. 232 Geography of Maharashtra - I (Physical) 
Semi. II Gg.242 Geography of Maharashtra - II (Human) 
Paper III Semi. I Gg. 233 Surveying I  
Semi. I Gg. 243 Surveying II



Sr.No. Class Subject Code Subject
1 M. Sc I GEO 501 MJ Principals of Geomorphology  
2 M. Sc I GEO 502 MJ Principals of Climatology 
3 M. Sc I GEO 503 MJ Principles of Economic Geography
4 M. Sc I GEO 504 MJ Principles of Population & Sett. Geog.
5 M. Sc I GEO 505 MJ .Introduction to Statistical Methods in Geography
6 M. Sc I GEO 506 MJP Practicals in Physical Geography
7 M. Sc I GEO 507 MJP Practicals in Human Geography
8 M. Sc I GEO 512 MJ Tourism Management
9 M. Sc I GEO 513 MJP Practicals in Tourism Management
10 M. Sc I GEO 531 MJ Research Methodology


Sr.No. Class Subject Code Subject
1 M.Sc. I GEO 551 MJ Agriculture Geography
2 M.Sc. I GEO 552 MJP Practicals in Agriculture Geography
3 M.Sc. I GEO 553 MJP Geographical Thought
4 M.Sc. I GEO 554 MJ Geography of Development
5 M.Sc. I GEO 555 MJP Practicals in Geography of Development
6 M.Sc. I GEO 562 MJ Geography of India
7 M.Sc. I GEO 563 MJP Practical in Surveying
8 M.Sc. I GEO 581 OJT On Job Training


Sr.No. Class Subject Code Subject
1 M.Sc. II  GEO 601 MJ Geography of Development-II
2 M.Sc. II  GEO 602 MJP Practicals in Geography of Development-II
3 M.Sc. II  GEO 603 MJ Watershed Management
4 M.Sc. II  GEO 604 MJ Advance in Economic Geography
5 M.Sc. II  GEO 605 MJ Practicals in Advance in Economic Geography
6 M.Sc. II  GEO 612 MJ Geography of Resource Management
7 M.Sc. II  GEO 613 MJP Practicals in Resource Management
8 M.Sc. II  GEO 631 RP Research Project – I (RP)


Sr.No. Class Subject Code Subject
1 M.Sc. II GEO 651 MJ Social and Cultural Geography
2 M.Sc. II GEO 652 MJ Geography of Watershed Management
3 M.Sc. II GEO 653 MJP Practical in Watershed Management
4 M.Sc. II GEO 654 MJ Interpretation of Topographical Maps
5 M.Sc. II GEO 662 MJ Geography of Maharashtra
6 M.Sc. II GEO 663 MJP Practical in Gender Analysis
7 M.Sc. II GEO 681 RP Research Project – II (RP)


Standard Operating Procedure for Head of the DepartmentStandard Operating Procedure:

  • 1.Preparation of Academic Calendar: As per the guidelines of Savitribai Phule Pune University, M.G. Vidyamandir, and college IQAC cell academic calendar for the department is prepared. This calendar should be made by considering the UG and PG level curriculum.
  • 2.
  • 3.Workload Distribution: According to the guidelines of the SPPU Head should consider such subjects for teaching that are elected by the students for the next semester.  Further, HoD should make the list of subject choice from every faculty at the end of semester. Further, allot these subjects to each faculty within one week, after beginning of the college.  
  • 4.Once the teaching workload is assigned each faculty shall prepare the course material file one week before the commencement of the teaching and HoD shall take the review of these files.
  • 5.HoD will prepare the time-table before the start of the semester and he should take the approval of it.
  • 6.Every faculty of the department should involve in the admission process for smoothly conducting and establishment of healthy relationship with students.
  • 7.HoD should take a daily, weekly & monthly follow up of attendance and should report to the Principal through Vice-Principal and also send it to the parents.
  • 8.The appointment of different portfolios for different activities in the department.
  • 9.The allotment of Projects shall be done for PG students in third week from the starting of the III semester. 
  • 10.HoD shall send the event report at the end of the month in prescribed format to the Principal through Academic Supervisor.
  • 11.HoD shall take the students feedback after completion of the syllabus and before the end of the semester.  
  • 12.HoD shall display the in-semester marks after the permission of the principal through examination department.
  • 13.HoD shall arrange the Parent-Teacher meet at least one time within one academic year.
  • 14.HoD shall send the proposals, for research, seminars, conferences, workshops, and also encourage the faculties for publishing it to the reputed Journals.
  • 15.At the end of the semester, HoD shall take his own feedback from all staff in the department. 
  • 16.HoD shall prepare API for all staff in the department and report it to the principal at the end of the very academic year.
  • 17.Each faculty must be having time bounding about their duties as per biometric schedule given by the institute and college authority.
  • 18.Each faculty must be alert about his /her curriculum, time table, daily diary, weekly working report and departmental activities written in SOP diary by HoD and online submission to the authority.
  • 19.To keep students’ record such as attendance, test, tutorials, results etc.
  • 20.Each faculty must be engaged in their research work, publication of research papers, articles, books, as well as attend the workshop, seminar, conference etc.
  • 21.Every week at least one departmental meeting to be scheduled by HoD.
  • 22.Each Faculty must in contact with students through WhatsApp group, Google classroom etc. One female and one male student should be made as group admin for WhatsApp group. For each class separate group to be formed.
  • 23.C.L. and D.L. record must maintain by the department when faculty on CL and DL.  He/she must handover workload of leave period to responsible faculty by the prior permission of the HoD.
  • 24.HoD can contact with parents about the progress of their wards.
  • 25.Teaching aids such as chalk and duster, practical protocols, charts, models, field visits, ICT tools etc. be used
  • 26.It is compulsory to organize field tour as per university curriculum and with the prior permission of the HoD, institution, and college authority.
  • 27.Arrange the different types of competitions to develop academic interest among the students such as quizzes, prepare students for inter college, university, state as well as national level competition. 
  • 28.Faculty and students must attend the central library for reading and updating their knowledge by reading newspaper, books, journals, periodicals, using e-books and internet.
  • 29.To call the meeting of departmental   alumni.
  • Highlights of the Department

    • Well Qualified Staff.
    • Postgraduation (M.Sc. Geography, Specialization: Economic Geography)
    • Research Centre in Geography with 4 Guides and 7 Associate Guides, 27 Research Students.
    • Job opportunities through a Certificate Course in Travel and Tourism.
    • The Dept organizes Educational Tours, and Field Visits.
    • Department Organizes online training certificate courses in collaboration with ISRO
    • Publication by the Faculties in National and International Journals.
    • Guest Lecture Series for Students.
    • Celebration of Various Days like Geography Day, & Earth Day. etc
    • Mentor Mentee system to maintain good relations
    • Participation in Social Responsibilities
    • Weather Station

    Research Center Information

    About Research Center

    The Research center in Geography, M.S.G. College has been started in 2017-18, under the guidance of Prin. Dr. S. N. Nikam, in the first year three students registered under the guidance of S. N. Nikam. The SPPU further gave recognition for five years to the research center. There are four Regular guides and Seven Associate guides. Presently there are 27 students working under the guidance of all these research guides. The research Students are regularly submitting Progress reports and presentation to SPPU. Research publication in reputed UGC care listed Journals. Research students also applied to MahaJyoti, Sarthi fellowship. There are three students benefited by Mahajyoti fellowship also one student applied for Barti and one student applied for Dr. Radhakrishna post-doctoral fellowship.

    Research Guide Information

    Sr.No. Guide Name Present Teacher Approval (Designation) Associate Guide / Regular Guide Guide Recognition Period of SPPU Valid Up to (Attach copy of Guide Ship Letter) (Annexure IV) Numbers of Ph.D. Pursuing students (Category Wise)
    1 Dr. C. M. Nikam Professor Regular Guide 20/07/2015 to 19/02/2023 Total: 03
    2 Dr. D. N. Thakare Associate Professor Regular Guide 30/10/2017 to 29/11/2025 Total : 05
    3 Dr. N. B. Bacchav Professor Regular Guide 14/08/2019 to 01/06/2027 Total :04
    4 Dr. R. S. Deore Associate Professor Regular Guide 14/08/2019 to 01/06/2027 Total :02
    5 Dr. U. P. Suryawanshi Associate Professor Regular Guide 14/08/2019 to 01/06/2027 Total :02
    6 Dr. A. D. Pawar Associate Professor Regular Guide 14/08/2019 to 01/06/2027 Total: 03
    7 Dr. S. N. Nikam Associate Professor Associate Guide 20/02/2015 to 19/02/2023 Total: 05
    8 Dr. R. V. Patil Associate Professor Associate Guide 24/06/2021 to 23/06/2029 Total :01
    9 Dr. D. A. Pawar Associate Professor Associate Guide 05/01/2022 to 26/04/2026 Total=01
    10 Dr. C. K. Kudnar Associate Professor Associate Guide 20/03/2019 to 19/03/2027 Total: 01
    11 Dr. R. A. Jadhav Associate Professor Associate Guide 05/01/2022 to 05/03/2043 Total =01

    Research Projects

    Sr.No. Name of the Students Date of Admission as per R R Letter
    1 Mr. S B Handage 17/03/2018
    2 Mr. J. V. Misar 17/03/2018
    3 Mr. Anil Gaikwad 17/03/2018
    4 Mr. D. V. Sonawane 23/08/2018
    5 Mr. L. S. Shendage
    6 Mr. R J Doiphode 26/02/2020
    7 Mr. M P Mule 26/02/2020
    8 Mr. R D Khurche 26/02/2020
    9 Mr. Prasanna Dixit 26/02/2020
    10 Mr. S. K. Wagh 08/05/2021
    11 Mr. P. D. Sonawane 08/05/2021
    12 Mr. Ishityque Ah. Moh. Sshaque 08/05/2021
    13 Ms. Shaziya Nausheen Jaleel Ahmed 09/04/2022
    14 Mr. Dhanraj Kalu Ahire 09/04/2022
    15 Ms. Ashvini Suresh Jadhav 09/04/2022
    16 Ms. Vijaya Ratan Sonawane 09/04/2022
    17 Ansari Abdullah Daniyal Mohammed Aslam 09/04/2022
    18 Jagannath Jairam Khandvi 09/04/2022
    19 Utkarsh Jagannath Ahire 09/04/2022
    20 Nitin Ramdas Shewale 09/04/2022
    21 Mr. Arvind Madhukar Gavhane 01/07/2022
    22 Mr. Nimba Bhaurao Ahire 01/07/2022
    23 Mr. Mahemoodur Rehman Hafuzur Rehman 01/07/2022
    24 Mr. Manohar Dilip Dalavi 12/10/2022
    25 Miss. Kavita Machindra Ghate 12/10/2022
    26 Mr. Shubham Ramchandra Dukale 12/10/2022
    27 Mr. Suresh Ragho Pagar 12/10/2022

    Research Projects

    Sr.No. Name of the Principal Investigator Title of the project Funding Agency Funds Sanctioned Status
    1 Dr. S. N. Nikam “A Geographical Study of
    Environmental Impact of
    Pilgrimage on Saptashrungigad, Maharashtra.”
    UGC 1,00,000 Completed
    “Application of Remote
    Sensing and GIS in
    Tourism development of North western part of Baglan Tahsil, Nashik District”
    UGC 60,000 Completed
    2 Dr.R.S.Deore Dynamism of Population
    distribution and Density
    in Nashik District (Maharashtra)
    UGC 80,000 Completed
    Study of Occupational
    structure in
    Girna Basin in Nashik District
    UGC 150000 Completed
    3 Dr. U. P. Suryawanshi “Socio-economic
     Problems of Tribal
     People on Toranmal Plateau in Nandurbar District”
    UGC 95,000/- Completed
    4 Dr. C. M. Nikam “A Spatio-temporal
    Analysis of
    population of Malegaon City.”
    UGC -- Completed
    5 Dr. R. V. Patil “A Geographical
    study of tourism potential
    in NE part of Nashik district, Maharashtra
    SPPU - Completed
    6 Dr.A. D. Pawar “Effects of Social,
     Economical and Geographical 
    Factors on Rural Population –  A Case study of Malegaon Tahsil”
    UGC 1,40,000/- Completed

    Faculty Research Publications

    Sr.No. Name of the author/s Title of the book/chapters published Year of publication ISBN number of the proceeding Affiliating Institute at the time of publication Name of the publisher
    1 Dr. U. P. Suryawanshi & Dr. R. S. Deore Elements of Physical Geography 2018 ISBN:978-93-82528-08-1 M.S.G.College Prashant Publications
    2 Dr. U. P. Suryawanshi & Prin. Dr. S.N. Nikam Physical & Human Geography 2019 ISBN:978-9388769-79-2 M.S.G.College Prashant Publications
    3 Dr. U. P. Suryawanshi & Dr. R. S. Deore Practical Geography Part 1 2020 ISBN:978-93-89493-47-4 M.S.G.College Prashant Publications
    4 Dr. G.M. Gangurde Environmental Geography Paper 1 2020 ISBN:978-93-90225-2 M.S.G.College Nirali Publication
    5 Dr. U. P. Suryawanshi & Dr. R. S. Deore Practical Geography Part 2 2021 ISBN:978-93-91391-71-3 M.S.G.College Prashant Publications
    6 Dr. G.M. Gangurde Geography of tourism 2021 ISBN:978-93-90862-63-4 M.S.G.College Prashant Publications
    7 Dr.C.M.Nikam Assessing Rice Yield Potential in Maharashtra 2021-22 ISBN:978-93-95732-086 M.S.G.College Elfish Publications,Aurangabad
    8 Dr. S. N. Nikam Soil Geography 2021-22 ISBN:978-93-95732-01-7 M.S.G.College Elfish Publications,Aurangabad

    Linkages & Collaborations/ MOU’s

    Organization with which MoU is signed Name of the institution/ industry/ corporate house Year of signing MoU Duration
    Jointly organization of online webinar J.A.T ASC College, Malegaon 2022 10/01/2022 to 14/01/2022
    Soil Analysis Agriculture college, Malegaon 2022 30/12/2021

    Departmental Activities

    The Department organizes following activities every year

    Sr.No. Name of Program Programme Date
    1 World Environmental Day 5th June
    2 World Population Day 11th July
    3 World Ozone Day (Quizzes Competition) 16th September
    4 World Truism Day 27th September
    5 World Geography Day (Poster Presentation & Guest Lecture) 14th Jan
    6 World Climate Day 23rd March

    Best Practice

    Name of the activity Organizing unit/ agency/ collaborating agency Year of the activity Number of students participated in such activities
    Agriculture Land Measurement Agriculture Land Measurement 12
    Soil Analysis H.H.S.S.M.S College of Horticulture, Malegaon Camp 2021-22 2022-23 08


    Sr.No. Name of the Award Team/Individual University/ State/National Cultural/Sports/Educational Name of the Faculty
    1 ‘Best Teacher Award’ Mahavir International Foundation Nashik 2019 Individual State Educational Dr. C. M. Nikam

    Certificate course of Travel & Tourism


    A certificate course in Geography for understanding concept of tourism geography, to understand the nature, Scope, need, concept and importance of tourism geography. And also understand sociocultural, physical determinant of tourism development. The Certificate Course has been developed keeping in mind the basic needs of the students for practical purposes.

    The field of Tourism and Travel fundamentally deals with hospitality management, taking care of tourists, tour management, travel management etc. This course is an entry-level certificate program that opens gateways into the opportunity world universe of Tourism and Travel. The course emphasizes on the fundamentals of the Tourism and Travel industry and inculcates in students what it takes to become a successful travel specialist. The Certificate Course in Travel prepares the candidates for the management profile in the travel sector. The course is appropriate to know the fundamental connections between the specialized areas tourism and travel management

    This certificate course is designed to provide proper grooming to overcome the problem of training in travel & tourism. The certificate course also aims to develop the required skill set to be a part of this industry includes good communication skills, leadership and management skills.

    Course Structure

    Written Examination of 50 Marks was conducted based on the certificate course. Certificate Course of Travel & Tourism syllabus

    Sr.No. Topic Sub Topic
    1 Unit I: Introduction to Tourism Geography 1.1. Tourism Geography: Meaning, concept and definitions of Tourism Geography
    1.2. Nature of Tourism Geography.
    1.3. Need and importance of Tourism Geography.
    2 Unit II: Scope of Tourism Geography 2.1. Tourism & Travel as basic need of mankind.
    2.2. Tourism & Development..
    2.3. Tourism as a project.
    3 Unit III: Physical Determinants of Tourism Development 3.1. Relief
    3.2. Climate
    3.3. Forest
    4 Unit IV: Socio-cultural Determinants of Tourism Development 4.1. Religious
    4.2. Historical
    4.3. Sports

    Extension Activities

    Extension Activities Organising unit/ agency/ collaborating agency Name of the Scheme Year of the Activity Numbers of Students Participated in such Activities
    State Level Webinar Department of Geography, MSG College, Malegaon World Population Day 11 July 2021 56
    Online Quiz Department of Geography, MSG College, Malegaon International Ozone Day 14 January 2020 192
    Lecture Series on NET/SET Department of Geography, MSG College, Malegaon On the occasion of Ozone Day 16 Sept 2020 42
    State Level Workshop Department of Geography, MSG College, Malegaon One day workshop on Syllabus Revision of MA-I & FYBSc April 2019 38
    National Level Conference Department of Geography, MSG College, Malegaon Two Day National Level conference on Water Resources management for Agricultural India 29/30 January 2016 82
    National Level Conference Department of Geography, Botany & Zoology, MSG College, Malegaon Two Day National Level conference on Eco-Restoration, Environmental Conservation & Management 6/7 February 2015 95
    State Level Workshop SPPU & Department of Geography, MSG College, Malegaon One day workshop on Syllabus Revision of MA/MSc 28 March 2013 46
    State Level Workshop SPPU & Department of Geography, MSG College, Malegaon One day workshop on Syllabus Revision of MA/MSc 7 January 2009 46
    State Level Workshop Department of Geography, MSG College, Malegaon Two day Seminar on Syllabus Revision of MA/MSc 15 & 16 September 2008 58

    Top Alumni

    Name of Alumni Designation Year of Passing
    Dr. S. N. Nikam Principal, M.S.G. College, Malegaon Camp B.A. 1988
    B.A. 1988 Director, Social Welfare Dept. B.A. 1971
    P.T. Wagh Ex-Professor, M.S.G. College, Malegaon Camp B.A. 1975
    S.R. Gosavi Bank Inspector B.A. 1975
    U.S. Shewale Bank Inspector B.A. 1976
    Sunanda Patil Teacher, RBH Kanya Vidyalaya, Malegaon Camp B.A. 1980
    A.M. Borse Principal, Yesgaon Highschool B.A. 1981
    Mr. B.D. Pagar Associate Professor, SPH College, Malegaon Camp B.A. 1982
    P.M. Nikam M.S.G. Jr. College, Malegaon Camp B.A. 198?
    G.S. Borse Head Master, Girnare High school B.A. 1993
    Aayesha Ansari Asst. Professor, JAET College, Malegaon B.A. 1983
    Mr. T.L. Ahire Head Master, Manur Highschool B.A. 1985
    P.K. Nikam MGV’s JI. College, Nampur B.A. 1986
    Mr. B. S. Nikam Associate Professor, M.S.G. College, Malegaon Camp B.A. 1989
    Dr. U. P. Suryawanshi Associate Professor, M.S.G. College, Malegaon Camp B.A. 1989
    Dr. R. S. Deore Associate Professor, M.S.G. College, Malegaon Camp B.A. 1989
    Dr. P. Y. Vyalij Associate Professor, L.V.H. B.A. 1987
    Mr. Keshav Deore Land Developer B.A. 1989
    Mr. Prahlad Jadlxav Businessman B.A. 1989
    Mr. Subhasli Patil Teacher, Gangapur B.A. 1989
    Mr. S.H. Patil MGV’s Ir. College, CIDCO, Nashik B.A. 1989
    Mr. Arun Nikain Teacher, KBH Jr. College, Nashik B.A. 1989
    Dr. A.D. Pawar Vice-Principal, MGV’s Arts College, Saundane B.A. 1989
    Mr. Vishwas Kadam Teacher, Varhane Highschool B.A. 1989
    Mr. Vishwas Kadam Teacher, Varhane Highschool B.A. 1989
    Bharat Pawar Teacher, Pimpalgaon Jr. College B.A. 1989
    Bhaurao Pawar Farmer B.A. 1989
    Mr. D.A. Pawar Asst. Professor, SPH Mahila Mahavidyalaya, MalegaonCamp B.A. 1989
    Sahebrao Deore Associate Professor, M.G.V’s ASC College, Manmad B.A. 1989
    Dhanraj Sonawane RFO, Forest Dept. B.A. 1989
    M. U. Shelar MVP’s Ir. College, Vakhari B.A. 1989
    Ravi Deore MVP’s Jr. College, Nandgaon B.A. 1989
    Samadhan Pawar Asst. Professor, Nardane B.A. 1989
    Uäam Shewale Bank Inspector, NDCC Bank B.A. 1989
    Dr. C.M. Nikam Asst. Pfofessor, M.S.G. College, Malegaon Camp B.Sc, 1989
    Dr. D.N. Thakare Asst. Professor, L.V.H. College, Nashilt B.Sc. 1989
    Dr. Dinkar Sawant Asst. Professor, JAET College, B.SG. l9ä9
    Dr. N.B. Bachhav Associate Professor, M.G. V’s ASC College, Maninad B.Sc. 1990
    Dr. Prashant P. Magar Associate Professor, Govt. College Amravati B.Sc. 1990
    Vinod Pawar Asst. Professor, JAET College, Malegaon B.Sc. 1990
    Sachin Deore Associate Professor, SNDT University, Pune B.Sc. 1990
    Vishwas Shinde Principal, Internatiorlal School, Mumbai B.Sc. 1990
    Sham Ahire Teacher, Kakani Jr. College, Malegaon B.Sc. 1990
    Dinesh Nahire Teacher, Jr. College, Morane B.Sc. 1990
    Laxman Mankar Public Relation Officer, Mantralaya, Mumbai B.Sc. 1990
    P.K. Pawar Teacher, Kapaleshwar Highschool B.A. 1990
    N.A. Shelar Businessmarl B.A. 1991
    Samadhan Kudase Farmer B.A. 1991
    Sanjay M. Thakare Businessman B.A. 1991
    Vikas Shirsath Principal, KKW College, Ranwad B.Sc. 1993
    S.K. Wagh Asst. Professor, M.S.G. College, Malegaon Camp B.Sc. 1993
    Kailas Shewale Farmer B.Sc. 1993
    Dr. Chandratre Physician B.Sc. 1993
    Dr. Prabhakar Khaimar Physician B.Sc. 1993
    Sudhakar Patil MVP’s Jr. College, Aghar B.A. 1993
    S.D. Sonawane Asst. Teacher, KBH Higllschool, Nashik B.A. 1994
    Shankar Nikam Teacher, T.R.Highschool, Dabhadi B.A. 1994
    Shankar Nikam Teacher, T.R.Highschool, Dabhadi B.A. 1994
    Sllarad Bhamare Teacher, T.R. Highschool, Dabhadi B.A. 1995  
    Sudhakar Nikam Teacher, T.R. Highschool, Dabhadi B.A. 1995  
    P.R. Suryawanshi Asst. Professor, D.Ed. College, A’Ngr. B.A. 1997
    S.J. Khaimar Teacher, Kapaleshwar Highschool B.A. 1997
    Shirsath Pravin Shravan Asst. Teacher at Saraswati Madh. Vidyalaya, Sakuri (Ni) B.A. 1998
    Patil Naresh Uttamrao M.V.P.Samaj’s College, Nashik NET- Dec 2010 B.A. 1998
    Thakare D.R. Farmer B.A. 2000
    Thakare B.S. Farmer B.A. 2000
    Aher Jagannath Namdeo Branch Manager, Equitous Finance, Malegaon B.A. 2001
    Deore Anil Vasantrao Teacher at M.S.G. Jr. College, Malegaon Camp B.A. 2003
    S.K. Suryawanshi Lecurer, B.Ed. College, Satana B.A. 2004
    Bachhav Madan GIS Expert, B.A. 2004
    Dr. N.B. Bachhav Associate Professor, M.G.V’s ASC College, Maninad B.Sc. 1990
    Dr. Prashant P. Magar Associate Professor, Govt. College Amravati B.Sc. 1990
    Vinod Pawar Asst. Professor, JAET College, Malegaon B.Sc. 1990
    Sachin Deore Associate Professor, SNDT University, Pune B.Sc. 1990
    Vishwas Shinde Principal, Internatiorlal School, Mumbai B.Sc. 1990
    Sham Ahire Teacher, Kakani Jr. College, Malegaon B.Sc. 1990
    Dinesh Nahire Teacher, Jr. College, Morane B.Sc. 1990
    Laxman Mankar Public Relation Officer, Mantralaya, Mumbai B.Sc. 1990
    P.K. Pawar Teacher, Kapaleshwar Highschool B.A. 1990
    N.A. Shelar Businessmarl B.A. 1991
    Samadhan Kudase Farmer B.A. 1991
    Sanjay M. Thakare Businessman B.A. 1991
    Vikas Shirsath Principal, KKW College, Ranwad B.Sc. 1993
    S.K. Wagh Asst. Professor, M.S.G. College, Malegaon Camp B.Sc. 1993
    Kailas Shewale Farmer B.Sc. 1993
    Dr. Chandratre Physician B.Sc. 1993
    Dr. Prabhakar Khaimar Physician B.Sc. 1993
    V.A. Suryawai›slti MIDC, Ambad, Nashik B.A. 2005
    Deore Macliltiltdl’ilniltll Bajirao Teacher at Swami Vivekanand College, Yesgaon, Malegaon B.A. 2006
    Deoie Ketan Madltukar 2D/3D Animator, Mumbai M.A. 2006
    BaclihavPrakashGIS Expert, Rolta India Lmd. Mumbai. M.A. 2006
    PardeslaiRina GIS Expert, AutomativeNevigation Data, Vimannagar, Pune M.A. 2006
    tmran Ahmed Asst. Teacher, B.M.C., Mumbai M.A. 2006 (NET Qualified)
    Sumyyai Bint Salim GIS Expert, Movemadian Comp. Mumbai M.A. 2007
    Saba Afreen Faiz Ahmad GIS Expert, Movemadian Comp. Mumbai M.A. 2007
    AhireMahendraDeoram Constable, Mumbai Police, Taddeo, Mumbai B.A. 2008
    Dandagaval Pankaj Manager HR & Admin. in Metal United alloys &Fusion Products Ltd Pune B. A 2008
    Shagufta Jameel Ahmad Asst. Teacher, Nehru Nagar, Municipal Urdu Sec. School, M.A. 2008
    Saleema Molld. Murtuza Asst. Teachcr in 1-tigher SeconJary School, Shahzadi Urdu Lligh School & Jr. College, Kasoda, Tal. Erandol, DlSt. Ji:lgaon M.A. 2008
    Ansari Naziya Tabassum Sliakeel Ala. Asst. Teacher at P.E.S. English Medium High School, Malegaon M.A. 2008
    Mohammad Saleem Shakeel Ahemad Asst. Teacher in T.M.High School & Jr. College, Malegaon M.A. 2009
    Muddassir Hussain Muneer Ah. Asst. Teacher, Secondary School, MMC, Mumbai M.A. 2009
    Ansari Osama Abu Ahmed Asst. Teacher in A.T.T. High School, Malegaon M.A. 2009
    Pawar Shriram Mothabhau Sub-Inspector Maharashtra Police, Satara B.A. 2009
    Shimpi Dipika Jankiram Asst. Professor at Shri.B.M.Patil College, Dabhadi, Tal. Malegaon M.A. 2009
    Ahire Dhanaraj Kalu Asst. Professor Arts, Sci. & Com. College, Satana, Tal. Bagalan, DiSt. Nashik M.A. 2009 (NET Qtlalified)
    Jadhav Jitendra Bapu Falcon Tyre, Pune B.Sc. 2009
    Pawar Sagar Balu Talathi, Maharashtra Government B.A. 2010
    Suryawanshi Visliwas Asst. Teacher, English Medium School, Aghar (kh), Tal. Malegaon M.A. 2011
    Sawant Somali Asst. Teacher, English Medium School, Aghar (kh), Tal. Malegaon M.A. 2011
    Zohra Firdaus Md. Siddique Asst. Teacher, B.M.C., Mumbai M.A. 2011
    HirayKishori Teacher, Adinath English Medium School, Malegaon Camp M.A. 2012
    Pagare Sunil Signalman, Indian Railways, Igatpuri, Dist. Nashik M.A. 2012
    Mukesh Mokal Clerk Syndicate Bank, Malegaon M.A. 2013
    Pawar Yogesh Kautik Clerk, SAMEER, I.I.T. Campus, Powai, Mumbai B.A. 2014
    Narwal Bhushan Gotusing Clerk, Satyawati Kour Vidyamandir, Tokade B.A. 2013
    Mahemoodur Rahman Hafizur Rahman CITY G.A.D.B. ASC Collage Malegaon 2018-19
    Jitendra Misar Assistant Professor A.C.S Collage Ravalgon 2012-13
    Pankaj Dandagaval KBH MBA Collage 2017-18
    Ishtique Ahmed Publisher of Research journal Publication Scholarship world 2017-18
    Madan Bachhav Director (SE & E Solutions Private Limited) 2017-18
    Pankaj Birari MVP Jr. Collage, Deola 2017-18
    Rakesh Suryawanshi Samrtha Narsery 2016-17
    Ketan Deore D.Y.Patil University Pune Asst.Professor 2017-18
    Ansari Kamran Abdul Hameed Asst.Professsor AMT’s Malegaon senior College ASC College 2019-20
    Harshal Bhamre HDFC Bank 2013-14
    Swapanil Patil Private Business Mahagirna Aro-Feed Farmer Producer Company Ltd Vasol ,Deola Nashik 2017-18
    Pranav Dagdu Patil Chola Business limited 2017-18
    Vaibhav anil Kandekar Mahavitaran 2018-19
    Chetan Bhausaheb Ghorpade Enternal Private Limited 2016-17
    Amol Bachhav Mumbai Police 2017-18
    Paras Gavli (BA) Mobile Shope 2017-18
    Akash Balu Mhasade Mobile Shope 2016-17
    Pranil Bagul Shriyash tyaping institution 2017-18
    Savan Shantaram Sonawane New India insurance Lmt. (LIC Agent) 2020-21
    Sunil Devidas Chauhan Army 2017-18
    Rajendra Pawar Grocery Shop 2020-21
    Valmik Chormale(BA) Sai Ankanksh Auto 2017-18
    Prakash Dadaji Bachhav Advocate 2017-18
    Dusane(B.A) Jwellery Shop 2017-18
    Dr. Sunil A. Deore Asst. Professor MSG College Malegaon 2013-14
    Naeem Ahmed Assistant professor at J.A.T. College Malegaon 2018-19
    Naeem Akhatar Ghulam Rasool Assistant Teacher at A.T.T. High school 2018-19
    Shaziya Nauseen Asst. Professor 2016-17
    Sujit Batav Lokmat 2015-16
    Chetan Jade Jewellery business Dhule 2017-18

    Contact Us

    Sr. No Name Designation Mobile No
    1 Dr. C. M. Nikam Professor [email protected] 9423257159
    2 Dr. D. N. Thakare Professor [email protected] 9272349878
    3 Dr. N. B. Bachhav Professor [email protected] 9767648088
    4 Dr. R. S. Deore Associate Professor [email protected] 9423516681
    5 Dr. U. P. Suryawanshi Associate Professor [email protected] 9096083661
    6 Dr. A. D. Pawar Assistant Professor [email protected] 9421607749
    7 Dr. G. L. Kolte Assistant Professor [email protected] 8928155815
    8 Dr. S. A. Deore Assistant Professor [email protected] 8605435586
    9 Mr. S. R. Dukale Assistant Professor [email protected] 8007050488


    • Qualified and Research oriented faculty
    • Good infrastructure with ICT classrooms, spacious laboratory and well- equipped library.
    • Project-based experiential learning and vocational learning facility
    • Facilitating students’ participation in co-curricular and extracurricular activities.
    • Good number of publications in reputed journals.
    • All teaching methods that include Interactive Teaching-learning Tools, Use of LCD Projectors, Demonstration of Survey Instruments, GIS Software etc.
    • Certificate course in Travel & Tourism

    • To organize International & National conferences in collaboration with national and international linkages.
    • Training in research using both theoretical and experimental methods.
    • To increase Industry-Academia interaction.
    •  To develop Research Attitude among the students.
    •  To conduct training sessions for creative writing.
    • To build more research linkages for quality research.

    TYBA Result

    TYBA (Geography) Toppers

    Academic Year Rank Name of the Student Percentage
    2017-18 1 Jadhav Divya Ashok 92.14
    2 Jadhav Sonali Gorakh 87.89
    3 Deore Arushiprasadh Suhas 87.12
    2018-19 1 Kannor Swapnil S. 87.15
    2 Jadhav Nitin P. 85.00
    3 Pawar Kaveri Nitin 81.09
    2019-20 1 Sawant Kaveri Kundan 66.58
    2 Sonawane Vikas Barku 69.50
    3 Kore Jhoti Radhunath 77.08
    2020-21 1 Jadhav Priyanka N. 75.33
    2 Wagh Somnath H. 68.08
    3 Kanoor Dattu Nathu 66.25
    2021-22 1 Ahire Palak Machhindra 76.23
    2 Shirsath Jayshree Bhausaheb 71.25
    3 Jadhav Ankita Jibhau 69.24

    MA/MSC Geography Result

    MA/MSc (Geography) Toppers

    Academic Year Rank Name of the Student Percentage
    2017-18 1 Tahoora Tabassum S. Ahmed 69.58
    2 Pawar Anuja Giridhar 68.25
    3 Gangurde Bhageshree Kailash 61.25
    2018-19 1 Ansari Naeem Ahmed 71.25
    2 Tauseef Ahmed Saleem Khan 69.85
    3 Hiray Jayashree Dadaji 66.58
    2019-20 1 Kamran Ahmed Abrar Ahmed 72.85
    2 Bagul Pranil Anand 68.56
    3 Vyalij Priyanka Babanrao 62.96
    2020-21 1 Momin Farah Uaba 74.10
    2 Pawar Anuja Giridhar 73.71
    3 Tohara Tohsin Shaphik 71.48
    2021-22 1 Parveen Ihayadullah 77.32
    2 SonawaneVijay Barku 75.20
    3 Mybesharan Nihal Ahmed 72.12