Mahatma Gandhi Vidyamandir's

Maharaja Sayajirao Gaikwad Arts, Science & Commerce College

Tal. Malegaon, Dist. Nashik (MS)
Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune

Re-accredited with A+ Grade (Cycle-III) by NAAC

Department of Psychology


The Department of Psychology is one of the oldest departments of the College, initially located in the department of Psychology it became an independent department in 1969 undergraduate level. In 2016 Post Graduate level and in 2022 Research centre. We the dept of psychology have been attempt to focus on students capabilities that help strengthen one’s abilities for widening current knowledge base and skills, gaining new knowledge and skills, undertaking future studies, performing well in a chosen career and playing a constructive role as a responsible citizen in the society. The research profile of the department is quite impressive. Researches have been conducted in the area of personality and social psychology along with Organizational Behaviour, Clinical Psychology, Positive Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Health Psychology, and Spiritual Psychology. Academic deliberations on key issues are held regularly and conferences and workshops are organized to disseminate and exchange information.


To encourage the students to actively indulge in community based scientific research and impart quality education, developing potential skills related to behavioural profession and inculcating moral values of students.


  • We aim to produce competent Graduates and Post graduates who wish to provide their services to the community.
  • To cultivate moral values, pro-social behavior, cultural sensitivity and good citizenship amongst the students.
  • Our department focuses on maintaining integrity by encouraging our students to work for the welfare of the society, avoiding prejudices and explaining the importance of adherence to the ethical code of conduct.
  • Insist for to learn what is wrong and what is right.

Teaching Faculty

Sr.No. Name of the Faculty Designation Qualification Experience Link
1 Dr. Ramesh N. Nikam Assistant Professor M. A. , M. Phil.,Ph. D. 23 Years view
2 Dr. S. D. Shewale Assistant Professor M.A.,M.Phil,Ph.D 20 Years view
3 Mr. Dinesh S. Bhandarkar Assistant Professor M.A. , SET 01 year view
4 Miss Priyatama N. Pophale Assistant Professor M.A. 02 Years view

Courses Offered

Pepar First Semester Second Semeste
Class Code Subject Code Subject
First Semester Second Semester
FYBA(2019 Pattern) G-1. 11221 A DSC-PSY-1A (Foundations of Psychology) 12221 DSC-PSY-1B (Introduction to Social Psychology)
Third Semester Fourth Semester
SYBA (2019 Pattern) S-1 23221 DSE-1A (Psychology of Abnormal Behavior-1) 24221 DSE-1B (Psychology of Abnormal Behaviour-2)
S-2 23222 DSE-2A (Developmental Psychology) 24222 DSE-2B (Theories of Personality)
G-2 23223 CC/SEC-1A (Health Psychology) 24223 CC/SEC- 1B (Positive Psychology)
23224 SEC-2A (Health Promotion Life Skills) 24224 SEC-2B (Basic Counselling Skills)
Fifth Semester Sixth Semester
TYBA (2019 Pattern) S-3 35221 DSE 1 C (3)+1 Research Project, Field work Psychological Testing (Theory) 36221 DSE 1 D (3)+1 Research Project, Field work Experimental Psychology (Theory)
S-4 35222 DSE 2 C (3+3)+1 Research Project, Field work (Psychological Tests) 36222 DSE 2 D (3+3)+1 Research Project, Field work (Psychological Experiments)
G-3 35223 SEC- 1 C (3): (Industrial and Organizational Psychology) 36223 SEC-1D (3): (Applied Psychology)
35224 SEC 2 C (2) (Value/skill based course) (Personality Development) 36224 SEC 2 D (2) (Value/skill based course) (Personality Development)
35002 GE (General Elective) 36002 GE (General Elective)

For Postgraduate- Master of Arts

Pepar First Semester Second Semeste
Class Code Subject Code Subject
First Semester Second Semester
MA-I (2019 pattern) 12601 Cognitive Psychology: Understanding 22601 Cognitive Psychology: Advances and Application
12602 Psychometrics: The Science of Psychological Assessment 22602 Psychometrics: Applications
12603 Research Methodology-I (Issues And Essential Techniques In Statistics And Experimental Design) 22603 Research Methodology-II (Qualitative methods and contemplative practices)
12604 Practical - Testing 22604 Psychology Practical - Experiments
Third Semester Fourth Semester
MA-II (2019 Pattern) 32601 Counselling process and skills 42601 Areas of Counselling
32602 Psychopathology-1 / Personnel 42602 Psychopathology-2 / HRM
32603 Psycho-diagnostics / OB 42603 Psychotherapies / OD
32604 Project- Clinical or Industrial 42604 Practicum- Clinical / Industrial

From the year 2023 as per New National Education Policy (NEP-2020)

Semester- 1

Course Type Course Code Course Name Credits for semester Lectures per week
Major Mandatory PSY-MJ-101 Cognitive Processes 4 4
Major Mandatory PSY-MJ-102 Psychometrics 4 4
Major Mandatory PSY-MJ-103 Statistics for Psychology 4 4
RM PSY-RM-104 Research Methods in Psychology 4 4
Major Mandatory PSY-MJP-105 Psychology Practical: Tests 2 4
Elective (Select any One) PSY-EL- 106 Psychology of Adjustment 4 4
PSY-EL- 107 Psychology of Aging 4
PSY-EL- 108 Sports psychology 4
22 credits

Semester- 2

Course Type Course Code Course Name Credits for semester Lectures per week
Major Mandatory PSY-MJ-201 Learning and Memory 4 4
Major Mandatory PSY-MJ-202 Biopsychology 4 4
Major Mandatory PSY-MJ-203 Personality 4 4
OJT/FP PSY-OJT-204 On-the job training/ Field Project 4 8
Major Mandatory PSY-MJP-205 Psychology Practical: Experiments 2 4
Elective (Select any One) PSY-EL- 206 Media psychology 4 4
PSY-EL- 207 Educational psychology 4
PSY-EL- 208 Criminal psychology 4
22 credits

PO: Psychology

1 Disciplinary knowledge Capable of demonstrating comprehensive knowledge and understanding of social science discipline, particularly psychology
2 Communication Skills Ability to express and share one’s thoughts, ideas and feelings effectively in listening, reading and writing using appropriate media; present complex information in a clear and concise manner with analysis to different groups.
3 Critical thinking Capability to apply analytic thought to a body of knowledge; analyze and evaluate evidence, arguments, claims, beliefs on the basis of empirical evidence; identify relevant assumptions or implications; formulate coherent arguments; critically evaluate practices, policies and theories by following scientific approach to knowledge development in social science.
4 Problem solving Capacity to extrapolate from what one has learned and apply their competencies to solve different kinds of non-familiar problems, rather than replicate curriculum content knowledge; and apply one’s learning to real life situations.
5 Analytical reasoning Ability to evaluate the reliability and relevance of evidence; identify logical flaws and holes in the arguments of others; analyze and synthesize data from a variety of sources; draw valid conclusions and support them with evidence and examples, and addressing opposing viewpoints.
6 Research -related skills A sense of inquiry and capability for asking relevant/ appropriate questions, problematizing, synthesizing and articulating; Ability to recognize cause-and-effect relationships, define problems, formulate hypotheses, test hypotheses, analyze, interpret and draw conclusions from data, establish hypotheses, predict cause-and-effect relationships; ability to plan, execute and report the results of an experiment or investigation.
7 Cooperation/ Team work Ability to work effectively and respectfully with diverse teams; facilitate cooperative or coordinated effort on the part of a group, and act together as a group or a team in the interests of a common cause and work efficiently as a member of a team.
8 Scientific reasoning Ability to analyze, interpret and draw conclusions from quantitative/qualitative data; and critically evaluate ideas, evidence and experiences from an open-minded and reasoned perspective.
9 Reflective thinking Critical sensibility to lived experiences, with self-awareness and reflexivity of both self and society.
10 Information/ digital literacy Capability to use ICT in a variety of learning situations, demonstrate ability to access, evaluate, and use a variety of relevant information sources; and use appropriate software for analysis of data.
11 Self-directed learning Ability to work independently, identify appropriate resources required for a project, and manage a project through to completion.
12 Multicultural competence Possess knowledge of the values and beliefs of multiple cultures and a global perspective; and capability to effectively engage in a multicultural society and interact respectfully with diverse groups.
13 Moral and ethical awareness/ reasoning Ability to embrace moral/ethical values in conducting one’s life, formulate a position/argument about an ethical issue from multiple perspectives, and use ethical practices in all work. Capable of demonstrating the ability to identify ethical issues related to one’s work, avoid unethical behavior such as fabrication, falsification or misrepresentation of data or committing plagiarism.
14 Leadership readiness/ qualities Capability for mapping out the tasks of a team or an organization, and setting direction, formulating an inspiring vision, building a team who can help achieve the vision, motivating and inspiring team members to engage with that vision, and using management skills to guide people to the right destination, in a smooth and efficient way.
15 Lifelong learning Ability to acquire knowledge and skills, including ‘learning how to learn’, that are necessary for participating in learning activities throughout life, through self-paced and self-directed learning aimed at personal development, meeting economic, social and cultural objectives, and adapting to changing trades and demands of work place through knowledge/skill development/reskilling.


Class Sem. Name Of Course COURSE OUTCOME Bloom’s Level
F.Y. B.A. I DSC-PSY-1A Foundations of Psychology (11221) CO1- Remember Basic Psychological concepts L1 -Remember
CO2 -Understand the basic psychological processes L2- Understand
CO3 -Apply the psychological phenomena in daily experiences. L3- Apply
CO4 -Compare the different theories of personality and theories of intelligence L4- Analyze
CO5- Develop the ability to evaluate cognitive processes, learning and memory of an individual L5- Evaluation
F.Y. B.A. II DSC-PSY-1B Introduction to Social Psychology (12221) CO1- Remember the concepts in social psychology L1 -Remember
CO2- Understand the social interaction process L2- Understand
CO3- Application of the formation of attitude, team building and reducing prejudice L3- Apply
CO4- Compare love hate relationship and aggression L4- Analyze
CO5- Develop the ability to evaluate group dynamics L5- Evaluation
S.Y. B.A. III DSE-1A Psychology of Abnormal Behaviour-1 (23221) CO1- Understand the knowledge about the symptoms, diagnostic criteria, and causes of anxiety disorder, somatoform, dissociative, depression and bipolar disorder psychological disorders L1 –Remember & L2- Understand
C02- Apply the knowledge to create awareness about treatment in psychological disorder in society> L3- Apply
CO3- Apply the knowledge to diagnose the symptoms of psychological disorder L3- Apply
CO4- Analyze the multiple probable causes and correlates of behaviour L4- Analyze
CO5- Distinguish critiques, limitations, and implications of diagnosis and classification of psychological diseases L5- Evaluation
S.Y. B.A. III DSE-2A Developmental Psychology (23222) CO1- Remember the stages of life and its characteristics L1 -Remember
CO2- Understand biological, cognitive and socio-emotional processes & heredity and environmental interaction. L2- Understand
CO3- Apply the knowledge developmental stages and the significance of age. L3- Apply
CO4- Analyze the Psychoanalytic, Cognitive, Behavioural and Social Cognitive, Ethological, Ecological and Eclectic theories of development L4- Analyze
CO 5- Justify developmental issues and developmental tasks L5- Evaluation
S.Y. B.A. III SEC- 1A: HEALTH PSYCHOLOGy (23223) CO1- Definition of health given by WHO L1 -Remember
CO2- Understand health psychology & Understand the nature of stress L2- Understand
CO3- Apply the coping strategies to manage stress & apply Psychological Interventions for Chronic Health Disorders L3- Apply
CO4- Analyze various factors related to health and diseases& bio-psychological model of health. L4- Analyze
CO-5 Evaluate quality of life and promoting the good health. L5- Evaluation
S.Y.B.A. III SEC-2A: Health Promotion Life Skills(23224) CO1 Define the health L1- Remember
CO2 Understand the life skills L2- Understand
CO3 Apply the knowledge to prevent infectious diseases L3-Apply
CO5 Evaluate your behavior L5- Evaluation
S.Y.B.A. IV DSE-1B: PSYCHOLOGY OF ABNORMAL BEHAVIOR-II (24221) CO1 –Define schizophrenia, personality disorder, intellectual disability, learning disorder L1- Remember
CO2- Understand the knowledge about the symptoms, diagnostic criteria, and causes of schizophrenia, other psychotic disorder, personality disorder, sleep and sexual disorder, autism spectrum L2- Understand
CO3- Apply the psychological knowledge to diagnose disorder. L3- Apply
CO4- Analyze multiple probable causes and correlates of behaviour. L4- Analyze
CO5- Distinguish critiques, limitations, and implications of diagnosis and classification of psychological diseases L5- Evaluation
S.Y. B.A. IV DSE-2B: THEORIES OF PERSONALITY (24222) CO1- Define personality, psychoanalysis & psychodynamic approach L1- Remember
CO2-Understand the concept of personality with various theories of personality on the basis of personality psychology. L2- Understand
CO3- Apply the knowledge of personality theories to understand personality L3- Apply
CO4- Analyze personality theories. L4- Analyze
CO5- Observe, interpret individual differences in behaviour in the light of sound theoretical systems of personality L5- Evaluation
S.Y.B.A. IV SEC- 1B: POSITIVE PSYCHOLOGY (24223) CO1- Define positive psychology, wellbeing, Logotheraphy. L1- Remember
CO2- Understand how the positive psychology as the science of happiness, human strengths, positive aspects of human behavior and ‘psychology of well-being L2- Understand
CO3- Apply the knowledge of positive psychology to our lives, find happiness and satisfaction, and face life’s challenges. L3- Apply
CO4- Analyze the traditional psychology with positive psychology L4- Analyze
CO5- Evaluate Positive Emotions and Health Resources L5- Evaluation
S.Y.B.A. IV SEC-2B: Skill Enhancement Courses (SEC) CO1 –Define counselling L1- Remember
CO2- Understand the counselling process L2- Understand
CO3- Apply counselling skills L3- Apply
CO4- Analyze the problems L4- Analyze
T.Y.B.A. V DSE 1 C : PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTING (THEORY) + TESTING PROJECT (35221) CO1- Define psychological tests and its characteristics L1- Remember
CO2- Understand and Describe the concept of psychological test, reliability, validity and norms. L2- Understand
CO3- Apply the knowledge of steps in psychological tests to construct test. & Conduct testing project for behaviour analysis. L3- Apply
CO4- Classify and categorize psychological tests, reliability- validity-norms types. L4- Analyze
CO5- Evaluate the types of norms. L5- Evaluation
T.Y.B.A. V DSE 2 C : PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTS + STATISTICS (35222) CO1- Understand to describe mapping of human behaviour & explain general ability testing, personality, adjustment and attitude.. L2- Understand
CO2- Apply the information in manual of standardized tests to evaluate individual L3- Apply
CO3- Identify and classify the intellectual ability and personality patterns & analyse statistical methods employed in behaviour analysis. L4- Analyze
CO4- Conduct testing and evaluate intellectual ability, personality traits, adjustment and attitudes of participant. L5- Evaluation
T.Y.B.A. V SEC 1 C : INDUSTRIAL AND ORGANIZATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY (35223) CO1-Define job analysis, work motivation & performance appraisal. L1- Remember
CO2- Understand and describe the concept of industrial and organizational psychology, selection and training, evaluation and motivation at workplace L2- Understand
CO3- Apply the learning principles in training program and Identify and classify the appraisal rating system. L3- Apply
CO4- Compare different theories of motivation. L4- Analyze
CO5- Evaluate the training programme and job performance. L5- Evaluation
T.Y.B.A. V SEC 2 C (2) (VALUE/SKILL-BASED COURSE) : PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT-1 (35224) CO1: Understand and describe the concept of personality. L2- Understand
CO2- Apply psychological skills in daily life situations. L3- Apply
CO3: Identify and classify various personality traits L4- Analyze
CO4: Evaluate and correlate real life behavioural patterns with theoretical assumptions. L5- Evaluation
T.Y.B.A. VI DSE 1 D: EXPERIMENTAL PSYCHOLOGY (THEORY) + RESEARCH PROJECT (36221) CO1- Define experiment, psychophysics. L1- Remember
CO2- Understand and explain the statement of problem, hypothesis, variables, experiment process sampling in experiment. L2- Understand
CO3- Conduct research based project. L3- Apply
CO4- Identify and classify the learning system, methods of psychophysics. L4- Analyze
CO5- : Compare laws of psychophysics, types of hypotheses. L5- Evaluation
T.Y.B.A. VI DSE 2 D : PSYCHOLOGICAL EXPERIMENTS + STATISTICS (36222) CO1- Remember the formulas of correlation and Chi square L1- Remember
CO2- Understand and explain psychophysics, various cognitive processes of human being. L2- Understand
CO3- Apply the knowledge to conduct laboratory experiments. L3- Apply
CO4- Analyse statistical base of human behaviour. L4- Analyze
CO5- Classify and compare psychological experiments. L5- Evaluation
T.Y.B.A. VI SEC 1 D : APPLIED PSYCHOLOGY (36223) CO1- Define applied psychology, educational and developmental psychology L1- Remember
CO2- Understand and describe the concept of applied psychology, educational psychology, family structure and developmental patterns. L2- Understand
CO3: Know the clinical psychology related mechanisms, social issues, and criminal behaviour. L2- Understand
CO4- Apply psychological remedies to assess abnormal behaviour, to tackle the social issues and to rectify the problematic behaviour. L3- Apply
CO5- Analyze and classify the intellectual ability, abnormality, criminal behaviour. Identify the problems and solutions in the field of education, L4- Analyze
CO6- Evaluate the interpersonal relations. L5- Evaluation
CO1: Understand and describe the concept of self-esteem and personality development. L2- Understand
CO4: Apply psychological skills to develop owns personality. L3- Apply
CO3: Evaluate personality of individuals L5- Evaluation
CO2: Identify and classify behavioural assessment techniques. L4- Analyze


To prepare this Standard Operating Procedure of the Department of English is to regulate the work process of the department along the academic parameters. Objectives
  • 1. To maintain and promote accuracy, efficiency and consistency in the working of the department.
  • 2. To enhance the quality of the individual and the departmental work. Opening of the Academic Year (June- May)
  • Diary of the Head of the Department
  • Through the diary, the Head shall record everyday work of the department. The diary shall be a permanent record at the department though the faculty working as Head is transferred. Departmental work: Meetings, Planning, Execution, Feedback, Results, Supervision, Information Give-and-Take - documents, creating formats for works
  • Weekly Academic Report of the Department

    Prepared by the HoD by taking into consideration the work done from the teachers: Teaching and other, and Sending it to Principal, M. S. G. College, retaining a copy at the Department General Meeting: The Principal and the Staff HoD Meeting with the Principal Preparing Academic Calendar

    Departmental Meeting: HoD and the faculty of the Department

    Meeting procedure: Notice conducting meeting Attendance and Minutes in the Meeting Register - UG Admissions- procedure and the committee works through the schedules of work and counselling of the individual student- Syllabus- Library to HoD, HoD to the teachers, teachers to students- Revised and New syllabus discussed and Highlighted. • Departmental Meeting Results of the earlier University Examinations: Univ. sheet or PDF - Teacher-wise Result- Analysis in worksheets for various papers submission to the HoD Summation of the Results of all the papers in one sheet-First three ranking students at TYBA Special English (Out of 1200 marks) and M. A. English-II year (out of 1600 marks) Departmental Meetings -Workload and teacher-wise paper distribution-paper wise Teaching Plans: month-wise distribution of topics of a paper-number of lectures given per topic- Teaching Diaries Everyday work noted after lectures-teaching and other Departmental Meeting

    -M. A. I and M. A. II Admission Procedure: Departmental Admission Committee Collecting Merit Forms-display of Merit List-actual Admissions Departmental Time-Table: From faculty Time-Tables of Arts, Commerce and Science-Draft Time-Table Removing overlaps, if any balancing the workload Final Time-Table -(UG and PG) -Teacher wise Individual Time-table -Classroom teaching: Allocation of Classrooms given as per the Faculty Time- table Committee following teaching schedules- the first and the second half of the week. -Organizing Internal Assessment (CBCS) - UG and PG per Semester, as per Univ. Guidelines: -UG (30 marks) -2 assignments (10 marks) + Mid-semester Exam (organized by Exam Dept of the college) for 20 marks. PG (50 marks)-2 Assignments (10 marks) + 2 Tests (30 Marks) + Project - Writing and Presentation (10 marks) -Workload form of the Department (01-10) - as given by the Office-filled with the details of information about teaching posts- filled and vacant, allocation of papers and corresponding Workload, total workload of the Department- taken and remaining Apart from teaching-learning, other works planned and executed at the Department: Activities for the students- various competitions for skill and knowledge development- Student Counseling-Certificate courses for improvement and enrichment Encouraging students: For the academic ranking and other merit of the students. Their talent and efforts shall be rewarded in terms of prizes and merit certificates -Univ. Works-paper-setting, senior supervisor, squad member, Central Assessment projects and Courses. Research Works: Minor Research Projects- University and UGC- as per the - University Examination- Jr. Supervisor work during the annual prize distribution Ceremony during the academic year. For the faculty-participation and paper presentation in seminars, workshops and conferences-Research studies- doing M. Phil. Ph. D. studying, writing and publishing research papers- Recommendations for training courses, and CAS through API system (forwarded to IQAC)- Following the provision of CL, DL and ML - Departmental organization of -: Seminar, Workshop, Conference, Guest Lectures, c Alumni meetings Programme. - College works: IQAC work, other works in various committees, programmes. Procedures- - Internal Evaluation: question-paper setting, supervision, assessment, marks entries in the College and Univ. Records, in consultation with the Exam Dept. of the college. -HoD: Attending HoD meetings with the Principal, Organizing Departmental meetings, Monitoring the regular working of the department, coordinating amongst the faculty, the students and the administration of the college


    1: One of the oldest departments in North Maharashtra Region. Established in 1969, since then provide psychological services to the needy people. The department has sound alumni and they are serving their duties in all over Maharashtra. Day by day department is actively implement various activities and run the advanced programs and courses like Post Graduate and Research Centre along with certificate courses.
    2: Apart from the academic aspect the department has provided counselling services to needy people. In COVID-19 pandemic the department assumes moral duty to serve people, in that way all the faculty members provided their counselling services to the needy patients through telephonic counselling.
    3: With the help of counselling centre of the dept, we provide career guidance, get rid of academic problems, counseling for marital adjustment for the students.
    4: In order to get higher education and research related to society, recently the dept has moved one stage ahead and commenced research centre in the dept.


    1: One of the oldest departments in North Maharashtra Region. Established in 1969, since then provide psychological services to the needy people. The department has sound alumni and they are serving their duties in all over Maharashtra. Day by day department is actively implement various activities and run the advanced programs and courses like Post Graduate and Research Centre along with certificate courses.
    2: Apart from the academic aspect the department has provided counselling services to needy people. In COVID-19 pandemic the department assumes moral duty to serve people, in that way all the faculty members provided their counselling services to the needy patients through telephonic counselling.
    3: With the help of counselling centre of the dept, we provide career guidance, get rid of academic problems, counseling for marital adjustment for the students.
    4: In order to get higher education and research related to society, recently the dept has moved one stage ahead and commenced research centre in the dept.


    2)List of Guide

    Sr.No. Name of Guide Affiliated University Research Experience
    1 Dr. Narendra V. Deshmukh SPPU 18 years
    2 Dr. Ramesh N. Nikam SPPU 13 years

    Registered students:

    Sr.No. Name of Research Scholar Topic Registration No. & Date Guide
    1 Miss Rohini Diliprao Pawar Effects of irrational beliefs on mental health, Emotional Intelligence, Achievement motivation and identity status among students preparing for competitive examination. PGS/161dt 11/02/2023 Dr. Ramesh N. Nikam
    2 Rajendra Govind Kadale Emotional intelligence and Social Intelligence as Predicators of Happiness and Quality of Life among Senior College Students PGS/286 dt 28/04/2023 Dr. Ramesh N. Nikam
    3 Aishwarya Arun Shinde Role of Emotional Intelligence, Adjustment and Expectation from Married Life in Marital Satisfaction in young couples; Role of Marital Satisfaction in separation in young couples. In process Dr.Narendra Deshmukh

    Awarded Students

    M. Phil. Guidance (YCMOU, Nashik)

    Research Guidance: Ph.D.

    Sr.No. Name Topic of Research Status
    4 CHOUGULE VIJAYMALA VIRENDRA Locus of Control and Mental Health among Higher Secondary School Students Awarded
    5 MUSALE ASHWINI SUBHASH Burnout Level Among Housewives And Working Women Awarded
    6 JOSHI PANKAJ PADMAKAR Not completed
    Sr.No. Name Topic of Research Status
    1 Dr. Rekha Salunkhe, Jalgaon Managing stress and development of personality among employees of information technology Awarded (11/06/2012)
    2 Mr. Vishnu Paghal, Jalna Optimism, Religiosity, Self-Confidence and its effect on Subjective Well-Being of College Students Awarded (23/06/2015)
    3 Mr. Ramesh Nikam, Malegaon A Study of Recent Trends in Education and its Effect on Self Concept, Emotional Intelligence and Academic Achievement of Secondary School Students Awarded (13/02/2016)
    4 Mr. Vijaykumar Shinde, Pune Job satisfaction, self concept, emotional adjustment and subjective well-being of school teachers Awarded (06/07/2017)
    5 Mr. Badrinath Shelke, Parbhani A Psychological study of cognitive style and Emotional Maturity among Extrovert and Introvert Personality Awarded (21/11/2017)
    6 Mr. Yogesh Devidas Wankhede Emotional intelligence, Different abilities & Achievement Motivation of the Students of Various Educational Boards Awarded April 2019
    7 Thingale Chhaya Vechya A comparative study of competitiveness, Anxiety and Achievement Motivation of Tribal and Non-tribal Students Awarded 26/10/2020
    8 Vijaymala Virendra Chougule Effects of Thinking Styles, Gender and Type of School Board on Well-Being and Self-Esteem of Secondary School Students Awarded 07/03/2022
    9 Mr. Kannor Dagadu Karbhari Health Status, Life Style, Adjustment and Anxiety of Migrant Workers of Plastic and Powerloom Industry Awarded April 2022
    10 Miss Pratibha Gangadhar Mehetre A Coorelation study of Identity status in relation to Self-esteem, Self-efficacy, and Parenting Style among Adolescents August 2022
    11 Mr. Tambe Yogesh Maruti Locus of control, Parenting Style, Anxiety and Well-being of Mothers of Intellectual Disabled Adolescents January 2023
    12 Miss Paranjape Mrunal Effect of Yoga on Self-Esteem, Self-Efficacy, Locus of Control, Neuroticism and Mindfulness January 2023

    Research Project Completed/ Ongoing:

    a) Minor Research Project : Dr. Narendra V. Deshmukh

    Amount Sponsoring Agency Topic Year (11th Plan)
    80,000 UGC Mental health and its predictors 2011-2014

    Research Paper: Dr Narendra V Deshmukh

    Sr. No. Title of the Paper Name of the Journal Volume and Page Number Year of publication
    1 Stress at workplace among the career women having Coronary Heart Disease PSYCHOLOGY IN USE , J.V. Publishing House , Jodhpur ISBN: 81-88818-08-9 Page 62-66 2007
    2 Emotional Deprivation according to children’s family type PSYCHOLOGY IN USE , J.V. Publishing House , Jodhpur ISBN: 81-88818-08-9 Page 166-171 2007
    3 Mental health of children from orphanage and single parent families. MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES (Research Papers) J.V. Publishing House , Jodhpur ISBN: 81-88818-27-5 Page-51-54 March-2008
    4 Mental health and its predictors among coronary heart disease patients. MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES (Research Papers) J.V. Publishing House , Jodhpur ISBN: 81-88818-27-5 Page-118 March-2008
    5 A study of stress style among senior citizens INDIAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY AND MENTAL HEALTH ISSN: 0973-7286 Vol. 4, No. 2 Page 8-11 October 2010
    6 Values among Tribal Youths of Satpuda Ranges and Western Ghat PATRON, ISSN: 0976-2310 Vol. II, Issue XVII August 2011
    7 Job selection is a function of cognitive differentiation and gender SHIKSHANTARANG ISSN: 0976-0636 Vol. 3rd, Issue 11 Page 24-28 July 2012
    8 The study of recent trends in education and its effect on self concept, emotional intelligence and academic achievement of secondary school students SHIKSHANATIL MARMADRISHTI ISSN: 0976-0385 Vol. 24, Page 84-89 September 2013
    9 The recent trends in education and its effect on leadership as well as academic achievement of school going girl students National Conference Proceeding of S.P.H. Mahila College, Malegaon (Nashik) ISBN: 978-81-927005-4-0 Page 44-46 October 2013
    10 Assertiveness, Emotional Intelligence and Subjective Wellbeing of College Students GOLDEN RESEARCH THOUGHTS Impact Factor : 2.2052(UIF) ISSN No :2231-5063 Vol. 3, Issue 8 Page 1-5 Feb 2014
    11 A Comparative Study of PTSD and Non- PTSD Affected Youth on The Basis of Emotional Intelligence INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED RESEARCH ISSN 2320-5407 Vol.3, Issue 11, Page 266 - 269 November 2015
    12 The Relationship Between Personality and Age with Reckless Driving INDIAN STREAMS RESEARCH JOURNAL ISSN: 2230-7850 Impact Factor : 3.1560(UIF) Volume - 5 Issue - 11 December 2015
    13 Emotional Maturity and Cognitive Styles of College Students SCHOLARS WORLD Print- ISSN-2319-5789 Online- ISSN-2320-3145 Volume. IV, Issue I, Page 123-127 January 2016
    14 Values and Academic Achievement of College Students SCHOLARS WORLD Print- ISSN-2319-5789 Online- ISSN-2320-3145 Special Issue X, Page 197-201 February, 2016
    15 Job Satisfaction and Subjective Well -Being of School Teachers REVIEW OF RESEARCH ISSN: 2249-894X Impact Factor : 3.1402(UIF) Volume - 5 , Issue - 5 Page 1-6 February, 2016
    16 Thinking Styles and Emotional Intelligence of Secondary School Students SCHOLARS WORLD ISSN : P-2319-5789 E- 2320-3145 Vol. V, Issue -I Page 52-55 January -2017
    17 Anxiety and Cognitive Styles of College Students PRINTING AREA ISSN : 2394-5303 Vol.28, Issue -01 Page 42-46 April-2017
    18 Frustration as Associated with Street Children and School Children INDIAN JOURNAL OF HEALTH AND WELLBEING ISSN : P-2229-5356 E- 2321-3698 Vol.8, Issue -5 Page 405-409 May-2017
    19 Gender Differences in Aspects of General Well-being of Adolescents INDIAN PSYCHOLOGICAL REVIEW ISSN : 0019-6215 Vol.88, No. -3 Page -145-148 Sept. 2017
    20 Influence of forms of thinking styles on self-esteem of students The Asian Journal of Psychology and Education 0971-2909 Vol. 51, No. 3-4 June 2018
    21 Optimism as a predictor of psychological well-being among working and non-working women Indian Journal of Community Psychology 0974-2719 Volume 15 Issue II Sept 2019
    22 Mental Health of School Children: Test Construction and Development Think India (Quarterly Journal) 0971-1260 Vol-22, Special Issue-13 Dec 2019
    23 The impact of Blended learning to reduce the use of Social Media enhance the Performance of Under Graduate Students Kala: The Journal of Indian Art History Congress 0975-7945 Vol. 25; No.-10 Jan 2020
    24 DK Role of Social Media in Emotional Intelligence and Anxiety among College Students Kanpur Philosophers ISSN 2348-8301 Vol.-VIII, Issue-I ISSN 2348-8301 UGC-CARE List Group I journal 2021
    25 MP Benefits of Yoga for Self-esteem and Self-efficacy: A Quasi Experimental Investigation Among Normal Adults GIS Science Journal ISSN-1869-9391 Vol. 8; Issue-4 April 2021
    26 DK IMPACT OF LEARNING MEDIUM ON ACHIEVEMENT MOTIVATION AND ANXIETY AMONG SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS Shodhsamhita ISSN No. 2277-7067 Volume No. VIII, Issue 10 (III), Impact Factor: 4.95 UGC Care Group 1 2021-2022
    27 PM IDENTITY FORMATION: ROLE OF PARENTING STYLE AND SELF-ESTEEM AMONG INDIAN ADOLESCENTS BENGAL, PAST & PRESENT: Journal of the Calcutta Historical Society. ISSN : 0005-8807 Vol. 117, Issue: (IV) ISSN : 0005-8807 UGC-CARE List Group I Impact Factor: 5.70 October– December 2021
    28 YT EFFECT OF ANXIETY ON PSYCHOLOGICAL WELL-BEING OF MOTHERS OF INTELLECTUAL DISABLED ADOLESCENCE IN THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC BENGAL, PAST & PRESENT: Journal of the Calcutta Historical Society. ISSN : 0005-8807 Vol. 117, Issue: (IV) ISSN : 0005-8807 UGC-CARE List Group I Impact Factor: 5.70 October– December 2021

    Research Paper: Dr Ramesh N Nikam

    Research paper publication from June 2016 to April 2022

    Sr. No. Paper Title Published Date Author
    1 Study of happiness and emotional intelligence of college students. Multidisciplinary Scenario Of Higher Education in India, Atharva Publications, ISBN :978-93-86196-16-3. Oct. 2016. Dr. Ramesh Namdeo Nikam
    2 Personality traits and music Published in Vidyawarta: Interdisciplinary Multilingual Refereed Journal Impact factor 4.014 (IIJIF) .Special issue Feb- 2017. MAHA/MUL/03051/ 2012 ISSN: 2319 9318 Feb- 2017. Dr. Ramesh Namdeo Nikam
    3 शिर्षक : वरिष्ठ महाविद्यालयातील विद्यार्थी अनुपस्थितीचा चिकित्सात्मक अभ्यास. Published in Uniresearch: International Multidisciplinary E- Research Journal ISSN 2321-4953 Oct. 2017 Oct. 2017 Dr. Ramesh Namdeo Nikam And D.K. Kannor
    4 Constructive Approach toward Teaching, Learning and evaluation in education. , RESEARCH JOURNY International E-Research Journal E-ISSN:2348-7143 Oct.-Nov.-Dec. 2019 Peer Reviewed Journal Impact Factor-6.625(2019) Vol. 6, Issue 4(A). Oct.-Nov.-Dec. 2019 Dr. Ramesh Namdeo Nikam
    5 Use Of Social Media And Academic Achievement. Published -Vidyawarta: Interdisciplinary Multilingual Refereed Journal Impact factor 4.014(IIJIF) .Special issue Jan. - 2020. MAHA/MUL/03051/ 2012 ISSN: 2319 9318 Jan. - 2020. Dr. Ramesh Namdeo Nikam
    6 Recent Trends in education and its effects on emotional intelligence and academic achievements of school going students. RESEARCH JOURNY International E-Research Journal E-ISSN:2348-7143 April-May-June 2021 Peer Reviewed Journal Impact Factor-6.625(2019) Vol. VIII, Issue II. April-May-June 2021 Dr. Ramesh Namdeo Nikam
    7 Teachers’ Effectiveness In Covid -19 RESEARCH JOURNY International E-Research Journal E-ISSN:2348-7143 Feb. 2022 Issue 287 Peer Reviewed Journal Feb. 2022 Dr. Ramesh Namdeo Nikam
    8 Work family conflict and its impact on job satisfaction among permanent and temporary senior college professors. Indian Journal of Social Sciences and Literature Studies Vol. 9, Issue 1. March 2022 ISSN 2349-5634(print) ISSN 2455-0973(online) March 2022 Pawar Rohini Diliprao And Dr. Ramesh N. Nikam
    9 The relationship between emotional intelligence and happiness among senior college students in Nashik District. RESEARCH JOURNY International E-Research Journal E-ISSN:2348-7143 April- 2022 Issue 293. Peer Reviewed Journal April 2022 Dr. Ramesh N. Nikam and Mr. Rajendra Kadale

    Dr. Ganesh Shewale

    1- A Study of Locus Control and Anxiety among Male and female Individual Game Players. GIS Science Journal ISSN No : 1869 – 9391
    2- A Study of Mental Health and Stress among Sportsmen and Non- Sportsmen . Phonix International Journal for Psychology and Social Sciences. VOL. 4, ISSUE. 5, OCT. 2020
    3- A Study of Emotional Intelligence among Team Game Players and Individual Game Players. Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University. ISSN – 1007 – 1172, VOL. 16, ISSUE 11, NOVEMBER- 2020
    4- Impact of Psychological Conditioning on Mental Health and Anxiety among Sportsmen. AEGAEUM JOURNAL ISSN - 0776 – 3808, VOL.9, ISSUE- 11, 2021
    5- Impact of Marital Conflict on Personality Characteristics- Indian Journal of Social Science and Literature Studies. VOL. 8, ISSUE 1 March 2022. ISSN – 2349 – 5634
    6- Impact of Indoor and outdoor game Players on Personality Traits. AEGAEUM JOURNAL ISSN. 0776 – 3808 VOL. 10, ISSUE – 9, 2022.
    7- The Relationships Between Coping Strategy and Depression among College Students. Vidyawarta Peer – Reviewed International Journal ISSN - 2319 9318, JN to March – 2023 ISSUE- 45, VOL. 09



    Title of the Collaborative/Linkages Activities Name of the Collaborative /linking agency with contact details Name of the participant Year of Collaboration Duration
    Field visit AADHAR School (School for Mental Challenged students) TYBA Class Since 2014 to till date (Every Year) One Day Visit


    Organisation with which MOU is Signed Name of the Institution/ Industry/ Coporate house Year of Signing MOU Duration List the Actual Activities under each MOU Number of Students/Teachers participated under MOU
    Civil Hospital, Malegaon Civil Hospital, Malegaon 2018 to till date Every Year Field visit & study visit in the psychiatry dept of civil hospital Each year maximum 24 students


    Sr. No. Name Mobile No. Address Profession
    1 Mr. Shinde Akshay 8484844810
    Jakir Hussain Hospital, Nashik Counsellor
    2 Dr. Daitkar Arun (Assist. Professor) 9765707006 At. Post. Jwardi, Tal. Malegaon Dist. Nashik Senior College Teacher
    3 Dr. Pawar Atul B. (Assist. Professor) 9422290145
    Deogiri College, Aurangabad Senior College Teacher
    4 Mr. Deshmukh Chandrabhan 9403646282 Dyane, Malegaon, Dist. Nashik LIC Agent.
    5 Mr. Mali Chandrakant 9890857068
    Daregaon, Malegaon, Dist. Nashik High school Teacher
    6 Miss. Gaikwad Dhanashree (Assist. Professor) 7350850560 Shriram nagar, Akole, Dist. A’Nagar College Teacher
    7 Mr. Malpure Deepak 9423486325 Pl. No. 12 Near Prayas Hospital Malegaon Dist. Nashik Vastu Shastra Expert and Advisor
    8 Miss. Pawar Ashwini 9096346180 Near PWD Office, Malegaon, Dist. Nashik Medical Officer
    9 Nikam Ramesh N. (Assist. Professor) 8275586345 Pl. No. 100, Vivekanand Colony, Malegaon camp, Malegaon Dist. Nashik Senior College Teacher
    10 Mr. Shewale Ganesh V. 9172168516 Pl. No. 12 Ekanath Nagar Malegaon camp, Malegaon Dist. Nashik Research Scholar
    11 Mr. Dhamane Gaurav 8983735320 Gayatri Nagar, Malegaon camp, Malegaon Dist. Nashik Clerk
    12 Mr. Deshmukh Kailas K. 9767490830 Mahatma Gandhi Nagar, Nashik Junior College Teacher
    13 Mr. Kannor Dagadu K. (Assist. Professor) 9823858791 9405567830 Saptrushingi Colony, Malegaon camp, Malegaon Dist. Nashik Senior College Teacher
    14 Mr. Katyare A. Z. Daregaon, Malegaon, Dist. Nashik Junior College Teacher
    15 Miss. Gosavi Kiran V. 9834304082 Shriram Nagar, Malegaon Dist. Nashik Teacher
    16 Mr. Patil Kiran 9922443687 Near Balekilla Karyalay Soygaon (Malegaon) Junior College Teacher
    17 Miss. Kulkarni Pophale Mosam Bridge, Malegaon Mosam Bridge, Malegaon
    18 Miss. Savant Pallavi Irrigation Colony Malegaon Camp Dist. Nashik
    19 Mr. Pawar Dhanjay S. 9850724392 Near Prayas Hospital Malegaon camp (Nashik) Retired College Teacher
    20 Mr. Deore Piyush Sanjay 8624986884 Shrikrushna Colony Satana Naka, Malegaon Camp
    21 Dr. Pawar Prafulla 9423149236 Pimpalgaon, Malegaon Dist. Nashik Senior College Teacher
    22 Mr. Patil Prashant 9767303090 Mitra Nagar, Soygaon Malegaon Dist. Nashik Teacher and counselor
    23 Miss. Pratiksha Abhiman Shewale 7262940036 Aadarsh Nagar B/H Rimand Home Manmad (Nashik)
    24 Mr. Bhamare Ravi 8805712399 At. Post Nimbayti (Malegaon)
    25 Dr. Shinde Ravindra (Assist. Professor) 9404133468
    Vivekanand College Aurangabad Senior College Teacher
    26 Miss. Pawar Rohini Diliprao 9422584109 Pimpalgaon, Malegaon Dist. Nashik Senior College Teacher
    27 Mr. Nimgaonkar Sandip 7768811333 Civil Hospital Malegaon Dist. Nashik Physician
    28 Dr. Shewale Shantilal Dadaji 9049441517 At. Post Tehere Tel. Malegaon Senior College Teacher
    29 Dr. Tribhuvan Sunil (Assist. Professor) 9423486549 Shri bankatswami College Dist. Beed. Senior College Teacher
    30 Miss. Pawar Unnati .S 8855995577 Mahendra House Near Aaroma Theater Malegaon
    31 Mr. Patil Vinod 8275586106 Junior College Teacher
    32 Mr. Gite Vinayak 9960078899 Pl. No. 405 Sky Green Apt. Dist. Nashik
    33 Miss. Dhivre Manisha 7038548421 Teacher
    34 Mr. Kolhe Tushar 7350359343 At. Post Vadgaon Tel. Malegaon
    35 Mr. Raju Appa Shelar 7350701675 At. Post Vadel Tel. Malegaon Dist. Nashik
    36 Miss. Vaishali Shivaji Malunde 7387479832 Noor villa 60 ft. Road Ganjmal Dist. Nashik
    37 Miss. Rutuja Deore 7498687219 Shubhashri Appt. Pune
    38 Mr. B. V. Hire 7588173681
    39 Mr. Vilas Gangadhar Pingle 7588515369 At. Post Makhamalabad Nashik
    40 Miss. Anita Kanner 7588516541 7 Golden Heights Nashik
    41 Mr. Nitin Deore 7798203682 Panchashil Nagar Malegaon Camp Dist. Nashik
    42 Mr. Shashikant Suryawanshi 8390194598 Church, Near Hot. Vishal Malegaon Camp Dist. Nashik
    43 Mr. Laxman Nimba Sonawane 8390834711 At. Post Khadaki Tel. Malegaon Dist. Nashik
    44 Mr. Kailas G. Aahire 8421864769 At. Post Lasalgaon Dist. Nashik
    45 Mr. Nilesh Bhikan Vispute 8600280470 Pl. No. 19 Arre Heights Sharda Nagar Dist. Nanded
    46 Mr. Vijay N. Kapadnis 8806209859 At. Post. Deor Dist. Dhule
    47 Miss. Yogita M. sonawane 8830316968 At. Post. Yesgaon Tel- Malegaon Dist. Nashik
    48 Mr. Gajanan N. Thakre 8855941747 Pl. No. 02 Bank Colony Near Aaroma Theater Malegaon
    49 Mr. Rambahu Honde 8888881637
    50 Mr. Pradip Sanjay Bhosle 9112150437 At. Post. Chandanpuri Tel- Malegaon Dist Nashik
    51 Mr. Rajendra V. Pinjane 9158226969 Dyneshwar Nagar, Malegaon Camp Dist. Nashik
    52 Mr. Vijay abhiman Pawar 9158929801 Section B. Ravalgaon Tel- Malegaon Dist. Nashik
    53 Mr. Rakesh B. Sonawane 9209315702 Bapuji Nagar Pl. No. 13 Malegaon
    54 Miss. Rupali Abhiman Shewale 9359310513 At. Post. Lonwade Tel- Malegaon Dist. Nashik
    55 Nitin V. Kale 9403371266 Diva Dist. Thane
    56 Miss. Nita Aahire 9404786999
    57 Mr. Shard Kondaji Suryawanshi 9404984952 At. Post. Mungse Tel- Malegao Dist. Nashik
    58 Mr. Samadhan T. Birari 9420904284 At. Post. Satana Dist. Nashik
    59 Mr. Ravindra S. Bagle 9423289117 Shivshahi Nivas, Sankalp Nagar, Bhaygaon Tel. Malegaon Dist. Nashik
    60 Miss. Sangita S. Kadam 9579928408 Shitlamata Mandir Tel- Malegaon Dist. Nashik
    61 Mr. Arun Sitaram Borse 9595770202 At. Post. Vadgaon Tel- Malegaon Dist. Nashik
    62 Mr. Kiran Chavhan H. 9604475790 Aurangabad Junior College Teacher
    63 Miss. Sonali Suresh Bhadane 9637518623 At. Post. Vajirkhede Tel- Malegaon Dist. Nashik
    64 Mr. Shatrughna Jibhau Borse 9657427972 MGV’s Arts, Science and Commerce College Yeola Dist. Nashik
    65 Miss. Mrunal Sarode (Patil) 9689396671 Flat. No. 14 Vrundavan Nagar Dist. Nashik
    66 Miss. Shobha Suresh Khairnar 9765456103 At. Post. Saphala Dist. Palghar
    67 Mr. Mahesh Patil 9765665444 At. Post. Bhivandi Dist. Nashik
    68 Mr. Hemchandra Dattatray Bagul 9822074743 Shivaji Nagar, Camp Road Malegaon Dist. Nashik
    69 Mr. Uday Raghunath More 9822961490 Raw House No. 54 Pradnya Pratiksha Colony Dist. Nashik
    70 Miss. Poonam Shewale 9823815421 Krushi Nagar, Malegaon Camp Dist. Nashik
    71 Mr. Govind D. Khairnar 9823963164 B/H Church Jaldhara Colony, Malegaon Camp Dist. Nashik Businessman
    72 Mr. Sudhakar Dilip Patil 9921520029 Kailas Nagar, Tel. Malegaon Camp Dist. Nashik
    73 Mr. Yogesh Dadaji Sawle 9922867861 At. Post. Vadel Tel- Malegaon Dist. Nashik
    74 Mr. Keshav Suryawanshi 9923411964 At. Post. Deoarpade Tel- Malegaon Dist. Nashik
    75 Mr. Hemant Popatrao Patil 9923474278 At. Post. Lonwade Tel. Malegaon Dist. Nashik
    76 Miss. Gayatri Shivaji Aahire 9975574973 B/H Church, Near Beniwal Corner Malegaon Camp
    77 Mr. V. N. Chaudhari 8208438359 Tel. Shirpur Dist. Dhule
    78 Mr. Youraj Ramdas Salunkhe 9823025307 At. Post. Ozer Dist. Nashik
    79 Mr. Govind Pawar Chinchgavan, Tal. Malegaon, Dist. Nashik Junior College Teacher
    80 Justice Prakash More 9823341772 Somvar Bazar, Malegaon Camp Judge


    • Qualified and Research oriented faculty
    • Good infrastructure with ICT classrooms, spacious laboratory
    • Project-based experiential learning and vocational learning facility
    • Facilitating students’ participation in co-curricular and extracurricular activities.
    • Good number of publications in reputed journals.
    • All teaching methods that include Interactive Teaching-learning Tools, Use of LCD Projectors, Demonstration of Survey Instruments, GIS Software etc.
    • Certificate course in Statistics in Research Methodology

    Future Plan

    • To establish a leading centre for the development and standardization of Psychological tests.
    • To start publication of Departmental Journal.
    • To establish toll-free helpline counselling services.
    • To initiate short-term courses in Psycho-diagnostic and clinical assessments.

    Contact Us

    Sr. No Name Designation Mobile No
    1 Dr. Narendra V. Deshmukh (HOD) Associate Professor [email protected] 9422945994
    2 Dr. Ramesh N. Nikam Assistant Professor [email protected] 8275586345
    3 Dr. S. D. Shewale Assistant Professor [email protected] 9049441517
    4 Mr. Dinesh S. Bhandarkar Assistant Professor [email protected] 9422375085
    5 Mr. Ganesh V. Shewale Assistant Professor [email protected] 9172168516
    6 Miss Priyatama N. Pophale Assistant Professor [email protected] 9975316081